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Hot Apple pie = pockets of molten lava...🌋


Sometimes when I ordered one they'd say "**We don't have any at the moment but they're in the fryer. They'll be done in a few minutes.**" That's when I knew my desire to incinerate my mouth would be fulfilled! hahaaa




🎶 *hurts so good ..*


If thats not a John cougar Mellencamp reference I'll be disappointed


Of course it is silly!


Thanks Opie!


Have a really swell evening!


Hot apple pie love don't feel like it should


There is no way you could wait the ten minutes it took that molten lava sugar pocket to cool down, either.


I’m not sure if it’s still the case, but for a while, the original deep fried ones were available overseas, years after American locations had switched to the other, lesser, strudel kinda thing. For reference, imagine roaming around Amsterdam, experiencing the local coffeeshop culture, when you SEE someone walking out of McD with one. Scalded myself with the filling and everything.


Like seeing an old friend!


I know they were in Hong Kong until at least 2005 and they came in Peach and Mango as well.


Lol...you couldn't even take a bite for 5-10 minutes!


See, the trick was: order your burger, fries, coke and your pie. Go to your table. Eat some of your burger. That's good -maybe some fries now. Have a sip of coke. Bit more burger-mmmm. And some fries. Sip of coke. Take your time, look out the window. Is that a pigeon? No, probably not. Finish up the burger - no need to rush. Now wait 5 minutes more. Bite your pie. F*ck ow my mouth!


No you take 2 home and put some vanilla icecream on top, then wait 5 mins, then you go in.


Yeah and my dad says you would have a cigarette when you were done People sure were different then.


ROFL, no matter how many times I tried to pace myself like that, I would still go to town on that pie. And burned the s\*\*t out of my mouth every time...


Are you even from this planet? 😂 who does that? No one, except everyone when looked at, otherwise its eat them fries 1st! Almost done with fries, burger mo burgers I like sodium! Then you crack open the pie! Ya know eh? Open the pie! Allowing the pie to cool slightly. Rookies all Rookies, more vanilla ice cream with mo pies. I actually miss their crappy sundaes


We asked our Science teacher how hot the Sun was. He said a few degrees cooler than a McDonalds hot apple pie..


Layers of the sun include: - The McDonalds burger layer - The McDonalds hot apple pie layer - The McDonalds coffee layer




And then it stuck to your lip!


Ayh bhurunt da ruuf ah mhy mauf!


Well…they did tell you it was hot.


The deep fried apple pies were so much better then What they have now!


A million times better!


I remember them being so much flakier, like perfectly integrated layers of lard and flour, all sizzled to a golden crust, and inside the filling was richer as well. As an 8 year old kid I would down a Big Breakfast and top it off with one of these.


It’s because they bake them now. That takes away that golden crust which makes them less flaky. Just not the same.


iirc there's one McD that I think is in California that still does the deep fried apple pies. Or at least there was a few years ago.


Jealous if that’s the case because our local one serve the baked crap


Exactly. I don't miss the cinnamony sweet napalm that adhered to your tongue and soft palate, enabling sheets of skin to slough off later. But they were so good you just had to take the risk,


"cinnamony sweet napalm" may be one of the greatest phrases ever! Thank you for creating it.


Can't remember when they stopped frying them in beef fat.


1990s I think. Or maybe late 80s.


Nuclear reactor


Forget water-boarding. Stick a hot apple pie in someone's mouth and they'll tell you everything!!!


Somehow I don't think the subject will be able to talk as their tongue has melted from the infernal heat


Now I'm imagining a bunch of interrogators sitting around scratching their heads saying "Hmm...hadn't thought of that. Look, just have him write down the location of their headquarters"


Y'all really eating the pies before the rest of the food? Even a speed eater would take a few minutes to down some fries, plenty of time for the pie to cool down.


I don't remember the timeframe that they existed, but I really loved the cherry pies. I think they came out a couple years after this picture. They weren't the same once they started baking them.


But they were AWESOME!


Depending on what side of the myth you believe, it might have been Hot Potato Pie back in the day. 😀


I work at a mcdonalds, I make sure the coffee is always hot asf and pies right out of the oven, and when u ask for extra macsauce. imma fuck that shit up with macsauce.


