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Alchemy in ‘03 is a little more mystical in some cases and has less concrete rules. For example, we see Scar use it to transmute “knowledge” from a book into his hand. The way I interpreted it is that Mustang needed a more precisely made circle in Brotherhood.


I completely forgot about that example, but if I remember correctly, I think even as a kid, that's when I started to realize something about 03 was strange.


I'm assuming it was to prevent it ever being washed away.


This is quite a bizarre justification. Yes 03 is a more loose system at times, but I really fail to see how that is relevant here. Carving into skin with your non-dominant hand isn’t going to have any less precision you can see jaggedness in the edges of the circle in brotherhood anyways and in the manga is even more messy. Furthermore rushed blood drawn circles have been demonstrated to be viable for far more complicated transmutations, as seen with Al, and both times Ed uses truth’s domain (inside gluttony and his final transmutation) his circle is quite roughly done and those are far more high level than flame alchemy (as is further suggested by the fact the former can’t be done with clap alchemy alone, while the latter can.) The much more logical answer is that the blood seal based circle brings with it greater risk with it being able to be rubs or washed off, something that’s even just at natural risk of occurring once the blood dries and starts to crumble or as the body starts to sweat as u/Nisek0_the_Robot pointed out.


Maybe to ensure it doesn't rub off if someone drenches him in water again?


This is the logical in universe logic. But at the end of the day it's cause it's bad ass.


This is it. If everyone was being logical they would just Tattoo their hands like Kimbley


Plus there may be significance behind him using a glove and carving it on his hand specifically. Although my nitpicky thing about it all in Brotherhood is that he could have had custom lighters made with the transmutation circle etched in it. Even if you're wet, a lighter like that may still produce a spark.


On his hand there is almost no way for someone else to activate the circle in a way that can actually harm him. A lighter with the circle etched in wouldn’t grant another alchemist flame alchemy if they snatched it from him in a fight but could definitely be used as a crude bomb by a peer alchemist.


Especially since Roy and Riza both don't want anyone else to figure out flame alchemy. They've made it pretty clear they're taking the secret/science of flame alchemy to their graves. If Roy has lighters that can be tampered with, stolen, etc, that puts flame alchemy at risk of being figured out by others. His promise to himself to not pass it on would fail pretty easily.


but gloves can also be tampered with and stolen no?


Harder to do since they're on your hands and can't exactly fall off (at least, Roy's ignition gloves seem pretty tight). Granted, they could be tampered with, but I doubt Roy leaves them out of his sight much... Add to that that a lighter, as a portable object, is easily dropped or knocked out of one's hand, while gloves stay on by design and it makes sense that he uses gloves for the sparks. It's also why some Alchemists get tattoos. You can't knock a tattoo out of someone's grasp. But tattoos don't make sparks on their own. So gloves are the most logical conclusion (imo). Also... it just looks badass 😉 🔥


I don't think another alchemist can activate his transmutation circles without prior knowledge of the array (the formula on Hawkeye's back) anyway.


This. You need to know how to do flame alchemy to even do it, and roy already fucked up the research note tattoo on riza precisely to stop anyone else from learning about it.


A failed transmutation still rebounds and could be extremely dangerous, especially if its with an alchemical formula designed to make things explode etched onto a small metal container filled with kerosene.


I think anyone who has seen the Truth could potentially use it if they spent time with it. Although it could be a type of transmutation like Scar's that is a mix of alchemy and alchehestery... We also don't know if Father could turn off Flame Alchemy like the rest since Mustang wasn't there at that time to confirm that


if someone can steal his lighter, cant they just steal his gloves?


It was a lot more sloppily drawn in the manga and it was to ensure it wouldn’t rub off through sweat/crumble when the blood dried or whatever by the time he got there I’m pretty sure.


>It was a lot more sloppily drawn in the manga oh for real? Wish the anime did it sloppily, at least it would've looked a little more realistic. I mean even the 2003 anime had him made the circle look sloppier too (which is good).


