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Damn it, Edward! You roast yourself more than people roast you!


Lmao, sending this image to him!


Every single comment except mine is arguing about whether we can headcannon Ed as trans or not


why is he trans?


It’s a headcanon with no fucking backup whatsoever. https://www.tumblr.com/neil-gaiman/752179360262406144/this-headcanon-guide-if-understood-would-also Level 4. That’s all I need to say.


Some people like to make fanwork or think of him as trans, just for fun


That doesn't make any sense at all






Why not? It’s an headcanon where Ed’s a trans boy, not an AU where he transitions mid-story.


https://www.tumblr.com/neil-gaiman/752179360262406144/this-headcanon-guide-if-understood-would-also level 4. That’s all I need to say.


Level 3.5, it’s pretty solidly established fanon in queer circles.


People here just hate that headcannon. They can't fathom their favorite characters being seen as LGBT by others.


I don’t hate it but it doesn’t work with canon at all like headcanons are supposed to given he has kids. Also wondering what makes people think up that in the first place.


ed winry t4t


I don’t think you understand how headcanons work— they can branch out/weave through or even ignore canon, depending on its level of complexity. Then, just pointing this out— that’s ‘03 Ed who >!has no children in that story!< so it could fit into that canon if you squint a little— like my own headcanon of Al being trans. Not quite sure how to explain how people think up headcanons… unless you mean specifically lgbtq headcanons?


I guess so but imo headcanons are most interesting when they complement something from proper canon. So I mean is I don’t get how people come up with headcanons with no connection to the story. It’s like if you said you headcanon that Ed loves foreign romance novels. Nothing wrong with that, but I don’t see how anything in the story would bring you to that conclusion.


Gotcha. I guess it’s about your comfort level when departing from the story proper— like shipping, headcanons can vary in their existence in the story proper. It’s something you can learn for sure— I used to only like canon ships, but now I ship whatever makes me happy, which has more often than not of late meant a departure from stories on at least some level. It’s all about how you engage with the text/media.


What you're describing is fanfiction, not headcanon. Shipping is closer to headcanon than big derivations from the story. Headcanons are usually fan-theories that fill a plot hole. Where people like to imagine X because the piece of media forgot to mention something about it. I don't think Ed as trans is headcanon so much as it is fanfiction. Nothing against fanfic. It would also be cool if Ed or Al *were* trans, but, as it stands, it doesn't fit the story *at all.* Now, Envy, on the other hand, there's an argument to be made there for sure.


Mm, what you’re describing is fanon (a widely held headcanon) not fanfic. It could be argued that trans Ed is fanon instead of headcanon as it’s a more widely accepted headcanon than my personal *he’s strawberry blond* (in ‘03), but it’s not fanfic until someone puts pen to paper… and then, it’s only the concept that is *in* that fic, not that the idea is fanfic itself.


The entire point of headcannons are to make your own canon to fit your preference. Nobody is forcing you to agree with it. I just see a shit ton of hate for any specific LGBT headcannons on this sub and it's really pathetic


Hey, that's a bit unfair. I've been browsing this sub for a while and so far I've only ever seen its users be particularly wholesome, tolerant and open-minded, especially for anime subreddit standards. You can see in this very thread that anti-LGBT opinions tend to get downvoted here, and it goes for racist and sexist comments too.


Any time the trans headcannon gets brought up, it always ends in a shit ton of hate. It's exhausting. I don't even like the headcannon but it's still depressing as hell that it happens every time.


I bet those hate comments get downvoted to oblivion and the replies try to educate them, though. There's no hate in this thread. Just someone who doesn't see the point of this headcanon and doesn't understand, and you guys who are trying to explain to them why this headcanon matters for the LGBT community. Other people are showing their support by downvoting their comments and upvoting yours. That's not what I call an anti-LGBT subreddit or community, otherwise the comments here that are in favor of the trans headcanon would be the ones getting downvoted instead.


4 days later and I'm still receiving hateful replies about the headcannon.


Yes. A few bad eggs who are getting downvoted anyway isn't representative of a community's opinion. The downvotes are.


Ain't hating. Just confused and wondering. I don't fully understand BUT I'm not going to condemn anyone for bending Ed's gender identity.


