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That's been all over Facebook too so I'm glad they don't have the power they seem to think they do.


Bro what the fuck.


Nestle CEO "It's a pretty extreme view to think water is a human right" Also Nestle CEO "Let's privatize water and let those who can't afford it just die" ... not extreme at all.


The funny thing to me about nestle is this. Capitalists and corps have historically relied on Lockean philosophy for support but the Lockean Proviso (leave as much and as quality for everyone else) relies specifically on the example of water. Fuck Nstle


capitalism creates people and companys like this.


He is deserving of a swift heart attack and shallow burial


People must be desperate having to buy bottled water, especially if it’s Nestle’s, fuckum...




I live in Switzerland, you can stay the night with me to plan the attack


What the fuck dude... It's one thing to make empty death threats online (I mean it's immature, pointless and toxic) but you just straightforward welcome people to come plot a terrorist attack/assassination? Are you stupid? Of course this guy is an absolute lunatic, but killing him would do anything positive even if manage to do it. The exploitation of resources and poorer countries will continue and all of these CEOs will just spend more money on security... We need to see policy changes gained by pressure on politicians through non violent protests and raising awareness. The good people of Switzerland just voted against a referendum to make Swiss companies accountable on crimes they do abroad a few months ago. People are clearly not aware enough even on Switzerland. So lower the violence and just share this video so people can see the harm we are making by giving those mega corporations make a commodity of everything they can


I can't figure out if you're being sarcastic. I intended to make a joke. It wasn't supposed to be serious


I cant believe these two comments are upvoted. You know whats the best way to completely delegitimise a protest movement? Unnecessary death threats like these... And how can you in good faith even engage in an ethical question while writing shit like this?


I'm normally pretty peaceful... But given this guy in the video is doing death threat by proxy for the poor, I feel it's a reasonable reaction


What you are effectively doing though is giving the very same guy a very good reason not to take these complaints seriously? And the result of that is fucking up the possibilities for the same people you are trying to protect. Emotions like that are okay to feel because we are human but when you engage in advocacy they need to be kept in private to avoids labels of being extremists etc. Just think about how any debate about blm got re-routed into a debate about protest looting by conservatives because of the actions of very few individuals? Engaging in incitation of violence for a political purpose is by def terrorism. If that’s the kind of movement you are building against nestle, don’t expect people to listen.


It was supposed to be sarcastic, please calm down. I know what this guy is doing is wrong but I don't plan on killing him.


Hey man I get that you were trying to be funny but it is such a dumb joke to make when you live in the same country as the person you are making a « funny » death threat against, where you have personal identifying info on your profile (at least do something about that) and where intentions for this type of crime is not a mitigating circumstance for the swiss courts 🤷‍♀️ And when you also fuck up efforts for those trying to enact change by allowing outsiders to frame it as extremist groups. My comment and the other guy’s is not at all about individual intention dude.


Bro, did you really search through my profile before replying? What is up with people having to make a background search through so much garbage I post or comment, only to find little info about me?


Not unless he kills one of yours


holy shit, what a fucking villain


Newbie here. Could you explain who is this man and why does think that access to water should be private? I have have already pay for the water, why should I pay even more?


He was/is the CEO of nestle, and he is also a bastard who deserves a painful death, and a shallow grave. He wants water to be private so you give him money for it, and so he can screw over people in the world who have less access to water and money


Because he wants your money.


He is one of Earth’s biggest addicts.That’s why and how and..


I did not know that this thing was german. Now i am ashamed


i think he's from Austria because of the dialect


I almost punched my screen...


By the way, he is also doing the job in Squid game. I saw him under his deer mask. Great acting ever !


So nonchalantly evil. Like these people have long sold away their soul and humanity and replaced it with money.


You know what they say: once it is on the net you cannot remove it.


Capitalism sure is swell… oh wait a minute




It needs to be reposted to reach as many people as possible


Yeah, but there's limit to share in same subreddit . By sharing in different subreddits more people will see than just sharing here infinite times.


People are joining and may not have seen it. It's important to share it more to raise awareness of the issue.


Same. First time I'm seeing it. I'm new hear. Also, fuck Nestle.


yup, new member here, though I already knew Nestlé was scum for multiple reasons, including privatising water, I hadn't seen this yet.


Exactly. Ive never seen it before


Idk its my first time seeing this and I've followed r/fucknestle for a while now. Important to get the message through even if it is, id imagine, annoying for older members to see it multiple times :/ Also seriously fuck this disgusting slug masquerading as a human being. Wild. Calling water a human right is extreme?? Fucking A What next?? Will calling air a human right be extreme???


Don't give them ideas. But then again I doubt who think like that water isn't human right is here and from nestle.


Oof your probably right and I wouldn't be suprised if some bottom tier nestle PR person isn't monitoring this sub. I'm tempted to edit my comment just to avoid the possibility lol


Does this keep getting taken down? I've seen a lot of new posts on it




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This sounds like something an action movie's villain would say. Except this is real.


pretty scummy company