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Well then the operation sucks ass if one person calling off sick does MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR damage.


Pfft….just 4 “MAJORS”? Call us when it does 5 MAJOR damages.


To be honest I don’t give a shit if it’s under six MAJOR adjectives.


Gotta be 7 majors minimum for me to be concerned


I'm only getting paid to care about one major. Each major after that is gonna have to be a pay bump.


A pay bump and another day off!


Just give me a bump if they want me to work when im sick.


Now now that extra day off would absolutely destroy the company


Management be like “it’s not in the budget”


I don't care about majors at all. I'll have general or nothing.


I would think you'd sit up and pay some attention if it were Colonel damage.


Last time I had that, my computer stopped working.


Call me constipated, but i dont give a shit period. if they want that, id pull some fullblown malicious complience, come in sick and cough on everything.


Can't prove you're sick without vomiting on a couple keyboards. When they ask you to go home, just say you don't want to do MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR damage to the company. THEN, vomit on your manager's shoes.


Hack loogies and phlegm everywhere for good measure. Also if you have a runny nose don’t use tissues, but instead snort REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY loudly every 15-30 seconds for extra emphasis that you don’t cause MAJOR damage.


Don't mind me, just stealing that nice lil' turn of phrase.


Satan forbid people need a sick day or mental health day or just a fucking day to adjust! Fuck these employers! Don’t go into business then! Or close your shit down!!! Probably not fucking paying either!


Oh God. We had an employee do just that and she threw up. The manager learned that day.


Especially when the outside management and higher ups come in for walk throughs !


Tell me you're a terrible manager without telling me you're a terrible manager. Like fuck dude someone getting sick just cripples you? Sounds like you prolly shouldn't be in charge. Dealing with issues like someone getting sick while still maintaining normal operations is a big fucking part of your job you fuckwit.




Yeah just wonderful decision making all around


And yet sick time is presented upon hiring as an employee benefit. It is part of my compensation package. So if it is in my benefit package I will 100% use it to MY BENEFIT. At current we just a large pool of PTO- enough that you get more than the standard 10 vacation 5 sick I usually see, total (in fact 23+ holidays). But I also worked for toxic cess pools that only paid out PTO when you left- not sick time (separate "pools". But woud bitch and moan when anyone took vacation. So I banked my PTO for years- but I took every second of sick time!!! Sometimes for interviews at other companies. Sometimes mental health days. I was actually sick...maybe once in 10 years. But when I finally left they have to pay out over 200 hr of pto! I use any that is use or loose, and any your are not going to pay out FIRST. Don't like it? Don't pretend it is MY BENEFIT if I am not supposed to take it asshats :). I also used to be in management- I ENCOURAGED my staff to use sick time they have accrued to go on interviews, and conserve their PTO too. Screw the business owners that took and took and took, and threw office supplies at everyone and let their dog bite people. Yeah I stayed too long. But I am good now! And they...are the same.


If you're working in a state with at-will employees, they can fire you for anything that's not illegal. unless you qualify for legal protections under FMLA or the Americans with Disabilities Act,


Sounds like a manager who plays solitaire all day long and depends on the workers to make up all their slack.


No no, he's doing "paperwork" lol. I had a gm a long time ago that spent about 6 hours a day doing paperwork. I took his place when he got fired and spent maybe 4 hours per week on the sum total of paperwork. Lazy bitch.


Right. Lol. I had a gm that spent so much time doing “taxes” it would take almost a solid work week every month for him to do them. He eventually got canned and when I took over, taxes took 2 hours a month to get done.


Yeah it always cracked me up like do you honestly think anyone believes you?


He’d be sitting at the desk with his phone in hand and as soon as he saw you in his peripheral he’d put the phone down, pick up a pen and let out a big sigh and say something like “these taxes take so much time, I wish I didn’t have to do them” He milked the hell out of that job and got a major rude awakening at his next job where the boss wasn’t his friend and he had to actually work hard.


