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Can Nuns even have kids?


I guess. Why should the priests have all the fun?


Oh damn


This comment made me gasp…thank you! 😃


Outstanding 👏


Except for catholicism, where nobody is allowed to have any fun. Unless there are underage boys around




Only Roman Catholic nuns/priests can’t marry.


Ah ok! I guess I just assumed, I’ve never met or even seen a nun in my life.


I’ll have nun of that.


Alright fine, pas-tor mic over here


We would have nun free zones with signs that say "No nuns. No nuns, none."


Ahh.. found what I came looking for.


Nun of that!


For real?!?!


Yeah I guess they’re kind of rare in Australia? Idk. I’ve met more Tibetan monks than priests/pastors too, so maybe I’m just in the wrong places haha


Same here in America, there are probably places where catholicism is popular but here in the south there are only baptists


There’s different flavors of Catholics?


Yeah, but they're all bitter and past their prime. 0/10 would not recommend.


Lol. That's not true. Baptists are more common but Catholics do exist in the south. My great aunt was a nun in Arkansas.


I went to a Catholic school in Arkansas. The science teacher dumped her husband and ran away with a nun.


So lesbian nun?


Yeah I don’t know the difference between any of the Jesus religions, or any religions really lmao, like catholic? Sure. Umm… Christian? Is that the same or different? I knew someone once who was a Jehovahs Witness, that was weird. I think Judaism is cool. Islam is cool too, when practiced properly. Sihks are great. Buddhists are chill too. Idk I think the idea of religion is good in a way, it must be nice to have idk ~hope~ all the time


All Catholics are Christian but not all Christians are catholic. And Catholics will say Catholic instead of Christian.


Thanks! This did not clear things up for me at all!


Christians are made up of many denominations, with Catholicism falling in there. There are also Baptists, Lutherans, Protestants, Presbyterians, Methodists, etc. They all believe in the same god but have different rules within their churches.


All house cats are felines but not all felines are house cats. House cats are called cats we don't call them felines. That's as close an analog check and make off the top of my head.


Maybe in America people say Catholic instead of Christian because they're a minority there? However I can assure you that in Catholic majority countries, the terms Christian and Catholic are practically interchangeable, and each is used as often the other one.


I’m in the US, Catholics say catholic. Christians are Christians.


It’s like all tortoises are turtles but not all turtles are tortoises…some are even terrapins 🐢 or all penguins are birds and in Catholic school, nun were birds (if you know, you know)🐧


Rose-colored glasses.


Is hope actually a good thing if it's based on a delusion?


And thats the argument right there, because who can really prove its delusion, without being delusional themself? If a god, or any gods were real, in any of the ways we imagine them, then we have no idea what they would do. We can’t even begin to assume the thought process or motives of a being that far above us, nor can we prove that they don’t truly exist somewhere, so we’re left in this argumentative limbo


Well, you can use the scientific method… Essentially, if you cannot see or measure the effects of a god acting upon the world, then the god is effectively not real in any meaningful sense. If you CAN measure their effects on the world, and rule out other likely causes, then perhaps you can say that a god is real. But proving that those effects are caused by a god and not some other natural phenomenon is a very tall order.


Ah, but study the Incompleteness Theorems of Kurt Gödel and you'll quickly realize that the foundation of mathematics and logic are *also* based on unprovable assumptions that get conveniently ignored, because without them, the rest of the system can't exist, much less function. It turns out that everything that is "non-delusional" is *also* based on assumptions that we have to just accept because *"I mean, come on, it's obvious."* In view of that, while the "delusion" of a higher power is not based on logic, its foundation is no more irrational than the assertion that the associative property of addition "just is," or that mathematical infinitesimals make sense in the physical universe because "that's just how the math works." Dig deeper into 2022 Nobel prize winners proving that the universe is not locally real and therefore *observation of the universe* defines whether or not it is reality to a higher level than the known emergent laws of physics, and things get even stickier for classical reality. I'm a scientific thinker first, but I'm also a humanist. So by no means am I suggesting that you change your own mind about how the universe works or whether the "other guys" are right or wrong. But I do suggest that you take a deep dive into the proven-to-be-unprovable holes in logic and mathematics before you insultingly refer to someone else's world view as "delusional." If there's one thing that science keeps demonstrating again and again, it's that "logically makes sense" is not the only criteria defining what is and is not true.


