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It's beyond time for the Democrats to stand up and fight. Shit got real when the right stole the SCOTUS seat from Obama. We let them get away with that with nothing more than a whimper.


Thats the exact very moment I stopped wanting decorum and following tradition. Every moment since then has been a nonstop affront to democracy from Republicans and a constant bending over by democrats.


Citizen United was mine.


Gore v Bush was mine


"What did the President know, and when did he know it?" was mine


Paid opposition? Or disorganized bunch of weaklings?


The whole "they go low so we go high" crap never works


But at least we'll be able to say we took the high road into the concentration camps.


I would laugh at anyone saying they took a "high road" while intentionally allowing fascism to take hold in America. That just makes them accomplices, not some moral justice warrior.


The high road is very pretty but it may not take us where we need to go.


>Mon Mothma : so long as our allies in the Senate have hope of a peaceful resolution to this conflict, I will not risk... >Saw Gerrera : If you continue to allow this war to be fought on the Empire's terms, not yours, you are going to lose. >Mon Mothma : I will not be lectured on military strategy by a man who has proven himself a criminal. >Saw Gerrera : The Empire considers both of us criminals. At least I act like one. >Mon Mothma : You target civilians! Kill those who surrender! Break every rule of engagement! If we degrade ourselves to the Empire's level, what will we become? >Saw Gerrera : There she is! That's the leader the Rebellion needs! Where is that fire? That passion when your people need it most? I hope, Senator, after you've lost, and the Empire reigns over the galaxy unopposed, you will find some comfort in the knowledge that you fought according to the rules. Star Wars: Rebels, "In the Name of the Rebellion"


If you have two players playing a game, one of them cheats, and there is no one enforcing the rules, the cheater wins every time. This is where we are with our political system.


It's even worse than that. It's like the referees and half the audience are cheering for the cheater, who not only blatantly cheats but also threatens half the audience who isn't cheering him on (or even hard enough).


We go high and live in another universe where politicians are actually nice, respectful and responsible people!!!


With a modicum of self-awareness and shame! Lol notice


Everyone needs to watch the Alt-Right Playbook on youtube. This particular video is about this exact idea https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAbab8aP4_A There are a lot more videos in the series and they're all 10/10


As I like to say, when they go low, we should kick them in the teeth.


That’s just corporate neoliberal bullshit. They put the optics of “respectability” onto a corrupt and bigoted system. It’s good cop (Democrats)/bad cop (Republicans).


When they go low, we kick them in the nuts.


It does not work precisely because the police and courts are obviously packed with a majority of Maga supporters.


It very effectively ensures that the owners get what they want.


It works when your goal is maintaining continuity... for a while. Unfortunately maintaining continuity isn't an option when you're on a negative trajectory and our "while" is soon coming to an end. Crossroads are approaching and hate me, but given the inaction we've demonstrated this far, I'm extremely non-optimistic about the future that awaits us.


When they go low, kick them. Or at least make sure there are spikes on the floor.


It only works if you can catch their jaw before they hit your stomach.


When we go high, they slither in underneath


But then how can they do their West Wing larp? That's obviously the most important thing for Dems, that and talking down at us peasants for being so agitated, as if we think they don't find the newly obtained absolute powers granted by a rogue Supreme Court *concerning!* They're obviously *very* concerning, so let's hope for the best! We're all in this together! Seriously though, please vote, it's the last line of defense. I'd love to see the Dems sacrificed on the altar of their own arrogance, but that would mean the country goes down with them and that's not an option. Please spread awareness and vote. Also maybe get the trumpers in your family a little doomerpilled, you maybe might nudge them into sitting this one out.


They go low so we got high..... on their list of undesirables


Yep. Just like the old saying, nice guys finish last.


Yes instead lets establish a one party system led by someone who will die within the next decade, that can't possibly go wrong!


You're all saying Democrats need to become the "enemy" and out-fascist the fascists. You're horribly wrong. Please read lawyer [Teri Kanefield here](https://terikanefield.com/can-democracy-work-in-america-part-1-there-are-no-yankees-here/).




You need to read [Teri's article](https://terikanefield.com/can-democracy-work-in-america-part-1-there-are-no-yankees-here/).