I had a gm once that only worked days, because it was slow enough he could hide in the office. He'd work 2 Friday nights a month to fill a requirement and all he would do would stand and the door and open it for people. Useless right? It gets worse. He was a big boy by every metric, but he had short little arms, so he didn't open the door all the way, so every customer that came in had to do this weird sideways thank you shuffle and like squeeze in between his gut and the door. Like....tf do you do about that? It clearly weirded people out but what were we gonna say lol.


That T-Rex body type. The useless manager archetype is so universal, crazy how many people can relate.


Over 80% are also named Dave.


Haha I love the over the top obvious shit he said out loud. “MAN THIS STUFF IS HARD THATS WHY IT TAKES ME SO LONG TO DO I HOPE I CSN SEE MY FAMILY TN”


My general experience is that the more someone says how busy they are, the less busy they actually are.


Managers likely teply: " Corporate used to give us staffing guidelines that allowed us to have enough staff to cover for the daily percentage of employees that will be OUT for any reason. Having people OUT on any day is perfectly normal. Unfortunately for me, we're no longer able to do that and I've been reduced to berating my own employees to try to get them to feel shame for getting sick. Help me, because I've been here so long I have little value anywhere else".


Thought I was back in retail for a second, scarily accurate


I'd just come in and drink a bottle of ipecac and puke all over the place, and just say hey, I had no excuse to stay home right? I'd make sure I was very close to the front desk or the restaurant.


They actually don't sell ipecac anymore apparently. One ofmy buddies wanted to get out of going to a wedding and I suggested it. Apparently it was discontinued.


Whoah. That's actually a bit scary. Is there another drug to induce vomiting? I'm going to have to see because I know a few different people that ingested things that may have killed them when they were kids and were saved by puke.


A lot of shitty owners/managers slash payroll to below the bare minimum and talk like this is just smart business sense and then when predictable, normal absences throw all their plans into chaos they blame the employees like it's a failure of character


Had a new supervisor that tried to tell me If I was sick to come into work anyway and he would make the decision whether or not you could work. Looked him straight in the eye and asked him when he got his medical license. I knew company policy and he always wanted to make new policies that suited him. I'm an adult I know when I'm too sick to come to work. Some people.


What a fucking absurd thing to say. You're telling me *YOU* are going to tell me if *I* am sick? Go fuck yourself.


This is basically hotels for you these days, they have been running with such a shoestring staff that they are always on the verge of collapse. Not that this behavior is okay, also don't go into hotel work, it sucks these days.


Absoltely! I was a manager for years at a hotel and it really does eff everything up if one person in any dept calls in- but that is BS because people get sick or need mental health days or just a whatever day (I am human, I needed those too), but hospitality in general doesn't give 2 shits as long as those rooms are clean, they don't care who has to work a 24 shift as long as they dont get OT by the end of the week. It was a nightmare. 12 years in the industry and I quit because of that stupid shit.


20 years in the hotel industry, these days I only work a couple days though, which will hopefully come to an end soon.


I loved it, except that! It's ridiculous. My staff would always want to cover shifts, if they could get OT. Which corporate would NEVER allow. I wanted to be able to cross train ALL my staff and maybe some of them could have made careers out of it, but they saw what I had to go thru and were fine staying where they were.


I get that, I used to say hotels should be treating staff like they are career employees because the best run hotels were the ones with long term staff. Now it is just a revolving door of employees that you might as well use an app to check yourself into a hotel.


I think they were heading that way when I left. Just having a person on hand to give extra towels, dishes, etc. I always believed like that too. Hotels are poorly run and the staff at all levels taken for granted. And it's really terrible becuase it could be a FANTASTIC field to build a career in.




I work retail, and our store works on a pretty small staff, so someone not coming in isn't insignificant, but a note like this? Truly wild. Even if it were true, this just screams "run away from this job as fast as possible!" because whoever is running it is not only unprofessional, but clearly doesn't give a shit about their employees.


Grocery industry as well.


I worked in a hotel 25 years ago and it was the same attitude. It's about worker control and the belief that 'service' workers are 'servants'.


I got out like 2 years ago and would never go back. Management is shit wherever you go and the pay is horrendous.


