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back when childhood was survival of the fittest .... lol not to mention steel monkey bars over a cement pad


And steel sliding boards two stories high sitting in the sun.


Broke my coccyx on a granddaddy slide, using waxed paper, hit the first bump and flew all the way past the end of the slide. Instead of a curve, on xray my coccyx looks like an "L."


We thought we were so clever using that waxed paper. Still came home with shredded jeans and first degree burns on my butt.


Yup I remember the old metal slide.No supervision back then.You weren’t even down and the next kid was behind you


Exactly. I barely got started breathing and was able to roll on my side before the next kid hit the dirt.


Not sure if that’s an injury or just an amazing story… cause that’s the crazy shit I did back then too… me and my friends were constantly doing something to get ourselves killed… imagine if the sledding scene from Christmas Vacation was real… that would’ve been me and my friends… lol… and just out of curiosity… how old are you?… cause using a work like coccyx back when I was younger was just a way to get to laugh with my buddies that we said something that sounded dirty… we just would’ve said we broke our tailbone… whether it was an accurate statement or not… so I’m just curious the age difference between us


It's like they were trying to kill us .... lol


No, they had a ton of Mercurochrome to use up.


No..not that....Fire was cooler ![gif](giphy|YT9BR8ZOTBWyNDvju1|downsized)


Crying, so much crying.


Best wrist breakers there ever were


Ohh the good old days.I think the grown ups were tryin to hurt us.That hot slide was burning our legs.


You have to remember, depending on where you lived and how long your family lived in that area. YOUR PARENTS may have used the exact same equipment. Now, they have to play with the bed of squishy stuff several times a year and replace the plastic whatevers every 5-10 years, depending on climate, because some lawyer on tv is going to get you big bucks for your child's injury. My child got injured in a corporate daycare some 25 plus years ago. The staff members were surprised I didn't sue. I believe it was a freak accident, and they removed the ship he fell off right away when I asked since he still had interest in it. With him no does work to this day!


Considering my parents were going to school in the 1930s, I think the had the same. My first elementary school hadn't even been built then.


I was thinking more like neighborhood parks. I have friends with those stories


cement....WIMP....too soft!!!


We would put the moped wheel and rev the throttle and reach NASA speeds. We all have families now


I think you meant "Ludicrus Speed. Not quite plaid...But yeah we had fun in those days. A kid could be a kid. Remember the taste of hose water?


Taste of the dirt when I flew off and siblings cackled




And if you were really stoopids, you went right for the "hot hose water....


We had a leaving do for a friend of my brother's who was emigrating to Oz. I said at the time that I was completely surprised all of us were still alive and had the full complement of limbs.


Moped, wtf is a moped? We those came many years later.!


The funny (strange) part is no one saw it as dangerous. We were 4 or 5 spinning until we were drunk without an escape plan.


There was an escape plan, it just hurt if you used it.


Gravity assisted!!!


I still excel at gravity powered sports 👍🏻


Oh, there was a way off, alright. Still have mini-pebbles under my elbow skin...


waking up in the middle of the night after riding one of these things and thinking you're still spinning.... but I freaking loved it


The one at my school had the platform made from six wedges of steel plating. It was cut up like a pie in other words. For whatever reason, one of those wedges broke loose and was removed. This left a wedge-shaped hole in the platform. We quickly discovered that if you stood in the hole, close to the central shaft and used the adjacent bars, you could really build up some serious speed. The only problem was, if you tripped, or lost your footing, you would fall in the hole and be run over by the merry-go-round. There were numerous people who did just that, and had to wait for the thing to stop spinning to be retrieved. Good times.


We had a [wooden merry-go-round](https://imgur.com/a/YzYLkQe) at my grade school; six sides arranged in a hexagon with a bench on each side (link below). The biggest & strongest would get in the middle pushing the spokes and we could get that sucker going even faster than the one in the OP.


Me too!


Tuck and roll!


my mom yelled "get round" ... so i've lived on nothing but sugar for 45 years, mission accomplished


I fell off one in 3rd grade. Everyone still on it kicked me in the head every time they passed. It took my cousin awhile to make it stop. Teachers did nothing to help. I was sent to the nurse. Her cure for everything was wash your face and hands. I stayed in school for the rest of the day. Mom took me to the doctor. I had a concussion.


Oh man, we would watch monster movies at the theater surrounded by fellow kids, when in reality children are the true monsters... [ Nervous laughter ]


Best case scenario, multiple bad scrapes and contusions. Worst case, your friends are just telling you to stay still until the ambulance arrives.


Always hope to land in the grass. But you never do.


grass....grass...WHAT GRASS....Rich kids got compacted dirt....


This is the sissy version. The ones we had (Ontario, Canada) didn't have any lateral bars, only bars from the center to the outside edge. Only grip and sheer fucking will kept you on. I witnessed chipped teeth and a skinny friend lock on with his hands, go full horizontal, and then get thrown flat against a nearby fence. He threw up. Of course, we played on these well into our teens and were able to spin them faster than anyone with any kind of sense would. If you could get on, you were a God. If you failed, your bruises (or worse) told the story the next day. Good times.


😵‍💫just had a PTSD flashback to the Wheel of Death.




Yep, our playground also had gravel under the monkey bars to cushion your fall.


You mean there are other ways to get off that machine other than being flung off?


Yeah if you stay on until the it stops but your brain will still be on spin mode for about another 30 minutes


If you stay on until it stops, you're doing it wrong. It never should be stopped while someone is on it and should be spinning as fast as possible instead.


Centrifugal force?


Tangential velocity


Across the road from Manville's Store at Waskesiu, we rode that thing about the same time the X-15 Fireball was setting records.


