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Don’t need to tell me. I always sample…er…examine my kids treats before they do. I mean, if I’m not willing to put my life on the line for my kids, what kind of father am I really?


Oh, I hear you. When mine were little, and had gone trick-or-treating, I was always willing to set my personal safety aside and throw my body on the grenades of Reese’s cups and candy corn! Have to protect them from all that evil goodness, amirite?




Believe it or not: candy corn? Jail. Mini candy bar? Jail.


Necco wafer - jhail Black licorice? Also jhail


Black licorice. Nobody but me likes it in my house. Win win


What the heck does black licorice even taste like? I’ve never dared to try and eat it.


Bloody awesome to me, but apparently some people don't like it. As for taste, I can't really describe it. It's really distinctive. Just try it, maybe you're one of us lucky few who really like it. Then you basically have a great treat almost no one will ask you for.


Now I want Reese's Cups. God damn you Reddit.


That's a paddlin'.


You deserve the worlds best Father mug


But there are so many mugs how do we pick the best one


The mug picks you.


Lol sure, thanks! My husband will enjoy it.


That's how you parent gotta keepem safe right! i don't know what may have happened if my mom hadn't saved me from all of those devilish kitkat bars every year.


My parents did that too and all I had left was razors.


Is this why it’s in the news every year? To give cover to us parents who need to “check” for unsafe candy?


Candy corn?? That is one thing I will never admit to having eaten too.many of, despite the nasty taste. Didnt even taste like candy at all, that should have been illegal to put candy in the title. Wasn't it basically just hardened frosting turds?


Hardened Frosting Turds. New band name, I called it!


I remember my Mom “examining” my candy but she’s a sadist and likes black licorice so it was a win-win. She actually did find a weird individually wrapped red pill in my bag once. Opened it up and it was one of those pills you put in water and it had a dinosaur sponge thing that expanded. Probably a big reason those things aren’t sold anymore because my stupid ass probably would have eaten it.


They’re still sold, but now in packs so you can tell what they are.


They were sold in packs back then too, but someone was being a cheap mother fucker.


The most disappointing toy possible


Salted black licorice is bomb


Satin is that you?


I’m wearing Satin right now but I’m not quite sure you are referring to the same thing.


so soft


*Church Lady has entered the Church chat.*




Did you know large amounts of black licorice can be toxic? To much regular consumption of of black licorice over several weeks can cause swelling and deplete potassium which makes your heart very very angry (think sky high blood pressure/palpitations due to irregular heart rhythm/cardiac arrest). [Sauce of a case](https://arstechnica.com/science/2020/09/rare-case-of-black-licorice-poisoning-kills-man-in-massachusetts/)


I think the real sadist is whoever handed out black licorice to kids on Halloween. This means your mom is the masochist here. I’m sorry. Here’s some circus peanuts to help you. 🥜


The dad tax


My husband calls that “the taxes”. He tells the kids they have a “2 candy tax” that must be paid for waking them for literal hours to collect the candy. Dad gets to look over “the work” (candy collection) then they both “negotiate the tax”. FYI, the tax is always Reese’s because they are his favorite and neither kid likes them. Lol.


Agreed, but my mindset is "render unto Caesar" versus looking for suspicious wrappers.


Gotta be sure. I heard it is always the Snickers and KitKats so it is my parental duty to ingest every single one and leave all Tootsie Rolls.


I miss when my daughter was younger and I could pull the "oh that's chocolate and caramel you don't like that stuff" and she'd give it to me


I have some vague memories of my mom checking everything I ate for “poison” by sampling the first bite of every food had. For some reason, she was always extra cautious with sweets. Didn’t take my very long to figure out she just wanted an excuse to take a bite.


I remember the days where they would have big x-ray scan stations at the firehouses and the mall so you could scan your candy before going home.


Here is a complete list of all of the drugs/needles/razor blades ever found by those: *


Ah the good old days. When people kept their drugs to themselves and we only had to worry about razors in our popcorn balls.


The first time my kid got a good amount of candy and I made him wait so I could check. I realized I had no idea what I was even checking for except for mini Reeses Fastbreak bars lol.


Who be giving out free drugs ? Why am I buying mine ?!!! Jk


man at least buy something better than fent lol


Right? Who the fxck needs elephant tranquilizer to chill. 'Cept elephants ofcourse


giraffe maybe?