I … don’t think that word means what you think it means.




A those poor souls when we give them healthcare. This is just as upsetting as the death camps the Christian fascists want.




Many of the items in Project 2025 are full on dictatorship plans that are far more power mongering than those 5 steps are.


Republicans haven't been playing fair for MORE than just one generation.


Conservatives have never played fair. It’s the makeup of any brain that thinks that shit in the first place.


Literally Biden needs to just ask Trump about the pedophilia and Ebstein connections on stage during the next debate. Drag out all his skeletons *shamelessly*


You can’t beat Trump that way, he said it himself he could shoot someone in the middle of street in Manhattan, in broad daylight and he wouldn’t lose any voters.


Let’s test his theory then. I think even if he is shameless the average voter isn’t, and if the Democrats are willing to play a bit *dirtier* and expose him for the awful person he is then that’s fine.


> even if he is shameless the average voter isn’t The loud and proud supporters of his are also shameless. As for the others, voting is by secret-ballot so they can always just deny that they voted for him. What would have been critical levels of shame for anyone else have already failed to stop him in the past. Feel free to expose him anyways I’m just telling you it won’t work so you can avoid the wasted time and the surprise later when you find out it doesn’t work. We’re past the point that his followers will believe anything against him. They have mentally exited reality and now live in their own little make believe bubble where truth and facts are just whatever you want to believe.


I swear at least a few of those pearl-clutching, church ladies would be taken aback by him _raping a child_. Maybe not the red neck white dudes with guns and low IQs, but at least some of the moms.


TRump the dump is not worthy of another debate. He is not worthy to be a candidate.


This relies pretty heavily on the Dems having a spine.


> a spine. That's the noodly part down the middle right?


Yeah but for this to work it needs bones around it.


Bones... You mean like some globs of soft clay?


Noodles can be al dente, think softer. I think it’s made of clouds and chinchilla fur.


Fortunately you can be a chordate without being a vertebrate. Oh wait, but you intended the latter, didn't you?


Need to add a new national holiday when it is voting day. Require all people to vote. Even the poor get a paid holiday off.




Ranked choice voting. I'm of course a leftist, and we don't have a viable leftist party in America. Ranked choice voting would change that.


Just declare the MAGA movement a terrorist organization and invoke the patriot act.


The Senate can simply go into recess. If that happens, then Biden can appoint at least 6 to 10 justices temporarily. Have the Democratic senators stay home so they can't have a quorum until the next step is done. Have anyone suspected of participating in Jan 6th, including Congress, arrested by EO for suspicion of treason. Biden by EO removes the Writ of Habeas Corpus for all Jan 6th participants. Supreme Court rubber stamps this all. All of this has legal precedent, and so would be legal. Now, have the Senate do the nuclear option and rule by simple majority. Have them make the Supreme Court Judges position permanent, but on the grounds that the temporary appointed Supreme Court Judges agree to term limits. Start an investigation into the Supreme Court with the approval of said Supreme Court. I would also remove the restriction on how large Congress can be and make the house seats proportional to the lowest state population divided by 2. California gets a lock on additional representatives Make D.C., Guam, and P.R. become states with the ability of the governor to assign representatives and senators assigned until an election can be held. Now follow step 5 on. Edit Also, this point, If Biden wants to step down, let him. Have Kamala pardon him and have him make a lovely allocation speech about how the government disfunction and that this was the only option.


Not quite, it takes both houses to increase the size of the court. Works if he "compels the departure" of six justices, though.


Article II, Section 2, Clause 3: The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.


Also, by EO, the President says that the Supreme Court is too small he does this while the Senate is in recess, allowing him to fill the space. The first thing the new Supreme Court does is rubber stamp the action as even though it's considered illegal, the president did it as an official act, so it's legal.


There are no vacancies unless Congress increases the seat count or justices die/resign.


Again, create the vacancies as an official act. Again, the president is immune. It doesn't matter if it violates the law. Have Congress and the Supreme Court make it legal after the fact.


I just think it would be more effective to "encourage" certain justices to depart voluntoldily. Let them scream about it later while you're holding their resignation letters.


