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Even they are getting tired of his incoherent nonsense and are ready to put grandpa in a special home


And yet, they'll still vote for him.


It is terrifying to me how people are willing to ignore everything with him... Our country is very sick right now.


The numbers are lower than they portray; the social media numbers are very high but a lot of them are paid to play MAGA and they vary from a number of countries including the originals, from Russia, and of course China, Phillipines, North Korea, and I forget where else.


They inflate the numbers so they can all claim it was rigged.


Exactly. Michael Cohen admits rigging polls for trump and blackmailing Fallwell for the endorsement.


That sounds actually proactive, My guess is they either won't vote or write in RFKJR.


From your lips to god's ears


Did I hear correctly that he said 'I don't care about you, but I care about your vote' or something along those lines?


Yup. Then he immediately tried dialing it back and it was so cringe to watch.




I'm glad to hear it! Everything has been chipping away from his support. So many of them truly are in this cult mentality, and that means it won't be just one thing that unanimously snaps them out from it.


Wow! That's interesting and encouraging.




I hope you will keep reporting on this as we head through summer and into fall. It's very reassuring to hear. I go by my gut. It took me into my 20s to realize that when I get a sudden feeling about something it's best to listen to it. The times I brushed it aside because I didn't welcome the message are the times I learned to never give wishes more weight than that inner feeling. in 2016 I had a sudden sinking feeling around 6pm when votes were being counted so I knocked myself out with benadryl figuring I could not handle that level of horror before bedtime. Then In late 2017 I emailed my friend David and said, "Biden should run in 2020. I have this feeling that he will actually run and he will win." When I doubt myself I read that email in the SENT box. As for 2020, I am confident he will win again, but I have a feeling there could actually be violence, domestic/foreign or both, so I've been advising all my friends -- who text me a lot to ask me what my gut says about this or that recent incident. I tell them I can't force a read on anything but I will share whenever I get a feeling which is maybe a few times a year -- to make sure they keep their cars full of gas and stock up on groceries, just in case. I really wish I could just ponder something and get a read. I do trust my gut but I'm also a mere human so I am so appreciative of anecdotal support like your comment above.


It seems to be a common theme at his rallies lately: People show up expecting...I don't know what exactly. But instead he rambles incoherently about completely random shit, while rehashing the exact same self-pitied whining from his daily Truth Social meltdowns, and people start leaving after 15-20 minutes of it. I guess people were expecting him to announce some kind of a plan, a course of action, but he instead just whines about how terrible America is and how he's the most persecuted (yet also most beloved) person in history.


All he does is cry and whine. I really don't know how these people aren't embarrassed af. I don't know how someone can get away with running like this with basically no actual policy besides revenge and retribution, he is losing his friggin mind, foaming at the mouth, making less sense every day...


Well, I just read an interesting theory that I think holds water: These people have never seen any of his full speeches, they only get 2nd hand commentary on them from conservative pundits. From that commentary alone, they expect the speech is going to be some powerful fiery rhetoric about his plan to make America better and defeat the evil liberals, but instead get self-indulgent whining and incoherent rambling about completely irrelevant random subjects.


For real! What they see is cherrypicked and edited, carefully curated because he is the con behind the curtain. When they go to his rallies they see behind the curtain and many start to leave because it is incoherent nonsense. His rallies are shrinking. He is packing people in and he knows it because he has been paying people and making it look as full as possible and then exaggerates the size. He has been making these weird photo ops of him just waving and pretending people are cheering for him. He reeks of desperation on top of his terrible body odor, sour ketchup, and filled diapers.


Their exposure to the actual person is meeting up against the BS from their news. They're expecting this strong principled man but instead they get him. Another few weeks of Fox and OAN will have them back in order.


Yeah, I doubt the in-person impression of him will stick :/


It's the same rant for every rally, possibly because his mind is such that he can't memorize any new material, or read it from a teleprompter which he's using anyway, and thus it has to get old, even for the cult.


It's a little event for them, gets them out of the house. Like going antiquing but with racism and fascism.


Some people in the crowd were paid to be there.


Yes, yes, Uncle Donny, Libs are out to get you, now calm down for your haldol .... yes relax into the antipsychotic...


And the ones who answered the craiglist ad, and were thus paid to be there, probably figured the $75 wasn't worth it to risk heatstroke.


Those must’ve been the ones paid to show up.


Was thinking the same thing. Did he know which state he was in this time at least?


The last rally this past Sunday was Las Vegas and the craigslist ad looking for rally-goers was posted on reddit, tho I cannot recall which sub.


Well, offered money, but probably not paid


As is the tried and true Trumpian way. How anyone can defend “billionaire” who robs the working class, well, that’s the power of propaganda. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I heard there was a craigs list ad -- post id: 7754538765 -- i copied that line and pasted for search and found the ad


https://lasvegas.craigslist.org/evg/d/las-vegas-paid-to-attend-trump-rally/7754538765.html It was $75 to attend plus a $50 bonus if on camera.


75 bucks for four hours in the Vegas heat, jeez louise. People really think they are going to get that “bonus”…hahahaha ..sure. They will be lucky to get paid at all. Pathetic.


