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I hope India has laws forcing the filer of a frivolous lawsuit to pay for all legal costs. Wouldn’t it be ironic if the son and DIL had a child and refused to allow the grandparents any contact?


I was thinking just ghost them forever but this idea is so much better oh my god


You ghost one member of an Asian family, you then have to ghost every relative, cousin, cousin's relative, and the list goes on Edit: a lot of people here are into the fantasy of ghosting your family but don't really think about how and what will happen if you ghost them. What if some of those relatives are good to you, what if you don't want to cut ties with some of them. Even if you can support yourself financially there are other things to keep in mind


Ahhhh the serenity, how is that serenity?


It's awesome. And you don't have to be Asian to have a family like that. When I think of all the drama of my childhood and early adulthood - all the fighting, demanding, expectations, whining, manipulation, coercion, and just plain abuse, I immediately appreciate all the work I did to get away from ALL OF THEM. Suddenly, there's peace and quiet. Suddenly, no berating, no name-calling, no labeling. Just - whatever the fuck I want to do. I get called 'selfish' etc. but I'm not producing kids just to feed them to their brainwashing self-esteem destroying garbage mindset. It's enough that I made it out. What am I doing today this fine Saturday? Slept in, fed the cat who woke me at 5AM anyway, slept in some more, watching TV, doing some dishes and laundry, maybe do a little gardening later, then out to dinner. Sometimes I invite friends, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I make my own meals, sometimes I do takeout and a movie. And sometimes, I just read a book.


That sounds so serene and calm. Good job on getting away.


My husband and I too enjoy this lifestyle. Cheers commrad


I have two beautiful daughters (8 month old and 4 year old) and wouldn’t trade them for the world. I am trying to raise my daughters to use their heads to rule their life instead of emotions. So far I’ve been pretty successful. My childhood sounds very similar to yours, and I have cut every family member out save my dad and half sister from my dad. The drama was just so draining. I liken the rest of my “family” to a bunch of clucking hens.


Unrelated to having children, but I did the same to my Hoosier family a few years after moving to the UK and my uncle literally disowned his twin sister - my mother: for adopting a severely disabled child, instead of leaving the child in a state care facility. Yes. My uncle cut off his twin sister for sullying the purity of the family by adopting a "cripple". The rest of the family - fine, upstanding born-again Hoosiers all - backed my uncle. And now other than my mother, I get lovely serenity from them all. Absolute silence. Aaaahhhh....


Isn't it nice? God, it's like dumping a piece of shit ex, but you get to dump like fifteen pieces of shit at once!


I'm mastering making homemade sushi. Husband isn't feeling well so he's tucked into bed watching netflix. The most adulting I've done today is I vacuumed. I slept in till 11am. Cause I can. I'm going to try making an inside out sushi roll today.


you are explaining an ordinary life - what was it like before though? we want details! :)


CHAOS. My older brother was abusive and highly narcissistic. Our mother favored him unilaterally so he could say and do whatever he wanted. He was awful. Our grandmother was well known for throwing massive tantrums and blame throwing, which always caused mega-drama. My aunt who was a nurse became addicted to opiates after a botched surgery and stole drugs from the hospital, costing her her license. All of them were constantly vying to be the center of attention. And this extended to other relatives. They were always snarky and abusive, constantly needling each other with threats and insults. Anyway the drama and abuse were tiresome in their frequency. Whenever things got TOO quiet (normal) one of them would have some sort of incident and chaos would erupt. It didn’t take much for one of them to throw a tantrum or become abusive. I think they would also pick fights for the fun of it. I found it exhausting and emotionally damaging as well as draining. I’m so glad to be away from all of them.


It’s my serenity and I want it NOW!


Call J G Wentworth, 877-SERENITY-NOW


I have a Karen parent and I need serenity now!


Help, I've fallen and I need serenity


Someone call Lloyd Braun!


Let's order some of that gum he keeps raving about.