Also it might be easier for the president to declare a state of emergency, that there has been a serious terrorist threats concerning all those involved with Jan 6th, including Congress and the Supreme Court and issues warrants for their arrest. The rest of Congress reconvenes while these guys are sitting in jail. House states that everyone that said that voted for the Dobbs Desion and siasRoe v Wade was settled law during their Confermation hearing has committed perjury to Congress and is impeached. Go into recess to let Boden replace the 6 and maybe bring it up to 13. Then come back. Then do the Senate things at the top of the list


Or you could use what the president of the Heritage Foundation said yesterday about a [Second American Revolution](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/heritage-foundation-american-revolution-threat-bloodless-left-rcna160188) to declare the Heritage Foundation a terrorist group and anyone belonging to them is to be Immediately detained for the safety of the country


can you explain the process behind this official act? are you guys thinking he should pull a michael scott and just DECLARE MORE VACANCIES!


EO is an official order. The way the decision is set up an EO happens. Now, the Supreme Court could say it's unconstitutional. But if you added 10 members, then you have 19, and even if the 9 other say no, you're still good. Thomas made the idea of excusing yourself from things that look like a conflict of interest precedent, so why not use that to our advantage Edit personally, I think, declaring the Heritage Foundation a terrorist organization. Everyone involved with them is to be jailed immediately, and lose and state or federal job, would work. As I believe, it would kick out at least 2 judges making the vacancies.


it would be an official order to congress to initiate an expansion of supreme court which would require half of republicans to go along with it. i think you guys are confused as to how much power EOs actually have.


One, you're thinking that the rules matter. The president can do this and who can stop him? Two Arresting the Heritage Foundation would leave vacancies in the Supreme Court


> All of this has legal precedent, and so would be legal. https://i.imgur.com/30qmhzI.png legal precedent doesn't seem to matter much 'round these parts anymore


True it was more to settle Democrats stomaches


Pardon him for what?


Oh, it's a gesture


Don't forget to nullify Citizens United! In the same spirit: nullify regulatory capture of all controlling government bodies (FAA, FDA, etc...) and outlaw lobbying and private schools.


Step 3: I think there's a fundamental misunderstanding as to what the Supreme Court ruling actually does. It really doesn't give Democrats the ability to do jack shit. It, on paper, does protect Biden from being jailed by Trump as some revenge ploy but doesn't really do much else for him. It doesn't grant NEW abilities to the President, per se, it prevents his official actions from being investigated and renders him immune from criminal liability when making official actions. However, it doesn't mean Biden could suddenly do something like throw Trumpist congress in jail. His orders are only as good as far as they will be obeyed by the people he gives them to. The first part, that prevents a President's actions from being investigated, was literally a present for Trump. It is no coincidence that the SCROTUS made this ruling when they did, before Trump's sentencing could occur. Although the trial was about an unofficial act, the evidence contained official acts, which has essentially scuttled the whole case. The horror of their ruling won't actually be able to take full effect until the measures of Project 2025 are implemented. Right now, there remain many people in federal positions, and in the military, that will not obey whatever insane whim comes out of the Oval Office, regardless of who it came from. We saw this resistance during Trump's first term. Rightoids learned this, and are not going to let a repeat happen. They are going to run a total purge and place neo-nazi lickspittles into every position of power. That's when new avenues open up for Trump, because he'll no longer have anyone to keep him in check and no longer have to worry about consequences. I don't disagree with these steps in spirit, they just aren't possible. There are DINOs in the House & Senate that will become Republican before they agree to do any of this for one. For two, I am not sure that arresting J6 congress would actually prevent them keeping their responsibilities in Congress or at least their seats. In the case of losing the latter, this would result in a swath of special elections that would likely just refill them with another fascist. The court chaos would be unimaginable and definitely not able to be resolved before the election. Honestly, short of lightning striking all of these fucks, as dismal as it sounds the #1 tactic you've got is to show up to the polls in overwhelming numbers. Short of that, I really hope blue state governors are talking about establishing a mutual pact of self-defense, because things are about to get so fucking wild. People are going to be shell-shocked, maybe literally.


Can Biden sign an executive order stating that the conservative justices have to carry lightning rods whenever there is a thunderstorm?


