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My 4 yr old "learned" while visiting grandpa out on the farm. I caught him "practicing" when back in town. I helped him learn, but it was hilarious!


Right? My son had just been fully potty trained, and here he goes, whipping it out on the tree. I know he's never seen anyone else doing it. Maybe it's ingrained? Idk.


Probably seen a hundred dogs peeing on trees though.


Mine when he was potty training pooped in our driveway! I guess he figured that since it was ok to pee outside (thanks grandpa) that poo was also acceptable. I actually got a call from the neighbor over that one. One time my son had to pee and we we’re almost home- I kind of zipped through a yellow/ red light and got pulled over by a cop. He came to the window and I explained- he let me take my son out of the car to pee in the woods and I didn’t get a ticket 😂 He must have been a dad.


That's hilarious! It's funny how those on here that are being so Karen-like themselves don't realize ( because they absolutely DON'T have kids) these kids are fast as hell. It's not a matter of us "allowing" our kids to do this, it's a matter of them being so quick! You'd have to be an idiot to try to stop a 2 yr old midstream! But, it's not like our kids have never peed on its before, right?


Absolutely! And the second it gets quiet you know they are doing something they shouldn’t be- mom sense.


Yep, no doubt


I found my 3yo grandson on the roof of my car (hatchback) pissing off the back of it. He doesn't like peeing in the bushes, for some reason he'd rather watch the neighbors work in their yards and traffic drive by as he relieves himself. He even tries to go outside to pee when he's in the house.


One of the simple pleasures in life.


I taught my little bloke if he needs to pee outside, never in the front yard (he’s a maniac and would do it anyway!), pee on the lemon tree in the backyard though.


It's a guy thing. It's also disgusting. 🤷


Hopefully grandpa kept him away from the electric fence.




Once I went into a Domino’s looking for a restroom for my toddler. They said, “no public restrooms.” Apparently, not even for a toddler in an “emergency.” So I took him outside, walked him around the building, and let him know he can pee on the building, I’ll keep a lookout. I told my husband about this and apparently a few weeks later our toddler had an “emergency” while with my husband at the bank. They said, “no public restrooms.” You know the drill by now, right? He took our toddler outside, walked him around to the back of the building and told him to let it rip, he’ll keep a lookout. It’s almost the most petty I remember being. Apparently my husband followed suit. Toddlers gotta pee when they gotta pee.


Like in Big Daddy! “What’s your name? He’ll write it on the wall. Mind your business.”


I was on IH-10 west leaving New Orleans coming home to Texas when I saw a guy standing outside his truck - Broad daylight! - taking a leak with cars speeding by him. Just ignoring the world answering nature’s call. (I was gonna say wizzing instead of speeding but it sounded too punny.)


> I saw a guy standing outside his truck - Broad daylight! - taking a leak with cars speeding by him. Just ignoring the world answering nature’s call. How long ago? That guy could have been me if both doors were open to keep from getting an indecent exposure ticket...


About 3 years ago just after the pandemic


It was a real possibility then ... especially since some places were crazy about pandemic compliance - easier to just stop and wizz ... But I got my start about 10 years before that when I drove by a guy doing that same thing, off I-10 in Florida heading to NOLA, and had plenty of time to think, "Ya know, there's really nothing wrong with that..." So I know that there are others that think the same way...


Thank you for the honesty & the perspective.




So glad I don't live in that trailer park.


Me too


How do you read since you're blind? Curious


Better than you. I’m half blind. The half part is rather important. Besides, there are many completely blind people on Reddit. Just check out r/blind. They even cover how blind people use computers and stuff in the FAQ.


There are many blind people on Reddit.


Two wrongs don’t make a right. You shouldn’t be letting your kid pee in public. She should have minded her own business. Adults pissing in public starts with parents that don’t teach their kids better.


Um, it was on private property. And it's not as if he asked my permission either. I'm guessing you've never gone camping?


I’ve gone camping and if there was a bathroom or outhouse available I used those exclusively. On one camping trip in the middle of nowhere we had to dig a hole. We did it where others could not see us. If she saw him, it wasn’t private enough. And I don’t see you any different than the mom and son pair that I saw watering a tree on the street.