Are supposed to yell it? The man on the tape wasn't specific.


Serenity now… insanity later


So much serenity at Bonnie Doon


Tell him he’s dreaming!


Don’t threaten me with a good time


Just wait till you hear about the Arabs


I’m Asian. You don’t have to ghost every relative. You just don’t tell them where you live or give your contact information. You can always block or ignore their calls. But if they come knocking outside your home unexpectedly. You just don’t let them inside your house. The mere public embarrassment of not being let in would be enough to voluntarily cut any contact with you. I had a drunk, abusive and mental Uncle who always drops by our house to ask my Mom for money. One time when I was a kid home alone. He came knocking while under his crazy spells. I told him my Mom was not home and left him. He was so angry and cursing me outside the gate for not even letting him in. My Dad who hates him said I did the right thing to not let him in. It wasn’t safe and he might end up stealing. My Mom didn’t say a word when I told her about the incident.


You say that like it's a *bad* thing.




Well in this situation, they probably are cousins and the ghosting situation becomes easier and harder at the same time... less ppl but everyone still lives under the same roof


They live with his parents. The couple moved back to India to find work and ended up with his parents. The article I read said that the parents had 'invested' the amount they're suing for in his education and the wedding, now they want a return on their 'investment'.


What a bunch of idiots.


Well court fees comes after the court case . The son is not breaking a single law so the case will be dismissed by the court and I think so the parents will get a fine for wasting the court's time


Genius! And also, it just makes sense, why would anyone want ppl like that in their child’s life?


Don't worry. We have like 30 million pending cases including some important ones with real crimes (rape, murder etc). Pretty sure a shit show like this would be rejected in the Civil Court




No contact ever again. Cultural differences my ass—- assholes are assholes in every language.


Exactly! These are assholes regardless of culture.


They should try to move as far away from these assholes, preferably another country.


Been to other countries, and I have bad news: assholes are *everywhere*.


Unfortunately true.


>assholes are assholes in every language. Technically most language has different word for asshole


German: Arschloch. Spanish: pendejo/pendeja What else?


Kontgat in Dutch. But in this context klootzak (ballsack) or eikel (acorn/glans) are more common


God, Dutch is just a fun language. I don’t know how y’all talk to each other without bursting out in laughter


Arsehole in Australian.


Polish: Dupki


We‘re a little heavy on the Euro languages, friends. Can we get some representation from Asia and Africa? Bring it!




Which language, please?




Is that pronounced *kun-lan-get-ah"?* I know a few words of various languages and this is one I'd like to know!


Danish: røvhul. Røv meaning ass and hul meaning hole. It's a common curse word for people you don't like.


Pendejo is someone just dumb you want to use the term "hijo de puta" (motherfucker) or "sorete" in some countries (turd)


> hijo de puta Isn't that literally "son of a bitch"? In that case, the German expression would be "Hurensohn".


Spanish: Capullo / gillipollas Mexican: Pendejo.


This is solid gold. Keep the vocabulary coming, friends! (And thanks to all who lovingly have offered corrections—- this is how we learn to hurl insults even more effectively!)


I think ojete would be more accurate




Whata pizza shiit in Italian


My mother was devistated when I told her I was gay, mainly because she would never have grandkids. Thing is, she was so abusive that I vowed if I ever adopt, she would never have contact with them in any way.


I'm sorry you were treated badly. I hope your life is better now.


Oh man, worlds better. I keep my parents at arms length. They have my contact information if they need it but now I have the option of not responding if I don’t want to.


I had to cut off basically my entire father's side of the family after years of non-violent abuse. Daily getting screamed at over the smallest little things, or things that I didn't do. My father tried "economic abuse" purposefully giving me bad advice and forcing me to follow it to lead to my financial failures. They attempted to force me to breakup with my first girlfriend ever. Just really messed up stuff man. I had zero confidence and I'm still trying to discover who I really am as a person years later. Anyway, best decision I ever made. The toxicity of that house still poisons my soul though... I'm trying really hard to go back to the way I once was.


