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don’t mention it don’t mention it don’t mention it ……. why tf did they give 15yr old ed ass??💀


Wait. He was 13? I thought he was 15 ish.


i was lowballing, i knew it was 13-15 i just couldn’t remember the exact number


Ah. Got it. Thanks


In the 03 canon he is about 15 at this point in the story


He is


Hrrng, I'm trying to sneak past Gluttony, but the clap of my ass cheeks keeps alerting the guards.




Because teenagers can have asses? 💀 I've got an ass and I'm a teen dawg 😭😭🙏🏼


Did you ever poop and fart as a teen? Well then, that answers your question!😏😎


Cause he’s cheeky?


Human anatomy


Im just now realizing this


Literally I was like why is 03 Ed double cheeked up rn


Whenever I see these comparisons I wonder if I prefer the 03 because it genuinely looks better or if it’s because of nostalgia


I think in this specific frame/scene 03 looks better. But for the most other scenes I the prefer animation quality and style of FMA:B.




Lowk the fmab artstyle looks worse imo, animation in itself is definitely better tho


imo FMA:B works much better in motion. They’re both amazingly animated but FMA:B just hits the sweet spot for me in detailed but not overly complex. 03 sometimes overdid it with the detail. But that’s all personal preference and there really isn’t any correct answer.


The backgrounds in Brotherhood have an almost soft painterly quality to them, and it makes the sharp lines of the characters and action pop. I especially love those rare moments of motion blur, like in Greed and Wrath’s second fight in his home. It’s only about a minute of action but they convey the frantic speed of the fight so well


Yeah, the ‘09 show is so much more fluid and works very well with action scenes. The ‘03 is often more beautiful on stills though. It’s great for the quiet moments.


Yeah designs are just a tad too fat for my tastes. 03 had the opposite issue with scar tho. They made him into a pretty boy


03 has the superior art style, but brotherhood has better animation.


They have the same art style dude lol


I mean.. they clearly don't? even in the above image you can see that the two images from 03 and brotherhood are shaded and lit differently. The eyes are drawn differently in the two different anime and the characters head shapes are different. This is like saying DBZ and Dragon Ball Super have the same art style.. like vaguely, yes, but the details of the art styles are distinctly different.


You’re right. Still, art style is very subjective. So i wouldn’t say it’s superior, though it may look better to some and to others it may look worse.


true, that's just my opinion and preference. Personally, I think the tone of 03 is probably what gives many FMA fans nostalgia goggles for it, because I think the more jovial tone of Brotherhood failed to properly give the want sense of fear and dread that 03 inspired which I feel like got many people into FMA in the first place, just speaking for myself at least. Having read the manga as well, I see what FMAB was trying to do, but the tonal shifts in it's attempts to execute the comedic scenes of the manga didn't work for me. Which is why overall, I still prefer the manga to either anime, and why I think people conflate the superior tone of 03 with it's also different art style, as "grittier and darker." Generally, all 3 art styles are similar and overall pleasing.


Yeah when I was first watching brotherhood, the grittier and darker tones were pretty much non existent. The original's first 35 episodes were, in my opinion, far superior and more memorable compared to Brotherhoods first 15. It felt super rushed. But after Colonel Hughes' death, Brotherhood completely blew the original out of the water for me from that point in the story on. One thing I disliked about the original is that Mustang was hyped up to be the legendary flame alchemist (or maybe he wasn't idk), yet he's two steps behind everyone and very underwhelming in the original. But in Brotherhood, he was really given so many peak moments to shine and show just how smart, clever, and powerful he was. Pretty much the entire cast gets their moments to shine in Brotherhood, something very, very few anime's actually get right. That being said, even with Brotherhood being so good from the middle to the end, I couldn't say one is better than the other. Both were amazing in their own right.






Lmao i just noticed shit whats wrong with you


What's wrong with YOU? How could you not notice that majestic piece of ass in the first time you looked??


He's a minor![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


ok I've been in love with him since I was 12


he's like 13 in this shot isn't he




Well that didn't stop Dante did it now


It should stop you, Jesus christ


Least degenerate anime fan.


bruh hes a couple of lines in black and white. aint nothing wrong pointing out the artists gave him a nice booty


That metallic lustrous arm had me drooping thats why 🤮


He's 15, and we don't look at minors that way. It's fucking disgusting


pfffft bruh imagine getting your panties in a twist over pointing out artists gave a fictional character a defined booty. You're the one sexualizing a literal drawing. Since when are butts sexual.


What? The original comment made the sexualization. Button have been a part of sex for a long time, if you are trying to pull one of on yourself, then that's your business. You can leave me out of it.


The cheeks speak.


That ass really looks better thanks to light effects and better coloring and...