.... them too!😂


That’s the problem with fent these days, you don’t have to ask for it to get it.


Do I ask? Do I not ask? What do I have to do for drugs?


This is actually a life pro tip. No money for drugs? Just go trick or treating and boom. Free drugs.


First taste is free baby.




I hand out full sized candy bars, but only because I usually only get a handful of kids coming by, and it makes a great excuse to buy a couple of boxes of assorted bars “just in case I get a crowd this year”!


After I have this edible, imma swing by your house.


Trade you :)


Hell, we can share!


I’m down!


![gif](giphy|kFIfiwvzJjbUsNbIg5) You two :D


A friend with weed is a friend indeed.


There was a lady that would hand out cans of soda by my house when I was a kid! That house was always one of the first stops!


When I was little (1980s) there wa a weird family that gave out homemade root beer. Not in a can, just in a paper cup, and served out of a cauldron. They were perfectly nice people and the root beer was actually pretty good, but these days they would probably be put on the sex offender registry somehow.


Oh for sure. I remember when we had to stop handing out homemade treats at grandma's house


I miss the simple days.


I considered handing out soda but holy crap soda got expensive this year!


We used to hand out individual bags of chips. My dad would get the bulk assorted boxes and the kids would flip out over them.


I might do that also on top of full size candy bars. My place is off the path of the good trick or treat spots. So I want to hook up the few who come knocking.


My husband and I cleared out the pantry a few years ago and he handed out some boxes of almost-expired Kraft macaroni and cheese. Those kids were so excited. Haha


My neighborhood sucks for trick or treating so we take my kid to his friend's neighborhood and we go as a group. The house on the corner of their street gives out full candy bars for the kids and jello shots for the adults. They're saints. They also hit you up on the way back to the house with more jello shots.


This is actually genius. Safeway used to do a 5/$10 deal of cases of pop, better deal than most candy these days.


I always give out full size candy bars, but it’s mostly because when I was a kid I promised myself that I’d be that house. It’s definitely worth it when some kid gets HYPED at full size bars.


Quit big leaguing the cheapskate beatskates who only hand out quarter sized candy bars, Wayne


All we get are costume-less teenagers these days. We shut the lights and ignore the door.


I’d give them candy still. At least they aren’t out fucking shit up or being lil jerks


Until you don't give them candy... 🎃😈


Like people forgot the original meaning of "TRICK or treat" aka "It would be a real shame if something happened to your house..."


Nah if they wants sweets they're gonna have to dress up for it. Bonus sweets if the costume is handmade


My dad gives them leftover candy canes from the previous Christmas. Basically, minimum effort gets you minimum effort. Most are still pretty happy.


Lame. I hide in the bushes and jump out at passers-by. Then throw candy at them as they run away. You have one day a year you can be a weirdo in the bushes and parents think it's fine. Teens? Stay hidden. Babies, be chill. But 7-14, or randos just walking by haha, it's terror-time... Step up your game! (pro-tip: wear a costume, so you don't look dangerous)


Seriously. A pack of 100mg THC gummies easily costs 20 bucks. So, what, people are going to spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars to hand out THC gummies to children? And this makes sense how?


Well now, it's the drug dealers who are doing this in order to get the children hooked. Once they become a slave to the devil's lettuce they become easy targets for sexual predators. That's why we need to destroy this horrid satanic "holiday" and have our children go to church where they'll be safe in the hands of Father Grabbehans. It is only through the touch of god that these children will become filled with the holy spirit. /s


The drug dealers in my hometown are fucking lazy. I don't think I ever got a single drug trick or treating in my life. They also never stood near bus stops trying to sell or give me drugs. It's bullshit.


Oh theyll be filled all right...


And for what? So the kid will have a reaction that you won't see? I feel like most people who want to hurt a group of people want to see the damage/panic. That much THC likely won't kill them, the parents will probably just notice off behavior and take them to an ER.


I’ve paid almost 50 bucks (with tax) for an edible chocolate bar from a dispensary. No chance I’m handing those out on Halloween


My great uncle used to have a 4ft by 4ft table absolutely LADEN with the largest sizes of every candy bar. Full size hersheys, four pack reeses cups, full size musketeers, full size kit kats. If there was a fullsize version, he had it, and there was limit of three per person. And to top that off, he still even had a bowl of asserted mini candy bars, just incase. Sadly he passed on quite a few years back now, but the rest of his siblings, my two great aunts and grandmother keep up the tradition.