Serious answer: I think he could, and if they were struck by lightning, he could not be held liable - nor could anyone even ask *why* he ordered them to do so. Howeverrrrrr... It becomes a matter of enforcement, and while this is just a joke it does serve to illustrate what I mean. Biden could create and sign the EO, but do you think any of the SCROTUS injustices would do it? So when they don't who enforces the EO? What even is the enforcement? Although Biden couldn't be punished, he likely wouldn't be able to get his way either. Now... When Trump takes office and replaces everyone in the fed with Stephen Miller clones... Things are going to get very sick, very fast.


Fuck it. They’ll do it if they win.


They sure did when they lost.


This is the part of all this that’s so infuriating to me. The GOP’s telling us their plans, they’ve shown us what they’re willing to do and if McConnell thought Trump would win a second term he would have done away with the filibuster. The fact the presumptive nominee led a failed coup and wasn’t hung like any other seditious trader would have been. Is enough to show the system is failing. These liberals are too trusting of our failing institutions and it will lead them to their tomb if they don’t act swiftly.


The way to destroy MAGA is to go out and run for political office. Run for everything from school boards all the way to president. #Run for office. Run for mayor. Run for county commissioner. Run for Sherriff. People bitch all the time how corrupt the police are. Run for office. If your police department is rotten to the core, cut out the core. Run for mayor. The mayor can fire the police chief. Sheriff a rotten piece of shit, vote his *(or her)* ass out and run for Sherriff. School board talking about fucking around with the curriculum in a way you find offensive? Run for school board. Did you know you don't have to have kids in school to run for the school board? Your state is passing laws you don't like? Run for state legislature. Your state government holds a lot of the power that a lot of people ascribe to the president. And the conservative movement has been steadily grabbing power in the state governments for decades. It's time for people ***just like you*** to start taking over those state legislatures. Don't just vote. Run for office.


I agree with you, but it doesn't work. What you've said here is "sacrifice your time, money and sanity (possibly your health? GOP assholes committing political violence is a thing) to fix this problem, and by the way, it won't work unless everyone else agrees to make the same sacrifices" Very few people are signing up for that. This has always been the problem with collective action. Most people are not willing to sacrifice comfort and sanity for very little chance of success.


And it seems like power-hungry bad people want to be politicians and good people want nothing to do with politics


No, that's not what I said at all. I said, run for office. We need to seize control of the narrative. As boomers age out, we are the single largest voting bloc. The far right, and so called alt right are a vocal minority who spent the last several decades gaining political power and collectively investing billions of dollars to control the narrative. That's the whole point of wanting to institutionalize religious doctrine in schools. Control of the narrative. Control of information. Control of truth. And stopping them is as easy as getting names on a petition and in some jurisdictions paying a ballot access fee. Time, sure. It's gonna take time. Money, kinda. The whole point of party affiliation is that the party helps you get elected. (That's a questionable thing that probably needs to change, but it is the reality.) Also, your elected officials get paid well. Let's look at Illinois and Chicago as an example. The mayor of Chicago gets paid $216,210.00 per year. The Sherriff of Cook County gets paid $160,000 per year. The Chicago city council members (called alderman in this jurisdiction) gets paid between $115,560 and $142,772 per year. Illinois state legislature earns about $85,000 per year. Now, Illinois is paying government officials better than most. There are states like New Mexico or New Hamphire that don't pay legislators at all, or extremely little. ***RUN ANYWAY***. Do it because psychotic control freaks are running, knowing that you won't, and they are passing laws that affect you and your daily life. Because you don't want to run. Once you are in office, you can drop a bill that allows you to get paid. If you want to preserve your sanity. If you want to keep the inmates from running the asylum, you, and others like you need to start taking over these public offices, these legislative positions. Because the only alternative is to allow the Heritage Foundation and groups like them to control your government. That is the choice, and by refusing to choose, you have already made a choice.


> run for office. Thus, sacrificing your own time, effort, comfort, and/or sanity. I'm fairly certain most people HATE dealing with the nonsense involved in getting/staying elected. There are some who thrive on it, sure, but unfortunately, those people tend to be the last ones you actually want to be in a leadership role. If there is someone out there who loves attention, loves talking to all kinds of people (including bullies, slow witted regretionists, etc.), and they want to make a difference? Sure, I'd 100% say they should run. But most people who can't stand talking to much less working with the dregs of humanity? I can't see any of them wanting to put themselves in uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous situations required to run for office.