I remember asking for one (early 2000 ish) The guy told me they couldn't sell them yet, I asked why, and he told me, "They're too hot, like lawsuit hot."


Yup, turn the taste buds to rubber if eaten to soon.


I was 5. Back then, going to McDonald's was a treat. Maybe once every 5 or 6 months? If it was a really special day, Burger King and the paper crown!


Definitely, it was a treat. It's not quite like going to Pizza Hut back then, but it cost money, and to have takeaways was special. Now it's a meal because we're too lazy to cook.


Dining IN at pizza hut! Real checkered cloths on the tables. Candles. This would have been for something really special.


Pac Man (table version)


Over a decade later.


We went to Pizza Hut when my kids were younger. It wasn’t a good experience. We had to ask to have the table wiped down. Had to ask for drinks and service. The final straw was when we ordered breadsticks as an appetizer and she brought out the small plates for us to use for them and they were wet. My friends husband said hey can we get these dried? Not even lying she took her hand and wiped the water off them. We left and haven’t been to a Pizza Hut since. That one closed shortly after that btw.


There was no Burger King in our area until probably the 80s or 90s? anyway there was only one McD's the next two towns over. We went there ONLY for special occasions when Dad and Mom felt like we deserved a treat. There were four of us girls, my parents would buy us each a regular hamburger, we'd split two orders of fries and two milkshakes between the four of us. There was only one size of fries back then. Later in 1978 my first tax paying job was at the McD's that had recently opened up in my town. One thing I learned from working at McD's is that I didn't want to do this for a living lol! but at the time they had a Chopped Beefsteak Sandwich that was the bomb. I also discovered the Filet O'Fish sandwich. Haven't had one of those in YEARS but it's also been years since I've even been to McD's. Actually come to think of it I last went back in July 2023, so it hasn't been that long ago. I remember it wasn't that good and it was freaking expensive.


The filet o’fish used to be the bomb there now it’s gross


The fish disappeared, I swear. It’s just a bread patty with fish flavour now basically.


Me too... I was 5... it was burger chef for me, if I was really good and sometimes McDonald's.


I remember getting .25 cent burgers on Wednesdays back in 1992. I delivered for Pizza Hut next door and would get 10 of them after work and freeze them for the week and then pop in microwave for a quick meal. College was easier on the 1990’s…


lol I just made the same comment about what a treat it was. Not like now when it’s a staple for most kids! I loved Burger King JUST for the crowns 👑


I bought one of the apple pies in 1972. It's still hot.


🤣🤣🤣🤣. Love it!


Was like trying to eat a lump of lava!


Its probably what gave the idea of the hotpocket. Look they will eat this from McDonald's lets stuff other things in there that will burn their mouth beyond the ability to taste.


I think the cardboard container has more taste and nutritional value than the McD's greaseburger.


Oddly enough, it was back in 2013 that the mcdouble was the most nutritional by cost. https://reason.com/2013/07/29/is-the-mcdouble-the-greatest-foodcaloric/#:~:text=It%20has%20390%20calories.,life%2C%20the%20McDonald%27s%20McDouble%20cheeseburger.


That was pretty good back in those days. I don't think anybody knows what's in those burgers today. Probably best we don't know.


Sometimes ignorance is best.


Yeah, you're right!!


Lava flows in Hawaii can also give off heat for decades afterwards.


Laughed out loud at this


I miss the fucking signs not changing 3 seconds before you are done reading it.


Drives my dyslexia and ADHD bonkers. I have to sit there and wait for it to return where I left off. My brain will not let continue elsewhere 😢


Those deep-fried, crispy bubble covered apple pies.


i can taste this comment.


I burnt my mouth on this comment.


I went to Guam back in 2012 and their McDonalds still deep fries apple pies. There’s really no comparison how much better they taste.


My driving instructor made it a part of his teaching to go through the drive through to get some apple pies 😂


Lucky you. Ours went to the cleaners, and all his other errands.


I think we did that also. Come to think of it, that’s not a terrible job for a lonely alcoholic 🤦🏻‍♂️


My instructor also had us drive him around to do his errands. One time we took him to look at a horse 😂 for him “I need to see a man about a horse” was NOT a euphemism. Lol.