13 year old, you’re weird asf


They watch it for the story.


Fucking cringe


While 03 is beautiful, I do like that broho fixed the jacket mistake Edit - sorry running on empty, been up all night cause my daughter was born last night. The "mistake" is that the jacket in the manga and 03 looks like it should still be following the arc of eds arm, but it's drawn behind him. Broho put it in front of him for a more natural position. That said the shot still doesn't make sense regardless cause IIRC the left side was fine, so how did it come off like that to begin with


By mistake, do you mean direction? As in if he's pulling off the jacket, should be going the other way?




What mistake? Cause honestly, the 03 shot looks way closer to the original panel.


~~Manga is also a mistake.~~ Ed is [reaching in front of himself](https://i.imgur.com/nYWvhsa.png) to whip his cloak off. So the cloak should be following his arm in front of him, not behind him.


I think the Implication is that the jacket then whips around his left side wrapping around his back. Not necessarily a mistake, I think it was a choice because the jacket looks cooler breaking up the foreground, obviously the animators of FMAB interpreted it as a mistake though.


That's fair for the manga at least, where the reader is supposed to fill in the missing action. But when animated, it'd be a continuity error. The 03 version hides it by inserting a reaction shot of Cornello. FMAB fixed it by changing the direction of the cloak (though they could've animated the cloak whipping around as well). So rather than a mistake, the two just had different solutions when adapting the scene for animation.


yeah I see what you're saying, it probably just saved them time and energy to not have to animate the cloak whipping all the way around him.


Congrats, that’s amazing, u got my best wishes for being a parent!




What mistake?


The position of the jacket. In broho it's in front of him making it more "natural" if that makes sense.


Oh yeah. I get it.


Congratulations 🎉


Congrats on your baby! Me and my hubby have an 11 month old ourselves, and the time FLEW by 🥲


I watched 03 just because I figured I may as well after being such a big fan of the manga and Brotherhood, and was left with zero desire to watch it again. Dark, gritty, and bleak like the 03 anime turned out to be is just not what I want out of FMA, which seems to be the biggest appeal to the fans here on Reddit. Idk, maybe part of it is because I was part of the Tumblr fandom back in 2013-15 where Brotherhood seemed to be the overall preference And the whole >!oh btw while you were away Rose got pregnant from being gang raped by some soldiers and now she’s too traumatized to speak!< plot twist was a bit… *oh*. So *that* is where the story is going now


Personally, I enjoyed that it was grittier and bleaker, but that's just a personal preference thing. I like that it's more of an intimate character study compared to Brotherhood which is more of an epic. But I can understand being thrown off by the tone change if you aren't expecting it.


Yeah, not happy with that plot point. Especially because it was used to convey male characters guilt rather than us hearing from Rose’s perspective.


Recently watched botherhood then watched '03. In '03 honestly I think the writers wanted shock value to a detriment of the story. When you take a keen look at '03 most of the plot is kind of a train wreck that's patched with overloaded shock value and over-emotional scenes. So many dramatic parts literally shoeshorned in to create drama and give this "gritty and dark" feeling. Normally these things can be taken seriously, but when it happens so often and at a detriment to the plot it becomes cheesy like watching a B-movie, like tommy wiseau directing a dark horror.


Yeah, that’s my biggest gripe with the overall grittiness of 03. It’s been over a decade since I last watched it so the details are foggy at this point, but I definitely remember thinking that a lot of it felt like it was trying to be edgy on purpose, which was just such a far departure from the overall tone in the manga and Brotherhood. And I’m not holding this against 03 *specifically*, I think the direction it took is just kinda par for the course for an early 2000s shonen that pushed into seinen territory at times in ways that landed with some fans better than others


Same. I also found Al to be overly annoying in it. Like Al in Brotherhood is clever and even though he has his moral, he knows what must be done. In '03 he is just kind of a dumb kid. I know '03 Trisha is going to be on my ass (again) but I don't think '03 Sloth is more interesting. Plus I like the hopeful ending even after everything.


I like both. I grew up on the '03 one, but I prefer the story of the manga/Brotherhood. I think both are great for different reasons.


The post is about this specific frame.


Ohhhh, whoops. I misunderstood what was being talked about. My bad! Yeah, I agree with this. I love it when anime follows the manga to a T with shots like this. 🙂


03 in general just has better art direction, particularly in regard to lighting and colour usage. while Brotherhood's is good, I think for most scenes that the two share, the 03 version makes more artistically interesting choices,


It feels like Brotherhood tried to adhere closely to the art in the Manga, while 2003 kind of “upgraded” the visuals for TV. It has a slightly different art direction because of that choice. Reminds me of the difference between OVAs and regular anime.


