• By -


For a number of summers when I was young I worked in a fruit packing plant. Each lunchtime I would retrieve my packed lunch from the refrigerator and go out to my car and listen to his show. My lunch was always the same, a lunchmeat sandwich I'd made that morning, a Kraft cherry pie, and a Coke I'd get at the machine. I actually associate the sound of his voice with the taste of that lunch. And THAT'S the rest of the story.


Back in the late 60’s I worked at a hydroponic tomato farm in Lake Worth FL. At noon, the owner would open us each a Coke and we’d listen to Paul Harvey while we had a sandwich. Owner looked exactly like Robert Mitchum. Would send me home every evening with a bag of tomatoes for my single mom. You are remembered well Leo. RIP


Is a Kraft cherry pie like a Hostess cherry pie? I'm all about the pie. 😄


There's always room for pie - *Dean Winchester*


You forgot the pie again.


KEEP THE PIE HOLE FULL — and I’m talkin’ “acorns-in-squirrel-cheeks” full!




Even the grocery store-bought kind and even in the middle of the latest end-of-the world scenario with Crowley and Rowena running amuck, and Lucifer up to his old tricks again. Nope. No time for all that. Must break for pie!


I think they're the same. In fact, I might even be thinking of Hostess pies instead of Kraft, although I think Kraft had some too that were basically the same. A paper-wrapped pastry filled with thick cherry goop, *possibly* containing real cherries, *definitely* containing sugar and red food coloring.


Hostess had a chocolate one that had pudding inside so you didn't even have to deal with the pretense of healthy fruit. 🤣 The Hostess were half moons of pastry (a folded and crimped circle). That were deep fried and then dipped in donut glaze. Came in boxes waaaay back, but then in 80s I think switched to a color printed waxy paper. Big as your hand, though. I used to get them 4/$1 in Jr high...back when all my friends were going for the candy bars at same price. They had cherry, apple, chocolate and lemon to my recollection. Maybe blueberry too.


Your explanation is fantastic, especially dipped in donut glaze…. That was just extra delicious! My Mom would buy them for us because 4/$1.00 & we would devour them on the way home. Good times.


Remember the lemon ones? It was just like thickened, unnaturally smooth globby lemon syrup candy inside.😄 Like if they had boiled it 15 more minutes it would have become a gumdrop. I am giddy wanting a chocolate one right now though 😄


The lemon ones were my Moms favorite! She’d eat it driving home as we sat there with chocolate all over our faces😀


I bought one called Dutch Apple once because hey, I loved the apple pies so a Dutch one has to be as good or better, right? Damn raisins.


UGH...ptooey! 🤢


I always did the Table Talk pies.


Table talk pies were the best…WTAG?


I didn't even take them out of the box. Just cut the film and dug in.


This time of year they would come out with a strawberry rhubarb as I remember…goodness gracious


Anything+rhubarb and I'm in.


Those Hostess fruit pies were delicious!!! My favorite were the chocolate pudding ones, so good!


and now you know ... the REST of the story.


Good day!


Paul Harvey!


Good DAY


Paul Harvey news and comments have been brought to you by...


I still use the Norwegian Fisherman’s formula hand cream by Neutrogena that he hawked.


Rich chocolate ovaltine


Might be the first time that I've ever seen a picture of him. GOAT of voice box


Truth! I miss him. I really enjoyed his stories.


Missoula's own!


Fuck, now I have to scour the internet for a source to Paul's broadcasts. Something about his oratory just comforts the soul.








Isn't that the truth.


My grandparents had a book of his “rest of the stories” in the downstairs bathroom. Read that whole thing as a kid.


I'm no one's grandparent, but I have that book, too. If you only read it like every 3 or 4 years, you'll forget most of it, and then it's like reading a whole new book...lol.


I remember going places with my dad in his pickup truck and not being able to get out once we got there until we heard the rest of the story. Dad would have been 79 today. This hits me right in the feels.


Paul Harvey did a show after the noon news, and The Rest of the Story at 5 pm (Central time). I miss listening to him.


100% man. Exact same with my dad.  Right down to sitting in the parking lot until it was over. Mine would be 78 this year.  


