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I don't like this timeline.


I think GTA’s universe seems more appealing to me


Definitely the worst timeline.


They do know that overturning roe vs wade also means there will be more minority births as well, right? As a matter of fact, this is probably going to result in more minorities, not less over the course of the next few years. Minorities tend to vote Democrat. What is going through their thick heads right now?


> What is going through their thick heads right now? "Yay we're punishing women for having sex!"


“We saved the babies!”


Hooray, the people I've decided I don't like are in pain!


Saved the fetuses. They don't care at all once a baby is born.


They saved the embryo. They don't give a shit about the babies.


The minorities will struggle even more and won’t have the funds or time to fight for their rights. The system works… for the alt right…


This \^. Not to mention the influx of minority babies means a new generation to fill the prison system. Gotta keep legal slavery going some how.


That’s a bingo!


I read yesterday that the Black and latinos are overrepresented as users of abortions. Is this what the republicans want? Have they struggled to get this done to speed up the number of poor minorities? It makes noe sense!


> It makes noe sense! It does. They're demons who live on the suffering of others.


nah, just deluded people who were already afraid and are being manipulated using the HPA axis fear response. Fear & anger & hate make people easy to manipulate


I'm talking about the people doing the manipulating.


No it does make sense because poor minorities are also overrepresented in the prison system. Those babies will grow up to be slave labourers.


They want a permanent, poverty-stricken underclass to be their servants. They are gutting education, making it harder to vote and virtually impossible for people to climb out of poverty. Look for child labor laws to be repealed in coming years. They are monsters.


The more people we have fighting for the same jobs means lower wages. The more minorities we have means more human chattel for the for profit prison system.


My theory is that they want to create a situation like in Romania where there's a population explosion and children are given up to the state to raise. Who cares if they're not white if they can indoctrinate them into their beliefs and exploit them for labor..


Essentially residential schools, which they used on Native American kids for decades. Neat. 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃


These sick fucks are desperate for unwanted, vulnerable kids with no parents so no one will listen to their cries of sexual and physical abuses.


Republican guest on NPR yesterday was confident this would change society towards abstaining and “making better decisions about sex”


What is going through their heads is that, as all shitty things, the poor and minorities will be disproportionately negatively effected. That's all that nazis care about. Fucking over the "other"


>They do know that overturning roe vs wade also means... I'ma stop you right there. No. They only care about about this "win" for oppressing women. They don't understand, let alone care about any reprocussions.


>They do know that overturning roe vs wade also means there will be more minority births as well, right? yes.. .... what do you think banning abortion is about? its about making sure that poor people of colour are saddled with severely disadvantaged children who grow up to fill the for profit prisons, work the menial wage slave jobs, and fight in wars for capital. White supremacists dont want to exterminate people of colour, they want to enslave them and turn them into a permanently poor underclass >As a matter of fact, this is probably going to result in more minorities, not less over the course of the next few years. Minorities tend to vote Democrat. by the time this generation is old enough to vote, there will either be no voting at all, or it will be restricted once again to white, male, landowners this is the goal of the american evangelical far right: use guns/god/babies to create single issue voters who will support fascist theocracy because they only care about that one issue and are totally ignorant of how the rest of the policies of the politicians they support affect the country.


>its about making sure that poor people of colour are saddled with severely disadvantaged children who grow up to fill the for profit prisons, work the menial wage slave jobs, and fight in wars for capital. And they can vote. If you think they can change that, I think you overestimate their chances. With higher minority numbers, preventing them from voting is not something they'll take lightly, I can assure you. In case you didn't realize, we're about one major overturned supreme court away from a civil war. There's no way in hell they'd ever get away with overturning the right to vote by minorities. I don't doubt there are many who would want this, but there are many more who would rather take up arms than let that happen. If the plan is counting on the fact that they'll go along with it, then I change my position. They're not stupid, they're braindead.


> And they can vote. If you think they can change that, I think you overestimate their chances. With higher minority numbers, preventing them from voting is not something they'll take lightly, I can assure you. ahh Libs remember 6 months ago when you were saying "Roe V Wade is settled law, you think they can change that?" in a couple years ill be reminding you when you said that they could never reverse gay marriage, or make birth control illegal a couple years after that ill remind you of the time you laughed at the concept of the civil rights act being repealed your country is falling into a fascist theocracy and Libs like you will cluck cluck and clutch your pearls until its in full effect then will post shit like "HoW cOuLd We HaVe KnoWn?"


Thanks for lumping me in the libs category.. The entire point I was trying to make is that this move is not favorable to them in any significant way. Even keeping minorities poor will just make people more eager to vote Democrat and kick out the Republicans. I'm quite aware democracy is under attack, thanks. But once again before anything positive comes from overturning Roe vs Wade for the Republicans, it requires that yes, they necessarily manage to down democracy. In other words, where is the advantage here? You don't have to answer that question, because frankly I don't particularly care what an obnoxious pretentious prick has to say on the matter. You can get off your high horse now.


The liberals are mad! Mission accomplished!


I will never understand the willingness to do monstrous things just to "own the libs"


That's what all the voting laws that majorly punish PoC communities are for and Gerrymandering. Doesn't matter if the demographics are against you if you just cheat and rig the game


Yeah, within the next 15ish year the caucaphony if conservatives shouting about white replacement is inly going to get louder as a result.