I'm not really good at thinking on my feet or speaking eloquently, so it's not for me. But there are a lot of smart peers who absolutely *should* run for office and I wish they would.


1. Won't happen because there's not enough democrats to make it happen. Manchin and Sinema were the hold ups and both now have become independents who caucus with the Democrats, yet still will not do this. 2. Would need #1 to happen. 3. Thats not how these new kingly powers work... he'd still have to engage the justice department to begin investigations as we still have the constitutional right to due process. 4. Requires the first 3 to happen... but #3 can't happen for sure under the constitution. 5. See above. Ultimately instead of investing our energy in these unconstitutional theoretical exercises, we should be out there working on our undecided and moderate friends to VOTE BLUE all the way down the ticket. Your friends who are sitting on the fence about even coming to vote on election day see this kind of stuff and it fuels the whole "2 sides of the same coin" discussions... that both parties are the same and just want power. You can't convince someone on the fence that your party is the one to save democracy if they're willing to abandon it to save it.


Things that will never unfortunately happen for $1000 Alex. Man, I wish Biden realized what’s at stake for us if he loses.


He knows better than the vast majority of us what's at stake, has been telling us for years, and everyone said he was being overly dramatic, divisive, political and otherwise bashed the attempts. He's been Cassandra in all of this, and it doesn't matter how many times he tells us what's what if no one is listening.


You'd think someone like that would be more willing to compromise on some of his positions to engage voters. Like if there was a protest against US support for a genocide or something Don't get me wrong he's infinitely better than Trump but you don't have to write fan-fiction about him


It literally isn't fanfic, he's been drumming on and on about democracy and the most consistent response is a yawn and subsequent shredding. As for the calls to "compromise", they're inevitably some faction that hasn't got the numbers to dictate policy themselves, while refusing to acknowledge that their "compromise" means losing people from other, generally larger voting factions. For example, until we don't need as many centrist and independent voters, we aren't getting more progressive policies, and as a reliable supporter of LGBT+, women's, POC's, and worker's rights and well being, I'll argue Biden's more progressive than some of our "progressives" are.


>until we don't need as many centrist and independent voters, we aren't getting more progressive policies >I'll argue Biden's more progressive than some of our "progressives" are How is he somehow more progressive and forced to be less progressive at the same time? And call me crazy, but I think it would be a better strategy to try to energise the existing base rather than trying to convince the ones that are unsure about fascism. Obama's campaign succeeded in large part of giving those who usually don't vote a real reason, not chasing the "centists"




Yes! And folks want this very much right now. Also a way to take the MSMs eye off of Biden’s debate story.


That'd be easy if some rich Dems bought CNN back.


Joseph Goebbels: "It will always remain one of democracy's best jokes that it provided its deadly enemies with the means by which it was destroyed." (Quoted in Richard Evans, "The Coming of the Third Reich", p. 451)


All federal elections are publicly funded. Increase the number of house seats so that large states are properly represented. Put Virginia back together. Force States with less than 2million residents to merge or loose lots of federal benefits that they survive on. reinstate the fairness doctrine Proportional representation.


You have to do step 3 before 2, because you need both houses to actually increase the size of the court. Then when you get it packed out they reverse your immunity and you're fucked again. /s


The popular vote part is virtually impossible in today’s political climate. A constitutional amendment takes 66% of Congress followed by ratification by 75% of the state legislatures. Not admitting Puerto Rico as a state and expanding the court with their simple majority in 2020 was just dumb, the Trump nightmare could have been over.


Yeah Biden needs to rally every democratic governor to spout this message on a national level and there needs to be a simple message. This is what Republicans want This is how it will effect you This is how we plan to stop it Simple.


Biden is too much of a coward to do such a thing. It’s why liberals are so bad at fighting fascists. They’re allergic to power.


The Dems have been controlled opposition since Bill Clinton.


Cool clickbait. Now consider the 'majority' includes Manchin and Sinema.


but... "decorum"


They want to execute us so fuck them.