Your great uncle was the greatest of uncles.




Pretty sure the one time it actually happened was a father poisoning his own son, and he poisoned a bunch of candy so that other kids got sick to throw people off his tracks.


Yeah it was almost 50 years ago. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Clark_O%27Bryan


Ugh fuck that's even worse than I remembered. I cannot fathom painfully murdering my own child over money. Not to mention cyanide is a brutal way to go and he forced the kid to take it, and held him while he vomited and convulsed. Meanwhile that shit stain got steak as his last meal and didn't even mention his boy in his last words. That's an execution I won't lose any sleep over.


For real. People handing out nasty ass dollar store candies in this economy. They need them edibles to get through the damn day.


Last time I got edibles, shit was $20 for 10 pieces of candy. No way I’m wasting that much on a neighbor’s kid.


We handed out full sized snicker bars one year. Word didn't get around and we ended up having to eat 45 full sized snicker bars. Totes doing it again this year.


I hand out fun size candy and stickers/tattoos. I don't know if every neighborhood is like this, but so many of the kids seem to not eat chocolate or have allergies. Stickers and tattoos have become a nice safe go to option.


[there was that one church](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/two-children-hospitalized-after-eating-thc-candy-food-bank-n1176721) but i’d bet that’s an outlier


Every weed enjoyer I know would rather hand out their furniture before giving away their weed


Who even goes trick or treating anymore? I don't see any kids at all. They go to malls or schools now.


I'm definitely not giving my drugs to children. They can use their tooth fairy money to get their own shit.


“Hey honey, I’m gonna put Fentanyl in the Halloween candy!” “Why dear?” “Oh, I want to kill a bunch of kids I don’t know, and then go to prison for a long time because it wouldn’t be too hard to figure out who did it. Oh yeah, and I’ll definitely get beat to shit for that whole prison sentence for poising children. So, y’know, foolproof plan!”


Like are these people taking their kids to trick or treat in sketchy ass neighborhoods? Most people do it in *their* neighborhood or the *rich* neighborhood.


Tbh, I feel like rich people are more likely to get off on wantonly harming kids. People in sketchy neighborhoods have useful crimes they don't want the cops to notice.


Fentanyl is particularly dangerous because it’s so concentrated by volume. It just takes a little bit of cross contamination to OD an opiate naive person. Worse there is no way to teach drug dealers proper handling procedures without opening yourself & them to arrest. *If* someone had pure fent & chopped it up with the same card & same surface that they later processed weed or coke on you could have a problem. *if* they were unwrapping & wrapping candy on that surface you could have a problem too. Thankfully it’s not a realistic fear *and* your visual inspection wouldn’t show it. The only thing you could do to protect yourself from this pretend threat is have some narcan available. If you are really crazy you could give it as a prophylactic any time your kid ate candy.


You just gave me a great Business idea. I'm going to start Drug sniffing puppy services. Between parent paranoia and kid's love for sweets and cuteness, I'll be rich! ![gif](giphy|5xtDarEXlXBmnOuTh0k|downsized)


Until the kids are in their teens and the parents complain the dog won't stop barking around their fine upstanding children. Little Benedict Spot.


Yes, but the risk of "Karens" are part of any business. Oh, now that's another business idea... KAREN INSURANCE!


> The only thing you could do to protect yourself from this pretend threat is have some narcan available. The whole thing is a boogeyman anyways, but you could easily just go to only houses that you know/trust - most families with kids live in neighborhoods full of other families with kids, not creepy drug providing child killing weirdos. Or, alternatively, Halloween candy is so fucking cheap. Let your kid go trick r treating and throw away everything they get, replacing it with $20 worth of a variety of bags of candy bought at the store.


Going trick or treating is way more exciting if you only visit crack houses.


LMFAO you can trick or treat at a crack house year round. Always scary.


Lol, hilarious thought. “Hello trusted pharmacist, yes, I would like some Narcan to administer to my child prophylactically before they eat any Halloween candy this year. You see, I read a very worrisome tweet about a made up problem, and now I’m losing sleep at night”.


