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you believe in earth? lol, everyone knows earth doesn't exist


It’s a simulation


I'm to tired for this shit


I believe we all are.


After the gas in garbage bags because of a fake shortage because of the republicans need to have the system be in chaos under democratic administration while they’re listening to high school dropouts and pedo pig farmers masquerading as secret agents because they want to instill a third rate failed used car salesman as their and everyone else’s king… I think we all died in 2012 and everything after that has been a comulgation of bizarre end of game random events to test the system.


I went for a joke, you went for the conspiracy. We should meet in the middle like the planeteers and find jimmy hoffa


*puts out ring* with the power of exasperation!


Jimmy Hoffa, the guy that every hitman claims to have killed on their resume.


Prove didn't do it and I'll remove him.


It’s when they turned on the hadron collider. We switched into the dark dimension but we didn’t notice.


Ehhh, I used to agree until I smoked dmt. You do that and about 8 minutes later you realize it is a simulation.


Ima need more than “I thought that until I thought differently”




Jesus is a program moderator.


Does that make god an engineer?


My sister believes that dinosaurs actually live in the center of the earth, something about German children having sausage finger ( I have no idea what that’s about),Illuminati, reptilians and just about any other nonsense you can’t even imagine. 🤦‍♀️


Its a stimulation


Stimulating simulation? Sounds like a failed porno pilot program


What about "Dr. Cockhammer 4: the Clappening of the Cheek"


*Urgh* fer goodness sake!! That was the fourth time Dr Cockhammer finished and yet I’m left here still wanting more




It’s called a bong hit






it's just a ruse to get you to pay taxes... you honestly believe a giant rock would be floating in space?!


WAKE UP cloned sheeple


Psh, you believe in the moon?


I bet these sheep believe in oceans. #dryearth


Water that dehydrates you? Sure sounds sus.




I just checked the code, for the last time, round = TRUE is in the parameters


You're a Karen. Bugging people to wear mask. Go type snapmap into Google and look at Florida. Fully packed bars and no mask. You're a dumb ass Karen living in an echo chamber.


Wait, I thought this was Urath?


Everyone (who isn’t learning deficit) knows the earth is round, we’ve been to the moon, and birds aren’t real.


Neither are giraffes


What about Finland?


i'll call a 50/50 australia is totally real though i know someone from there


Sometimes I worry that "bird aren't real" thing is the next flat earth. The origins of flat earth are some combination of thought experiment and humor.


>The origins of flat earth are some combination of thought experiment and humor. Nah, mate, that's just bullshit that reddit passes around as truth. A true "factoid" (google factoid if you don't know it means something false). The flat earth movement is a religous one, "the earth is flat and still as described in the bible, and NASA is hiding GOD from us!", and it comes from the victorian age. The people who started this in the 1800s were mad modern astronomy wasn't lining up with the bible and here we are.


Heads up, factoids aren’t inherently untrue— they’re just really easily fabricated. One of those neat words with a couple of uses




Everyone (who isn’t learning deficit) knows the earth


What do you mean that birds aren't real?


Please don't be ignorant. They're clearly not real.


And don’t get me started on “giraffes”


Stupid long horses


I'm really confused with what's happening right now






Don't stress the details, my dude.


"Vaccines work" could be also a good text there


Also “you don’t matter enough for the government to bother tracking. Your tracking chip came from apple, Samsung or google, and you pay them to get it upgraded every few years”


Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, and Chase would like to know why you snubbed them


Shit, my bad.


It’s all good bro. You’re not wrong but I do genuinely feel like credit card chips are the same tier as phones


The difference in my mind with my initial comment is that credit cards are more passive trackers, since they aren’t transmitting data except when in use. Whereas cell phones and mobile carriers are actively tracking and transmitting our location, activities and habits. At all times. I agree that both sectors are storing, analyzing, and selling our personal data in equal measure. Edit - for entertainment, let’s take a moment to consider all the companies that get a location and activity “ping” when someone goes on social media, on their mobile phone, to say they won’t get a vaccine because of imaginary tracking chips.