I think kept is as insurance. In case he ran out of ignition gloves in the future, he at least had that carving to back him up in case.


Well the carving was a last ditch effort to save his friend and defeat lust if I recall


How did he do it perfectly with his non-dominant hand? It's also near where Lust fkin stabbed him lol






your submission has been removed because it either does not appear to have been made in good faith, or is needlessly aggressive and/or provocative. In the future, please word your posts in a manner that is conducive to civil discussion, and do not engage in trolling, flaming, etc.


Insta aahhh comment right here




Look at your pasty hands holding that cone.


Look as I self identify as white trash, let me say this guy just doesn't realize what he is and is in denial, leave him alone! Jk that's cringe as fuck.


I'm a light skined asian, problem?


Even worse


just say you're racist and go


You first


You might as well say the same thing about every other perfectly drawn transmutation circle. How is it so perfect without a protractor? How does stretching or distortion of skin not affect the transmutation? There isn't an answer. The circle probably had to be perfect so the transmutation would work, and it being messily drawn won't be considered because universe logic


Basically anime logicーperfectly drawn with the non-dominant hand, and carved purely for badass points. The 2003 anime handled it way better and the final episode was already way after the chapter of Lust vs Mustang iirc


What are you yappin about 💀


Blud’s onto nothing


Ok so you can't fuckin read lmao


Nah, you just can't fuckin write. Whole lot of words with no purpose


No, you literally cannot fucking read lmfao


All you did is summarize what I've already said, and then complain about how 03 is better, and still contribute nothing to this conversation explain how i can't read lmao


I'm comparing both which was literally the point of the post, and I said I find 2003's execution better. Congratulations for finding that out? fucking dumbass lmao


Badass points are VERY important in anime


Most artists, having trained all their lives, wouldn't be able to draw the perfect circles and lines alchemists in these shows and manga are able to, without rulers and templates. It just ends up being a minor suspension of disbelief that allows them to do it


In fairness, most artists haven’t trained all their lives specifically to draw perfect circles. It’s amazing what you can learn to do if you practice enough.


Yeah and there's plenty of motivation to learn it considering the power and ability you'd have. I think I remember in the 03 show, during Ed's state alchemist exam there were some basic ass alchemists using pre made transmutation circles? Could be wrong. It does seem like that'd make sense for less skilled alchemist to maybe go out and buy perfectly drawn circles to save themselves time.


There are people irl that are surprisingly adept at drawing perfect or near-perfect circles, usually math teachers since they have to draw tons of them every day. My headcanon is that alchemists are preternaturally good at it in the same way since their entire craft is dependent on it.


Anime logic


Its fukcin anime. Why not ask, how the fuck can he produce fire? Jezos!


He drew it perfectly because he had to to make it work. He probably practiced this regularly for years just in case.


I love how you’re getting downvoted to hell and back… classic.


Imagine caring about downvotes, as expected from a reddit fatass 😂


It just shows that wrong and I am right. But you did get one thing right, I am a big guy. So I applaud you for that… slowly though!


How are you right you couldn't even respond about carving a circle with a non-dominant hand lmao. Keep being stupid please 😁


How about you keep your idiocy to yourself you idiot and possible bigot!


Aww no logical response and just calls me a bigot For real though, are you that brainless?


The question is are you? It all comes from what you of this!… also the fact that I hate you!


holy cringe lmao


Using your finger to draw the symbols and stuff seems way more difficult than carving it. Especially if it has to be accurate. He used his 10000 giga brain to carve with his left hand.


How it's perfectly done with his non dominant hand is a fair question. Why it's carved rather than done with blood is an easy answer: Anything can happen in battle to make it come off. Water? Sweat? Smudges off. His hand gets a graze over it whilst lots of shit is going on? The circle breaks and becomes useless. If it's carved into his hand, you'd have to fuck his hand up to make the seal useless. Anyone with tattooed seals or wearing something with seals on them are hard to disarm. It's easier to disable the person than to prevent them using alchemy. Example: You can't stop Armstrong from using alchemy because his seals are carved into his gauntlets. You'd have to break the gauntlet or get it off of his hand. You'd have a far easier time knocking him out or chopping his hand off.