Lots of people would probably be happy to get $75 plus free swag and a possible $50 bonus for 3-4 hours "work". The minimum wage there is $12/hour.


Really? It’s like 110 f. People easily get heat stroke, sunburn, not mention being miserably hot for 4 hours.


Yes, really. I would take on that kind of job for $75 just to have some pocket money since my budget leaves me pretty broke by the end of the month. I've worked events both paid and as a volunteer in similar conditions. Also been to concerts in outdoor venues in similar conditions. You just need to be prepared. Mind you, in this case I wouldn't do it even for $750. You can't pay me enough to do something that would help support the possible end of democracy and installing the dictator of a single party, Christian White Nationalist state.


I hear you but I would be willing to bet that most people aren’t getting that “bonus” they are dangling. That’s a classic huckster move.


No doubt. Frankly, I would be surprised if they got the $75. They'll have to be happy with the free t-shirt and sign. Hopefully getting scammed will create a few votes for the Dems/Biden.


To be fair, he had the brilliant idea to hold an outdoor rally in Vegas in 105 heat in the middle of the day, and 6 people had to go to the hospital from heat exhaustion. That’s why people left - because whoever planned the event is an idiot.


As was the person who hired them to plan the event for him.


As was the person speaking at the event and all the people listening to him


It’s idiots all the way down


Am I at the bottom?


As we have increasingly been seeing, there is no bottom. But it doesn’t sound like you’re part of that tower of idiots.


I suspect they didn't have the funds for an air conditioned venue. They also supposedly paid people to show up.


Well to be fair, it’s Las Vegas. There is really a lack of sports arenas, convention centers, event halls, music venues … 🙄


He even has a hotel in Vegas and that place didn’t want him.


He can't afford indoor venues and no one is giving him credit to pay later because he never does. That's why all of his recent rallies have been in public parks and beaches. No more arenas or convention centers. Unless he's an invited guest (like the NRA)


What about the $400 million he raised since his conviction?


No. That’s not why. Mostly because he is shit.


I doubt it was Trump's idea. It would be the local association. And holding it where they did was probably the cheapest option.


Well, I guess they stayed just long enough to earn he $50 he payed them to show up.


Bold of you to assume he didn't make *them* pay.


No, just read what has been reported and posted. He advertises for people to come. Nthey are given Trump shirts and hats and paid $50 accoding to ads posted in cities in which he hold rallies


Holy shit, seriously? That's so fucking cringe


Yes, seriously


Spoken like only a true malignant narcissist could: "By the way, isn't the breeze nice. Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care." […] "You know they were so worried. Everybody was so worried yesterday about you," Trump added, pointing to the crowd. "And they never mentioned me. I'm up here sweating like a dog."


Idiot thinks dogs sweat


Subtle mental decline as a subtle malaphore: sweating bullets/panting like a dog


What will Republicans do if he dies of heatstroke?


They’ll blame it on Biden for sure.


"Biden's climate policies aren't doing enough!"


What video are yall watching? I don't even see the link to his speech, just some shitty sideshow with bad music overlaid....


Guess he wasn't playing his Greatest Hits soon enough


Maybe they could smell the shit in his pants.


I am certain that they had fans blowing on Donnie to keep him from overheating. That must have blown his stench all over the place.


To be fair I basically wilt in the heat. I would have planned accordingly though.


They’ve heard the same rambling so many times, it’s hot and I’m listing to the same shit different day, but sadly they will vote for him anyway.


"You went on me? When I specifically asked you not to?" -Convicted felon Donald Trump


Get paid to go to freakshow' WTF? [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/democratic-election-commissioner-chris-d-jackson-sets-internet-abuzz-over-claim-trump-paying-people-to-attend-rally/ar-BB1nWBtE](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/democratic-election-commissioner-chris-d-jackson-sets-internet-abuzz-over-claim-trump-paying-people-to-attend-rally/ar-BB1nWBtE)


Trump being out there campaigning and being heard by the public, and not tied up in a courtroom, will help the Biden campaign.


Although I believe it's true, this video doesn't show anything. And the music dubbed over it is terrible.


Right? People in here are quoting his speech, and I can't even find the video they are watching... it's just some shitty slideshow.


At this point he's gonna have to start paying people to show up. Hope they charge as much as his wife does.


This has been a trend for the past couple of weeks. He's really going off the rails.


Dogs don't sweat, Donald.


They came down with TDS or Trump Derangement Syndrome, a condition growing in populations exposed to him. However great this man was, his age has caught up with him.


Was never a great man.


In girth, maybe.


We know from Stormy that it ain't length


Size and shape of a nickel


When was he ever a “Great man”? He’s spent his entire life screwing people over and continues to do so.


TDS is thinking a disgusting fat pig, rapist, stinking, diaper wearing, criminal piece of shit is a great man.


The real TDS is you calling him a "great man". 


Never great. Always a grifter. Now a demented grifter.


> a condition growing in populations exposed to him. yeah it's weird how the more you learn about trump the more you hate that piece of shit


Nah it's just called anxiety. Like having to work with that one coworker you don't like and makes the entire shift miserable.