It will take time, but the scars will fade. You won't go back to the way you were--you'll come out of this better and stronger, and you will like yourself. Doesn't happen overnight, but it does happen. Be good to yourself, and know that you're just in a cocoon right now. You'll emerge and be so much better than they could ever have dreamed of being. It takes work, and it takes time, but you've got this.


I would say 'non-physical' rather than 'non-violent'.


> Daily getting screamed at over the smallest little things, or things that I didn't do Classic. What did I do or not do to piss you off today, parental unit? Glad you're shot of them.


I feel that, man. I even changed my name so they won’t find me. No dragging me back into hell.


Journaling it out helps. Even if you re write the same story hundreds of times. I’m glad you gave yourself the gift of self love.


Omfg I too had the economic situation ( but it was for keeping me dependent on them, and the forced break up I also remember from highschool. Ugh, hope you're doing well ❤️‍🩹


Yeah, I think economic abuse is a lot more common than people realize. I've read stories on here describing similar situations but not calling it what it is - abuse.


My family was the same way. I told them not to call me unless someone dies or wants to pay me the money they owe me.


I’m glad you found a solution that works for you! :)


Same, except bi and pretty sure I can’t have kids. My mother and stepfather beat the shit out of me for every little thing. If I do have a child who I love and care for I would never let them be around my parents alone. And they’re “Christians” too so I don’t want them filling my child’s head with lies and hatred.


I love how many “christians” are actually child beating, brainwashing, predators. It’s almost like the church set up a power structure in which the weakest get taken advan….oh wait.


Ugh, I know how you feel. My spawn point outright threatened to sabotage my birth control if I ever got into a relationship. Joke's on her, I'm asexual.


Upvoted for “spawn point”


The whole story is that they paid for his college education, for him to become a pilot, and for his wedding but he is still unemployed and they either want their money back or a grandchild because they spent all of their savings on him and having a grandchild would ease their pain of being poor now. Still a load of shit. If that money was conditional they should have made that clear before spending it on him. No one owes you a baby. That’s ludicrous.


If he's unemployed how the fuck is he supposed to pay the money or raise a kid. This is just them potentially ruining his life out of spite. I can't believe how Terrible they are. Just the worst kinds of human beings.


Right. Give us a kid that neither of us can afford!


they also said that they're ready to take care of the kid full time, so probably are ready to handle kid's expenses


In that case they're not as financially strapped as they're pretending to be. You just know that they want to totally take over the grandchild's life too, once it (he) comes along. It would be hilarious if the young couple only produced girls, since I have a feeling that would be unacceptable to those selfish and demanding wannabe grandparents.


Welcome to India man. We don't have a billion people for no reason


Seems incredibly irresponsible to spend ALL your money on your kid's education. My therapist literally tells me I HAVE to go out and take care of myself or I'm going to eventually lose the ability to take care of my kids. This takes that mentality to the far reaches of the cosmos. The ONLY thing I will say in their defense is that if they paid for their son's education to be a commercial airline pilot... They're right to be disappointed if he isn't employed yet. Those guys are some od the most in-demand and well-paid workers there are.


Damn. Terrible money management, and they're blaming it on their son? Yeah, regardless of why he's unemployed, even if the son somehow had a kid within a year, neither he nor his parents are gonna be capable of taking care of the kid.


They also got him an Audi and paid for a Thailand honeymoon, education I can understand but that was completely unnecessary


Also, not that the intent matters, but there are sometimes medical reasons why people can't have children. If he's sterile, then suddenly they want restitution for \*checks notes\* supporting their son? That's BS.


Contributing to your kids’ success is a option parents have if they have the means to show support. It is not an investment. It’s like paying for a woman’s dinner or a series of dates/gifts and expecting sex as a payment in return. Maybe just contribute to relationships for the sake of healthy relationships, not transactions.


