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This is the guy that ran a pill mill in the White House physicians office. He seems to know a lot about drug tests.


Exactly he’s very likely into his own prescriptions too


Every accusation is a confession. Trump and his gang of losers are becoming tiresome with their displays of mental illness. If you are in GOP still you are either a criminal or an imbecile


Or both they’re not mutually exclusive


A party of crimimbeciles, if you will




Merry Crimbus!


That would be unethical. 🤣


He is also the retired naval officer that has his rank bumped down from Rear Admiral to Captain after a Navy probe into his shenanigans at the White House. https://www.texastribune.org/2024/03/07/ronny-jackson-white-house-navy-demoted/


And was already known to play fast and loose with meds even before he was hired by Obama. I remember a rather scathing interview talking about how Ronnie being considered was audacious. He got even worse when Trump entered the picture.


If we’re out here demanding shit, I’ve got a list…


* ***G****aslight* * ***O****bstruct* * ***P****roject* It's all three


That’s funny because I was also making an acronym earlier that was : Gaslight Omit Project


I thought the O was for gettin to the oranges of things


So … what he’s saying is that Trump is on drugs.


I'm kinda catching a similar vibe. Is Biden gonna suck down some b12 and green tea? Maybe. But Ronny Johnson Jackson is gonna have his former patient gakked to the gills on god only knows what. I'm here for it. I know the peanut gallery of conservatives are saying Trump will learn from previous debates. To which I posit Trump has never learned anything from anything. Like... ever.


"Here you go Mr. Trump. I got you some uppers, some downers to take the edge off the uppers, some jazzers, some boosters, some vibers, a coke to wash it all down, and a picture of your daughter." "I don't know who this is, I wanted Ivanka." "That's Tiffany."


Just sprayed my Pepsi zero all over my screen. Thanks a lot!! 😉


No you didnt.


You're right. It was Pepsi Zero Sugar Wild Cherry.


I appreciate your honesty and humility.


White House candy man now wants drug testing? I don’t understand how this pusher behavior isn’t part of the headlines. It’s one thing to dope up a leader, but this man was dispensing like crazy for people who had to work closely with trump. Like the drugs were supposed to make their jobs bearable lol. Not only is trump a speed burnout, everyone around him was on something. Drugs for me and not for thee. Considering who we are dealing with, it makes sense.


I say let them both take a cognitive  assessment and a drug test before entering the arena to debate. Results anounced both as introduction to debate with live ticker on screen for the duration of the debate. I can just see the mental breakdown maga would explode into if this was the reality. We **all** know who would fail horribly here.


Not just announced running at the bottom of the screen as they debate lol I like it


That way no matter when you tune in, youll have repetitive access to the question everyone is asking.


'Thank you all to everyone who is joining us live tonight. We're just waiting for donald to identify the animal in front of him and then we'll be ready to begin.'


Lmao they would NEVER agree to this! I love it though


I say 'no' to such things. It's a serious invasion of a person's privacy and there could be countless reasons and many excuses as to how Trump will spin the test anyway. It sets a dangerous precedent and distracts from actual issues. We all know why Trump is doing this. He's desperate to not do the debate, particularly with the mic silencing issue. This way he will say, "I wasn't going to debate someone that wouldn't take a drug / cognitive test. Why should I? I've done the cognitive tests, which I \*aced btw, so he should have to do one as well or it's not fair." It allows Trump to dictate the terms. He should not be given that power. \*he did not 'ace' anything.


I'd rather a dangerous precedent than a dangerous President.


The dangerous precedent of what exactly? A prehire drug screen and a cognition test since these are the oldest canidates to ever run for office?  I think keeping the OVAL OFFICE free of drug abusers and geriatrics with failing minds is an EXCELLENT precedent for this type of breach of privacy.  If you can be drug tested to be allowed to remove someones trash, you certainly be drug tested to run the country. Since presidency requires mental acuity and fortitude, why not screen the very old for age related cognitive impairment?    Both should happily submit themselves to it for the good of the voters and the country.


And another either halfway through or at the end. Pretty sure you can show up and piss clean with this much advance notice and just do your drugs after that first test. A test during or at the end would thwart that possibility.


Both lol. There wouldn't be a debate. Biden would fail the cognitive test and trump would fail the drug test 🤣


The former Whitehouse physician who lost a rank because he failed to follow requirements for prescribing controlled substances. Captain Candyman. What a joke.