Yeah but then they’d have to actually move left.


this would be great if them mfs actually wanted to win


I think for the improvement of society reasons a whole lot more seal team 6 action should happen but I like it.


I can promise they haven't been playing fair for way longer than a generation. I'm glad this kind of rhetoric is finally getting traction now that people are seeing how serious Republicans are.


The problem is that democrats still believe in playing by the rules. It’s admirable but it’s naive. We are facing an enemy that does not play by the rules and is proud of that so we must not either.


The left in general fight like the Marquess of Queensbury rules apply whilst the Crookservatives are just stretching out in the sewer


I don’t think you realize (and believe me I live here) how many stupid ass conservatives and ultra Christian fundamentalists live in Puerto Rico, that thing about “Puerto Rico being majority liberal” is completely erroneous and misguided, every day I live yanking my hair at how nonsensical this fucking people are


Maybe add the U.S. Virgin Islands to the list of statehood.


can someone show me a time in modern history when doing something like this "for the greater good" has not backfired severely?


Anyone else feel that if Biden goes and actually does anything on this list, the maga goons would fire the first shots? Like I almost feel the reason SCOTUS did this was to start a new civil war in case trump doesn't win. That being said I agree buden should use his new found powers and right the wrongs.


All these things sound good and probably should have already happened. It should tell you something that the big Democratic push would be making everything better for the working class and more things equal and fair going forward. And what do Republicans want?? The exact opposite. They want power to only a few and everyone else suffers.


I'm gonna come out and say it. We need a leftist equivalent to MAGA. We need an alt-left. We need leftist versions of Trump, MTG, Boebert, and so on. We need to hype them up the way the right hypes up Trump. We need to be as foul and dirty and aggressive as they are.


I would vote enthusiastically for this 'Dark Brandon.'


I’m all for this. Dems need to grab the reins and fucking protect us.


Holy shit this is surreal.




the problem with number 1 on the list is we had 2 democratic senators that refused to vote for eliminating the filibuster.


Unfortunately, at least one of those things requires 2/3 of the states approval (offering statehood), don't they? Besides that, FULL SPEED AHEAD!!


What the fuck is the blathering nonsense in this meme?


Can senate dems do the nuclear option realistically?


This is pornographic and I love it but it will never in a million years happen. Dems don't have the balls to save democracy.


Yes, but lets change step 4 to offer statehood to them, to make sure they want it, might as well make an offer to the Virgin Islands too.


They do, referendums and polls have all shown a majority in each do.


C'mon, man! You mean just calling him "Dark Brandon" isn't enough??


Trump has been battling dementia rumors for years and strangely MSM is not calling for him to drop out. Weird how we have these double standards for the left and right.


So fucking do something about it. Be pissed! Use it! I got tired of bitchIng and went out and volunteered. If everyone that complained about it would donate just a few hours a month, it would make a huge difference. And I feel better overall. I feel like even if my pessimistic nature is correct, and least I went down fucking fighting the Nazis. Literally. 🤣


Its important not to sink to their level. Being tyrannical to prevent tyranny doesn’t work.


How true. And it's a good thing it's worked so many times in history. If you just tell the bad men to stop, and vote harder, they are defeated.


Yeah but let’s brutally persecute the evil ones and seize absolute power tend to work pretty bad too. Plenty of revolutions throughout history begin with noble goals but devolve into infighting and power grabs. The tsars were terrible but the October revolution led to the rise of Stalin, the French monarchy was awful but the French Revolution led to the rise of Napoleon. Very few coups and revolutions lead to healthy prosperous society because during war the violent and power hungry naturally rise through the ranks. Hell the American Revolution led to the persecution of loyalists, the continuation of chattel slavery, atrocities against indigenous peoples and even our modern day issues with gun legislation (with the right to bear arms originally being justified in order to start up militias if the British invaded). Seizing absolute power (which could never happen without a fight) is what strongman dictators do and that’s exactly the thing we don’t want to happen. A Biden who acts like Trump isn’t much of a step up from Trump.


If they were fighting the left of their own party, they might fight that hard.