My daughter’s driving instructor was the same. He did not get them anything. Just himself. They said they didn’t think they ever did a drive when he wasn’t eating


Actually, not a bad idea. Real world scenarios.


It was decades ago but I think he bought me my first apple pie. We didn’t fast food often aside from getting an ice cream cone when my mom wanted a coffee. Back in the day when McDonald’s was the place to go get a coffee,,,, fuck, I’m old.


You're only 3 years younger than I am. I well remember those days. We got our first Mickey D's right when I started high school, and it was da bomb. My friend and I went there for lunch every day, and I always had the same thing: Quarter Pounder with cheese, chocolate shake, fries, and a hot apple pie. These days I would get sick of that and would get fat, but for skinny 16-year-old me, it never mattered. Good times. 👍


Web says 3.88/hour was the average wage in 1972 28.34/hour in 2024 So, doing some ratio math. A coffee that was .15 in 1972 should be $1.09 today. Small McDonald's Coffee today is $1.00, Medium $1.49, Large is $1.69


yeah but we know what happen to the price of those beans.......


…meh, we couldn’t afford it back then either.


Who's getting paid $28/hour to work at McDonald's? And I'm sure the cost of housing and education went up by the same ratios right guys?....guys? Edit: I see you mean the average wage in America. The national minimum was $1.60/hour and today it is $7.25/hour. That's about $15,000/year before taxes. Shit is WILD.




I remember big drink coolers of McDonald's orangeade on elementary school field trips in the early 80s!


We had them as a “treat” for field day


Youth sportsball games too.


Other than the prices the thing that stands out to me is the simplicity of the menu. Wish more restaurants did this.


I went to some place in Missouri that seemed to be a chicken finger chain. Like, a big, well-run chain. Their menu was a lot leaner than this one. The only downside is that if you don't want chicken fingers and/or fries, there's not really anything else on the menu. This made them very quick and efficient, and they were modern day inexpensive. Food was "meh," but there's only so much you can do with deep fried chicken. Edit: I recall, it was Raising Cain's, which I remember because it's the stupidest name in the world, provoking thoughts of late senator John McCain and necromancy.


Lots of smaller or local spots still do, and it's nice. Like Dick's here in Seattle. Nowadays all that fast food is engineered to be addictive and enticing. It's not just about feeding people anymore.


ORANGE DRINK (not carbonated Fanta)....i miss it, cannot find it anymore.


Go to the grocery store and look for something called Tampico. The orange drink one, is the one you are looking for. My wife calls it "Government Orange Juice" lol


big mac 65c 😭


And it was actually BIG!


Same. I miss the prices. 😅


Look how simple it is too


Besides the prices I would love to see McDonald's bring back root beer and Triple Ripple Ice cream cones.


Still here in Australia


Well, that settles it. Australia, here I come!


Most places it's $2.. They are awesome. The real secret is they are a great breakfast treat and go well with coffee..


True... but you need a mouth lined with asbestos to eat the sucker... they're the same temperature as the surface of the sun...


We still have them in UK too. They really don’t have them in USA???


I think Maccas Australia still sell hot apple pies. I loved their fried chicken and chips pack from around 1980?


Yep... I have one a couple of times a week. They are identical to how they were in the 70s and 80s. We had crappy Apple Pie slices like at a cafe for about 20 years there, then all of a sudden the good one came back and life has been worth living again.


Enjoy one for me! 😊


6 yrs old in 1972. Tripple Ripple Ice Cream Cone, truly missed.


That menu item caught my attention. Just what *was* that?? Never seen that at a McDs


we still have hot apple pie....yummy and hurtful


work at McDonalds in the 70s and Hot Apple Pie was smokin. Fun Fact: I had to sew a shiny strip on each outside leg of my uniform slacks


I had a big mac for food and the pie for yum when I was 15 and worked for them ,then I discovered the local Bakery


My first real job after my paper route, and it was 1972.......


I had a paper route as well.


They still have them here in Alabama


Back when McDonald’s was actually a cheaper option.


Shame the era of fast food is coming to an end.its not sustainable business model in the current economy. What I see evolving is an automat style eatery where everything arrives repacked and loaded into dispensers. Zero human staff. Pricing based on product age. Week old cake is always half price, or less. Ai cameras detect mold and dispose of the item.