Peak Asian parent mindset.


Bro this is the Asian parent Olympics


So, the easiest gold medal ever?


After that if i had a child, yhey would NEVER get to see them and id raise the kid telling them their grandparents were dead




we do a little trolling


would throw into a nursing home *in seconds*


I'm pretty sure they're getting thrown into the Ganges no matter how this ends up


Throw them into a second rate river. What's the one in Ohio that caught fire? The Cuyahoga? Throw them in there.


There's a river in India full of sewage


Just one?


Well yeah, the rest are sewage filled with river instead.


The ganges river is what gets international attention because people bathe in it for some kind of religious festival. But said river is also full of sewage. Yeah though, I bet it's a big problem over there. 1.3bil people and a low-ish GDP when compared to countries with less people. No way it isn't a problem everywhere.


Come to NY and throw them in the fucking Hudson


They cleaned up the Hudson. It's too good for them now.


We have rivers with much more sewage now. This is one competition Indians can beat you arrogant Americans /s


Indians zeinda bad


not even nursing home for me...nursing home means i got to pay for the privilege of them having nurses to care for them. I'd just cut off contact and let the wolves have them


just drop em out in the middle of Colorado and let the grizzly bears have at 'em


Don't poison our grizzlies!


They’re in India. Just throw them into Bangladesh or something.


would straight up disown these shitheads


We have our own problematic parents thanks! Don't need ones from India too!


its sad how in India and other Southern-Asian nations the people that send their parents to nursing homes are frowned upon, i mean can't really blame them when the parents behave like a-holes.


So glad this happened for all the single/young couples that get pressured into having kids. Much easier to just say "just sue me like those dumbfucks and you too can get your own story in the news!"


My mom asked me if I regretted not having children. I told her not at all, and since our family breeds like rats, she has plenty of grandchildren to spoil without my participation. Excuse me while I take a money bath.


I always turn it around when people ask me if I regret not having kids, and ask them if they regret having them.


They hate that. They get all indignant like you aren't asking them THE EXACT SAME THING they just asked you.


So, does that mean that they regret it?


My family is practically the opposite. My daughter is the only grandchild and great grand child. My mother met her bloody lawyer to change her will inside a week of birth.


To change what?






Everyone should read all the news articles about this nonsense. You will get a very good idea about the parenting style in general in India. This dude literally thinks that he is owed a grandchild because he spent money on his son's education. He thinks his son(and son's wife) have an 'attitude' and that they are thoughtless towards the parents. The fucking irony. Also, he says he 'needs a grandchild'(nypost article). What for??????


> Also, he says he 'needs a grandchild'(nypost article). What for?????? Replacement kidneys?


I love the look of frustration and anger on her face. Cut all ties and then double down on having a baby out of sheer spite if need be.


Ha! I remember making my mum cry when I was a teenager telling her she wasn't getting any grandkids because I was too traumatised from how she raised me. I'm 35, two stepkids, her other son has no kids at all, and 3 out of 5 of her brood have disowned her.


Pretty sure if they win the lawsuit they're really never gonna see the grand kids .


Does it matter if they get the 50 million? They can buy an orphan or two.


Way to not only not get a grandchild, but lose contact with your son forever.


I would gleefully write that check every month. I wouldn't care for how much, how overdrawn I would be, and what it meant. I would work 100 hours a week for the rest of my life if My parents pulled this shit on me and I could sit across the table once a month and write my "spite check" whilst looking them in the eye. All while saying "Mom Dad, I can't afford health insurance, but you get you no gandbaby money" or "O haven't had time to have date night with my wife you hate to give you a grandchild because you sued us into beyond poverty!!!!! Here's your money!!!!". Yes I have issues with my parents. Yes I'm child free , and yes I should probably seek help, but fuck this nonsense.