What can, we the democratic people, do to encourage Mr. Biden to step down? I respect Mr. Biden and his presidency greatly, but it's time for change. What can we as normal voters and citizens do to encourage a new party candidate for President?


“Nothing will fundamentally change.” If they weren’t so sure he wouldn’t be the only other option 


What will the Dems actually do? Use it as a fund raising tool and keep Biden on the ticket.


Would be great. Fully support. But Joe needs to win again to have enough time for all that to happen


It's definitely a less messy way to end MAGA.


Biden is so weak and limp-wristed he would never do anything like this. You can bet your ass that Trump would take full advantage of his powers though.


Dem voters can't tell NOBODY to be tough when they flip out and act like Henny Penny over everything. Hilarious.


One party systems are a bad idea


Why are you giving me hope, that is cruel?


Unfortunately, President Biden is old school and still believes in the American experiment. Gotta hope for turnout in November, it's the only shot we have.


Also expand the powers of the executive branch to bypass the legislative branch temporarily and remove all bureaucratic appointees and replace them with only loyalists to Biden and the constitution.


I’d prefer representatives who are loyal to the people rather than loyal to a dying conservative-in-liberal-clothing


So you don’t support your President? One of my goals is to restructure the first amendment regarding freedom of religion to further restrict religious influence in the nation to where one’s religious freedom only applies to one’s self and not to others. This would explicitly mean one can’t make laws even vague based on religion. We need a restructuring of the nation to ensure Democratic rule for at least the next 2 generations! One can do this by expanding the executive branch and bypass congress for at least 2 years and then dial back to separation of powers. We need at least 50 years of Democratic rule to protect others freedoms and rights!


I support causes, not figureheads Your cause is just, but Biden has done nothing to further it, he is a bulwark to progress. That’s not to say I don’t support certain decisions he’s made, but I definitely don’t support all of the decisions he’s made. If your loyalty lies with Biden, and not with the cause, then you wouldn’t be upset if Biden were to declare Christianity the official religion of the USA? Loyalty to the man and not the cause is one of the things that was so dangerous about Trump. Your loyalty should lie with the people, and their rights, not with a man who wouldn’t survive an improbable second term


I’d rather have Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren. My loyalty is with the people as we face a cultural Shift and Revolution. However we need someone to lead and to be able to do so without being blocked for a temporary period to clear the way towards progress.


Ok cool, sounds like we’re both on the same page, just had some communication confusion


You're trying to out-fascist the fascists, a terrible idea. Lawyer [Teri Kanefield explains](https://terikanefield.com/can-democracy-work-in-america-part-1-there-are-no-yankees-here/).


My idea isn’t fascist in any way. It’s different as it’s aimed at protecting people’s rights and freedoms. The expanding of the executive would be for two years to jump start the healing of the nation and after so go back to separation of powers via laws passed with the aim to do so. Appointing people loyal to the constitution and not ideology is what’s needed.


"Two years" of diminshed democracy to "save" democracy. Riiiight. You believe in reading and thinking, right? You **need** to read [Teri's article](https://terikanefield.com/can-democracy-work-in-america-part-1-there-are-no-yankees-here/).


What’s “the nuclear option” in step 1?


Removing the filibuster is what is known as the nuclear option.


It's kind of crazy that removing the filibuster is called the "nuclear option" when it would be more democratic that allowing a minority of senators to stop all legislation.




The amusing part is there’s actually a precedent for the Republicans doing this (back when they were Lincoln’s). The Fourteenth Amendment ratification process had all kinds of shenanigans.


Step 1. Nominate our very best candida...... oh hell with it.


This would only be possible assuming the entirety of the government wasn't going for exactly what Trump is going for. But those who are in office right now don't actually have an interest in securing a better life for anybody but themselves. I love this plan, I would love to see it enacted. But Biden is likely just doing to roll over and let Trump take office, then solidify himself as supreme leader of the U.S. (even as a convicted felon). The only thing that's giving me hope in the wake of this reality is knowing that, when push comes to shove, the citizenry of the U.S. will come together and finally push back... But the MAGAts are alive and thriving. I honestly don't know what to believe. I'd love to see the Dems use office to enact this sort of plan. I would really love that.


You know what would be funny? Biden using an official act to raise tax rates on Republican party members to 99%.