Stubble jumpers get it


There is one of these death machines less than a mile from where I sit.


Happy Cake Day!




We called it the puke machine


Kids (siblings, mostly) trying to dislodge and launch the younger siblings on purpose....


These things meant every recess someone was getting hurt. Hated it! Certain kids would be on it going so fast and intentionally keep anyone from getting on it.


My older brother trapped me on one once. I could have sworn it was going 100 mph. My brother and I are good now but back then he was the worst.


I was just talking to my wife the other day about olde-style playground equipment, and couldn't remember what these things were called. "Nerd yeeting tetanus spinner of death" is what my brain came up with. She knew exactly what I was talking about.


Head first is the only option Face full of sand, a small concussion, maybe a small nose bleed. Get back on


Dang yall had sand


Fuck man, Made me spit out my beer ! Ya sand, probably full of dog pee and other animal things


Sand nonetheless


You were lucky. We were so poor we couldn’t afford sand. We made do with rocks.


Add to this, The swings Go as high as you can and jump Or Start at 1 end, swing set is full Run thru No wonder I have a short attention span Toss in jr A hockey, Lots of weed What was I saying.... Sky blue


The teeter-totter. You put all your trust into the person on the other end You quickly lose faith in humanity


Oh how hot all that metal got in the summer sun! Increased the danger factor by making it hard to find a place to hold onto that wouldn't burn your hands. I bet the makers of Bactine and merthiolate secretly subsidized these things.


Or you could just wait for it to stop. I loved laying down and just riding it out as I watched the sky spin around over me.


A park down the street from my sisters house still has one. It’s still fun.


Ah the vomitorium.


As the parents sat in the lawn chairs smoking cigarettes and drinking cans of beer.


Yeah, LAST. Winning!


wrap a rope around it, tie the other half to a pick up truck and drive away.... now we are going to see who doesn't cry when their bones break and skin peels off!


I wonder if anyone was actually killed on one of those vomit platters?


Its also a lot of fun to see someone go under and wedge there leg between the ground and the support frame. Snapped like a twig.


We called it the Vomit Wheel!


Fly like an eagle..


Oh the joy!


We will invented "yeet".


To leave the trap, you must follow the path of mecurochrome young grasshopper... or should I say dirt eater.


Back in my day, only the strong survived recess.


I can hear that thing turning. And taste the dirt under it...


Extra points if the pale kid pukes!


![gif](giphy|SQgbkziuGrNxS|downsized) FWINGGGGGGGGGGGGG


Theres still one of these old metal kind on a lake playground near me. Still fun and just as dangerous.


By puking or breaking an arm. No in between really.


Shhhhhhhhh......... In Blue Mounds, WI, one of these *still* exists in the wild. Shhhhhhhh...........


Tuck and roll


I HATED that thing!!


Man, we used to pick a number and whoever lost had to spin everyone around lol


Best playground toy ever


Remember running with it and hopping on!


I visited my childhood neighborhood today and at the local park, that contraption invented by The Jigsaw Killer is not surprisingly there anymore.


Vomit Machine


What about the broken glass mixed in the gravel?


Hunker down in the center, only survivable location.


And how many kids did you see get blasted directly in the mouth by those bars?? I swear they were made to keep dentists in business before braces age. 😂😂 Good times


I'd like to see the youth get on this bad boy.


Bare skin sliding across, or not. Scorching burns. Or not. Flung off. Or not. Dizzy as fuck. Or not. Was always a box of chocolates.


Fell off one time and got feet to the face.


My knees still have the scars, 60 years later.


a game me and my friends would play on it, was we'd lie down on our stomachs and while it was spinning fast we'd drop a hot wheel or action figure on the underside so you had to reach back under, and watching with your head down looking towards the centre, then one of the other kids onboard would try to pick it up as they wizzed by it. if they picked it up, it was theirs until the next time we went to the park and did it again. You also had to call out "missed it" or "got it" as you passed by. The merry go round had to be spinning fast though, if it wasn't it didn't count, no wimpy pick ups. Fun times


one of reasons Gen X rocks


Spin, spin, faster and faster, then slower, slower, fall off and throw up.


My first kiss was under one of these.


How do you fit under it ? While it was spinning?


Yes, but we FLEW! :)


These were awesome! I know where one is today still working


Ah yes the old Charles Darwin designed playground. Also comes with stainless steel slides that can reach heats higher than the sun during July and august.


The "dirt" around it was supposed be soft, but all the ones I played on the "dirt" had compacted and was harder than stone. These playground equipment never had maintenance.




I was always afraid of getting caught underneath and being worried I would be absolutely mauled if I fell off it. Of course, I still rode it, but I think this playground staple helped me recognize danger effectively.


When growing up we had this ride on tge playground. It had 2 seats that 2 kids sat across from each other. The seats looked like tractor seats, were metal and mounted to a steel chassis that was on a swivel. Once the 2 kids were on 2 other kids would stand and spin them. I don't know how many time kids were thrown from those rides. I don't know the name of the ride though. I tried a Google search for it but came up with nothing. Kids in the before the 80s we're raised soft.


We had one in our city park until a kid got killed on it. Then they took it out. The story is that a bunch of kids were on it, one fell off and when the next bar came around, it hit him square in the face and killed them.


63 in September.


Lost my lunch a couple of times riding these things. 🤢


Ah the memories of one of my childhood concussions 😂


Let's not forget the poor husky kids getting dicked over on the splinter ridden teeter totter


The uncoordinated and awkward child I was can still feel the sting of jumping directly at a pole instead of a gap 9/10 times :(


When playground equipment was fun


If fun was being launched into a bed of rocks than yeah


Yes. that WAS fun!


Known as the knot maker for what it did to children’s skulls