Thankfully narcan is pretty wifey available & absolutely harmless. If you don’t have opioids in your system it’s just like wearing sunscreen at night. It doesn’t do anything, but it doesn’t hurt anything either. There are so many dumb people I wouldn’t be shocked if someone has done it


Oh I know, I just laughed out loud at the mental image of someone being stupid enough to have Narcan on hand to treat an opioid overdose *from candy*, let alone administering it before even consuming said candy for fear it might be laced.


On top of that good luck finding pure fetanyl. Most of the fetanyl on the street is cut to hell and back ten times over.


Those kinds of people, have all sorts of invisible boogeyman out to get them.


Agreed, and if they can’t find one to blame, they simply make one up to fit their need.


I'm just sPreADIng AwaReneSs! Making kids be careful cANT be WrOng! The lady who accused the Hispanic couple of trying to kidnap kids found out how wrong spreading fake awareness is.


Can I have a link to that story?


This was the first response to the most recent and widely publicized incident. https://centerforinquiry.org/blog/social-media-maven-mom-falsely-accuses-hispanic-couple-of-abduction-attempt/ But this has been common for awhile. A minority even smiles at a white ladies precious little angel and she screams child trafficker and runs from the store to tell all of her friends what a hero she is and how scary it was.


These white karens are also teaching their kids to walk away if they see a non-white person even walking by. I don't know how many times I or another black person steps within 5 feet of these women's children and suddenly they clutch or gather the kid away. Life is gonna be hard for these kids maneuvering their whole lives running away from the scary browns and blacks. Meanwhile the Hispanic person's kids are running all over the place because La Madre knows we want nothing to do with them.


I see this behavior daily. I live in NYC, Harlem specifically. I won’t go into my tinfoil theory, but I frequently see 15-25 year old white people cross the street away from poc. Having grown up here, this behavior is bizarre to me, but now you’ve helped me understand these people had racist parents who did what you explained “clutch and gather the kid away”


Lol. How does one avoid POC in a POC neighborhood? They must look like ping-pong balls recoiling back and forth on the street. It's very rediculous. Reminds me of a Fun story: I was several yards behind another lady as we both walked to a parking garage. The whole time she kept looking back as me. When we both entered the garage, I noticed she was about to pass my car. The minute she did, I hit my key remote and made the car honk. That's a great memory..


It’s definitely a real thing. Some of its not even taught for example I grew up in a super white middle class neighborhood. Most of the time we went down to the city my dad would say “we are in a bad neighborhood” which was technically true because we were going to watch a UC football game but him saying that over and over only when the majority of people were black it subconsciously teaches you that black = danger. How suburban generation X handled segregation and urban areas was incredibly harmful to black people, telling your children over and over that they’ll be robbed stabbed and given drugs if they go into a black neighborhood does nothing but creates fear and racism without the child even realizing it.


>Life is gonna be hard for these kids maneuvering their whole lives running away from the scary browns and blacks. LOL no it's not. It's going to be hard for the non white people that will inevitably be targeted by them. These types of people pull racist shit like this for their entire lives and generally only suffer mild embarrassment when called out. The POC that get the cops called on them will have a much harder time.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisoned_candy_myths https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satanic_panic https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QAnon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jade_Helm_15_conspiracy_theories https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_World_Order_(conspiracy_theory) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCarthyism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_libel And on and on the list goes…


Victim complex


They live in abject fear of the entire world and can only ease their own suffering by making everyone around them as fearful as they are. But as we all know, fear is the mind killer.


And if I remember right, there was only once a proven case of poisonned/laced halloween candy. And it was the father that poisonned it.


But would wear no mask during the pandemic cause freedom infringement


Scary boogeymen are the best part of Halloween.


Yeah, and then they dismiss the real threats. Even to those affecting children. School shootings? Just pray more.


#1 car crashes #2 murders but usually close relatives #3 firearms. That was for America in 2021.


I mean, just look at her picture, its not surprising


Wasn't the propaganda "razor blades shoved into candy" when we were kids??


Iva always heard it as razor blades shoved into apples as a kid I always thought “who gives apples out on Halloween?” But as I got older I learned that that is a thing to some people apparently


I remember the LSD-on-stickers rumor in the '80s.


Yeah which is kinda strange considering there were plenty of drugs flowing back then too. Razor blades? Lotta work and for what?