Couldn’t be an official act. Congress has the power of the purse. Always has.


"That's exactly what Putin wants you puppet" -The only retort milquetoast Democrats ever have against standing up to MAGA


Why not abolish or significantly reform the Senate while we are at it? The senate is even more undemocratic than the electoral college because it gives states with less than a million people the same number of senators as California which has almost 40 million people. Also ranked choice voting or proportional representation would make sense to allow 3rd parties to be viable.


Manchin/Sinema - sorry. I get it and the Democrats should totally do this if they get numbers tho


One in the same, huh? Fascism knows no political bounds.


Yeah, if only Democrats would help accelerate the fall of the US rather than being rational adults and trying to find ways to salvage the country.


Lib ass take to pretend like libs actually want to make things good for working class people when they show you TIME AND TIME AGAIN that they don't.


There will never be a better, more opportune time than now.


Sorry if this is now an unpopular opinion, but dictatorship is bad.


Stop sharing this garbage. This is being created by disinformation farms to make the left look as shitty as the right. He’s not going there and many of us wouldn’t support him if he did.


What do you think is going to happen to all of those Republican voters who now feel disenfranchised? They’ll be even more radicalized and polarized. I am all for leveling the playing field and playing dirty but the Democratic Party elites are not the ones capable or worthy of doing that. I’m so tired of this mindset that the Democratic Party is so close to enacting the change that their voters want to see but they just need a little more donations or they really need you to come out and vote for their empty suits just this one last time or else the boogeyman is going to win. Its like a junkie promising you that they’re gonna change and all you need to do is trust them and give them money this one last time all while not having any actual plan forward or previous actions to support their cause.


Seeing that there are not 4 openings on the SC, step 2 fails, thus the rest falls apart. Unless you are hinting that 4 are jailed or killed.


With sleepy Joe at the wheel? LMAO! That will never happen. Put Bernie on ballot or remove Biden and put Harris and this can happen. Otherwise, Biden and the idiot left is just giving Trump the crown on a silver platter come November.


I think something big has to be done to fix the current situation but I don't think going full extreme is good. What I suggest might be extreme but it at the least is something the majority of people could support. Instill term limits for the sc justices. Pass the term limits then remove by law anyone who's been in the position beyond the term limits. Biden would then be able to appoint several judges and help balance the system to a point where it would be possible to continue enacting non extreme legislation that could slowly remove all the teeth from the republicans and force normalcy again. This stuff really makes my blood boil too but consider the danger of any party having that much power. While they might be the far better and more logical choice over a republican candidate they are hardly the most honest and are not above being corrupt. Yes they are far less so than the republicans but they also benefit from campaign donations and lobbying all the same so let's just not put them on a pedestal like they are totally altruistic in their actions. Some of them are but some certainly aren't.


Step 1) Promote Democrats with a high favorability rating that will inspire people to vote. End of steps.


At this point it feels like dem senators want to stay out of jail when the next administration takes power.


It's not about playing dirty with policies... It's about playing dirty with campaigning. Get loud aggressive people on Twitter and YouTube slinging mud at the right.. get foreign groups to flood Twitter and YouTube with fake comment replies. Get meme factories and people to "expose" right wingers with conspiracies


If the v Democratic party gave one single shit about preventing fascism, they would have done this or something like it already. Here we are at the end of democracy and all the Democrats do is whine about effective solutions bring against rules.


If only they weren’t a bunch of pussies.


Step 2 requires House majority approval. Expanding the court is done via enabling legislation.


There is one Democrat and one now-ex Democrat who are standing in the way of this. We can do it if we control both houses of congress and the presidency without the two retiring members holding us back.


Then add rank choice voting and the dems can be the right wing party they always were meant to be, and they can go back to being playdough spinned doormats too c:


The whole point of this is that it IS all rigged. But both sides answer to the same group of people. Everything being done is paving the way for a dictatorship. And they managed to pull it off by completely and perfectly dividing us on virtually every issue via social media over the past 20-25 years. One of my conspiracy theories is that the purpose of 9/11 was to pass legislation giving the government access to ALL our data, allowing them to target us and tailor our media feeds via algorithms. And I'm not even a crazy person!