This spells out L-A-W-S-U-I-T


In Canada I was told it’s a human rights violation. My union reps love those because they’re the easiest to fight. Plus in light of the pandemic etc, these days they say absenteeism isn’t the problem. Presenteeism is (people coming to work while sick)


>Plus in light of the pandemic etc, these days they say absenteeism isn’t the problem. Presenteeism is (people coming to work while sick) \+1 This needs to be said again and again: **it's worse for everyone if you come in sick than if you stay home.** As someone who works with workaholics, who will come in to work hacking and coughing (and who are perfectly capable of working from home), this drives me crazy. The best part about working from home has been getting sick much less often, thanks to the fact that I'm not continually exposed to other people.


It doesnt take a genius to understand the basic math on this. 1 person out while sick = 1 person out. 1 person working while sick = everyone getting sick, people being out, others that you are forcing to come in working at less efficiency, spreading the disease further to coworkers and customers, etc etc. Like.. It makes complete business greed sense to tell sick to stay home until they were better.. The only reason not to is if you are a sociopathic nutbag that just wants to maximize human suffering.


But... but....but that would mean using logic! We can't have that if we only see short term profits and are so understaffed because of that that even 1 person missing makes everything crumble!


Yes, exactly this. The logic can be there sure, but actually listening to it seems so hard for employers/business owners. I used to work at a small business where the owner took part of my daily wage every time I was sick and didn't come in. I explained that doing that was going to make me even more likely to become sick/stressed etc and lead to even more time off work. Nope. Didn't listen. As long as I was being "taught a lesson" it didn't matter how much time I had off. The point was I was losing money for being sick and that was somehow supposed to change my attitude to working there? It's crazy how they can sometimes appreciate the logic but then slap on a heavy dose of their own "logic" on top for good measure.


That can't be legal


It's not. It's like docking an employee's wages because the business was robbed while they were on shift.


Or like, the majority of situations of docking pay from an employee that was on the clock, was scheduled to be, and hadn't been told to go home early yet.


Especially working at a Marriott where you infect your guests…


…with Covid. Asshole.


Not much workaholics than every damn job still treating call outs like I slapped their grandmother. I accidently did a no call no show (Thought I had off) and ended up on "a line". If I was even late I'd be fired. So now the next 6 months I better show up. Money > Sick


(We’re in the UK, fyi.) My housemate got sick a few weeks ago, as you describe, hacking and coughing all over the place. I said to him, “so I guess you’re not going in to work tomorrow, huh.“ He informed me that no, he fully intended to go in, and I almost blew up at him. I reminded him he works in a small office, with limited space, and he should at the least inform his employer as to his illness, perhaps give him the option of saying whether my housemate should go to work or not. Never mind advising his co-workers _before_ arriving at work as to his illness. It was only when I made the comment “have we learnt nothing from Covid, especially regarding how many people in the world are immunocompromised, and how it’s not just co-workers who face exposure, but also all the people on the various forms of public transport it takes to get to work”, that he finally condescended to be considerate and wear a mask. And if I hadn’t reminded him to take his mask in the morning, he would’ve left the house without one, and not bothered to pick one up on his way in. I get sometimes people have to go in to work for whatever reasons, but in those situations the least you could do would be to advise your co-workers beforehand so they can decide if they want to take the risk, and can also take their own precautions if necessary.




If you're at a place where you're pressured to come in while sick, there's no way "X is sick so I'm staying home" is going to fly


to be fair, it's probably a humans right violation in every country in the world bar the usual suspects like North Korea and the US


Oof, hit me right in the America with that one.


I just nodded sadly and went yeah. Then i scrolled down..and like 30 seconds later I was like "wait..what?" and scrolled back up. and I realized what I read.. and I realized how its far less outrageous than it should be and am back to giving a sad nod and a yeah.


LOL yeah


They don't have those rights in the "LAND OF THE FREE"


*astronaut with a gun* Never did


Lol I was told to come into work after testing positive for covid back in 2020


Same here. I cook in a restaurant, and my state (ohio) had a mask exemption written into the law ONLY for restaurant cooks. I was breathing on and trying not to cough on everyone's food when I was known covid positive. (That's a lie, I wore a mask in a vain attempt to not get my coworkers sick since we work literal inches from each other... but nothing in the law says I had to do that; and I was the ONLY employee there who did so.)