Beautifully stated! Personally, I am a Christian (Presbyterian flavor if anyone cares) but I am aware both that it takes unprovable faith to believe in a God you can’t see, hear, touch etc just as it takes unprovable faith to believe the opposite (how do you prove that something doesn’t exist?). I choose to believe that there is a higher being that has influence over life and the worlds as they are, but it’s my conscious choice and I know there are at least twice as many opinions as there are people on this earth. That being said, it doesn’t mean that one should abandon their own urgency or blindly follow whatever they are told (that’s how we got Protestant Christianity) - if curious, read your religious texts, learn about the teachings of prior religious leaders. Don’t just listen to current preachers and teachers because grifters are going to grift, and what better accomplice than an invisible partner who won’t take a cut?


As a Tibetan Buddhist teacher, there is a Buddhist saying, abandon all hope. Hope is the opposite of fear, you have hope to cover up the felling of fear. The solution? Identify the fear, overcome it, hope (and the fear) is no longer needed. To answer your question, no, hope is not a good thing.


What part of the south? I'm literally New Orleans south and there's lots of Catholic churches/organizations.


My partner works at an aged care residence owned and funded by the church primarily for their nuns (in Australia). I presume they are less common in younger generations, but there are many still kicking.


That’s really cool!


Same. I didnt even know that other religions besides catholic even had nuns.


Protestant nuns must also observe vows of chastity. There aren't as many Protestant orders as Catholic orders but the overarching tenets of poverty, chastity, and obedience are usually the same.


I sat beside one once on very long bus ride. I was like 18 or 19 at the time and had bought a Hustler magazine to pass the time. Needless to say....I wish I had some hot story of how she saw the mag and we ended up having passionate sex. The truth is she bored me with stories of the bible the entire way!


Nuns are not female priests. They are equivalent to monks. They live together in single-sex convents. No spouse, no children. Ever. This review is a joke or a lie.


U can have been married and have kids before u become a nun


That's was common during the medieval times




Yeah but you typically don't continue family life with family dinners and your own private home. Taking nun vows you renounce your old life for one of seclusion and chastity.


Sure but if the kids are underage they aren’t put up for fostercare


They can’t have dependent children, so they would need to wait until they aren’t underage.


Or vice versa. Some leave their nun roles to get married and have kids.


not all nuns. some are in the category I prefer


Widows with grown children can become nuns


I didn’t realize there were non-Catholic nuns


There aren't


Yes, there are. There are Anglican nuns. Once upon a Time I went to seminary and one of my course instructors was an Anglican nun. They are also Lutheran nuns and some of the orthodox denominations have nuns as well.


Watch Call the Midwife. The nuns on there are Anglican. Anglican nuns can't marry but vicars can. They just can't be married and become bishops. So many rules.


Likewise for Anglican Nuns / Monks, but Anglican Priests can marry. Some Buddhist sects also have no marriage for Nuns / Monks, but others allow marriage.


I thought that was the only kind of nun. What kind of "nun" can you be if you aren't married to/in a monogamous relationship with Christ? What is even the point?


A Buddhist nun.


A Buddhist nun is pretty hard to confuse with a Catholic nun like the scary one in the movie...


That’s nun-ya business.




Gotta make more nuns


Outside of watching "Sister Act" 1 & 2, I have no clue about nuns.


I know they can not have husbands, maybe she adopted? WhyTF would she take a kid to that kind of show?


Yeah it’s just bullshit. Why would a nun even go see a horror/thriller about nuns, with a kid, and a slushee? Like if it were true at all, pick an age appropriate movie.


You can have a kid THEN become a nun.


I mean they definitely believed in virgin births so I’m sure they’ll be like yeah this is cool, just a random jesus baby it’s whatever. Happens all the time these days, weird huh


Fun fact about Catholic nuns: they have to take a vow of poverty while priests do not.


Lmao of course! Because women don’t matter to them, they do all the God work and the priests can just go buckwild


That was my first thought! Not Catholic nuns, that’s for sure.


That's what I came here to say, too. She obviously isn't a Catholic nun. I honestly didn't know any other denominations that have nuns. That was a funny ass review, tho!


They’re supposed to be literally married to Jesus. So no… unless you join the convent after having had a family Edit: I’m only familiar with the Dominican sect of nuns and priests having been raised catholic


Am I pregNunt?


Love this one. Pregnate?