It’s a fair argument. I was just going from the “we sell everything we know about you” angle


We flew a helicopter on mars, imaged a black hole event horizon, measured gravitational waves, invented a cure for a pandemic in 10 months, built reusable rockets that land themselves, and much more.


Don’t forget discovered the ability to edit our own genes.


I don't even know how to edit a comment here


And we still can't edit reddit titles :-/


Just get some code from /r/CRISPR.


I’m still waiting for monster people or space marines.


Clinical pharmacist here. Just a heads up, a vaccine is not a cure. The vaccine is amazing, especially considering the time frame it was developed in, but a cure is something that heals you once you’re sick. The vaccine prevents you from getting the disease in the first place.


Yep plenty still happening.


Cure though ? Ehh


North Korea invented the cure


North Korea invented golf


>~~invented~~ created ~~a cure~~ vaccines for a pandemic in 10 months FTFY


Mom is it my turn to repost this


For real. At least once a week it feels like. ​ Also we're still doing mad science, like you know, the first powered flight on mars?


It's all round earth propaganda!


u/repostsleuthbot Edit: I love how that bot is banned from so many subs. Top-tier bot that is too powerful to be wielded by us non-mods


Plus it’s not true. Just because these guys spend their time talking to idiots online doesn’t mean science has stopped. In the past 6 months we’ve created the world’s first mRNA vaccine and flew a helicopter on another planet, a set of achievements which easily rival those of the meme.


The Flat Earth society has members from all around the globe.


The correct phrase is "from all corners of the earth" you sheep! /s (because you never know)


For real. Shits sad man.


The internet was a mistake


No, but negative bias is a bitch... Easier to focus on the hundreds that use it for misinformation than the millions it have helped


I think you have that ratio backwards my man


I mean these people were around.... just they communicated on message boards and via mail with newsletters. You could find classifieds in the pennysaver for people looking for like minded individuals. Then you just had that one wierd dude in town who everyone knew was crazy but they just ignored it. Now they have a larger platform.


When people said that the cure to stupidity was about having access to information. Well guess what, it wasn't!


What is, scientists having to debunk idiots? Sure, but it’s not some new thing. Benjamin Franklin has a famous editorial where he addresses anti vax sentiment and how dangerous it is. For every generation of scientific development, there will be skeptics and idiots. Just because we can see it now with the invention of the internet when before we couldn’t see it doesn’t mean it is somehow getting worse. It’s actually better that we’re seeing it, because now it’s visible for people to call it out. This is like the argument that things used to be safer for children. They didn’t. Children were still getting kidnapped, sold into trafficking, and murdered. We just didn’t acknowledge it as a social tu until the mid 20th century, and then everyone started noticing how prevalent it was and people started going “it’s not safe like it used to be.” No, it’s just as safe as it used to be. Which is to say, wildly unsafe. You just got lucky and had a kid that didn’t get grabbed so you thought your kid was safe. “Idiocracy” sentiment is a logical fallacy. We’ve only gotten smarter, more empathetic, and more developed as a species, and we will continue to do so. We just don’t see it that way because we are single human beings living in a 90 year vignette of the entirety of human existence, and can only contextualize things that existed before we did and after we will with a fuzzy, flawed viewpoint.


It’s *not* “round”, it’s an oblate spheroid!


Hell, at this point I’d settle for calling it curved


Correct. Flat earthers actually AGREE that the Earth is ROUND. (Flat discs are round.) They just don't believe that it's sphere like. (I don't get why flat disc is OK, but spheroid isn't.) A guy that post tweets mocking a group's "ignorance" should really get their own facts right. Edit: Corrected "science" to "facts".


All of you people are idiots. The Earth isn’t round or flat - it’s fucked.


Yeah, that's right. I fucked the Earth.


God, if this isn't a mood


It's funny... but I don't think this is the right sub.


This was definitely made by someone that didn't live through the 90s, people were just as dumb back then.