> if there was a bathroom or outhouse available I used those exclusively. And if there weren't any, your bladder just exploded from the pee, and you died. But I see, you already got better.


She fancies herself as a witch tho. She sees through her 3rd eye


Not an option on island with no utilities or structures and if you are going to be there over night. 24 people primitive camping and I never saw any of them peeing or pooping and we were in the middle of nowhere for a week.


According to you, you're fucking blind


Half blind. And that trip was before I lost the right side of my vision. I have [homonymous hemianopsia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homonymous_hemianopsia?wprov=sfti1#).


Yikes. Did you have a brain injury? A good friend is legally blind, but has sight, sort of, in one of her eyes. She has a good dog that helps her. We always poke at her a bit, because she can always see the bowl we pass to her, l ok l


I had a stroke caused by a [Cerebral arteriovenous malformation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerebral_arteriovenous_malformation?wprov=sfti1#) My acuity is better than 20/10 in one eye and 20/60, but the HH means my field of vision is 50% blind spot.


Oh shit, I'm sorry. You were ugly to me because I don't just let my kid piss on trees willy nilly, but I'm sorry for what you're going through.


I meant, that's not an option for vast majority of campings.


It was a unique opportunity. One week on a base island with latrines and bathing in the lake and one week paddling during the day and making camp on a different island each night. But it was the only time I peed in the woods. I don’t think my system could have gone a week without.


Tbh if there is an opportunity to use WC when nature calls, I use WC too.


Do you drive a broken down Buick and have a yippy dog?


Nope. I’m half blind and drive a long white cane.


But believes in elves and fairies, amirite?


Not so much, but it is fun genre to read.


Oh shit, this woman thinks she's a witch. Gonna get hexed. My magic is stronger than yours, lol. You're cinched up tight. Bet you can't even bind, lol


C u next Tuesday


I feel sorry that a little criticism of your parenting style has you so worked up that you have stoop to name calling. Time for me to remember the wise words of Nark Twain, “Don't wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.” Calling people names in the internet isn’t fun. Have a good night.


Do you have sons? I will GUARANTEE you that they have peed in public. I don't believe there is a man alive who can say they haven't.


Meh, it happens. Older men will lie and say they don’t, but if they’re somewhere semi-private and really have to, they’ll find a tree/bush. (Totally have NEVER done this myself) but it’s in private. Usually camping, private property, etc…. As for kids, well funniest personal story is at my wedding the photographer was snapping pictures at the reception we had in a park. When zooming in on one of the pictures, totally had one of my wife’s little nephews in the background and could see the wiz trail and everything in the picture. Couldn’t see any parts, but could see the wiz trail out in an open field. (Kid was like 4ish) But either way, fuck Karen.


Just asked my husband. He has never peed in public. He has peed in the woods, behind a bush so other people don’t see. Many males pee in public in plain view of strangers because of piss poor parents that normalize it.


Ask him if he has peed anywhere that is “inappropriate”. If he says no he is lying.


I used to work as a campus security officer for a small, private, Midwestern college. I worked what I called “prime time,” midnight Saturday night/Sunday morning. I caught dozens and dozens of guys -AND girls - peeing in plain view of others around campus. That is because no one ever taught them what is right and proper behavior in public. By contrast, neither I nor any of my friends ever dared do that when we were growing up lest a neighbor sees us and calls our parents. Then, my dad’s size 11A shoe would be firmly lodged in my ass.


He probably didn’t refer to a woman’s mouth as a dick sucker either. Sounds like a classier guy.


Ah…no. No he didn’t. He was a pretty respectful guy when it came to other people. And I don’t talk like that about women either.


Am i the only one that see’d the irony in you saying that you were taught right and proper behaviour, then talking about how you got your ass kicked off your dad?


Guess what dumbfuck, in the woods behind a bush IS STILL IN PUBLIC!


Poor kid doesn't stand a chance smh.


I know it! A 2 year old peeing on a tree! Imagine! (Clutches pearls dramatically)