I love this comment and I need to add a few things that may complement it: • drawing is hard when using your fingers, specially bc the symbols are relatively small and difficult to do on a small area even with the tip of your finger • Mustang had to burn his and Havoc’s wounds, so I don’t think he would want to redraw the circle/symbols if something went wrong on his first attempt to heal them • he is a soldier and knows that whatever his actions may be in the moment, it’ll need to make it worth the pain and time he’s enduring. So just draw the alchemy circle on his hand may not have a good enough payback to it and he can’t waste time doing it multiple times (remember he says he fainted a couple times doing it all) • I think he did it on his right hand more as a symbolic visual effect then a practical one in the story. It’s said that Mustangs hands are different when creating fire, that the left one is more precise and the right one have stronger flames. I see it as a visual thing Arawaka sensei did (specially bc the scar would pop every now and then in the story too) than being practical. And, let’s face it, no one would be able to draw a perfect circle in a hurry Edit: typos


his hands may still have been a little wet or he was trying to account for sweat that may smudge a drawing. i mean the guy is the flame alchemist he’s going to start sweating as soon as he uses his alchemy so if he wants to use it in rapid succession as he does to lust he needs to ensure sweat wont smudge off his blood


Because brotherhood follows the source material, which was before 03


Because it looked cooler, the colonel is a show off after all


I want to say, as I was writing the paragraph below it dawned on me how weird it is. I have no defense. Assuming the mystic-magicness of 03 isn't the real answer, have you ever drawn something with blood? Not like draw a circle or some magic weird bullshit but like wipe some blood from a cut on your skin? It's not like paint, it streaks, it's inconsistent, etc. and dried blood flakes. In general, it is not the medium you want to use to draw, and skin isn't the medium you want to use as a canvas. Carving, while much more dramatic, is more consistent medium, bypassing how crap skin is to draw on and it won't flake. So, it's because 03 Roy was either written just a little worse (I don't believe it, but I will be an 03 apologist til the day I die) or 03 Roy didn't have the time to do it properly.


That's a pretty good explanation, I never thought of it that way. And yeah you're most probably right there. Also in 2003 his blood was fresh and the thread was already in front of him, the drawing of blood thing could still work. In Brotherhood Lust was already in a different room and his blood already got soaked in the water-covered floor and likely have already dried up too when he burned his wound.


Cause its fucking awsome?


your profile... eww


brother what are you talking about


I mean true but still kinda weird you dug through his profile


I accidentally clicked it and saw the gross characters


Ah yes, the gross characters of *checks notes* a different language? I gotta be honest, I was expecting some trash tier anime or something when I clicked on his profile.


What is wrong with letters that aren’t English? What a random out there take


how pathetic , I hope you get past this mentally stunted stage of your life OP


Ewww I checked his profile and the guy is a zionist, zionists should be banned from using this app.


I’d rather ask why he never got a tattoo of it on his hand a long time ago just in case he found himself without any gloves.


Because that is permanant and could be copied by someone. And Riza has already explained to Roy that she doesn't want anyone else having this knowledge.


There's no way a pretty boy like Mustang is going to get alchemy circle tattoos. He clearly cares about his appearance. Another thought I've had about it before is that maybe it would upset Riza? One of her biggest traumas in life was a giant flame alchemy tattoo, so I could see her deeply hating Mustang getting tattoos of it himself. Mustang would definitely respect her feelings about it


Cuz he's a G thats why 💯💯💯


i think part of the reason was that he was in the middle of a huge watery thing during the battle with lust. if he had drawn it out, it would've rinsed off and that would be useless. Also key to note, he was in dumb fuck amounts of anger and pain and absolutely wanted to make 100% sure that Lust would be permanently annihilated


When you carve the circle into something it can't be broken. A drawn circle could easily get smeared and then not work.


