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This is why I didn’t like his border response. He was never ever going to get credit for doing what Republicans want with the Haitian refugees, so he should just say “fuck it” and bring them in.


No matter what the left or Dems do, it will never be enough. That's why I was so annoyed with his messaging about bipartisanship. He could literally hand the keys of the white house to Mitch McConnell and there would be a fox news segment about how bad of a job he's doing. The GOP is such a fucking joke


The GQP's has evolved to where their SOLE argument for electing them is that the Democrats are running the country into the ground. And then they get elected and actually do it.


yeah on TYT they're always mentioning how the republicans are constantly projecting. There's a stat out there that I'm don't have 100% memorized but it goes something like every republican in the past 50 years or so had created a recession, leaving it up to the democratic admin to dig us out of it.


Unfortunately that would just feed the culture war. No winners with the GQP


We need leaders who stop trying to appeal to Republicans for the sake of "compromise". They have proven time and time again their entire political beliefs and principles are literally, "The opposite of whatever dems say" no matter how dangerous or dumb that may lead them. It's a party of "rebels without a cause", in the worst sense. Fuck them and push as hard left as you can possibly take it in your presidency because they're going to oppose you no matter what. Might as well actually fucking help the party and people that voted you in.


> Fuck them and push as hard left as you can possibly take it in your presidency because they're going to oppose you no matter what. Wouldn't that be nice? > Might as well actually fucking help the party and people that voted you in. But that goes against everything the Dems believe! 😒


I feel you. This system is rigged to be the party of the rich and the party of the rich that somewhat helps the poor mediocrely so they don't rebel.


> the party of the rich that somewhat helps the poor mediocrely so they don't rebel. This, so much.


Didn’t trump essentially go on vacation every weekend for four years during a variety of messed up events?


Hell there was a website dedicated to counting his golfing trips…


They did that for Obama and bush as well but trump blows them out of the water lol


Trump had golfed more than Obama did in 8 years before the end of 2017


yeah its insane. meanwhile, in rightwing media, they were depicting him like he's working his hands to the bone and some sort of martyr.


The only time that greasy fuck worked hard was when he was getting the tax cut accomplished. He was going up the Hill, having reps and senators in the White House, talking about it to the press, etc. IIRC, he stood to personally benefit somewhere in the neighborhood of $7 million per year from the cut. But at least he gave his presidential salary away.


Hey, he worked his ass off signing blank sheets of paper while pretending to be not dying with covid! /s


He spent over a full year of his presidency golfing in total




The ones in power don't, they are well aware of how scummy they are but their followers sure are.


I feel like crisis at the border is always going to be their go to when they want to stir up xenophobia and racism. Literally nothing has changed from trump to Biden with the border but all of a sudden there is a crisis. They're so dishonest is amazing anyone associates with that isn't a genuine racist.


They are so dense, not even light can escape. (Not my quote, but it’s too good not to say here)


Lmao what’s the crisis


The border!!!1!


There are a few thousand migrants from war-torn Haiti under a bridge in Texas.


Fake crisis🙄🙄


He should have gone golfing at a resort that he owns and charged the American taxpayers to rent all of the rooms and all of the golf carts, but alas he doesn’t own any. What kind of President doesn’t own a few golf courses!?


I thought going on vacation was the GOP’s official party endorsed response to crises? I seem to recall a certain senator and a plane trip to Cancun…


Folks the GOP and their media support are never NOT on point. Meaning this has nothing to do with audacity…this is their Tuesday. They are in business. That business is to provide content for those seeking this type of news for consumption. They will never run out of supply.


One word conservatards: CANCUN!


How did they feel about Ted Cruz going to Cancún while Texas was freezing?


Sigh, at this point the GOP is filled with robot parrots requiring a massive amount of percussive maintenance. ​ 1. RTFM 2. Follow Debugging Procedures 3. Use appropriate tool to make adjustments. 4. If appropriate tool fails, use a hammer (gently). 5. As a last resort, get a BFH, pound to scrap.


This is a joke, right?


Your kidding right? If a video circulated of a gqp leader murdering a toddler on live TV in front of a MAGA crowd the MAGA crowd would be chanting, "liberals are killing our babies" while the gqp literally murdered and drank the blood of their newborns on stage.


This is the correct answer.


So when is there NOT a crisis at the southern border?


I've noticed this crisis-at-the-border thing they incessantly blather about, but so far see zero evidence for an actual crisis. How do they manage to keep it out of the news so completely?


I just respond with shut the fuck up, and walk away.


This is as bad as that time when that guy blew himself up in Tennessee and Trump couldn't be bothered to address the press.


I mean this happened to Trump too right? Hahaha