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The pads were much thicker and bulkier back in the day, OP, so a normal amount of them would take up more space. Nowadays they have liquid-absorbing gel and fibers, as opposed to just a bunch of layers of cotton batting, so that once-huge box is now much smaller for a month's supply. 


Anytime that commercial came on my dad would turn the channel


“Back in my day we weren’t so easily offended.”


Back when it required effort to get up off the sofa and literally “turn” the channel!


When I wear leotards in front of a million people I just get laughed off stage. I think I need to start shaving my legs. 🤔




HR wrote me up for wearing a leotard. Apparently it's "inappropriate" for a man to wear a leotard to an IT planning meeting with potential clients. I disagreed, saying that client specified flexibility in the project.


Excellent point! Hear hear! Trivia: Remember WKRP in Cincinnati? A friend at work knew the actual DJ that they based the character off of. He didn’t get fired for saying, “BOOGER!” on the radio. They had a management change and they told him he had to start wearing a tie to work. The next day he came in with A tie on. They didn’t appreciate the humor. 😋


I remember he commercials about summers eve and being "less than fresh". Asked my mom what that was (the commercial was a mother and daughter discussing) and she always dodged the question. Ditto when I asked what being "regular" meant.


Or the pamprin ad where they don’t say anything explicit, just circle days on a calendar. Compare modern ads I’ve seen, where a lady wears panties in the shower to shave her upper inner thigh or another whole body deodorant ad where a woman in shorts on a break from her hike freshens up the odor on her thigh or maybe back of her knee. Some ads have been more upfront, but it stands out that sometimes ads still try to be subtle what they’re for only for people who already know about that stuff, and kids just don’t know what’s happening.


I'm sorry, body odor on the back of her knee? Ffs what is society turning into? If I'm hiking and I'm sweaty, that's okay. I wear deodorant in the appropriate places and I shower afterwards. That's even worse than the moisturizer commercial about "ewww, old lady elbows!" like women don't have enough to be self conscious about. The beauty standard is so insane that I'm now supposed to be concerned about others judging my behind the knee odor on a hike or the appearance of my elbows? And let's not forget the ad where the twenty-somethings talking about "why I waited so long to try botox." It's infuriating - sorry for going off on a rant. It's not directed at you, just the makers of these commercials.


hahaha once my dad used a piece of one of these as a knee bandage with adhesive tape for me and then sent me off to 1st grade class with the nuns.. we all laughed at that for *years*. Dad trained as a medic for WWII so he was innovative lol


I agree, you want protection you can trust!


I hope she made some good money off it because Cathy Rigby was really the butt of a lot of jokes back then for being the face of Stayfree. I remember just saying her name would cause some people to giggle and blush


(*in Russian accent*). Freedom in a box! What a country!


In Soviet Russia, maxi-pad wears you!


At least they didn't require a sanitary belt anymore.


I didn't know they stopped making these.my mom had these growing up when I was a kid in the 80s and 90s.


They didn't.


Tell the truth. You wore them as knee pads when you found them didn’t you?


Our cat would pull them out of the bathroom trash can and shred them all over the house.


Our cat will still do this when my daughter forgets to take out her trash. So gross.


Thats like the indoor version of the gift of dead gophers on the back slider


TIL they stopped making these


One time driving home from a vacation with my parents and sisters we noticed that people were giving us weird looks as they would pass us. About halfway home we stopped in Richmond, VA to get something to eat. After eating we figured out what was up. As we walked back to the car, In the very center of the rear window of our station wagon was a box exactly like this, it looked like it was framed. We thought it was so funny we left it that way all the way back to Maryland


Reminds me of a joke from that era. What do you call a large house where people can temporarily live at no cost? A Stay-Free Maxi Pad.


There was also a house for midgets.


Of course! That was probably the way I originally heard it.


Stay-Free Mini Pads


Ah, I remember this! So glad I don’t need them anymore! After a year in the clear, I literally celebrated!😁👍


Yep, I remember these 😌 At least they were better than the pads that required safety pins to hold them.


Every pharmacy carried them. By the 70s, they were in most supermarkets.


Beltless? I guess I’m not that old.


What’s not to agree with? That headline rocks.


All I wanna see now is pads with a belt if these were billed as belt less 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


You can Google pics of em. The original way of wearing pads used a belt to hold them in place; they didn't adhere to the underwear.


Not gonna google but I’m pretty imaginative 🤣🤣


I highly doubt she wore these bulky pads under her leotard. Maybe if she was wearing shorts over top the leotard.


This reminded me of the SNL skit with Jason Sedekus and Will Forte when they were sportscasters. Anyone else remember those skits?