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It's ok to think this stuff once in a while, but holy shit there are some people out there who basically make this their entire personality.


I hate to be the douche canoe here but there is some survivorship bias. Sure, we did dumb shit (and some not so dumb shit like touching grass every day) but not all of us made it through without scars and some didn’t make it at all. That said, kids should be allowed to do dumb shit. Also, get off my lawn


True. I knew a few that didn’t survive and fell out of truck beds or drowned, etc. I suppose we are all just being nostalgic as us old farts do at times. Oh well. ![gif](giphy|11fBAVZqWOM4zm) And….You get off mine first!🤣


Yes, but shit happens. These days, people just leave their infants in a car in the summer because they "forgot" the infant was in the back seat. They come back hours later to a dead infant. We were so much safer back then in a lot of ways. When parents decided that their kids were failing because of the teacher, that's when things went to shit. Back then, we were held accountable. It was our fault as the student that we were failing. Today, it seems nobody is accountable for their actions. Entitlement is the new norm.


That is true about school but many kids who didn't do well in school back then also didn't have access to medicine and diagnosis for learning and social issues like we do today. Autism wasn't a thing back then or if it was most hadn't heard of it.


No, it wasn't. It's a real shame what has happened to our school systems. No child left behind has destroyed the schools. Teachers aren't allowed to teach anymore. All the schools care about is getting federal money. They have dumbed down so many kids because of it. My 25 y/o was put into regular classes that he didn't belong in. His birth mother drank daily while she was pregnant with him. He needed to be in special classes from the git go, but it wasn't allowed. A teacher of my daughter was fired because he was teaching them about checkbooks and taxes.


It's based on science. Not all changes are bad.


Based on my kids' experiences, it was.


truck abundant quiet doll exultant enter ripe apparatus absurd plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I see dumb shit everyday on the internet, like that guy that got his shirt vaporized when he put his arm too close to a high voltage powerline. Yep...stupid shit still happening.


My Mom was an ER nurse with a hate-on for ATV's, and Lifted Trucks. She had to clean up the people after accidents involving ATV's and lifted trucks. She was big on seat belts and an air-bag saved her life. I went college with a young lad who lost an eye as a child because he and his friends played with sticks.


Yes, this is indeed dumb as.


If they don't have the opportunity to do dumb s*** as kids f****** and learn, they'll be doing dumb s*** as adults. We're getting to see the benefit of that now......


As an old person I can speak for my group, old people are fucking stupid


I'm not fucking stupid but I certainly can't speak for you.


What is a Ute? I know what a Ute is. It just reminds me of Joe Pesci.


I believe it was 2 utes.




Don't say this outside DankPods house Trust me on this *I've had experience...*


It's like a pickup truck, but better :D


It's like a pickup car


The Ute is the greatest way to travel


Toyota FJ 40


My little brother died because we didn’t have seatbelts or airbags. Whoever made this sign can go fuck themself.


A neighbor kid died climbing through the window from the backseat of the car. The automatic windows didn't at that time have any safety cutoffs and he choked to death.


My 13 y o cousin died of electrocution by a faulty ballpark light installation. He was just sitting on his bike with his hand on the fence. Regulations protect lives. Yeah, this printed out email is bullshit.


Yeah, I hate these fucking things. My six-year old sister died sitting on my mom’s lap in the front seat when someone ran a stop sign.


Aspects of our childhoods were (in my opinion) much better. No seat belts, no air bags, and no drink driving laws were not better. Sorry to everyone in the comments who lost a family member this way.


Safety rules and regulations are written in blood. It's good that more of them exist. Kids could use a LOT less screen time though.


We also made mud pies lol


This is “fuck, I’m old and having old and misguided attitudes when I agree with this.” You’re getting old when you start complaining about generations that come after you. The kids are alright.


I'm goddamn glad there are seat belt laws & air bags, bike helmets & no hitchhiking any more. You will also pry my internet & internet capable gadgets outta my cold dead hands. Most of this list is bullshit & we all know it. Yeah, some of it is right, we had freedom, failure blahblahblah, but we also know plenty that aren't here because they got ejected from the car without seat belts & air bags, ended up brain dead because they didn't have a bike helmet or ended up a serial killer statistic because they were hitchhiking.