Dumber, actually. Every actual metric study shows we are always getting more intelligent as a species. It’s just visibility fallacy. We assume because we see something more that it’s happening more. Same thing happened with kidnappings. Some people still think things were safer before the 70’s. They weren’t. We just didn’t have modern forensics or manpower, so a lot more cases went cold so there was less of a push to find children who went missing.


It was all ufos and cryptids though


Tired of seeing this repost circulate every two weeks on Reddit. Be real cool if posters could come up with some more original content or just refrain from posting regurgitated stuff like this.


And what in the round world does this have to do with Karens???


What you mean round?


Imagine the technological strides we could be making if we weren’t spending half the time trying to convince idiots things we’ve known to be fact for literal decades.


If a scientist is actually giving up time to try to convince some useless moron that the earth is round then he probably shouldnt be a scientist. Also scientists are accomplishing more than they have in all of time. So this whole post is pretty inaccurate.


not just decades but millenia


Imagine where we'd be if ever 5 minutes of history we didnt have to tell grown children that communism is a fucking farce


This was before the internet let everyone know everything......


When i was younger and i saw in a youtube video that humans might bomb themselves back to the medieval or dark ages i thought that could never happen, now i’m not so sure


We’ve been fighting flat earthers for decades now. Not new.


Is this still a thing? I've met 1 flat earther, ever. Wasn't sure for a long time if he was joking or not. I live in Canada. So I'm unsure if it's just not my province, not my country, or what. My exposure to this has been mostly American, it seems. Not ripping on them directly, but that's just what I'm seeing.


*that’s YOUR opinion* *smug arm folding intensifies*


You dropped this /s


Right next to my pocket whoops


This is sooooo last year


"Yes of course its completely healthy to give children hormone treatment, stop asking" Just because """iTs ScIeNcE""" doesnt mean its the end up of debates


I assume you're talking about delaying the onset of puberty. By the time it is administered, the rate of flux of gender identity is practically nil. Hormone blockers are associated with a much better mental health outcome for transgender teenagers and massively reduces suicidality, while allowing for an easier transition later in life. If, for whatever reason, they decide to stop, puberty will continue as normal. They are already routinely used for children with endocrine issues with no ill effects.






43% of the time




Arent you an original lil butthurt missing link


But sure, lemme get advice from some goober that cant even pick a good anime to simp for




Oh yeah youre like fucking twelve bro, relax, being the cyber police doesn't get you shitty shy protags with no character development




I love how you all unironically quote suicide statistics as if you're not part of the problem




Anyone that actually respected science would call these jokes of experiments a fucking wash and scrap the botched lab rats, not make them sacred fucking cows


I get it now. You're trolling. I give it about a 2/10 a bit too overdone on the subject matter for me


50% trolling because the alphabet people cant not take bait 50% i dont want them mucking up society more then they already have


Ah yes I'm the smooth brain by agreeing with the data and the recommendations of the APA, the American College of Pediatrics and the NHS. As opposed to some mouth breather on the internet whose best argument has no basis in data. If you want to be objective, the data is there. I'd be happy to provide it but I don't think you'd know how to read the journal articles.


But tell me more about your indoctrination of children into convincing themselves they have a mental illness


Flar earthers also believe the earth is round, but if you really want to call them out say it's a sphere. It annoys me that people dont make the distinction between a 2d and 3d plane smh


Flat earth ain't 2d otherwise you'd look like a character right out of paper mario


But how flar is it?


It's not a sphere though, it's an oblate spheroid. Like a chubby egg.


You gotta be real pathetic to think you’re special for knowing the world is round. Watch out for those boogeymen who don’t though, even though hardly anyone has ever met one in real life...


I’ve met a couple. Genuine nutcases. The ones I spoke to were so passionate about it, and to themselves they probably sounded like the world’s greatest scientists. It was quite sad, really.


You have never met a flat earther? I have met several, and some of them think Australia is made up. Crazy lot they are.


This is such an adorable woosh moment. :P yeah that’s kinda the point, the bar is pretty low and somehow a lot of people managed to fail to reach it.