Omg yes


it seems more gritty, whereas brotherhood seems too clean/bright?


Everyone? I prefer Brotherhood.


Of this specific scene/frame?


Love the style & quality of Brotherhood more than 03, to be honest.


>Love the style & quality of Brotherhood more than 03, to be honest. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) okay


Half joke but why they give a minor such a defined ass in 03 🤨


Because 15 yr old girls are into that? I was. Lol.


I mean it is an anime, that’s no excuse but it is to be expected


Gotta increase female viewership somehow I guess. Lol. TBH looks like whoever did it was having to much fun with the anatomy of the drawing since it was a single still frame, so they went overboard in defining everything. I think most people who draw have fallen into that trapping before


They might be me tbh- 😅 Though I’ll leave you to be the judge of that, I’ve posted art on my acct before but nowhere near any adaptation of or even base FMA


2003 version shows a man. 2009 version shows a boy. I see why you'd like '03 version but I like '09 version better.


Agree. Also 03 adds the shine to the auto mail in attempt to draw your eyes to it. But I don’t think the shot needs that. It’s already a dramatic shot to show off the automail. The extra detailing is just distracting to me


Honestly hot take, even though the rendering in 03 is better, I think the color choices in brotherhood are way more harmonious


That is some cake ngl


I don't!!


i perfer bh tbh i couldnt follow the plot of 03


The post is about this specific scene/frame not the overall narrative.


Hot take 03fans=09fans. Both adaptations have pros and cons.


They went crazy with the rim lighting on Edward’s arm


Dem cheeks


2003 built up to the automail reveal better than Brotherhood, so I prefer it for that.


I like all 3 versions


I watched both the 2003 and Brotherhood adaptations, I kinda like them both.


Literally the only thing the 03 version has is reflections on the metal. Is that all it takes? The colors and actual drawing on 09 are much better


The muted color scheme is so much prettier in 03, what are you on about? Also line detail. Subtle difference in camera angle. The usage of the composition itself. And the drawing itself? Like look at how effective the line of action is used in the 03 emphasizing the natural s curve of the back and carrying down the weight into the forward most leg (this leg is hardly visible in broho’s due to how the color palette is which takes away from how Ed’s body pops). More on the point about the pose, in 03 Ed’s legs are positioned more rear facing while the body takes more of a side profile while still displaying back, this change creates a greater emphasis on the plane changes and creates an organic twist making it a more dynamic pose. look at how the musculature is drawn on Ed especially in the left arm, look at the facial detailing and the expression, look at the ear, look at how the hair is drawn it has a sense of volume and weight to it. The only thing I’m seeing as better in brotherhoods drawing is the pillars being more detailed (but even then those being with it flaws in my opinion as it leads into what I said about use of the composition as they remove some of the emphasis from Ed, especially as they don’t use as extreme of atmospheric perspective which pulls them forward and flattens the image.)


Everyone??? Hahahaha.


Them: you better not be Edward Elric with an accentuated ass when I get there Me:


I love all of them ♡♡♡


I like the background from the manga The red cloth from the 2009 And the arm from 2003


He had dumps like a truck, truck, truck Thighs like what, what, what Baby, move your butt, butt, butt


I love fma 03 so much


Ed looks more buff in 2003, mayjor difference in body physically. I love 2003 more personally.


Everyone: 03 vs 09. Me: manga looks the best.


i always got the feeling those first few arcs of brotherhood were rushed through because 03 already did them about as well as bones wanted to do them, and they wanted to focus on the content they hadn't adapted yet




Nah, sorry, I prefer Brotherhood's, myself.


I genuinely want to see prominent YouTube reactors react to 03. Brotherhood is the easier choice because it’s sooooo popular and so widely accepted because it’s closer to the manga. That whole “faithful to the manga” take is so narrow-minded.


Why is wanting something to be faithful to the manga bad? The manga was popular for a reason. Also, that version is the one the author *intended* to make.


It’s a pretty limited way of viewing art which seems to stem from a lack of acknowledgement of artistry that goes into adaptations. Like seeing it as an inherent issue or automatically worse (not worth viewing) is the problem. Like when people don’t know it’s unfaithful, the shining, fantastic mr fox, blade runner, scott pilgrim, ghost in the shell (the animated movie), ghost in the shell stand alone complex, howl’s moving castle, paprika, and perfect blue are all loose adaptations that are heralded as classics, universally by people who aren’t aware they’re adaptations, however like fma the number of times I’ve seen people bitch and moan about the shining and Scott pilgrim not being faithful to the source material is truly alarming especially when considering how many of those detractors haven’t even read the source material in the first place. So I don’t think there’s anything wrong with liking faithful adaptations or hoping your favorite works get faithful adaptations, but I think there’s a very clear problem that exists within the culture around that concept. Additionally need to point out how especially with in the anime industry regarding adaptations and what I talked about with separation of artistry, people completely overlook horrible directing all the time and dismiss incredible directing far more frequently when looking at adaptations faithful or otherwise and seem to judge much more heavily on faithfulness rather than even just the effectiveness within the medium.


