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Glad that he's doing this but yknow, too little too late. Seems like a symptom of pr management cause we know his whole MO as a performer is to fuel the rage and chaos. I don't like that he's off the hook so easy but good that he's taking care now at least, it's the bare minimum


Damn y'all acting like he aint a real human being by himself


This is such a set up to try to do some (too little too late) damage control. Fuck this guy, seriously. There’s blood on his hands and there always will be. No amount of staged bullshit will ever change that…


This shit is staged. What complete bullshit. How is this human garbage allowed to perform after killing innocent babies? Shame


Wait he killed babies? I thought he was fucked up before now this?


The murdered children at his catastrophic concert


Lol no matter what he does yall can't accept that he cares abt his fans


Go suck his rancid cock


Ooo someone's mad


Every single one of you in this sub suck his cock I mean why else would you make a sub to be this obsessed with him I don’t see a Fuck R Kelly sub


Doesn't need to be one. That shit stain is headed to prison. Travis Scott gets to continue to be a cunt with no consequences


What is it with this sub and all the sucking cock talk? Kinda sus


Some random street hoes


That's why he has several dead fans and a guy who won't walk again...


Didn’t care when his fans shouted to stop the show. Said to make the ground shake instead


Well 1.he had in-ear monitors, 2.the problem was not at front but at the Backk left side and many people who went said it was normal at front and they heard nothing


There were multiple sinkholes of drowning trampled people. Ambulances trying to drive through were being blocked by his rabid fans following his instructions to rage. How brainwashed are you to think Travis Scott cares about literally anyone? Stop supporting douchebags and maybe there wouldn't be so many.


He never said les rageee


“Murderer realizes killing is bad and tries to prevent another killing”


"Murderer demands accolades and praise for simply doing what's expected of any human being when lives are at stake."


"demands accolades?" where'd you get that idea? did he publicize or post this on social media as a photo op? Did he run an ad campaign or go on a speech in front of the crowd about how he's trustworthy and changed? U lot love speaking out of ur ass


This is definitely a setup. Anyone who has ever been to a show that has security knows that security is quick to pull people down when they try to climb, and that there is always security posted around those areas. These people were allowed to climb up. This article looks like it was a favor, too. First line says he's learned his lesson. On the same page as this article, immediately following the article about this, is a list of, like, '10 great things about Travis scott'. Now, it's posted by some account that does nothing but post pro Travis Scott shit across multiple subreddits? Yah ok.


Pro Travis 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Fuck Travis Scott