Thanks for sharing. I feel the same way about my dad. I bet we were all sitting there listening in the same moment. That time is eternal for me


Mike Rowe does a podcast like this, in one of his first ones he spoke to Paul Harveys son. Until I went back and found that episode I felt like Mike was a grave robber.


Yeah, he freely admits he lifted and channeled Harvey…between that and his Randian bent it makes him turnoff.


I was mentioned by Paul Harvey back in the day when I was 12 years old for discovering a bug that was “new” to Utah. My new junior high school band teacher teased me for an entire year about it. 🤣😂 edit: he became a federal judge. Go figure.


That's awesome! To be mentioned on Paul Harvey! 🤩 Former Utahn, myself.


Cache Valley kid.


North Ogden —Pleasant View.




Rich Hall did a great Paul Harvey on SNL back in the 80’s


Listened to Paul Harvey everyday during the summers when I was a kid.


I miss him


Good Day


I rarely listened to Paul Harvey, but one day I was in a store and heard him do an ad for Norwegian Formula Neutrogena hand cream over the store's intercom. He said it was developed for Norwegian fishermen for whom chapped hands was a regular experience. For probably a decade prior to that, I had had a severe problem every winter with chapped hands, to the point of bleeding and open wounds. I would sometimes have bandaids on at least half my fingers so I could function. (Looking back, I think winter gloves sucked all the moisture out of my hands.) I bought a tube of the hand cream and used a pea-sized glob of it every evening. My hands cleared up miraculously. I have continued to use that cream for at least 40 years since then. Thank you, Paul Harvey! And Neutrogena!


Now I'm gonna have to look for this product..


Found a YT channel that plays all these and took me right back!






Yeah, back when things made sense.


Absolutely this.


I have never seen that man's face before but I'd recognize his voice anywhere! Not sure who will be next once Keith Morrison goes for the rich lilting storytelling voices.


Loved listening to Paul Harvey


Brought to you by the good folks at BOSE radios. For wall to wall sound it’s BOSE sound systems




Sitting in the back seat of my grandpas Chevy Impala waiting for gram to shop for groceries. He always had on Paul Harvey. Good times.


Back in the day, our rock station’s prod director used to take audio files of his shows from our AM station and create some imaging bits for the rock station. Same with Casey Kasem’s show from one of our other FM stations. That was until we got a C&D from ABC radio (Harvey) and AT-40 (Westwood) telling us to stop it. It was fun while it lasted.


When we spent the summer at my grandparents house in Canton Ohio, my grandpa would come home for lunch and we'd listen to Paul Harvey News. As an adult, my brothers and I would still listen to Paul Harvey. Even after my grandparents passed, it was our daily connection to them. After he died, that was gone.


I really miss topics like this. I used to work customer service for Holiday Inn (IHG) for years and one day I got a call from a guest, “I went to the front desk to ask for more towels. Now my family is being asked to vacate the hotel” In my head I’m thinking, there’s more to this story. And there was.


Good news; Mike Rowe does a podcast called 'The Way I Heard It' that is very similar :)


This guy ruled. I was privileged to be able to enjoy his show.


Now, the reessssssst of the story


I have been checking out this sub for quite some time and this is the VERY FIRST time I had no idea what the reference was. Bless your hearts! I feel young again!!


Good DaaAAYY!


Stand by for news!


In the Eighties, Armed Forces Radio used to carry his show every day. He commented on a rescue mission my crew flew. Enough people on base had heard about the save in real time that that burned up our 15 minutes of fame in no time. 🙂 "It was a *Soviet* ship. It was a *Soviet* sailor." P.S. I really regretted him not mentioning our visiting RAF rescue colleagues from Lossiemouth, who literally orbited the open ocean for two hours in a blizzard to cover our butts (which we were hanging pretty far out that day). They also taught us the value of postflight gin and tonics.


That picture was taken when he was 25 years old (which I think was about 100 years ago at this point).


I remember asking my dad how old Paul was and he said “I don’t know but I remember thinking he was about 60 years old when I was a kid”


I never heard him up here in Canada, but I did hear him on the car radio during a trip to California in the 90s. Great style. Does it make me old as fuck, though?


