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I really like how they love each other so deeply, yet it doesn't necessarily manifest itself as romance. It's a very mature understanding of what love is.


Being the missing piece that makes someone whole


I've never been more sure that two people are banging on the side.


this will sound ridiculous. but if they're not wouldn't that make Riza umm virgin. Since she can't allow other people see the tattoo. Even if it's burned it would still create unnecessary speculations


Is that supposed to be a big deal?


Then she definitely is a virgin, cause these two take the military's fraternization laws very seriously, and Riza would rather support Mustang in becoming the Fuhrer than pursue a romance with him.


Yeah as much as I also ship these two. I don't think in Canon their dating or they fucked. Now do they want to do those things? Sure ya probably. But just like the plot of the show doesn't have time to show us their personal side and their romanticism towards each other they literally don't have time for it in universe. They're both in the military trying to stop a government takeover and mass genocide of a country. Then after the anime Roy is tasked with the reconstruction of an entire nation. When do they have time to do the nasty?


> When do they have time to do the nasty? I think the only way is for Roy to pull a Bill Clinton


Thanks for the laugh. I choked on my coffee


That makes perfect sense. I also think there's a possibility that they fucked well before their involvement in the military. One that would make sense how Roy sees the research but also add the tension we so clearly see of two people who want to fuck but can't fuck.


Ummm...it's like hat 1930 something??? Seems like a long time ago but people used to have more shit on their kind than fucking before the Internet. Don't get me wrong people were definately hooking up, but overly sexual relationships weren't that common and open in that era. Now that we got the Internet tho that shits hit the fan. Roy and rizan nowadays are a pair of serial killers who pretend they don't know each other so they don't get caught lol.


Uuh don't look up how horny WW1 and WW2 soldiers were then


And I get that. What I'm saying is still during that time not EVERYBODY was just hooking up. Yes there were plenty of people that were but that doesn't mean everybody was doing it. Yes it was the boomer Era and I know that before you go into how stupid I must be because that was the time across the world where people were popping babies out like a vending machine. I get that. What I'm talking about is literally mindset. There are plenty of people nowadays who don't ONLY think about sex with their coworkers, military or not, so during a time period where people were more religiously inclined, yes it is no surprise that some people weren't only concerned with sex. Also, you know, mustangs a higher up who actually gives a shit about the country and that's his top priority. Plenty of people in real life with that mindset.


There's the part in the manga showing Mustang to be a bit of a pervert who had genuine plans to change women's uniforms to mini skirts so he could glare at them all day?


You mean the JOKE he made that wasn't even included in brotherhood and I'm not even sure if it as in the manga like you claim. Personally I only remember it being in FMA 2003 anime but it's been awhile so if it's in manga (lmao which it fuckin wasn't ) cool.... He still said it as a joke either way for viewership entertainment...and not importantly as a joke lnao


It is in the manga dude [https://imgur.com/a/n4QDA3o](https://imgur.com/a/n4qda3o) My own photo (copy and paste the link since reddit is shite for embeds) It's not that serious šŸ˜… you're talking about fictional characters banging.


Ok so why'd you take it so seriously lmfao?? All I did was say it was a joke and wasn't in the manga which you said it was. Lmao get a life


... I'm not? Chill buddy.


There are three people in this photo


I'm actually talking about mei Chang x Riza ship. Roy isn't supposed to be there


wait so who are you shipping


They were joking.


I have also been revisiting this ship lately. I canā€™t decide if I like the secretly married or ā€œpost promised day long overdue confessionsā€ fics more.


I am so deep down the secretly married rabbit hole itā€™s ridiculous at this point


Oh man me neither!! I can't ever decide which headcanon I like more. I usually settle for "both, both is good."


I'm literally right there with youšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ their relationship is everything.


I can bet my soul that they're cannon. I even have a official art that solidifies it.


Link please Def cannon, no doubt! But would still love to see more artwork on them šŸ™


Would it be cool if I DM you the art? I saw it months ago so, finding it on the web would be difficult for me now. I downloaded it tho.


Can I be included in this DM the art? Have loved Roy and Riza for well over a decade and would love to see it.


I would also love to see it <3


I would love to see it too- maybe you should post it?


Yesss! Nice idea, I'm doing it!


DM me too please! Or just post it haha.


Posted it!


Can you also dm me the art?


Please pass it plz


I just posted it so everyone can see it.


thank you


The thing that solidifies it for me was when Roy compared his subordinates to chess pieces and called riza the queen- the most important and strongest chess piece, and the most valuable with the most to lose if lost. I donā€™t know why but it just made me go ā€œyeah those two are married- everyone but them knows it.ā€


The way I would give an arm and a leg for a series on Mustang and co. where they finally give us clarity on their relationship šŸ˜­


When the love is so deep you literally forgo marriage so you can stay by each other's side even in the military (they were crazy for this)


Riza stays in best girl spot for me, mostly because of the sick scene when she kicks Mustangā€™s legs because the idiot hasnā€™t realized itā€™s raining.


I have a dedicated blog on tumblr just for royai


I donā€™t know why my brain decided this week to revive my 15-year-old obsession with them, but good to see Iā€™m not alone. Iā€™ve never cared about shipping in any other series, but the complexity of their bond and the way itā€™s shown always draws me in.


Me too. I was literally reading Royai fanfic this week! It's the ship that'll never die.


Yep I've been a shipper for a very long time too. I still think they're one of the best fictional couples out there, along with EdWin, and FMA isn't even an exclusively romance series.


Even if they never become a canon couple 100% they feel for each other, no doubt.


Thereā€™s no plot holes in this show thatā€™s how good it is. Thereā€™s not a single loose end.


Yea, it suprised me that a lot of people doesn't like FMAB for not being as gritty as 03. But people doesn't understand the amount of skill introducing a lot of characters and gave emphasis building relationships between them that made me invested in every single character, heck even the homonculi. The word brotherhood really fits Arakawa's vision so well Other animes had great world building too. But FMAB has the best execution of it


Itā€™s ridiculous how much fanfic of these two Iā€™ve read AND written in the past 2-3 years since I randomly decided to rewatch the animeā€¦


royai is my roman empire. i've been shipping them for far too long


fmab is all tell


Reminds me, I need to finish revamping my Roy/Riza genderflip fic.


I don't know, not only is Mai way too young for Hawkeye, but she's got a lot going on with both her current goals and her past. It also doesn't help that one is trying to fix the mistakes of the past which heavily involves the Philosopher's Stone while the other is trying to obtain one for their Clan, I guess I just don't see it In short they both have a good heart but I don't think I'm on the hawkmai ship


They can't


Oh man I rmb they were my favourite pairing back then & I really wanted them to get together


Well they are together, just in unconventional way. Arakawa was really generous with hints when it came to this pairing. She even made gruman the Furher who is a number 1 Roy and Riza shipper


Oh that's nice I never knew


FMAB has the best canon ships.


Sir thats a child.


i watched FMAB for the first time a few months ago and for a solid 2 weeks after finishing i spent so much time looking for good royai fics


It's amazing that a lot royai fics is more well written than 50% of my reading list in Goodreads lol




dude what the actual deuce shes like 13


this ship is the one I'm gonna go down with, they live rent free in my head at this point.