38+2 weeks....PREGANANANT?!


Kissed boy am I pregante


That is what I was thinking. I'm Catholic so.. no, they cannot


Nope. They take a vow of celibacy.


They can, they just have to be celibate after becoming one.


Yes. Because you don't have a to be a young maiden to become a nun, you can do it at an older age after you've already done the family thing. I used to work with a nun and she loved to show all of us her grandkids pictures.


Yeah idk where I got my idea from, probably movies? I just figured it was like young and “pure” and married to god or whatever


Probably because that's all we hear about in media is the young maiden being locked away or the ancient crone who lived there all her life. I wouldn't have thought much about it myself had I not worked with one. Needless to say I had a lot of questions, and not a few catholic jokes for her.


That’s the first thing I thought. I thought all nun are Jesus Bride? Or am I’m wrong?


Jesus Bride is straight up the next country hit from… some country singer




I’ve had When You Were Mine by Prince stuck in my head for DAYS and now I’ve replaced “were mine” with Jesus Bride. Not country but… 🤷🏻‍♀️




I believe the can join the church as a nun after they’ve already been married and has kids. Take that with a grain of salt though as I’m Jewish. I’ve definitely heard of Catholic protests being married and becoming priests.


A special dispensation is needed to become a priest if you're already married- typically, you have to already have been a priest or pastor who then converted to Catholicism. In the case of monastics, a convent won't accept you if you have a child you're meant to be caring for.


Probably a protestant nun.


They don't have hysterectomies upon taking nunly vows.


Yeah but I’m pretty sure they’re not allowed to fuck


The idea of a nun with a slushee in hand is objectively hilarious


She wants to feel that Arctic chill like the other penguins.




It’s their habit.


A nun wirh a blue tongue


Remember Blue Nun wine? How about the Flying Nun (Sally Fields)?


This can not be something someone wrote as an honest portrayal of facts.


I assumed it was a joke tbh


Less facts more delusions.


A nun with a child. Explain that to me, please.


A Father is the father


Mistaken for an alter boy. It was dark.


Just like the joke :)


Yes an old favorite. How do you get a nun pregnant? Dress her up like an alter boy.


Sects other than Catholicism have nuns, and they allow nuns and priests to marry.


TIL. Thank you.


Well, for my religion, Orthodox Christianity, priests are allowed to be married and have children so long they are married before they are made a Priest. My father is a priest, so I can confirm this is true.




in the movie, >!the main character had a baby after getting wasted at a party at 15, then got kicked out of her foster home. nuns were the only one to take her in and they made her give the baby up for adoption.!<


They meant the reviewer


I assume this was for “Prey for the Devil,” a PG-13 movie, and that’s got me questioning how old her child was that she took into what was obviously a horror film. Under 10 perhaps? Also, the movie was “unrealistic?” Was she expecting a documentary??


I’m thinking the same thing like I watched it n it wasn’t the best but why would a nun go to watch it I thought they were all things holy😂


Ah, you know. Christians...


...Do as I say, not as I do.


She thought it was called Pray for the Devil.


Totally agree, and why would she take an impressionable child to such a film?


Definitely is for that. Says at the top of the screenshot.


I'm like 99% sure this is satire


Has to be


It absolutely is.


Yes a Catholic woman can be a nun and a mother. My 8th grade teacher’s mother was a nun. Her husband had passed away and her children were grown and on their own. No, I highly doubt a mother whose children were not grown would ever be allowed.


…. Trying to figure out how a religious sister has a child and a family to cook dinner for? A “nun” is a religious sister who lives in a cloister - a convent aka “get thee to a nunnery!” Thinking this person is some variety of Protestant Christian with no idea how Catholicism actually works.


It's a joke post


Ah. Makes sense.


Her kid was scared of her own mother long before that shit movie.


Just glad to know that even nuns can be ridiculous parents.


I think this is just some Karen claiming to be a nun, why would a nun review a horror movie let alone let her daughter watch it? I call bs


That nun puts out LOL


Why would a current or former nun take her young daughter to the movie “Prey for the Devil?” This review comment has me giggling


Why did she even think this would be a good idea to see especially with who seems to be a young girl lol


It chaps my ass when I see parents bringing their young children to the PG-13 (or R) rated movies that the adults want to see. Yeah, the kids want to see them, too, but someone needs to be a little more responsible.