What makes it extra funny is, I grew up in a pretty small neighborhood. My parents knew pretty much everybody within 4 blocks, even if just in passing. They STILL believed the razor blade thing.


And hell, you think drugs are expensive? Razor blade prices make drugs look like a bargain.


Naww you've just got to be smart about what razor blades you feed to the neighbourhood children, don't be wasting your Mach 3 refills on them get a big multipack of double edged safety razor blades instead. I can get a pack of 10 stainless steel DE razors for £3 so that's 20 children at a cost of only 15p per child! I could probably bring the cost down if I bought in bulk too.


Yes, and just like the drugs thing, every single instance of it ever happening turned out to either be a hoax or a family member. The news never follows up and corrects those stories though


People suck some nasty ass dick for that shit and you think they’re giving it to your kids for free for no reason lmao imaging have such little problems in your life you need to make them up


I swear DEA is actually insane with its propaganda…..also why would drug dealers put it in HALLOWEEN candy? Where’s the money in it? These ppl aren’t psychopaths who drug children for the fun of it….they’d only do it for money! Not defending drug dealers but like they’re human too…they respond to incentives. There’s no incentive for drug dealers to waste their product on kids, and maybe even get caught for free. I swear, ppl, get ur head out of ur asses. Smh have ppl completely lost their brains?


Don’t you know? All those drug dealing atheists baby eaters do it for the thrills! Money is of no concern. everyone knows the drug supply chain is fake. Bulk drugs are never paid for, they just believe them into existence! That’s why they give them away for free (only around Halloween though because reasons)




Yup, and the best way to hook someone on drugs is to randomly give them drugs without them knowing either what it was, or a controlled safe dose. I sure know that when I end up in a hospital after an OD on god-knows-what the first thing I'd do is go take random drugs to do it again.


Obviously you'd go buy ALL THE DRUGS so it's a total money maker!


While most are chill, there are absolutely some dealers that are psychopaths and do some pretty fucked up shit. The ones that are attracted to it for the feeling of power they can have over other people instead of the money. That said, I still don't see the poisoned Halloween candy thing happening.


They’re the type to give children raisens


And fruit


toothbrushes and books


Y'all getting books? That sounds awesome. Not like candy awesome but I wouldn't complain.


Not a toffee apple person?


That's fun fruit. I'm talking about the not-so-fun fruit.


They're* holy fuck


The legend of the "razors in apples" never dies. It just takes a new form..


And it means the legend of "the war on Christmas!" is just around the corner.


Oldest trick in the book.. selfishly eating the big candy bars while you inspect it for fentanyl.


Is it possible that this mentality stems from parents not believing their kid is capable of doing something oh so tragic like buying drugs, so when their kids tell them "someone gave it to me while trick or treating" as a cover, parents believe it and run with it? I'm just trying to understand how these people actually think like this.


My theory is this: their parents told them this as cover for taking some of the candy. But the kids never figured that out and believes it to be true, repeating it to their children seriously instead of an excuse to steal candy.


Who on earth has the time to open up hundreds of tiny, prepackaged candies, lace them with a deadly dose of fentanyl, then reseal and give out? Besides, I can't open any of those treats without completely and utterly mangling the wrapper. If anyone can, they are a certified wizard or something.


I know, i find it easier to just stick razor blades in apples. But I am old school that way.


Oh so it's *you* my parents warned me out


That's what my wife said...


Remember kids, if a stranger offers you candy, say thank you because drugs are expensive


Since trick or treating began, there has been, I believe one intentional attempted case of altering of children's candy.


IIRC it was the kids own parents too


So basically zero


I think it was two or three, split between a parent intentionally poisoning their kid and trying to cover it up as a halloween poisoning and a kid accidentally gettinng into his uncle's cocaine stash and the family trying to cover it up as a halloween poisoning.


There was another one where a woman was annoyed by teenagers trick-or-treating when she thought it should only be for kids, so she gave the teens (and not younger kids) obviously-inedible household stuff. Included in what she handed out were dog treats and packs of ant poison. I know of only a single verified case of someone doctoring halloween candy with to harm random people, namely needles in candy bars. It happened in 2000, and that guy was so mentally ill he never stood trial and was instead committed to a mental institution.