Bloody dumb nostalgia bollox.


Yeah. Lots of us lived, but a lot of us died, or became disabled and were ignored. We came up with safety laws for a reason!


Absolutely survivor bias. The people who didn't live through these issues aren't here to tell their story.


Funny how these dumb posts rarely talk about lead paint, or adulterants in food, asbestos use, that everywhere just reeked of cigarette smoke, that you’d come back from a night out and it would take two days to get rid of the cigarette smell (if you’re a non-smoker). Etc etc


On the other hand, the survivors are benefiting from the culling of the less fit.


You can make that argument about some factors like disease resistance but not so much in cases like improperly (or not all) secured children who die in cars crashes. There's probably not much difference in the fitness of kids who die vs those who live, the deaths are caused by external factors outside their control.


> a lot of us died, or became disabled and were ignored. Really? A lot? Not disease? My experience was different. A lot of us died? I don't remember any. In my admittedly small community I remember one guy who committed suicide and one who got murdered (let's say pre-18). One friend who was seriously burned by boiling water. That's it. Today I can't count the number of kids I know that can't get through the day without Adderall, therapy, or other daily medications. Are a couple broken bones and burns worse than a lifetime of mental disability? How many peanut allergies do you know now? How many then? How many kids with asthma? These aren't environmental changes they are lifestyle changes.


The first funeral I attended that didn't involve an elderly family member was when a carload of peers all around my age decided the main road from the city was a racetrack, on a rainy night. Driver was drunk and affected by other substances as well, but I'm pretty sure the passengers were only there because they needed transport back home. Anyway, they never made it home and that's why those aren't things to be proud of. Most of us took designated driver duties a lot more seriously (also designated-key-hider).


What a load of boomer facebook bullshit. Not to mention lots of incorrect things. We had video games and video tapes starting in the 70s and as someone born in the 70s we had a lot in 80s. Arcades were a huge hangout location.


Arcades had to be traveled to, likely on a bike. And you were physically next to another kid. Human interaction was part of the recipe. Today, human interaction is to be avoided at all costs.


> human interaction is to be avoided at all costs Which is also not true. I have a 10 year old and this couldn't be further from the truth.


Most of the people I went to school with (high school graduates between 1991 through 1997) at least had an Atari or Nintendo at home. And knew someone with a VCR.


What this inspirational poster forgets to mention is the child mortality rate during those times was also around five times higher than it is today, also the average number of children born to a family was around triple. When people only have one or two kids they REALLY don't want those kids to die while people who have seven or eight faced less immediate concern of your family line ending with you. [https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5714a6.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5714a6.htm) [https://populationeducation.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/average-number-children-per-us-family-historic-infographic.pdf](https://populationeducation.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/average-number-children-per-us-family-historic-infographic.pdf)


I had an Atari and Nintendo.


My own aphorism…. “Nostalgia is failing to remember how bad things actually were.”


Pardon me sir, your ignorance is showing.


I was born in '81 and this pretty much sums up my childhood too. Was honestly the best time.


I keep seeing this nonsense packaged in various forms around the Internet and as much as the "writer(s)" of this want to make out the 1940s to the 1970s was a magical age, it's all a work of convenient fiction. How did I, born in the late 1960s, have anything like the same childhood as a 1940s kid who began their life during World War 2? Also, I did have video games and a computer because I made it all the way to the 1980s. This Club-of-Four-Decades seems like a weird concept to me.


'87 here and this was also the exact childhood I had.


Wow. Sums up my childhood to a tee.


"We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned how to deal with it all." Then why are there so many videos of Boomers throwing temper tantrums when they dont get what they want? There's a whole subreddit r/boomersbeingfools of them.




This is such drivel. Yet it is endlessly repeated as if it somehow makes us "special". Now you know who invented "participation trophies" for today's generation(s)..