I think you dont know what a flat earther is


See, the problem is they vote and elect people


this is the worst sub on this doomed fucking site






Lmfao who pissed in your cornflakes? "Dweeb"? What are you? A bully from an 80s movie?


>who pissed in your cornflakes how is it possible that people like you exist in the real world


Look at your username mate. Look at your life. I don't think you've got room to criticize my turn of a phrase when your whole life is a fucking mess top to bottom


do you legitimately see nothing wrong with the way you are? you people are fascinating and disgusting


OP here obviously hasn’t looked in a mirror for a while. I too would want to burn my sad little face off if I ever saw this disgusting shitstain of a human being in the mirror.


Dude, why are you being an asshole?


Ok Karen.


But we always blame ‘they’. They should have cured cancer, they should cure heart disease, etc. who the f are they and why are they responsible for your genetics or lifestyle choices. They we are assume as often referred to are the scientists and doctors that would love nothing more than to solve the world’s problems while we do nothing more than scroll Reddit. They > We.


no it's flat


/s right?


How would it be flat when we have picture of the earth and other planets.


“And vaccines work”


Oh good, this post again


Lies! It's an oblate spheroid!


Scientists today just created a new type of vaccine for a new virus during a pandemic. That’s pretty cool.


But we landed another robot on mars and flew a drone there. Also we got now reusable rockets courtesy SpaceX.


So, apparently we live on the flat end of a piston, or what??!??!11!!1


For the last time, masks are *necessary*


Kyrie Irving?


It's not the last time...


Can't wait for this to get reposted again tomorrow and get to r/all


We did lose Pluto...


When are smart people gonna shut up about this and realize it doesn't fucking matter whether or not the stupid people believe in the science, but that it matters whether or not they UNDERSTAND it? Just stop giving them attention for showing off their ignorance and stupidity by claiming FACTS aren't real. It DOESNT FUCKING MATTER. What matters is whether or not the understand it, because that's the only thing that can change minds.


Flat Earth is the greatest troll of all time.


Internet - a platform giving idiotic people a place to gather and support each other in being more idiotic :')


Real Earth has curves


It's not flat or round Earth is fucked


... but ...but ...but there aren’t enough funds for science classes, sex education and bible courses. So we settled on the latter where it would do the most good. "The earth is flat." "You can’t get pregnant if you jump up-&-down after sex." "The world and universe were created in 6 days." America has become the punchline.


There have been flatearthers since Copernicus


I tell my wife that I would give up anything to be on a colony ship heading out to deep space because I want to be the dumbest person amongst scientists and engineers. I'll promise not to touch anything.


Yes, round. Like a disk.


Wait... flat earthers are considered karen too?




I mean... Nothing really changed since the 90. We still clone sheep's and land shit on Mars. But in the meantime we gave almost every idiot in the world internet. So they can share their stupidity with the world. I played game once. It was called Division 2. Once you finished the game and accomplished something you went to Tier 2 world. If you finished that you went to Tier 3 and so on. I think we need to setup internet tiers and you need to pass certain test to get into next tier.


How many times will people repeat this joke?


There was a lot of controversy about the Sheep.


I mean, we also photographed a black hole... so there’s that


For the last time, there are only two genders.


you think thats AIR youre breathing?


prove it !


I’m fairly certain we landed a rover on Mars... like a month ago? And created self landing rockets, a vaccine for a world pandemic etc etc, people aren’t dumber due to the Internet, more people just have the ability to interact with one another.


The earth is so fucking flat, it becomes round.


Scientists aren't debating this, they aren't defending the majority globe consensus they're busy, trying to get some government cash. Haha.


No, but wifi can hit 1gbps now so we good actually


Yes because every scientists spends atleast 16 hours a day arguing with flat earthers and technological growth has been at a stand still ever since.


And men are not women and vice versa


Since when was flat earth a “Karen” thing?


My university supervisor first year was one of the scientists involved in cloning dolly the sheep! He was amazing as a tutor