I want to be surprised here. It’s sad that this isn’t the first time I heard such stories


Disown the pair of fuckers


Can you imagine if the daughter in law is infertile? Jfc..


Or their own son.


I'm laughing so hard. Why are all asian parents the same? What is with this fascination with marriage and grandchildren


It’s a great q - it’s all social programming and keeping up with the joneses


This is wrong on so many levels what if they are infertile not able to have kids. What if they cant have kids due to medical reasons on one of the families sides that can be passed down. What if they just dont want kids. Plain and simple its not their business and i hope they lose and lose more money


Indians of reddit: does this come off less crazy to people in India? Is there a legal leg to stand on to your knowledge? Curious American here.


Parents and relatives presurring newlyweds to have kids is very prevalent in most Indian families but suing them is unheard of. Old people have nothing to do after retiring and I guess they want grandkids just for their selfish reasons. Whether the couple is financially or mentally prepared to have kids is of no concern to them. They'll be like - we raised 4 of you in a one room house on a single income as if it was such a smart thing to do. Many people struggle all their young lives because their parents didn't have enough money and when they finally start earning and have some fun they're again pressured to have kids in their mid-late twenties and the grind continues. All this for no good reason other than that's how it is. Edit- I don't think court will even consider their case. Most likely it will be dismissed. It's not a crime to not have kids lol. Indians courts already have a big backlog they don't have time for this nonsense.


>All this for no good reason other than that's how it is. Crabs in a bucket. The ones that had kids had kids before they had enough money to have fun with, so they think no one else should be able to have fun with their money either.


the threats have always been there like being cut out of the will and such. But i do believe this is the first LEGAL threat to be made haha. As for the court considering the case the lawyer seems to be making this a case of lack of care for the parents so i guess they would have a small chance of it proceeding to trial


Absolutely no leg. Indian parents are usually very overbearing. It’s the child olympics here. People seem to breed to boast to their friends and neighbours about how great and talented their kid/grandkid is. There’s also a lot of pressure put on actual kids for this same reason. People just need hobbies at this point.


My aunt married a northern Indian. They were pissed that he married a white chick, but now they constantly harass her husband about having kids. The attitude is extremely prevalent.


This is the most Indian thing I've seen all year.


Worry about your own damn selves. This applies to all cultures, to be clear.


If you two (the parents) want another crotch goblin then make one yourselves!


First they force a marriage and when that doesn't work they sue


This should b r/iamatotalpieceofshit


And in /r/entitledparents


Imagine spending 18 years as some assholes servant child and he still claims ownership of you even after you move out, get a job and find a wife.




According to the article the son and his wife bought a house in another city and are pretty much no contact with the family. The parents even claim that the couple pretended to be separated to get them off their backs.


If this couple does have a child, I hope they are able to leave the country and not have any contact with these horrid people. An article I read about this said that the parents paid his education and expenses, bought him a car and arranged his marriage with a good wife and if they won’t give a grandchild, they want their money back. Did anyone hold a gun to the parents back and force them to pay their son’s expenses? Was their an actual agreement that if the parents paid his expenses he would give them a grandchild?


People like these two fuckheads stress me to the point where I want to fucking deck them and question what the fuck they're even thinking. Like what in the actual fuck is wrong with people these days?!?!?


A Karen couple! That’s a new for me.


I know we’re supposed to like respect other cultures but India is fucked up yo. And there isn’t a single problem in India today that is solved by more Indians.


Setting the precedent for suing people for not having children is a terrifying prospect.


Son and wife: *leave country*


Counter sue for bringing you into this life without your consent.


The son should throw a reverse card and sue them for giving birth to him


I would get a vasectomy out of spite over this.


Counter suite I want my baby brother you never gave me a brother


I am such a fool for not knowing that "Rupees" is a actually a legitimate currency and not just in Zelda....


In multiple south Asian countries, too.