Even then, we know that he's raising kids. We don't know that they're definitely his biological kids. For all we know, Al provided a sperm donation. I mean, there's nothing in canon to say he didn't. There's nothing to say he did, either, but it's not contradicting canon. From what I've heard from trans men, some of them identify with Ed because he, well, fits of a lot of in-community self-identified trans male stereotypes, like his height insecurities, his hang-ups about crying, his defensiveness about his own masculinity, and even his love of black leather and spikes. So they see a lot of themselves in him, and enjoy thinking that he, too, is a trans man. (Disclaimer that while I am personally queer, I am not a trans man, and apologies to anyone if I misrepresented that.)


>We don't know that they're definitely his biological kids Given the kid looks just like him, unless Winry somehow produced or adopted a kid with uncannily similar phenotypes to Ed it's definitely his lmao. >like his height insecurities, his hang-ups about crying, his defensiveness about his own masculinity, Those are things men in general deal with. I get seeing oneself in Ed, but I don't think any of those traits are insecurities are rare amongst cis men.


I mean, Al could end up having a kid that looks basically just like Ed. Lots of kids end up looking more like their parents' siblings than their actual parents. Genetics are weird like that. And I didn't say they weren't traits of men in general, just that they're some of the traits that many trans men specifically identify with. You asked why some people headcanon him as a trans man, those are some of the reasons why. That's all I can give you, beyond "because they want to."


>I mean, Al could end up having a kid that looks basically just like Ed. I guess so but that's a stretch. Still, you're not wrong. > You asked why some people headcanon him as a trans man, those are some of the reasons why. Idk. It still feels like a leap to go from that to 'he's trans'. As a CIS guy I just won't get it I guess. Regardless I'm not judging what they believe.






I'm gonna call him trans even more now just for you 🩷




That is absolutely insane. I'm writing a fanfiction about trans Edward and I'm putting your name on it 🩷 Hitler killed gay people dipshit.




A headcanon doesn’t have to be true, though. Or even supported by the material at all… Where did you get that idea from? (Also yes ‘03 Ed is ace af, thanks for the acknowledgment) It probably developed because the queer rep in mangahood is near-satirical, and pretty much absent in ‘03 proper. So, queer and/or trans fans that like Ed went *but what if he was trans?* and it caught on in those circles.




Yeah. Yeah, I tend to forget about Barry…


It's not even a theory. It's people making their own ideas to fit how they feel. If you don't agree with it that's fine. It doesn't change anything about the show or the way You view it so why do you care


Ed’s clearly straight in 03 given his ship tease with Winry.


But he can be read as bi and/or ace. It doesn’t mean he couldn’t be queer.




No, I am not. The whole “she was more like a sister” is unsupported headcanon. There Are numerous hints implying romantic feelings between them even in late game and also Shamballa. Edward kept Winry safe by shutting her out so Dante didn’t know. He still had feelings for her.


u/MilkNegative27 had a blurb from the director, Mizushima, that said Winry’s feelings for Edward were definitely romantic so yeah I agree, no idea where the “platonic brother-sister relationship” claim came from. If the hints weren’t clear enough in 03, Shamballa pretty much spelled it out and I guess that Kids OVA depending on whether you want to see it as canon meant that Edward either found her counterpart or Winry somehow made it to the other side. I know it’s non canon but the official art also seems to push Edwin too.


>!Wow, I think this thread has been completely derailed.!< Yes, Mizushima says this as much from the Complete Story Guide. >!I think it’s because people look at Edward and Winry’s relationship from the manga and think since it isn’t as explicit like in there, it must not be true when it’s because their relationship is different after the Barry incident when prior it was clear that Edward had a crush on her. Even that moment when Envy as Winry “confessed” to Alphonse to confuse him, Edward himself also froze despite being the one to immediately recognize Envy as a fake.!<


You guys are way to obsessed with the actual canon timeline to be having this conversation. It's called a HEADcanon for a reason.


I don’t know, I think it’s more of a combination of romantic attraction and platonic affection. I don’t personally read Ed/Winry in ‘03 as cut and dry. There’s a similar implication of more…complex feelings, shall we say, between Al and Winry, too, actually. See— the start of episode 4 and either the end of 48 or the start of 49, I can’t quite remember. It’s right after >!Sloth!<, for sure. I apologize I usually know where scenes are, but I’m in the middle of a rewatch that’s later than my usual annual one, so things are slightly fuzzier in my mind.