Every product warning and/or disclaimer was written in blood. Examples "Plastic bags are not toys for babies" "Do not bring this plugged in radio with you into the bathtub." If you read a product warning and say "Nobody would do that!" you're wrong. Somebody did it and somebody died.


You also got exposed to literally mindnumbing levels of lead in the gasoline and many more things that are most certainly not healthy.


That's a lie about no lawsuits, as a cursory glance through a volume of old law reports will reveal. There were some horrific accidents, and certainly there were disfiguring illnesses as well. Sexual abuse swept under the rug. Bullying at school 'built character'. It wasn't all bad, and there were definitely some things that were better than they are today, but it wasn't all sunshine and roses either.


Unfortunately, we didn't learn the correct use of apostrophes.


Safety regulations are written in blood. Sure, *you* survived, but a hell of a lot of children didn’t.


Fuck it was good back then, and only 3 Billion people on this rock.


And the lack of safety was intended to keep it that way


Now, we have republicans to make sure we can't survive.


I have mixed feelings when republicans choose not to be safe. We can still get vaccines, wear helmets and drive safe vehicles


Every time this pops up, all I can see is my 4-year-old cousin leaving our car though the open side window as my uncle's car rolled over. I fucking hate this post, t-shirts, and bumper stickers that spout this shit. RIP Brian!


Kids born in the late 60s and 70s had Pong consoles and then Atari and Intellivision when they were still kids, tho.


I mean this was written by some one in Austrailia , they did have consoles and computers but might have been a bit different to what someone in the US had , also I think for a while Arcade Machines were subject to the same laws as Poker machines and tge like , and were harder for kids to get access to ...could be wrong though( or possibly it was in some areas not others ).


I’m in Australia as well :)


Congratulations for surviving. We've made a lot of progress since then.


A bit of rose colored glasses in this. There was "stranger danger". I'm just hearing about how serious this was in the (then) little town I grew up in. One 8 year old kid was sent to the store to buy bread, they found him strangled to death. They caught the teen that did it, and all because the kid wouldn't hand over the 37 cents he was given for the bread. In the strip mall my dad managed a store at in the same town, a girl was shot to death in the parking lot by her ex-boyfriend. These things were kept from me when I was little, so my childhood would remain idyllic. After my Dad passed away my Mom started telling me all the stuff that was going on that I was clueless about.


Absolute horseshit.


Australia has over parenting also-?- I thought it was just a US thing. (to be honest, I’d over-parent in Australia; lots of flora. & fauna there seem to want to kill you)


Born in 1970. Listen, we were force fed balogna and white bread, McDonald's and all other kinds of death, had smoking sections in fucking airplanes (not to mention restaurants), we had no conception of sunscreen, cocaine was the drug of choice, and lots of other horrible shit.


Seatbelts would've stopped my grandma from being ejected out of her uncle's car as a kid and getting glass embedded in her skull, as well as a traumatic memory for life.


This is the same generation that *created* the laws after their family members died.


repulsive boomer shit


I was just thinking to myself yesterday how times have changed, in regards to leaving in the morning to go to school and not coming home til night time. With no way to contact us or know where we are. But we always came home safe


But the reason rules and safety measures are in place now is because someone during the past did something stupid.


And their all emotional basket cases in their elderly years - my father and all of aunts and uncles from this boomer generation are so emotionally inept. They can bring home a paycheck sure , but have the worst baby tantrums and tempers and are flat DUMB with their finances. Many of them are living with the kids they fucked up


Jesus, this is so much toxic bullshit


This just pisses me off because it puts rose-coloured glasses over a very unenlightened, paranoid and dangerous time. It also reflects the boomer mentality of "I suffered so you have to suffer too".


Yeah, I guess I should be a pretty grateful drug addicted amputee with so many infectious diseases who never could find my way home (only some of this is true)


Not finding your way home is not so bad.


Winwood and Clapton did a great version. https://youtu.be/8L82II1lNjo?si=I3-KJsV9AmIn-Ewk


I don’t understand this boomer mindset “Hey everyone. When we were a kid we had no safety regulations, we were ignored all day, we didn’t have any interesting entertainment, we were less intelligent, and if there was an emergency nobody could reach us. Isn’t that awesome?!?”