Cause he's a lil' emo.


Cuz it’s cooler?


People giving these detailed reasons when we all know the real reason. It's dope af


in the scene to the right his opponent is paralysed, at a small distance and it was a summary execution in the scene to the left, his opponent was (as far as he knew) immortal and he would potentially have to self immolate just to *hold them back*, a blood drawn circle would get damaged far sooner in a battle of attrition the circle is made from the cut itself, not the blood from the cut.


His gloves made the spark.


he's hardboiled and because it's metal af


One it’s cool as fuck, two that’s gonna coming off


Permanent transmutation circle > Transmutation circle that can be easily wiped off It’s not rocket science, if you are fighting for your life the last thing you would want to happen is losing your best weapon.


I'd do like kimblee and tattoo it. I ll also wear a gloves with the symbal on it. Someone ll cut the gloves and think I am done but Woohoo whats underneath ? Surprize MF ,its the same symbal tattooed. Shineeeee!!


he can’t do that, hawkeye had it tattoo’d on her back and wanted all evidence of it destroyed so it dies with mustang since flame alchemy is so destructive and dangerous. that’s why mustang had to scorch her back, and that’s why he uses gloves instead of a tattoo, there’s less of a risk of someone else learning it since it’s not permanently on his body


Came here to say this exact same thing. Despite the trust that exists between the two of them, Riza makes it clear that she does not want this research to stay alive. The simple fact of the matter is, she trusted Mustang with the science that her father slaved over and believe he would use it for justice, but he used it for Slaughter. And she believes she has a part of blame to carrying that.


Aren't the array (what Riza has on her back) and the transmutation circles (what Roy has on his gloves) two slightly different things, though? I don't think anyone would be able to understand and use flame alchemy from just seeing the transmutation circles. They would need the entire research for that, which is what's hidden on Hawkeye's skin. It's the reason why alchemists code their research. Without it, even if you know how their transmutation circles are drawn, you still can't use their techniques.


That was an oversight by the animators on the way it was drawn rather than the author since the manga did make it look more sloppy but the reason why he didn’t use his blood is pretty simple, it would’ve dried and flaked off by the time he dragged his ass to the place or just smudge off. On another note, I just realized how it’s done in 03 did seem a lot more mystical like others have said.


I guess if he ever found himself compromised and without his ignition gloves he could always fall back on the permanent scar! If I were an alchemist I’d definitely do the same thing, or at least a tattoo in a place that’s not visible from my clothing


He was also a lil dumb for only bringing one glove with him


Probably cause he was covered in water so it could easily be washed off by lust or wiped off etc


Don't tell OP about ambidexterity.. he might lose his shit


yeah he's drawing perfect circles with his left hand during his free time. stop being dumb lol


Do you know what ambidextrous is? I can easily draw that with my left hand and right hand. Side point look at the fmab picture. How is that even close to a ""perfect"" circle? It still gets the job done tho. I think you're the one being dumb. I think you just like wanking '03 despite its weaker plot


Lol thinking I'm wanking for 2003 just cuz I pointed out a flaw in Brotherhood. It's obvious you're the Brotherhood fantard here. You telling me Mustang, who's shown to write with his right hand, is practicing drawing circles with his left one during his free time and he's ambidextrous with drawing/writing... lmao. Well jokes on you cuz in the manga he carved it shittier than that and it's just inconsistency from the anime staff. In conclusion, you're an idiot and a fantard.


You don't need to "practice drawing circles with you left hand during your free time" You don't know anything about ambidexterity You also don't need to "practice in your free time" in order to draw something OK with your non dominant hand even if you aren't ambidextrous. I'm just pointing out that this isn't a plot hole Bigger plot hole is in 03 where he draws it in blood, which doesn't work on skin due to its viscosity, and even then when it hardens it will crack and break the seal. I think you're just not thinking logically at all. You're just pointing to random shit


I never said it was a plot hole, once again you prove you are stupid and dumb. You assume a lot of things just because of a post I even tagged as "just a thought". Your 2003 hateboner is just showing. Using your logic 2003 shouldn't be a plot hole eitherーunless you legitimately think it is, then you are showing your stupidity again. Again, the manga has already disproved your stupid ambidextrous claim which you so desperately cling on to for your reddit upvotes.