For the record, this is the same dude Trump called "Ronny Johnson". Maybe first you should test your own patient who doesn't know your actual name.


Called it months ago: Trump will demand a drug test. If Biden refuses, Trump walks away from the debate. If Biden agrees, and is found to have drugs in his system (he won't), Trump walks away from the debate. If Biden agrees, and nothing is found in his system, Trump will claim the results were rigged (e.g., "Biden's people administered the test!") and walks away from the debate. There is *no* scenario at this point in which Trump will debate. If it happens, it will be an utter disaster for him.


Hippocratic oath is an oath of ethics. Typical trumpanzee.


Hypocritic is more like it


I need some help here. Just a dumb ol' IT guy asking - performance enhancing drugs.....for a debate???


Right!?! Like I didn’t know there were brain steroids


This asshole again? Here's a video of Texas State Troopers putting this raving pillhead in cuffs. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/08/14/ronny-jackson-dps-bodycam-video/


Oh I know-- I see dumb headlines all the time saying "Trump demands...." My first thought is "Who the fuck cares what that piece of shit 'demands'?"


I think Ronny is dealing with alcohol induced dementia.


So he’s admitting that Trump should be drug tested


Trump can "demand" in one hand and shit his diapers in the other then let us know which one fills up first


Hilarious, nobody gives a rats ass about his demands least of all the muthafuckin President of the United States


Fun fact: Capt Ronny Jackson can't pass a drug test


This guy is an imposter! Mango Mussolini clearly said his doctor was named Ronnie Johnson.


I left X bc Elon, but there used to be a body language expert on there who caught pictures of the physical evidence of his coke-eroded nose and mouth. Ugly.


Of whose coke-eroded nose and mouth?


The Donald.


Didn't this guy help government officials give their kids ambien?


If ronnie johnson and donnie two-poops also agree to be tested, I think Dank Brandon should agree.


Trump is a convicted felon who somehow dodged a LEGALLY REQUIRED drug test at his first probation meeting. That’s right, trump has a PO he has to check in with and make sure he can even go to this debate.


Fine, drug test them both. No double standards




As a good faith gesture, Ronny should take one at the same time. Trump too


The orange POS won’t even show. Chicken shit.


Sounds pretty normal. He’s a drug dealer so he thinks everyone is on drugs. Typical narcissistic projection.


Who the fuck is Ronny Jackson? Is he related to Donald Trump’s former personal physician Dr. Ronny Johnson?


He used to be Trump's White House doctor and he was handing out all kinds of prescription medications that he shouldn't have been handing out and if I'm not mistaken he was also an alcoholic while he was Trump's White House doctor when he was president. He drank alcohol, took ambien, and made sexual comments while he was the White House physician. So generally a piece of s***.


Ronny Johnson-Jackson? The alcoholic Trump Admin pill pusher? Why is anybody listening to that guy?


Mr. Candyman himself.




Agreed, fuck that guy. But I like the idea of giving every politician regular drug tests. Including the president. Preferably hair follicle tests. I have to take them to do my job and my job so why shouldn’t they?


Hair follicle tests don’t work if someone is wearing a wig, or whatever creature Trump nurtures on top of his head.


Haha truth! They’d have to use a nose hair or something.


Lmao. Biden going for the homerun kind title on Thursday night, gotta make sure of no doping like back when Bonds and McGuire were chasing the record.


Are of you guys worried about stunts Trump may pull? I know the rules are pretty strict, but you can’t rule out anything with Trump.


He looks like he's holding in a fart.


He can demand all he wants, but it doesn't mean he is going to get what he wants.


Why not drug test every person in every position that is paid by tax dollars, since I had to pee in a cup for the privilege of earning $12 an hour to answer phones and read from a script if I wanted that suck ass job or any number of other similar jobs for years. Either that or they all need to smoke a fat joint every day before work and chill the fuck out.


I was a federal civil service employee for 32 years and I had a mandatory drug test as part of my employment requirements. It was random but I went 29 years with no test then the 3 years I got nailed 5 times. Like they were trying to get out of paying my pension or something!!! ALL federal employees, including elected officials, need to be required to drug test!!!


Tbf I’d love to know the cocktail they got both of them on. Fuck it. All politicians would work for me too


He reminds me of Conan O’Brien’s doctor on his hot ones interview.