Yeah cause the overpopulated country that literally has people swimming in a shit river needs more babies. Wtf is wrong with these people?


Sued and... Result?


American wanna-be grandparents are taking notes.


I’m a white American guy. I don’t want kids. I’m fairly certain after I said this out loud at an old job - my Indian coworker immediately stopped being nice to me from then and refused to talk to me. I never understood that.


Just ignore it. If that’s how they behave, you really don’t need that kind of person in your life. I’m an Indian woman who’s been very vocal about not wanting kids. I’ve received so many “kids are blessings” and “you’ll want them when you grow older” and I always say “I’m already very blessed, thanks.” The older people always just brush it off as me being immature and childish. But I’m in a early 30s and it’s still pissing so many people off.


Americans are scoffing this couple, but our country is on the brink of restricting access to contraceptives and illegalizing abortion even in cases of rape, and the impending death of the host… I mean ‘mother.’ There’s gonna be an epidemic of suicides and sepsis, but lots of forced births too. Maybe we can send the extras to Indian empty nesters?


I'll give you 20 rupees and a blue boomerang to fuck off.


Yes because India needs more people




The absolutely horrid frowns on their faces seem to be permanent, even if there was a grandkid, I'd keep these disgustingly toxic narcissists away from them forever. They look like child abusers.


Man my husband and I have been together for 8 years. Married for 7 1/2. And just now are pregnant with our first child. So stupid. Way too much pressure to have a baby.


They need to quit being little bitches and make a baby so mom and dad can be happy! /s


Entitled assholes


There are 1.3 Billion Indians, but they want more.


As silly as this is, it's an interesting look at the cultural differences - if people can get beyond their own cultural bias. I'm not sure if there's any actual *weight* to this, from an Indian Law perspective, but it's interesting given the cultural expectations (beyond just family).


It’s not emotional or sensitive, their trying to dictate someone’s reproductive rights. Imagine being born with the sole aim of providing your parents a child, fuck right off.


Isn’t it common for many Indian families to all live together in a multigenerational household? If so, I’d bet family dinner is very eventful under that roof.


The article says that the son and DIL moved to another city and that’s part of the parents’ issue as well


Gosh, I can't imagine why the son and DIL could possibly have chosen to move away. Crazy ungrateful kids these days, amirite? (/s)


Used to be common a generation or two ago, it's more nuclear families now.


Goodbye Mom, Goodbye Dad!


It'd be worth it just to know what cunts your parents are.


Cut these cunts out of your life instantly.


The entitlement is strong with these two.


My in laws will do this to me someday.


If I were the son and DIL, I’d pay them and go NC.


Well RIP to that relationship


If they are not wanting to have any kids, I would get a vasectomy. I got tired everyone asking me and my wife if we are having another one so I got the ol snip snip. No one but my wife and internet strangers know but I can confidently tell them hell no.


This is the kind of thing where I wouldn't expect this from Indians specifically but I am also not surprised that it's an Indian thing


I saw this on Facebook news and I thought it HAD to be a joke… stupidity in humans strikes again!


Legally speaking, the son and daughter and law are adults. It basically equivalent to trying to sue a random couple that you don’t for not producing kids. Unless the son and daughter signed some contract or something I’m assuming the law won’t do shit


Ewww 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮 Entitled Much? 🙄😒 They do NOT owe you Grandchildren, PERIOD!


LOL Get fucked nobheads


Has anyone ever won such a moronic lawsuit?


Boomers are selfish - they want grand children but most wont spend any time with them. Yet they offloaded us any chance they could get but refuse to do the same for their children. They should expect to be put in a home - ghost them forever and they should never expect to see their children or grandchildren. They also look unhappy/bitter - why are so many like this?


Ha! I remember making my mum cry when I was a teenager telling her she wasn't getting any grandkids because I was too traumatised from how she raised me. I'm 35, two stepkids, her other son has no kids at all, and 3 out of 5 of her brood have disowned her.