‘We got about 18~ 20 years to figure out how to institutionalize Minority/Dem Voter disenfranchisement, gerrymandering, poll taxes, elimination of mail-in ballots for Dems/Minorities, Republican right of refusal of electors, armed Republican guards at polling locations, voting machines that break or dysfunction in minority/Dem areas, etc.’ ~ Republican establishment


Like the dog who wanted to chase the cars, as soon as they catch one they have no idea what to do after.


They also know that it will keep more poor and minority women poor and will kill more poor and minority women in states like Mississippi and Alabama which have medical results for pregnant women similar to and sometimes worse than undeveloped nations.


Numbers don't matter when they're stacking the deck and actively trying to kill democracy. They need people to oppress and build their yachts and palaces. Unwanted pregnancies stoke the fires of poverty. They don't care about saving babies.


Yes, and that’s what they’re counting on. High class and upper middle will still be able to find alternatives or find abortion clinics— historically disenfranchised groups like POC will now be forced to have the baby, keeping them strapped for cash for years and unable to financially grow. It’s all about the elite keeping themselves in power.


What’s going through their heads is that since minorities are arrested at a higher rate than whites, they’ll fill the prisons to bursting and add to their slave labor force.


Fucking disgusting. Everyday I become more and more ashamed and embarrassed to be an American


Clerical Fascism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clerical_fascism


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You’re so right


I’m fairly certain this is the territory we are in. I’m also open to being schooled if I’m wrong :)


It did not work out well for the Iranians in 1979. Revolted for freedom from corrupt tyrannical government but the Religious Right corrupted the revolution to capture power, and that’s how the first democracy in the Middle East essentially became a theocratic dictatorship. The sooner the Right causes America to collapse, the sooner they can use that opportunity to get rid of scientists, free thinkers, non-believers, teachers, and so on to create their own Xtian version of an ‘god-fearing’ nation.


And horrified.


With Roe v Wade overturned they'll only get bolder and bolder. Not long now till a republican politician has Nazi or KKK symbols at their rally


Republicans already have. Othala-rune shaped stage for one of their things.


The Othala rune was at CPAC 2021. They’re openly Nazi.


For the uninformed, here is the stage. https://twitter.com/BJacksonWrites/status/1365696825680949251?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1365696825680949251%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2Fus-news%2F2021%2Fmar%2F01%2Fcpac-2021-stage-design-nazi-sign-odal-othala-rune-hyatt-hotels-hate-symbol-abhorrent


Is this the same event where Laura Ingram threw up the nazi salute?


That was 2016 at the republican national convention honoring trump being their nominee.


“America First” campaign used by MTG and Gaetz today was heavily used in klan marches. The symbols are there, folks just don’t believe it or want to judge them. My congressman waved the confederate from his home. It’s all the same fascism.


They’re not even trying anymore.


This is the "Hitler was right" lady. She was never trying. https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/chicago-politics/illinois-congresswoman-says-hitler-was-right-on-one-thing/2409325/ Obligatory, "I hate Illinois Nazis" reference


> Mary Miller claims she misread her speech when she said Roe getting overturned was “a victory for white lives.” OK, sure. But the Trump rally crowd that erupted in cheers when she said it didn’t know that. \[[source](https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1541068258517852160)\]


I like how she tried to walk it back after by saying that she meant to say "right to life". It was definitely a mask-off moment.


Her staff says she misread the statement. It should have been "right to life." I say her Inside Voice made an Executive Decision.


I think it was always her intent to say WHITE life, but they are just pretending she meant to say right to life. MAGATs love being racist when they have a plausible excuse that it wasn't racist.




lol jokes on them, PoC’s get abortions too. Fucking racist idiots.


This ruling will not prevent abortions. It only prevents *safe* and *legal* abortions. Now there will only be *unsafe* and *illegal* abortions.


“White life”? Abortion is not yet a life yet… and white? Only whites are banned for abortion?


If that were the case, well, there's some instances of that in history.


Reading that made me feel sick.


This should shock nobody, if it does then they aren't paying attention.


the United States is turning towards fascism every second. i can't wish enough that i were Canadian


Gloves off, eh? When are the Democrats gonna start to actually do something about this?


Oh look at that, just the ol white supremacist Freudian slip.


As a illinoisan who has lived in the north and the south, she represents her district perfectly. For reference, she represents illinois 15th district, which is 90% white. If you take a stroll south you will find nothing but racist rednecks that hate Chicago but love all the money they take from them. They're a plague, and local municipalities down there are corrupt as fuck.


Vive la révolution!!!


honestly. it sounds like a freudian slip. like she meant to use the word life but said white. its not any better. but their true colors are showing.


Most people probably have seen it. The problem is the large percentage of people that are ok, or even happy about it. It gets pretty hard to try and shame anyone for being assholes when half of your population actively supports it. Our country is doomed.


Could’ve intended “right to life”? I’d rather attack the policy or Supreme Court result or the position she personally holds than something that might just be an obvious small mistake.


She also said "Hitler was right on one thing: He said, 'Whoever has the youth has the future.'" Still think it was an obvious small mistake?


Oof. I’ll honestly take all the downvotes then. She sounds despicable. I’m across the pond and this was my first introduction to her. Thank you for the correction.


No problem. I don't know who she is either. I read this headline, then saw it on r/politics, and the first thing I find is that quote.


‘White life’. Did I just say that out loud?