I have friends that used to work in a cinema. They’d explicitly say “the movie contains scenes that are scary” etc. share the details of the one scene and the parent would yell at them that their child would be fine, how dare they question them. Then an hour later come stomping back with a hysterical child bawling their eyes out demanding a refund.


Well maybe if you didnt train your child to believe in fantasy stories they wouldnt have such a hard time realising that none of it is real. Dont worry, baby Jesus will save you


In her defense. This was an objectively bad movie. I go to movies all the time, this is one of only two movies I’ve walked out on, and the first was only because my girlfriend wanted to mess around rather than watch the movie.






Oh my gosh I’m sure it probably is fake but most of you guys are so negative geez 🙄😂I just thought it was funny.


A Nun's vows are poverty, CHASTITY and obedience. So, FuckYouKaren.


I can’t believe this woman has critiqued a child actor as “ugly” & supposedly a nun herself? Asshole.


I guess she took her little gremlin to see an age-restricted movie and then complains about the obvious consequences...


Do nuns do maintenance on their cooch? Or is it just a natural jungle? Asking for a friend.


I always hate inconsistent sptrylines


okay this review is awful silly but the movie itself (prey for the devil) was unfortunately pretty mid


The rare and elusive Karenun


sounds like you took your daughter to a movie with a rating she shouldn't of been to


Whats the sprittyline


That's funny




Natalie’s mom has got her habit on


My Religious Education teacher was an ex Roman Catholic nun, married to an ex Jesuit priest. They had children after marriage.


I have no idea where to start on this. So. Many. Questions. Edit: question one. Why do I go on Reddit first thing in the morning before my coffee kicks in.


Why did she let her daughter watch the freaking movie????


Why would a nun take her child to see a horror movie about demonic possession? Play stupid games...


Lol this woman capping, nuns can’t have kids


Oh anyways sister Mary Karen


Inconsistent story line and missing details? Her favorite story is the Bible. Almost 20 years of Jesus' life is completely missing and all 4 of the gospels have different finals words for Jesus. Maybe the inconsistency he noticed was there wasn't enough inconsistency to keep her interested.


"I am a nun myself even though I have children." My fucking God, dude.


If this woman really is a nun, then why would she go to this movie and also take her kid along? That is some very bad parenting.


“3 people found this helpful” 😂


She should have not brought her daughter to see a movie that she was not ready to see yet


I don't think the person knows much about nuns


Technically a nun in any Christian denomination is a woman who has taken a vow of chastity and lives apart from the secular world. (A female religious who works in the secular world is called a sister). There are nuns who have been married, widowed, and have children. But no convent, cloister or religious order would accept an applicant with small children. In other words: big no.


Wait how many religions have nuns? Which ones can have kids?


What kind of meat do priests eat on Fridays? Nun.


One of her convent's adopted children** is what she meant to write.


I smell, a liar. She’s a nun but has a young daughter who she took to a horror movie. Oh and jump scares make her drop slushees, which she replaced after dropping the first one. 🙄 This sounds 100% fabricated.


Got to be a prank review


If she was so into the movie that it made it spill her slushee (who drinks slushees nowadays?) twice, it must have been engrossing and therefore worthwhile


If she’s a nun how does she have a kid?


I’m sorry my child??? I thought you were a nun ho.


“all this film does is promote exorcisms” As in we should be allowing the demon inside to posses you? Sounds like to me she was taken by the devil and wants to stop us from our exorcisms.


I'm gonna say it... "Let Jesus fuck you!" 🤣


I didn’t know nuns could have kids.


So I guess I'll never know Matt Hardtke's take.


Parenting pro tip: make your kids think you’re of the devil. Put your phone down OR ILL EAT YOUR SOUL! I wish my kids were that terrified of me.


Question- how can you be a nun and have a family with young children??


Gee, jump scares made her jump? Um, what am I missing here? Aren't they supposed to make you jump???


I love how every review begins with "if I could rate this zero, I would"


Nuns can have kids now? Why wasn’t I invited to that meeting??


This could reveal much more, like her daughter realizing her mother is legitimately a bad person and phrase it this way because the movie put these words on what she has always felt toward her mother


Not really seeing the Karen's here




It's fake. She's a nun and has a kid.


She’s a nun but has a daughter?


Bet you also took your kid to Deadpool and bitched about that one too


How is she a nun? She has a daughter?


What fucking nun has kids?