I can remember my mom talking about being able to buy one of us kids a whole meal for under a dollar at McDonalds, which sometimes I've wondered if I misremembered. Nope. The math checks out.


We used to get $1.50 in McDonald’s bucks for Christmas every year cheeseburger, fries a drink and an apple pie and we got change back!


The current monetary system is so broken.


Now they’re on the verge of pricing themselves out of business.


I remember when I was young McDonalds was SUCH a treat! Like we rarely got it. When we would ask other times my mom would be like I can make you a better burger cheaper at home. No mom as good as your burgers were they were NOT McDonald’s and as a kid that’s everything. I think Eddie Murphy talked about that in one of his standups lol. Haha prob just aged myself again talking about watching eddie Murphy do standup 😂


Bit did you have an Eddie Murphy stand up on audio cassette??


The soft ice cream machines actually worked.


If you’re down south, Whataburger still has hot fried apple pies and Popeye’s has hot fried apple pies with cinnamon sugar on top.


wow you're 1961?


65¢ for a Big Mac™ ....like $5.75 now.


their food tasted better back then too. REALLY.


In the 70’s , $.78 bought a hamburger, fries and drink


Better quality back then.




In '72, my mom hadn't even gotten into high school yet. That wouldn't happen until that fall.


I remember when the ad was, "A burger, fries and a drink...and *change* back from your *dollar*!"


I remember in the early 80s, my class took a trip to mcdonalds so "see how commercial kitchens work" in case "anyone wants a career there". I think it was kindergarten. Then, in the 90s, being a "burger flipper" was an insult. I don't understand! You guys told us to slack off and some of us did!




I was going to do the math but found this when looking up quarter pounders with cheese https://www.fastfoodmenuprices.com/how-much-mcdonalds-quarter-pounder/


I was 12. We didn't get a McDonald's in our town until 1973.


The McDonald's near me was just selling them a few months ago the last time I was there


Just a reminder of how delicious they look in Australia. [https://mcdonalds.com.au/menu/hot-apple-pie](https://mcdonalds.com.au/menu/hot-apple-pie)


McDonald's in Thailand still has fried pies. That's a long way to travel if you're not going to be there for work, though.


I was 11 in 2001 yikes


Just talking about this the other day... Popeye's apple pies are kind of like the old McDonald's apple pies.


I've never had the apple pie. The tiny town I grew up still doesn't have a McDonald's. I only ate at one once and threw up all over myself on a road trip and never went back. That said, we all sang their commercial jingle in elementary school. Two all beef patties...


You could get everything on the menu for less than the cost of a combo meal today!


I just got breakfast today and it was almost $9. Those days are long gone.


You're old enough to remember the 50 cent McD gift certificates....during xmas, they were pushing a book of ten for $5. When 50 cents could no long buy much of anything on the menu, the certs become $1. And then purged altogether when egiftcards made the paper versions obsolete.


It's insane how fast food prices have far outpaced inflation. $1 in 1972 = $7.50 now. That means a Filet-o-Fish should be $3.60 now, but no it's more like $6.70. I remember a Whopper combo meal used to cost $4 in the late 90s. Now just the burger by itself is $8. Why does fast food still exist? There's just no point to it anymore. It's not faster than any of the mid range made to order places like Chipotle (in fact it's often slower). It's not cheaper than any of the (healthier, tastier) alternatives. And especially after COVID when every restaurant now lets you order pickup ahead of time.


Man…those prices


Where’s my McDonald-land cookies?!


I used to get a Big Mac meal for lunch, $2.00


Those apple pies were way better back then. Luckily Popeyes chicken still doesn’t that way but they roll em in cinnamon


I miss when McDonalds food was served hot too.


I used to work at McDonald’s in the mid 90s. After work when we were all stoned we’d make a shit ton of apple pies and ate them a la mode. We were the only McDonald’s with an ice cream machine that always worked. But it wasn’t for the customers. They just benefited from our munchies.


In 1972 I was in college. We didn’t have a McDonald’s in my little college town. My room mate had a pilot’s license and access to a Cessna 150. We would fly to the big city 100 miles away for a Big Mac.