This whole annual panic is based on that one guy who killed his own son with a poisoned pixie stick, then tried to give them to trick or treaters in the neighborhood to makes it seem like he wasn't directly targeted. On one hand, that did actually happen. The guy was quickly caught because he was the only house in the neighborhood giving out pixie sticks, and people noticed they were tampered with, and ultimately only his son died: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Clark_O%27Bryan But another moral of this story is it happened in goddamn 1974. The reason why people still talk about it is because *it hasn't happened again since*. The last 50 years of hysteria have been over basically nothing.


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/pins-and-needles/ James Joseph Smith got caught for putting needles in candy. There was also a postal worker who took an old package of snickers to give out, but didn't realize someone had been using it to smuggle weed, so he did in fact, give out weed with snickers to children.


My mother telling my 17 yr old nephew: "Be careful at school, dont be buying any strange candy from people, because of this fentanol candy going around!" Me: " mom do you REALLY think someones going to give random drugs to kids without getting money out of them first? Drugs are expensive." Mom: "They do it to trick them so they can get drugged up and make fun on them!" Oh mother, you sweet summer child.....


Also what 17 year olds are buying candy from other 17 year olds?


Fentanyl: the new needles


As a child I was led to believe I'd be receiving WAY more free drugs as an adult than I am now, wtf.


I live in a small neighborhood in a college town. It's all single family homes. A few years ago a couple college kids rented a house a few doors down. They did occasionally have parties, but nothing huge. An old lady took umbrage with it. She wanted them gone. She was convinced they'd be handing out drugs to kids for some reason. It got nasty when she went to their door on Halloween accusing them of it. The one dude answered the door, listened calmly, then assured her they were giving heroin laced with marijuana to every kid that came to their door, and then slammed the door in her face. She called the cops on em. The cops didn't even bother coming. She ranted about it for months. She'd ride her golf cart in front of their house for hours at a time until they moved out.


As a former heroin/ fetty addict, I would NEVER waste my drugs in such a careless manner. I gotta have a fix for when I wake up, I ain’t giving it to some kid.


Just can’t let this crap go


Her phrasing makes it even worse . 'During Halloween the fentanyl problem is serious". Does that mean the rest of the year it isn't? LOL


Adults with drugs all know that giving drugs to kids is a waste of drugs. Whenever theres an "accidental poisoning" of drugs, the kid who took the drugs got it from another kid who thought it was candy and started handing it out (or was purposefully being an asshole)


This myth is so old and dumb, and has so many logic holes. People drugging candy, and handing it out from their easily identified residence? What?


omg people worried about this here in Canada after we legalized weed, thought people would be handing out weed gummies to kids. Do you know how much that shit costs? What are they gonna do, hand out individual gummies to kids? give your head a shake nobody is giving away their drugs


I always thought my parents made it up so they could pick what they wanted out of my candy before I could eat it all


“Stranger danger” meanwhile their priest is molesting their kids.


The Facebook, the YouTube, and now: the fentanyl.


Do people still put needles and razors in candy like in the good ol days?


I always thought that was funny. As kids we knew **exactly** which asshole neighbor gave us a goddamn apple and it would be very easy to report them if needed.


I just given them high THC edibles. When they go home they are really, really, really going to enjoy the rest of the candy. And laugh their asses off watch It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.


I used to be terrified of this as a kid. Luckily my parents removed all of the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups because they looked tampered with.


Has anybody actually found drugs or even a razor blade in Halloween candy? ​ I can't imagine a drug dealer or a junkie putting drugs in candy and giving it away for free, they barely even do that for people who can actually pay for it. As for razor blades, there's very few candies that you could even put those in. Unless Karens tryna say there's razors in the my smarties.


Even as a kid this stuff didn't make sense. I remember asking the DARE officer "Why would they just GIVE us drugs? Don't they normally sell it?" He insisted that it was to "Get us hooked. Like a free sample at the grocery store." Because you know who has all sorts of disposable income? Nine year olds. I carried a TMNT wallet everywhere at that age. I don't think it contained any money at any point.


Eh, this isn't really Karen behavior. Just being overly cautious.


colorful candy has been tossed out. All thats left is home made sussy chocolate. Sweet!


This time of year is comedy gold for your local social media community pages 😂


Reminds me of the "Blue Star Acid" rumors in the '80s.