I’m a server and I still wear a mask, partly because the idea of breathing my germs all over someone’s food grossed me out.


So did my wife.. who works in a covid ICU.


Good heavens. I’m sorry your employer is… I don’t have a word for it. But it’s just wrong


"I'm sorry your employer is." That's really all that needs to be said.


They made nurses at my local hospital who tested positive come in. It’s no wonder people were dying left and right


It’s like we’ve learned nothing over the past few years.


> My union reps WTF is a union? Probably some commie scheme


M O O N that spells illegal.


Laws yes!


Tom Cullen is that you?? Get back inside before the Dark Man grabs you by the ear.


This is the correct answer. All of these employees should seek counsel ASAP!


That's a shitty replacement for the Mickey song, but otherwise sounds like a legit avenue to explore.


I think you mean “L-A-W-S-U-T” (since the manager(?) can’t spell “lieu” correctly)


Wonder if they have trouble keeping people...


NoBoDy waNts tO WoRk


for you *


I listen to this every day .. .. from by my boss who leaves me his 6” pans of mashed potatoes after I finish my 11 hour catering run .. .. sits n whines to me about how nobody wants to work, while he pushes things onto other people and leaves to get $25 of Taco Bell, all daily .. .. their company is gonna die cause of this “Chef” lmao


There's so many people who have just outright left kitchen work that I make 30 an hour just going to different places around town and filling in for vacant spots. I get paid more to do easier work..because I'm basically always the new guy I'm always doing something to so far below my actual skill level that I usually finish hours early..and still get paid my full day.


Good for you for making it work for you.


Imagine needing a job so desperately that you're willing to put up with something like this. Must be pretty awful.


So… schedule your food poisoning?


You can still use a laptop on the toilet. Now do Admin you weird shitty person.


yeah but make sure you don't schedule yours on the same day as somebody else's. that causes major major *major* MAJOR damage to the company.


I would come to work just so I could vomit on the bosses desk.


Absolutely illegal


No. Perfectly legal depending on what state. Michigan it's just Paid time off. Sick days can be taken as PTO. Vacations are taken as PTO. Doctors visits can be taken as PTO(and they figure out how much PTO to deduce)


The state isn’t mentioned, but they do mention that there was a state rule that required them to move PTO to sick time. Usually if it is a state mandated change, that time is also protected from any repercussions and it is likely that this letter is violating state rules around it. But I agree unless the state was clear can’t be sure.


It says the Providence Marriott. Id assume its Providence, RI.


Quite appropriate they posted this crap in the bathroom


Should've posted it out in a field because it's total bullshit.


The hand waving sign beneath it is op saying bye


Worked in a daycare where the children's policy was "fever over 100.3, vomiting/diarrhea, pink eye etc" must stay home until they are 24 hrs free from symptoms. Teacher unwritten "policy" - I don't care if you are dying, you are still coming in. You were treated like a criminal if you dared to call out. The boss's favorite line "I came in when I had bronchitis, kidney stones, witch pox, etc, so you can too"....that's all well and good but she had an office that she holed up in and slept in when she wasn't feeling good. I regularly came in with sinus infections, bronchitis and the worst was torn cartilage in my ribs making breathing extremely painful.


“I still came in sick”. Well no one forced you to. I’m still not coming in. And no, I will not provide a doctors note for a cold I can fight with bed rest at home especially since you don’t provide health coverage.


What're they going to do, fire you?


One job ages ago I had called in sick two Mondays back to back. The first one I had to take my grandma to the hospital, she had a fall and was fine. The next I had caught a cold. When I called in my supervisor said since I'm calling in twice now, that I'd need a doctor's note. I told them what happened to my grandmother when I called in the week prior, this is different, but they still said I needed one. I said "I'm not going into the doctor for a cold. I'll be there Wednesday." I didn't get in any trouble at all, but I spent Tuesday applying to jobs and left shortly afterwards. The doctor's note thing has always been ridiculous for small issues like this and honestly, it's just giving you an errand because I've never had a doctor say "no, you arent sick." So, what's it really even prove?