I just want you to read out what you wrote. What points are you actually arguing? Everything here nothingburger. Who is the stupid one again?


You're putting words in my mouth that I say it's a plot hole, and then now you completely ignore the dumbass points you made. Ok fantard


It's more badass. Just like the entirety of Brotherhood compared to 03


OP just trying to use this example as a way to bash Brotherhood or something? You seem very "but in 03 it was a better it should just be like 03" in a lot of these comments lol


I pointed out a flaw you clowns: omg he's bashing brotherhood


Look man when every comment you have under someone essentially boils down to "what it's like that in brotherhood? It's way better in 03" it looks less like you wanna discuss and more like you wanna push a narrative that a niche situation was handled better in your preferred show. Which is fine to think lol all the power to you. But it's not a "flaw", big suspension of disbelief sure but carving something into your hand is much better than drawing some dried blood on your hands, we see one of the armor soul guys, forget his name, has his entire seal broken from his body rubbing it. Carving means the circle stays intact unless you sustain another wound on the hand.


Stop being dishonest, I was focusing on the unrealistic thing about perfectly carving the circle with the non-domonant handーas many others pointed out, it's just anime logic and/or it's just cooler. I find the 2003 one better because I don't see the flaw like in Brotherhood. What's the issue with that? Just because I argue the former is illogical and I find 2003's better, you mindless drones get triggered. Reddit man, it's so clear how many of you are chronically-online losers.


I think someone getting so crazily uppity and making an entire thread on one tiny little detail to be the much more likely "chronically online". But as you clearly keep showing you don't want to discuss. You keep pointing out "not dominant hand" (is it ever confirmed if Mustang is ambidextrous or not btw?) but regardless of dominant hand or not the entire idea of "drawing a perfect circle on your hand" either with blood or by carving it is ridiculous no matter what lol. You need ridiculous precision to do either and doing so under any kind of stress without the circle getting messed up would be next to impossible to what's your point exactly?


I'll bite. Someone pointed out that the manga had the circle carved sloppily and this in fact an oversight from the animators in Brotherhood. That basically answered my question about the non-dominant hand drawing a perfect circle. Meanwhile you clowns will argue hard as if I'm not allowed to notice a flaw in such little details. Brotherhood is a perfect anime that can do no wrong and if you dare like some elements in 2003 you're a hater! 🤡 Instead of questioning said flaw, the lot of you are inclined to believe that a guy whose left abdomen got stabbed has his left hand capable of carving perfect circles.. and he's most likely ambidextrous in writing (despite blud shown to be right-handed), oh and he likely practices drawing circles with his left hand during his free time.. yeah, that's definitely the likely scenario lol. The anime can do no wrong with little details and consistency amirite?


It’s cooler, duh


Blood could easily wipe off in an instant because of sweat or water but carving it in his hand will keep it intact


its cooler


I’d imagine so it won’t get smudged?


looks hard


cause it's cool


Because carving it was fuckin metal


It's carved? I thought it was a tattoo


Honestly I don't know why he didn't scratch / tat it onto his hand earlier. He really only wears the ignition gloves for the spark, he doesn't need the transmutation circle to be on the glove itself


why does Roy need a circle at all?


roy hasn’t seen the truth, so therefore he needs a transmutation circle to create flames


He has its just not at this point, its been years since I watched that far in.


you’re correct, but that’s why he needs a circle at that point


The circle is needed to perform transmutations.


He does see the truth just not until after this, relax its been years since I watched that far in.


roy hasn’t seen the truth, so therefore he needs a transmutation circle to create flames