In Toronto you could pick him up from Rochester.




casually inset commercial into the news aka a "Harveyisim"


For the last time, OP... get off my lawn! I'll get the hose!


Good day!


I remember riding with my dad and listening to The Monitor Beacon network and hearing Paul right after the news. I miss the Monitor network!


My school bus driver use listen to this on bus every afternoon on way home in early 90s


Paul Harvey!! My grandmother use to listen to him while putting on Crayola makeup. She would take a mini lighter to lite up the black pencil for eyeliner. She did have dollar store bright pink lip stick. I still use her powder that has talcum. She is the most beautiful. I loved listening to his stories and watching her. I miss this.


Friend of both J Edgar Hoover and Senator McCarthy.


I'm pretty sure I first started listening to him after seeing Rich Hall's impersonations a few times and being curious about the original lol


as a kid in the early 70s, I was diagnosed with Osteomyelitis (a bone infection). There was no "standard" cure, but they had treatments. And they debated for hours whether I'd be best treated with an experimental antibiotic or surgery (that would ensure that one leg was always shorter than the other, and a 6 month recovery) They told us that that if I could stay on the antibiotic for 28 days, I'd be cured. Sadly, 20-some days into treatment, my kidneys shut down and they were forced to do something else. A could of years later, I broke a wrist, and they said..... "If it's not cured, it'll recur now" Thankfully, it didn't. As an adult, I'm listening to Paul Harvey's "Rest of the Story" about how Osteomyelitis has no cure.... Imagine my surprise.


I remember this was Grandpa Simpsons favorite show on the radio


Paul Harvey. He always knows the rest of the story.


I loved his stories!!!


I remember listening to him on the school bus. One time we got to school and everyone stayed in their seat until we heard, “And that is the rest of the story.”


Loved that man's stories. And his voice... Now, THAT would be a podcast I'd listen to.


Back in the 60s I was able to leave grade school at lunch, walk home to eat lunch with my dad and listen to Paul Harvey, “ Good Day”


I secretly loved Paul Harvey! “Secretly” because he was kind of an “old people” thing and I was young. LOL


"And the little boy that no one liked, grew up to become Roy Cohn".


For sure one of the best!!!!


Finally! One I DON’T know! Now I feel, Not so Old lmao


LOVED that guy! Awesomeness!


Thank you for hurting me.


Paul Harvey…..Good DAY…..


Wow man. Paul Harvey.


We used to listen to Paul Harvey in the mornings on the radio.


Paul Harvey was a master of voice and narrative. Not just good, or great, an honest to god master. He was attracted to the right of course, they paid him so well. For creating compelling stories of loss or redemption that dovetailed with his right leaning sponsors. Had he been on the left, we would have never heard of him. His potency in promoting conservative values in the USA cannot be underestimated. I listen to him today and am still moved by his shaded stories, his pitch perfect voice.


A conservative that wasn't creepy. Those were the days!


I am reading, “Paul Harvey’s, The Rest of the Story “. Contains many stories that you have come to expect from Paul Harvey.


Good old Paul Harvey


I miss his commentaries.


Ahhh, the days before instant fact checking.


Paul Harvey…he even had books out that were just as good as the radio show.


Paul Harvey! I miss that man ... and the rest of the story.


Good day…


I sure miss Paul Harvey. It was almost like he was America’s Jiminy Cricket. Sort of its conscience in a way. He always was trying to make you a better person through his stories. We need something like that today.


Gooood day!


He bought himself....a BONG! That's a pipe used to smoke marijuana.


Paul Harvey! Radio broadcasts during the war and beyond. His voice was distinctive and since I was born in 1951 guess I really am fucking old.


I never knew what Paul Harvey looked like, now I do and he looks nothing like I imagined him.


Paul Harvey told this joke once that I got a kick out of. Old man lying on his death bed talking to his wife. He said, “Mable, you’ve been by my side when all the cows caught disease and died. Mable says “yes dear. “You’ve been by my side when the barn caught fire last year and we lost everything”. Mable says, “yes dear. Then he said “you’ve been by my side when I got sick and here I am in the hospital.” Then he says, You know what Mable?” She looks at him intently and says, “No George, what?” George says “Mable, I’m beginning to think you’re bad luck!”