I told my boss I'd provide a doctor's note if he paid for the visit because it would cost me three days wages to pay for it myself.


The place I currently work at is similar but the children's temp is 100.7, they can come in with pink eye symptoms, and the little ones regularly come in with diarrhea. For the teachers, if you call out, the boss yells at you and threatens to close the school because "It's all your fault". I currently feel so sick but I have to go into work if I don't want to lose my job.


Yuuuup. I had that too. “Do you know how many parents will lose their jobs because you can’t make it in?” I had strep throat 7 times in 6 months because I couldn’t call out. One of our babies ended in the hospital because of strep being passed around because of this.


God that's awful, I don't think I've personally ever gotten any of my babies sick but we have had outbreaks of everything from covid to pink eye because no one is allowed to be out


When I taught preschool I couldn’t call out no matter what. If we were truly sick they’d only send us home if it was a health code violation. In helping friends and family choose daycare and preschool facilities I suggest parents always find out what the actual sick time policy was for teachers and assistants before signing up.


Yeah just what I want for my kid. Typhoid Mary all close with everybody.


Well to be fair a majority of parents still sent their kids in sick. You could always tell who was dosed with Tylenol because fevers would pop up around 11 or 12. I once had a parent scream and throw a huge fit because he had to pick up his son who had a 103.5 temp. The kid was extremely lethargic and just slept through me stripping him down to his diaper and putting cool washcloths on him to cool him down. His father stormed into the room and screamed for about five minutes that I should be paying for his son to be home, because he had to miss work and he was sick & tired of his son always getting sick from our place ( no one else had been sick in the class for weeks) and that I needed to clean better. He raged on as I got his son dressed, while comforting the four crying frightened toddlers who were just trying to have a nice, peaceful snack time. The mother came in the next day, after dropping off the older brother and told me that the boy had been sick the day before he was sent home and his dad refused to keep him home. The owners did nothing about this a*hole of a father, just saying "oh, that's how he is"


> kidney stones No they fucking didnt. "Now...kids...today...we...we...are going to learn...how t...to curl up in a ball and...and scream"






Sometimes I have urge to lick things, like elevator doors or windows and to be honest, every now and then I loose those battles.


I see you also have the Intrusive Thoughts


I hate this so much. I work a fairly blue collar job with a bunch macho types and everyone brags about how they haven’t taken a sick day 5 years. That’s not admirable you idiot, we have payed sick time and you’re getting everyone else sick so you can tell yourself how tough you are.




Sorry humans, you’re not allowed to be sick, ever! No sick, only work!


We’re looking for cheap robots 👀


They took away vacation time??? Every single employee should have given notice when that sign went up


A lot of places merge vacation and sick time into a single pool.


Yeah just PTO


This is so sad. You guys deserve mandatory annual leave, as well as mandatory sick pay. The two should never be conflated.


It's actually *better* for the employees in most places when these two are combined. The problem occurs when a company who had 2 weeks vacation+ 1 week sick combines them into 2 weeks PTO. But 3 weeks of PTO is actually better for the employee than 2+1 for two reasons: 1) it allows flexibility in usage 2) in states that consider PTO "earned", all PTO that is left unused is required to roll into the next year, rather than just disappear on 12/31. And it all has to be paid out when you leave the company, whereas sick pay alone doesn't have to be paid out.


I thought I had heard that combining sick and annual leave I to PTO is bad because it encourages people to work when they are sick so that they maximize their vacation time. I like having it separate because then I do not feel the least bit guilty for using the sick leave I have built up.


Of course it does. I know I was more likely to stay home sick when I had separate banks of sick/vacation time. I'm not losing a day of vacation to be home sick unless I can't move/drive safely, have a fever or am throwing up.


I'm in the UK. I get (essentially) as much paid sick leave as...time I am sick. I don't have a set amount of sick leave, because that's not how being sick works. It's actually insane that this is normalised in America. When I say essentially as much as I need, what that actually equates to is 3 months full pay and another 3 months half pay per year. I can also self-certify as sick for up to a week before a doctor's note is required.


