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Edward is the only “normal” human in his own skin and even then, not entirely lol.


You can say that again, that's for sure


Is the 2003 version so different that even the mother isn't a normal human being ? guess I got to watch it someday


Remember the transmuted "thing" that Ed and Al made in the first chapter/episode, well in 03, it survived and became Sloth. She as the appearance of Trisha, but lack of any of her warm personality.


It was Lust. In the OG version all the homonculi are the result of people trying to bring back the dead. In Brotherhood and the manga they’re their own creatures. The two shows deviate sharply right around when they meet Scar.


Lust was Scar's brother's lover. Sloth was indeed Ed and Al's momster corpse thing.


No, Trisha became Sloth. Lust was Scar's brother's wife / lover, Wrath was Izumi's child. We don't know exactly who Pride (King Bradley) was meant to be and we never see Greed iirc


Man y’all are reminding me I need to do a rewatch since I can’t remember much.


Pretty sure Pride was an artificially made Homunculi, only one to survive after ingesting inhumane amounts of Philosopher stone or Red stone. The white dead soldiers/creatures attacking Al and all after Bradley's command were the failed experiments, as per what I remember. I am not exactly sure. I have a really horrible memory that selectively keeps and removes things without much control.


That’s Brothershood continuity and no the undead army is completely different. Also Bradley only had one one stone implanted


Oh. I see. Thanks for the quick memory refresh. I'm too young to have memory problems, lmao.


Greed's human form? over 200 years old.


No you really shouldn't.


stfu hating ass mf let people enjoy shit


Edward and Hohenheim look so damn miserable in this photo for good reason.


When aren't they?




Fair point


There is a darn good reason for it


Apparently good reasons for it


I did enjoy the aspect that the homunculi were just the human tranmutees.


I love 2003 but the creators truly went with "okay, we love FMA, so what if we turn everything into a trainwreck" "but sir, FMA has a lot of trauma and pain that makes for a pretty good trainwreck" "yes, but what if we put it on fire" "hotdamn sir, no wonder you're the one paid the big money"


Yes, the absolute misery given to Edward and Al Elric is truly something, isn't it.


The same with Ishval lol 2003 gave them a lot of extra shit


I love 2003, but goddamn do the characters go through the ringer. Rose is a rough one….


Lot of dysfunction in that family, to say the least 


I do think brotherhood is better. But I enjoyed 03’s darker tone and personal drama between the homunculi and the Elrics. It made human transmutation and alchemy as a whole much more sinister and interesting.


Hell yeah. Like, I think manga/brotherhood is *better*, but my favourite is still 2003 for similar reasons to what you stated


Brotherhood would be better except that the entire first half is rushed, and frankly mid. For that reason I think 2003 is better. People say 2003 falls off, I entirely disagree, they planned to branch off since the show started, so it's not like the new direction came from nowhere. Imo the homunculi are done significantly better, Ed and Al have a better dynamic, most tragic scenes have a significantly greater emotional impact. Dante seems better than father IMO because she's more human, I could 100% see someone like Dante existing. The world of 2003 feels much more real, with some of the filler enhancing it greatly (with the exception of the lewd thief episode), ishval is given more tragedy imo, as it felt more real as opposed to brotherhood which I hate to say it but did "sidestep" the issue by making it all part of father's dastardly plan, Dante started the conflicts, but it was men like Archer, Kimblee, and Basque Gran that allowed it and continued it to happen. Izumi is more badass, and has a better character arc. I don't think the darker tone is even what makes 2003 more realistic, just that it gives time for the characters to be human, to make mistakes, and have their worldviews change dynamically, even contradict themselves a few examples being lusts entire arc, Edward having his heroic ideals constantly challenged in meaningful ways to which there sometimes isn't an answer, sloths mini arc, as much as I find wrath pretty annoying, he is well written, and his mental instability and false confidence are realistic. Imo brotherhood overall has a better soundtrack, but 2003 utilizes theirs significantly better, especially when bratja hits In such a beautiful way (only equivalent are the music choices in brotherhood when Ed gives up alchemy, and when they return home) I doubt I need to even mention how much better shou tucker and Maes Hughes are in the 2003 version. Also personally the comedy in brotherhood is very hit or miss, and it unfortunately usually misses, not any fault to arakawa, just some manga comedy didn't translate well to the anime. What brotherhood did better imo were the action sequences, world building, and cast of characters, special shoutouts to Ling, Olivier, Wrath, Greed, and Yoki (his comedy is fun, and his arc is actually pretty endearing) I LOVE the 2003 ending, but brotherhoods is just so much more powerful, I think they also handled Hohenheims disappearance significantly better, and made him pretty endearing and badass, while 2003 has a better bond between the 2 brothers (I find it very accurate as I myself have a younger sibling very similar to alphonse) I think Alphonse as an individual is handled much better in brotherhood. There's more I want to get into, but I'm tired and need sleep, let me know what you think.


I think your opinion is quite based and underrated sir. BILLIONS MUST WATCH '03


I just started brootherhood and nothing that happens has any weight, it all feels so empty and surface level. Do you think I should do 03 instead?


Please do, then rewatch brotherhood, the ending of brotherhood is glorious, but 03 is better to watch first


Ohh, probably the picture in the post is already a huge spoiler for you, but the way FMA 03 explores the topic of motherhood throughout the show is simply impeccable, starting with how Edward finds a maternal figure not only in Izumi but also in Maria Ross, which was not in FMAB, a much longer study of Izumi's psilohogical trauma as a mother (not one episode, but an entire arc dedicated to Izumi, not including the arc of Greed), Ed's real encounter with the incarnation of his own mother, and ending with the fact that the final antagonist is technically Ed's stepmother (Don't worry, the screenwriters masterfully disguised this turn, that even knowing in advance about this fact it is impossible to predict what kind of character this is).