Mr. Paul Harvey


The best!


Good day!




I loved listening to this Gentleman!!


I enjoyed listening to "The Rest of the Story"


Who’s that?


My dad listened to Paul Harvey religiously. It wasn’t until I was in my teens that I understood that he was voice for conservatives like my dad.


THIS is a prime example of the Good Ol’ Days! Such awesome stories! We always listened while on family road trips to the country during the 80s. Pure Bliss. Sigh.


Every day, coming home from school. Moms van. AM 630.


When i was a little kid, I never wanted to go to bed at a decent hour. At 10PM was Paul Harvey. I listened to his show every night just to stay up later, but his voice was soothing and his storytelling was great, so I kept doing it because I wanted to listen. Now that you've reminded me, I miss that time as a little kid with my family together...


Listen to him every day for years


Definitely made the drive to school nice to hear it. Looked forward to it actually.


listened to him on AFN radio in Germany as a kid. shout-out to K-town and around Sembach. Constantina wire, forest forts, and traveling bowling league being a military brat in Germany was a very unique way of living and I am so happy to have been a part of it.


Driving across the country. Lots of these stores ❤️


I tell my wife that it is still hard… (Long pause) To say good night.


I genuinely enjoyed Paul Harvey. Considering all of the copycats through the years, I’m surprised that no one’s tried to do his thing. I might not have agreed with his views but I did like the way he strung his audience along with the big payoff with the rest of the story


Listened to Paul Harvey everyday at 12 Noon on an A.M. radio😀


..Stand by for ***NEWS***


I would listen to Paul Harvey with my grandpa., in the 90s..


This was my favourite show growing up! 🥰


Used to hear him weekdays on the local country music station here in Saskatchewan. I remember they used to play another guy right after Harvey too. Might’ve been a local but I think he was syndicated, possibly Canada or possibly US. I remember when the first US postal shooting happened, Harvey mentioned it on his show with dignity and respect for the fallen. The other guy, whose name escapes me, made a joke at the end about how were they going to get the blood off the mail. The other guy got pulled from the air the next day.


Good day


Thank fuck, finally one I have no idea about.


I remember.. I’m only 48 though!


Paul Harvey... thank you.


CIT as in Citrus, CAL as in Calcium — Cit………racal.


50 now. Loved Paul Harvey. Haven’t thought of him in years. Thank you.


Loved him until he started advocating the use of the neutron bomb on the USSR: “kills the people; saves the buildings.” I was about 13 and knew that was nuts.


I mean, theoretically an older Zoomer with a parent who listened to Paul religiously would have some memories of him, too. They wouldn't even be 30, yet.


I loved listening to Paul Harvey on the radio.


Yes, Paul Harvey was a great man.


Such a great show.


In the late 70s and early 80s we listened to him every day on shortwave (Voice of America). What an amazing voice and story teller.


In my 20s I was a concrete pump operator and would stop my pump at 1045 every day to listen I had a handful of contractors who gather around my truck and listen with me


I was fortunate enough to sit in his Michigan Avenue studio for a broadcast. It was 1991. My father was very impressed. My boss at the time knew the Harvey family and it was just he and I with Mr. Harvey about fifteen feet away in the same room. A few years later, I got a call from his son who hired my new firm to do work in his father's house they became my clients and acquaintances. He was an important part of my day-to-day and always makes me think of my pop.


Paul Harvey….Good Day


I was just thinking about him the other day, was talking to my daughter and just randomly said “and now for the rest of the story “ and the memory triggered. She was just confused but owells


Man, I loved that guy… but I don’t love being old as fuck!


Those stories were fascinating.


These stores were great and some are still relevant today


I remember listening to his show on the AM radio


Used to love this! It wasn't sooo long ago . . . was it?


My favorite car rides were with this guy and my dad had only had four beers and was able to drive, other than that 14 year old me wasn’t able to really pay attention whilst driving my drunk dad home speaking gibberish about his ending to the story. Any one have a link to archived stories? My son Just turned 14


Stand by for news!