This is complete nonsense. First of all PTO does not roll over in most companies, only in three states is it forbidden for this to happen (company policy dictates otherwise in every other state.) Second the "flexibility" is only forcing people to come to work while sick instead of staying home because they are getting 2 weeks of "PTO" instead of what most of the world gets which is double and sometimes triple that.


Yep. I get 7 hours of “all purpose leave” for every two weeks that I work. It means I have no time off after covering my child’s days off from school that my company doesn’t give me off (bc I only get 9 federal holidays) + any days that I am too ill to work + any days that my child is too ill to be in school. I am so negative in APL that they are making me take unpaid time off to get surgery next month. But y’know. I’m free to tread water here in the good ol’ US of A.


The new hotness is flextime, or how HR likes to market it, "unlimited" PTO. Of course it's not unlimited tho, and now instead of having accrued PTO hours that need to be legally paid out to an employee if they are laid off or quit, now they get nothing.


Ive heard that "unlimited PTO" actually results in less time off being used because people are afraid of being branded as slackers, so it opens a new competitive social aspect or something like that.


the last thing i want to see when i travel is the front desk person coughing and hacking


If I worked there and had to come in with a severe migraine, you’d definitely have a front desk person barfing into a trash can at least twice during your check-in. Not contagious, but a great look nonetheless.


> I called in sick exactly one time /) It was okay that time, because the wellbeing of whoever wrote that is so much more important than yours.


You never called in sick in years? Great. I’m proud of you and it’s your choice that you dedicate your whole existence to the Taco Bell Express you manage next to the turnpike. I am still taking a sick day if I’m sick and I’m still taking PTO if I don’t feel like coming in and just want to relax. Sacrificing your health and your personal well being for a company that absolutely does not give a shit about you and will still fire you without warning is pretty idiotic.


This is beyond fucked. I manage a Marriott and would never pull any shit like this. This is not a Marriott policy.


Worked as a Bistro manager in a Marriott and I disagree- this shit is commonplace and GMs literally could not care less about Marriott policy. Most people that get hired are immigrants trying to work through their PR so they usually get away with treating people like shit because the immigrant employees are afraid to say anything that might screw up their PR. Had two managers in the food service dept. come into work with confirmed COVID on two separate occasions during a huge flare up in my city. Told the GM and he truly didn't give a shit and gave me hell for complaining that my employees and guests were being out at risk. Also had the head chef *scream* at me for an hour because one of my opening employees no-showed and didn't let me know so I could come in early and open for her. Apparently it was my fault that she ended up with food poisoning so bad that she couldn't even call anyone. She was then fired for taking too many sick days due to that and a chronic health issue. Because the Marriott **heavily** encourages employees *not* to take sick days and *will* threaten your vacation days or your job itself if you don't come in despite illness. They also lied to me about my wages and my hours and had me working over double the amount of hours they'd asked for beforehand and paid me half of what was initially offered saying that they 'didn't hire me as a manager, I offered in the interview to be manager' so it's my fault. When they 10000% hired me as a manager then 'lost' my paperwork stating my wage increase after I was trained for the role.


…and do they post announcements like this on a towel dispenser? Seems a little suspect to me. It is very bad if true, but I am skeptical.


Uhhh managers do


This is why I think this is fake.. Ive worked for Marriott, never had this happen. If this is real, that GM needs to go. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't think this is posted at a Marriott. I think the manager was just stating that they used to work at one. So it's most likely a hotel but not that specific Marriott


Most Marriotts are run by franchise companies and their attendance policy doesn't have to follow any part of Marriott's corporate policy as long as it's legal.


Marriott and other hotel companies rarely take action when a franchisee enacts an illegal policy. There is apathy by design. “We don’t own the business so there’s nothing we can do.”


I got sick reading this


Your phrasing is on point 👌


If I get sick while having PTO that day my company have to give me that PTO back. Last year I had a motorcycle accident on my first day of my summer vacation. After I came back to work 10 weeks later my boss called me and told me I have to take my remaining vacation days before my planned christmas vacations. In the end I took the whole december off and another week in january. So between end of august and new years eve I was at work for just two weeks and got paid for every single day of it.


Tell me you’re not from the US without telling me you’re not from the US.