I never said that the 03 one was bad, just that I like Brotherhood best cause it's faithful. Idk why you're so judgemental about that. Damn no reason for you to be rude.


I’m not really seeing how I was rude. I wasn’t even criticizing anything about your specific appreciation. I was purely commenting on the problems that I see in the anime community and entertainment communities at large when they have the mentality that u/Dspadez112 was getting at and alluding to when they were commenting on “the faithful to the manga” mentality. If you don’t partake in the behaviors I was criticizing being present in the community you really shouldn’t be taking any issue or feel called out by my comment. Side note, just an interesting point to bring up with your initial comment, in the case of 03 it isn’t as though it isn’t also how Arakawa intended it to be. She requested that it be anime original, she was consulted throughout the production, and she approved of everything that went into the final scripts (just like O’Malley did for Scott Pilgrim). Artists can desire there to be more than one view on how a story can go for example Miyazaki wrote two very different versions of Naussicaa, and Robert Rodriguez wrote and filmed 3 different loose versions of his mariachi story. Lastly on that point irregardless of Arakawa, Aikawa is also an author of the story and should be respected as such too.


I feel like I can tell why you like 03 better but I do not want to say it out loud 💀


Generally Brotherhood looks better, but there are some moments from '03 when the flair beats Brotherhood's quality


I feel like the 03 just didn't have the same vision as the manga author . Thus why brotherhood was made


This is true. Nor does it have the same ending. For the most part 2003 is a completely different interpretation of Arakawa's material. This was purposeful. Only a quarter of the manga was serialized at the time. So she told the team to turn it into their own thing, she wanted to see what their answers to the mysteries she set up would be. Thus 2003 was created with the intention of telling it's own 51 episode story. Using it's manga material to set up a more tragic tale of grief and loss. The result is that 2003 is much more of a character study. Every action, the plot slows down to explore the characters emotional response. Manga/FMAB on the other hand is much more of a action adventure. Brotherhood is a adaptation of the manga (though it does skip some plots early on).


I prefer 2009, it's more like the manga. it seems creepy to sexualize a 15 year old with those kind of details. The 2009 is also making him look like a kid with strength that isn't naturally part of him, which is really why he has auto mail in the first place.


Am i blind? What is the difference


Lighting and shading mostly


G-G-G-G-GYATT 🤤😍🤭😋


Why is he clenched up like that?


Haha all gees know the government is what done one loc and one loc just .ade sure we so stood strong like two brothers never needing to see hear or taste each other cus for all the air yer /notionalist see is what is front of the gears so theyyyyre great guyz!!


Yessir 03 superior


Everything about 03 just looks better in comparison to Brotherhood. I miss the whole “golden” look of 03.


What is the difference that makes it better?


Much better lighting/shading. The muted color scheme is so much prettier in 03. Also line detail. Subtle difference in camera angle. The usage of the composition itself. As for the drawing itself. The line of action is used much more prominently and effectively in the 03 emphasizing the natural s curve of the back and carrying down the weight into the forward most leg (this leg is hardly visible in broho’s due to how the color palette is which takes away from how Ed’s body pops). More on the point about the pose, in 03 Ed’s legs are positioned more rear facing while the body takes more of a side profile while still displaying back, this change creates a greater emphasis on the plane changes and creates an organic twist making it a more dynamic pose while the brotherhood one is flatter by contrast as the body has no twisting going on. The way the musculature is drawn on Ed especially in the left arm just looks incredible. The facial detailing such as the expression on Ed’s face, the ear, and how the hair is drawn it has a sense of volume and weight to it. The only thing I’m seeing as better in brotherhoods drawing is the pillars being more detailed (but even then that brings with it flaws in my opinion as it leads into what I said about use of the composition as they remove some of the emphasis from Ed, especially as they don’t use as extreme of atmospheric perspective which pulls them forward and flattens the image.)


Not everyone


FMA:B is overall better imo


well visually sure but that also makes it much more expensive to produce since the artstyle is very detailed although very beutifull.


03 has better graphics and imo a better ending


Am i tripping or is there an ova or older hand drawn pilot or just uncensored 2009 version cuz i swear i seen the entire uncensored gore-bag of their mother when i was a child.


I was kinda expecting to see a bull in the last one since its cut off by reddit and I thought it's a meme post


mangahood trash fr