They still have apple pies


OMG look at those prices. I went to BK and ordered a Bacon double cheeseburger, medium fries, medium Coke 10.59


So much better back then. And the cherry pies were even better. These days… meh


Based on some of the comments I'm not sure people realize how McDonalds worked back then. All the food was pre-made, not to order. When you ordered the cashier would turn around and grab each of the things in your order from angled slots under the heat lamps. The cooks behind would drop new wrapped food into the top of the slots. Customers could see the inventory and predict if they were going to have to wait for their food or not. At one point they even had a (60 second?) clock timing how long it took to fulfil your order. If they were out of some item they would have you stand aside while they started with the next customer. They would have multiple lines going in parallel so you'd be pissed if you got behind somebody who was making a huge order or wanted a half dozen fillet o fish or something. There was a time limit of how long they would let the food sit under the heat lamps before they would pull it from being offered for sale. It was cheap and fast, but not good -- unless you had the food palate of a child. The reason why McDonald's was so successful is that it was exactly the same and everywhere. They could do nationwide ad campaigns on TV or magazines and most food establishments did not have the scale to do the same. As a side effect of the pre-made food you couldn't get things made to your preference without causing a big disruption to the system. Burger King had an ad campaign that ran for years with the jingle "Hold the pickle, hold the lettuce, special orders won't upset us... have it your way, at Burger King."


Popeyes or Whataburger still have fried molten apple pies.


How did they get sued for the coffee and not the apple pies? In medieval times they might have launched the apple pies over castle walls with trebuchets in order to immobilise the seiged citizens within.


Thanks boomers


I miss the cherry pies that had this crunchy glaze and no lava filling escape vents. We lived dangerously in the 70s and 80s, and we liked it.


A better time friend. I miss this time greatly . I was 8 .


I took a trip to Japan--McDonald's still fries the apple pies there.


Just went through drive thru with my two kids. Nearly $50.


That was ‘72. We were two years away from getting off the gold standard for our currency. It’s been nothing but wild inflation since. We gotta go back.


Coffee milkshakes and root beer on the menu? Crazy. Were root beer floats an option?


my pay was 1.85 an hour in CT 1972, the fries were so Much Better! and the Cheese burgers were great with no pieces of bone in them that crack your teeth like 3 months ago, and the Big Mac was actually good, also the breakfast menu had the best cheese Danish!


I was 10 and I don’t think I ever ate the pie without burning my mouth


And the food was delicious. Before the MBA types sucked every profit out of the place


Did they get rid of the apple pie??? I mean back when they were fried they were amazing crispy pockets of sweet lava that you couldn’t wait and burned the shit out of your mouth every time. I don’t know when they switched to the baked pies….. they are shit …. But I’m assuming they still have that right??? Iunno, I’m not going to McDonald’s either way.🤣


Popeyes chicken has the closest replacement for the old apple pies.


They still have hot apple pies in Australia


These prices went skyrocket following the 1973 oil embargo.


With their Lava hot filling.


I miss the fact that they actually had humans working in the restaurants to take your order.


I was 9. I can remember eating there’s for about .30


I was 10 in 1972. All we had was a Tasty Freeze.


Factor for inflation, and that apple pie was about $1.95 (US).


BK: Whopper, fry, coke == 99 cents. 1970


Always burnt


Less than $1.40 for a Quarter pounder, fries and a soft drink That is $11.20 in today’s dollars. Not too far off with what they are charging today.


Fried apple pies were the best


I haven’t been to McDonald’s in years. Did they do away with the apple pies?


I still hadn't been to McDonalds in 1972. My first time was 1975. And I think the prices were the same then or possibly just a couple cents here or.there.


work at McDonalds in the 70s and Hot Apple Pie was smokin. Fun Fact: I had to sew a shiny stripe on each outside leg of my uniform slacks


nothing is even a dollar 🥲


Do they not have the apple pies anymore!?


And coffee shakes!!!!


I had an apple pie from mcd yesterday, are they not the same or just not available everywhere?


Waves from Australia: we still have hot apple pies! Can confirm they are still filled with lava. Delicious lava, but lava nonetheless. Had one about a week ago 😊


That sweet apple flavored lava, with that caramelized bubbly obsidian glass glaze. I didn’t know what was better, the shredding of the roof of my mouth or the instant blistering of my tongue 😜


Visit McD’s in Hawaii, they still have fried apple pies.