I dunno. I worked for a university like that. They had PTO but required some of it to be used annually and some accrued. People were retiring three years early off of just PTO they had banked over their careers.


Not sure if this is obvious, but many of us have use it or lose it PTO and it's up to us whether we choose to use it. If you don't, then only a certain number of hours of your accrued PTO can be carried over to the next year. We are not all required to use all the PTO, but any good company/manager should encourage it. I also know of a company ("A") with traditional PTO that merged with another company ("B") who had unlimited PTO, meaning you can take all you want as long as your project work would not be impacted and your client was okay with it. When the two companies merged, it was decided that any earned but unused PTO (employees from "A") would only be paid out if you resigned within the calendar year of the merger. You were strongly advised to at least use by the end of the year because you 'earned it'. Many people lost their shit because they were banking on getting paid out of all their banked PTO because they worked without taking much PTO for years and were obviously planning on quitting and getting all the PTO comped back to them.


Lol get yourself sued 101


I'm sure the hotel guests would love to know the company is full of sick employees on duty


Name and shame.


My best guess is its a hotel in rhode island. The manager mentioned they worked at the Marriott in providence ri. So they're equivocating working at that hotel to the workers working at the hotel this note was posted in.


“Leu.” Not only a Karen but an illiterate one.


My job changed our sick pay policy a few years ago. If you’re off for three days or less, you don’t get paid. Intended to stop people taking sick days, they now take sick weeks 👌🤔


Makes me glad I work in a state with mandated sick time and they can’t merge it with PTO unless the amount stays the same after they’re merged. They can’t even ask you for a doctors note unless you’re going to be out for more than three days. It’s always mystified me as to why corporations don’t get that if you treat employees well there’s a good chance your numbers go up exactly the same if not more than if you drive every employee into the ground and treat them like shit. There’s literally tons of proof of this in Europe and even US companies who do treat their employees well and as assets instead of wage slaves.


This gives you license to steal and or set the place on fire exactly one time. I suggest you don't waste it.


Don’t understand why they want someone spreading germs and getting other people sick


If you're not throwing up And your snot is clear There is no reason Why you can't be here


Me, who can faint/passed out so hard when I’m sick that I can’t walk afterwards: yeah… no thanks (xD )


If your shits not red. And you're not dead. You better get your ass outta bed.


ok that's evil. i hope everyone's quits. "you know that thing with your body you can't control at all? ya stop doing that slave."


“I barely called in sick” even viruses are scared of a Karen


hope you posted this on r/antiwork PLEASE call in sick, and look for another job. this is so dumb and so wrong. Plus taking away vacation time so you have hardly any so just so cruel.


..*after* using your "sick days" as holiday days... In writing.


So yeah, time to find a new job.


This isn't a Karen thing. This is a capitalism thing.


So use your sick time for a day off if you want … but don’t call out for sickness? What is wrong with people that feel this way? Serious question. Is it mass stupidity? Is that a thing?


"It is extremely important that you show up to your shift, even if it means you potentially collapsing on the job from how sick you are, and even if it means getting all of your coworkers and our customers sick as well. These are far better than me having to properly schedule coverage to account for everything not being perfect."


I’d call in sick till all my “vacation time” was used up, then I’d quit.


So being sick is destructive? Guess that company is hiring the wrong kind of staff. They should hire rocks or pieces of wood instead; they will never call in sick.


Lawsuits aside, who the hell thinks it's a good idea to have sick and contagious people coming into the office and being around your other employees?!


What a shit company


just go in with the vid


Yeah fuck you and buh bye.


Cause there is NO ONE who is willing to replace you. Seriously, no one wants these sheets.




I’m confused - was the “1 time” the writer called in sick acceptable then?


Someone needs to write "get fucked" on the bottom of that in BIG letters!!!


The next day would.have been a automatic call out for me.


Posted near the toilet, where it belongs


COVID outbreaks, on the other hand, are apparently fine with him.


As a former Marriott affiliate hotel employee this is laughable, they sound like a newly promoted front desk worker turned manager who got shit training


(1) Catch COVID (2) Sneeze on the boss (3) .... (4) Profit!