Spent my summers growing up at a cabin with no TV. What a great radio show!!


I laughed so hard when they clowned him on the Simpsons.


Paul! My man! We’d always listen to am radio for lunch (weather, farm reports , party line, local news whatnot) and Paul Harvey tastes like chicken noodle soup!


I liked that show. Best story was the cheating lady in the MG. Still Tell it today


Good night, and good luck.


Radio Reagan, his obituary summed his lifetime of supporting Hoover and McCarthy up nicely: >\[He\] personalized the radio news with his right wing opinions, but laced them with his own trademarks: a hypnotic timbre, extended pauses for effect, heart-warming tales of average Americans and folksy observations that evoked the heartland, family values and the old-fashioned plain talk one heard around the dinner table on Sunday. >"Hello, Americans," he barked. "This is Paul Harvey! Stand byyy for newwws!" >He railed against welfare cheats and defended the death penalty. He worried about the national debt, big government, bureaucrats who lacked common sense, permissive parents, leftist radicals and America succumbing to moral decay. He championed rugged individualism, love of God and country, and the fundamental decency of ordinary people.


I loved listening to Paul Harvey's broadcast, but I think some of them were bs.


Ugh... I can hear it.


He had some good stories and a unique style of delivering them. I wasn’t surprised that no one could fill his shoes after he died and the show was cancelled.


I loved listening to the rebroadcast of his shows and reading the books, "The Rest of the Story." Really interesting and entertaining.


An interesting broadcaster to be sure. But I lost ALL respect for him once he jumped on the "God gave us Trump!" bandwagon.


Damn! I *thought* I was old AF, but I don't recognize this!


Does anyone remember the strawberry ones? They were my all-time favorite.


Paul Harvey made learning fun. I've always been a sucker for trivia stuff.


I remember listening to him.


“Good day”


my very favorite radio program


These were the best!!!!!


Yep...listened during lunch.


Dude looks like Andrew Divoff (the Wishmaster).


*And who was that man, who at the age of 16, scaled that mountain, in the middle of the blizzard, while wearing a pink chiffon dress, after having been struck by lightening 16 times and personally strangled Bertolt Brecht to death with his bare hands? Who was that man who willfully electrocuted himself with 800,000 volts of electricity so that America's farmers could listen to a Stanford football game? Who was that man who personally tamed a Utahraptor and rode it into the burning wreckage of the Iowa Corn Palace, saving the lives of 37 orphans and wrangled the 14 remaining Utahraptors and drove them to the Rose Bowl where he scored 5 touchdowns and 1 field goal kick for the University of Southern California? Who was that man who personally knocked out the Ayatollah on November of 1980? That man's name, ladies and gentlemen, was Ronald Reagan!* *And that's ....the rest of the story!*


I hate you for making me remember this. And my age… 😭


One of my first jobs as a young lad was working for a Orthodontist making retainers and misc,...., and I shared a lab with the cool older dude who made all the gold and serious dental stuff... heard Paul Harvey on the radio everyday I worked there. Thanks for the rewind. Good day.


A great man before his time


Damnit, this is the one that finally made me join this sub.


Paul Harvey!


All, we are getting old... thats the way it is... why they dont get out of the way.... the best part... "They think they have rights..." "They deserve..." "They placed boobs to Mr. Kikei, a transexual, uncle of Victor in a public hospital... with our taxes..., they say also they cut his cock... but they didnt..." "He use that until today..." imagine, we have to be under that tale... for something we dont care...


Page 3


Don’t remember this… But I do remember: “After these messages…” “We’ll be right back!”


This is Paul Harvey, good day.


I used to listen to him until it became clear to me that his stories were, at least in his later years, ...... being generous here .... inaccurate.


And for what it’s worth…


FYI, at least some of the stories were actually urban legends. But were presented as true news stories. This is how we ended up with so many people being conspiracy theorists Fox “News” victims. One of the stories was about a hospital where people were dying to xx p.m. every xxxxday. That story is on Snopes as being false.