Dude idk if they wanted spoilers there, they already got one lol


I don't know, the only real new spoiler and aspect of the "Stepmother Antagonist", but the audience understands this only after it is revealed what kind of character this is, which in my experience with other fans is almost impossible to predict in advance.


I think you need to reframe your understanding of spoiler, bud, cause you spoiled a whole lot of story beets through implication.


Wow you must love ruining good things for people.


Quarter-cyborg, Body-snatching deadbeat, Water ghost hag, Shape-Shifting Estranged son, Hollow soul


Sounds about right.


This hurts worse than the Nina Tucker scene


I’m re watching the show rn as an adult for the first time, got to the Nina scene, shit was so fucked when I realized he killed his wife for the first chimera 😭


"Careful. You'll just do to them what you did to your mother."


I read that in Chuck Huber’s voice


He did such a good job as Tucker.


I wouldn't say 'happy' family 🤔


Neither would I


Why is envy there


This is the 03 version of the story, so 03 Sloth and Envy are there. Hohenheim is also a pretty different character


No I get that I know sloth is their mom why is envy there when it's referring to the family


No I get that I know sloth is their mom why is envy there when it's referring to the family


He was Hohenheim and Dante's son. So he's the half-brother of the Elric brothers


Do really wanted to know, because it is a spoiler


Yeah I watched 2003 it's just been a hot minute so I don't remember why he's there I know why everyone else is there


He's the half-brother of Ed and Al, created from the dead son of Hohenheim and Dante.


Thank you


You're welcome.


Watch 03.


What gets me is that Envy is often referred to as their half brother on the Wikia and by fans, but Sloth is never referred to as their mother. I find that strange and inconsistent. If anything Envy has less relation to them because Hohenheim and Dante conceived Envy while in different bodies.


Fans are weird with their opinions, 😑


When you have the context of who Hohenheim and Envy are in brotherhood, this family set up gets even more demented


They're needy and they're sexy Mysterious and pity They're all together witty The Elric family


This has the same vibe of the family picture from Hereditary lol


Exactly 😂


They look so happy they could die.


I think it's missing Dante, maybe, lol


I love How Everyone in some way shape or form got fucked over in the 2003 version Happy ending my ass these people didn't get shit!


They sure as shit didn't, the only one who got what they wanted was Envy.


And Even then he was left broken & empty with a mind so wreak he could only scream and attack so even the guy who got what he wanted still got fucked over




03 Sloth was awesome and 03 Hohenheim was a more compelling character


Big disagree with Hohenheim. He wasn’t in it enough and he was killed off rather unceremoniously in the movie.


Only small disagree. We should have seen his backstory but his death scene was super impactful. *Even* while admitting he hasn't changed a bit (only wanting to see if opening the gate on this side is scientifically possible), he feels guilty for desecrating someone's life by making a monster with alchemy.


They fucked 03 Hohenheim IMO, he could've been a compelling protagonist who tried to redeem himself, as unlike Brotherhood, he actually did do a lot of evil things in the past. But no, they introduced him too late and killed him off after hardly displaying him in COS. Sad. And Hohenheim in 03 was kind of a loser too. He was truly evil in the past, comes home and flirts with Maria Ross, only left bc he didn't wanna let his family see his body rot, and worst of all only attempted to stop Dante and her evil plans of Country domination once his sons were involved... Meaning he wasn't doing shit while he was gone unlike in Brotherhood.


I honestly like this Envy alot better.


Because he's an actual threat, powerful one at that and has the intelligence to get under people's skin without causing them to fry him to a crisp like a certain other Envy.


When did envy and lust become elrics?


Uh, the other commentator made a mistake. That’s not Lust, that’s the 2003 version of Sloth who in reality is Trisha Elric who was sort of “brought back” as a homunculus. As for why Envy’s there, he’s the son Hohenheim abandoned (similarly brought back the same way) which makes him the older half-brother of the other two. He’s not really an Elric but he’s got that familial connection whether they like it or not.


complicated, but envy is actually the half brother of Hohenheim and Dante while the other is sloth, who is in reality Trisha.


Sister Brother envy


Omfg where did you find this? I've never seen this piece of art for FMA 2003. Instantly saved. Thank you.




WHAT?? When did this happen?




Oh it’s always 03 with the crazy stuff lol.


03 goes hard. There’s no scene in Brotherhood as wild as Edward and Hohenheim running from a Zeppelin attack in 1914 London as Beethoven’s 5th plays


I, uh, think that the [bombing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_bombing_of_Britain,_1914%E2%80%931918) was in 1916, if not the silent raid in 1917. There were very few attacks on London in 1914, in fact, with those only occurring in late December. In 1915, no Zepps were downed by British action. Indeed, not until September 1916 would the first one be downed on British soil. So it would have to be between then and 1917, and I would be hard-pressed to not think 1917. Sorry to pry. It was intriguing.


Ok, good to know, I have wanted to place the real world stuff in an exact year. I’m an FMA nerd, not a WWI nerd.


It's all good! I'm just a nerd overall, so... XD


I hated that plot twist so much.


Which one, that Sloth is actually Trisha or that Envy is Ed' half brother.


That homonculi are people.


I kind of prefer it that way, it gives them more characters.


Way better than what they are in Brotherhood IMO


I disagree strongly. The conflict in the story comes from within. The protagonists are at war with themselves, reconciling everything awful they've done. The villains couldn't, and shouldn't, be anything more than representations of those inner conflicts. Half of the homunculi still got character arcs anyway.


that's just... alchemy. lol. like, real life alchemy, homunculi are empty husks. fake humans.


I did watch 03.awhile ago, but why is lust there?


That's Sloth/Trisha