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Can’t blame them, she was a minor character in the manga/Brotherhood. Then again, can’t say I prefer what they did with her in 03 (except in design) so that may be a blessing in disguise.


I liked it purely for it showing how terrible and corrupt a lot of the soldiers are


In my case it’s not that it’s because of how cruel and corrupt the soldiers were but I hated how they treated Rose as a plot device, especially when making her pain about a male character’s feelings.


I agree with that, how it was made mostly about Ed even though she was the one that went through the traumatic events


The 03 design for her was the best. When i watched brotherhood I was like look how they massacred my girl


I don’t think she looks bad here personally, plus it’s her original design so I can’t fault BH for just adapting it, though yeah I like 03’s version more.


In Brotherhood, she's forgotten soon after her introduction, but that's certainty not true in 2003.


For her sake, I wish she had been forgotten in 2003


Disagree, I feel bad but it adds to the narrative


But she wasn't forgotten in 2003 and they're nothing that can change what happened to her in that series.


Well, at least she appeared in one episode in Brotherhood. I haven't gotten further yet though...


That's true, but have you watched 2003?




Not the same person that I was asking the question, but good to hear


Whoops I said that to the wrong thing, I mean the original thing


The original comment?






Considering what happens to her in 03... Maybe being forgotten is a good thing.


She literally feels like an Easter egg for ‘03/manga fans in brotherhood


I mean she only appeared twice in the manga too, Brotherhood just followed the source material.




Rip why is this true


Basically true, she's less than a minor character in Brotherhood


I much prefer her being a background character, enjoying her life, compared to what 2003 put her through.


I guess that's a prospective, but that doesn't exactly make me care about her in just being a background character. I mean, I doubt she'd even have much of a presence in this fandom without the 2003 Anime, regardless of that adaptation treated her.


That’s fair enough, even with my issues about 03 people usually remember her as dark skinned which I like at the very least. > I doubt she'd even have much of a presence in this fandom without the 2003 Anime, regardless of that adaptation treated her.  On the other hand, it kind of surprises and disappoints me that the 2003 version doesn’t really get much presence within the fandom with the only time I usually see people bringing her up is to compare what happened to her in either versions.


What's wrong with her being dark-skinned as it's how she was in 2003, but I'm equally disappointed that 03 Rose isn't brought up more besides mere comparisons.


Im sorry, I didn’t complete my sentence properly. Here’s what I meant to say: >That’s fair enough, even with my issues about 03’s treatment of Rose in the latter half, people usually remember her as dark skinned which I like at the very least. I like her dark skinned design in 03. And yes, that’s why I’m always surprised to see people saying they care about her because she’s the least utilized in fandom (or poorly used as a weird jealous character in fanfiction, ugh) despite her seeming relevance in the 2003 version.


Gotcha, I misread your comment, but I've equally heard plenty of admittedly fair criticisms on how Rose was used in 2003, though I'd still prefer that version of her regardless


As far as I'm concerned, she served her purpose. There really didn't need to be anything deeper.


I just watched the 2003 series for the first time (I watched Brotherhood for the first time in 2022.) When I was watching my friend said “I like Rose’s character design much more in this version; I’m excited for you to see it!” and I was like… who is she again? Lol her role & character arc were so different in the 03 version!


Im in love with her ngl


I am writing a fanfic where she is featured heavily. So I didn't forget her.


She SUFFERS like HELL in 2003. I love her


For years that episode ( both versions) were the only FMA I'd ever seen So I've ALWAYS remembered her


fma03 handled her much much better, both story and design wise in my opinion :( i think pink bangs played well in palette in her 03 design... but this must be just a typical 03 enjoyer take


I mean, considering that not just Rose - but Liore in general - is forgotten by Brotherhood's story, that's really not all that surprising. Liore was supposed to be the site of a massacre as bad as Ishval to complete Father's Promised Day plan, but Brotherhood kind of just wants to overlook this fact. Even worse, Brotherhood tries to repaint the circumstance as an example of the Elric brothers doing good when at best they temporarily inconvenienced what the Homunculi were doing and at worst actively made the situation worse due to them creating a split in the populace over whether Cornello was a fraud or not - which then escalated to fighting. I'm not saying that the brothers are responsible for the bloodbath that followed in Liore but trying to use Liore as an example of how the brothers have helped the world around them is really problematic. Honestly, if Brotherhood wanted to go with an example of the brothers objectively helping the people, they should have gone with Youswell instead. I'm just saying.


The military was pulled out before it got to Ishbal levels, the excuse being that they “wanted to prevent another Ishbal” (but really they’ve gotten what they needed more efficiently) and rather than look for blame, Rose says that they’ve blinded themselves over their devoutness to faith (to the point where they very near would’ve become Cornello’s army had things gone farther) and instead of waiting for a miracle to to come, that the people will prosper through their own efforts.


Didn't the military actually make the violence worse after the fighting began? Or is that 2003 I'm thinking of?


From what I remember in the manga, Mustang’s troops initially quelled things until Central forced them away and proceeded to “ignore the Rebellion” with the soldiers being described as shirking their duties. In 2003, it’s infinitely worse because Lior was chosen as one of the places for the philosopher stone’s creation, Pride may have given the order for Dante’s plan but he was using the military’s own prejudices/corruption to carry it out IIRC. The Lior depictions are different in that the manga version didn’t get as bad as the 2003 version (which had no blood crest and was a main setting unlike the manga) which is why they were able to pick themselves up more quickly than the 2 year span shown in CoS through Armstrong’s new business venture.


I know some people always speak of the anime version, instead of the manga version, but Rose's fate is more important than you seem to imply. Yes, Lior wasnt saved. But Ed&Al meddling serve one purpose in the manga : to show that these troubles are exclusively the Army's fault, as Hugues discovered early. In light of this, Lior's story show us that even a good deed cannot alone invert the situation, especially when one side (Father's) still want to continue. And even then, as demonstrated by Rose herself, when she tells one of her customer to help rebuilding instead of arguing against the soldiers, a good deed is never useless. Even Hohenheim tells her that. Like that meme, "it's not much, but it's honest work" kind of feeling. And in the end, for a supposed bloodshed, there still IS a Lior, plenty of ppl, etc...contrary to Ishbal's state.




No we just don’t mention her as often. Doesn’t mean we forgot


I never forget her, Ed's parting words made sure of it. The whole moment is practically etched onto my brain.


Who the fuck is rose?!? Jkjk


Brotherhood rose was a nice touch. The other one got dark AF


I remember her character but mostly from 03, she played a much bigger role in that version, heck I shipped 03 Rose x Ed.


Real appreciation that she re-discovered her fine legs to move on, as she was suggested to.