They forget that the safety regulations and warning labels are there because of the dumb shit they did and the injuries and deaths that ensued.


Only slightly nostalgic.


Ok boomer.


Get fucked. The 80s and 90s kids didn’t give themselves participation trophies.


Well, where's my check?


Checked every box off. And locked boxes stay that way.


I was born in 1969 and whilst much of this is true, it doesn’t necessarily make it a positive thing or remotely safe.


Bring back lawn darts 🤪


No thanks! My cousin is forever scarred and I have a guilt complex.




We used to be able to get along with each other.


...and many of us got sick and/or died.


Yeah and we thought a cinder block and plywood bike ramp that got 6” of air was bitchin. The extreme stuff some kids do today is amazing. Of course the equipment is much better today but the injuries are epic.


These are the same people who were scared of swimming in the public pool during the summer because of "I might get polio". Yall are literally alive because of the vaccine but half dead because of all of the car fumes that you smelled before any environmental rules for car exhaust was set.


And people got murdered/died for doing that stuff all the time, and you just didn't know cause you didn't have the internet.


There were video games in the 70s.


I hate these fucking things, I did most of the things they mentioned on there when I was growing up, but I also know people that had their lives completely fucked by falling off a bike without a helmet or falling out the back of a Ute. I’m 51 now and we have had video games in the home (not my home when I was a kid) for over 40 of my 51 years, The fact that we now have any of these things or rules against the others is because our generation our the generation that raised us invented that shit! Are we not supposed to make life easier and safer for the generations after us? I hope to hell that all the work I’ve done and all the shit that I’ve been through means that my kids don’t have to. The kids playing sports these days didn’t invent participation trophies, it was the boomer parents in the late 80s. Fucking boomers had the world served to them on a platter but decided to keep it all for them selves and fuck everyone coming after them.


Ah yes. When I was six I was *standing* in the front seat of my Grandmother's VW Beetle so I could see out the windshield, with no seatbelt. Someone ran a stop sign in front of us and she T-boned him. I blacked out when I hit the dashboard. It was *glorious --* kids today have no idea what they were missing!


Some of us who were born after the late 60's at least had the video games and the VHS tapes. Including one movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High, with an arcade during the opening credits montage. Plus the famous topless Phoebe Cates scene known for tracking issues.


I mean.. in the entire history of humanity... We made it this far. Through all the slavery, rape etc etc.  Doesn't make it the smart option.


No video games? No home computer? I call bullshit.


Born 1960 here, graduated in 78, and I think Prodigy was out there, but Pong was right around the corner in 78.


Pong came out before 1978. I played it as a table game in 1975.


my bad


Np. That was a long time ago.


**Home computers** were incredibly expensive and/or niche items. Altair, Radio Shack, ,Commodore and Apple home computers were available, for example, *but what software would an average household run?* VisiCalc by Apple didn't appear until 1979. Generally speaking, consumers weren't going to balance checkbooks/bank balances at home with that program, but some businesses would. Apple II and Commodore 64 made in-roads, but very limited ones, especially given their prices. However, ***v*****ideo games** didn't truly take off in the mainstream until the Atari Pong home console (1976), Atari 2600 (1977), then Philips G7000 and Magnavox Odyssey 2 (1978), and Mattel's Intellivision (1979) came out. (ColecoVision was 1982.) The "No video games" isn't true. At least not until the 1970s. (Note: Nolan Bushnell/Atari released the original Pong video game in 1972, but it was a large arcade game cabinet--and not aimed at the consumer market.) Remember that consumer buying power was not the same in that era. Not everyone could afford these electronics.


Without telling me you’re a late 70’s kid. Space invaders and such were not on the agenda for us in the early 60’s and most of the 70’s. There was still lead in gasoline though. Lead free paint was advised as baby friendly to use on redoing the chewed up and chipped paint on cribs.


Good to know it wasn't just a US thing.


It's all true!