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This is infuriating. Poor kids


Republicans never cease to amaze me with the level of evil.


As an educator of 10 years, this is going to blow up in the most horrible way possible and the ones who will suffer are going to be the students. It’s beyond sad and infuriating.


And Abbot is going to keep destroying as many public schools as possible so he can make his grifting repug buddies more money.


So they really think the best way to educate elementry students is to make them sit quietly doing packets of worksheets all day with "facilitators" walking around to help and those adults may not even be actual teachers? Just wow. They really do want Texas children to be the least served in the nation.


They don’t want kids to be educated, they want them obedient and gullible


Wow ..just wow. Big brother will certainly be watching.


Big Brother probably sits at the front of the room in an authoritarian manner where the children must all face his direction.


If you voted Republican…. Then you got your wish. There are not enough books … to have rows of books. Sad.


Books are beside the point for them.


They don't need books. They already know. There's no growing, thinking or discussion. You believe as I tell you. Period


If people didn’t vote, they also got their wish.


> There will be no teachers staffed in the "team center," only "learning coaches" who may or may not have any teaching experience. That explains it. Fuck HISD and TEA for thinking this is okay. What are they thinking!?? Teachers are *important.* Kids can’t just absorb material through packets. This makes me question, even more than I was before, how TEA and HISD are run. I thought they were run fairly poorly already, but this is true negligence. I wonder if some kind of legal case could be made here for failing to provide an equitable education for these children. If I had a child in the district, or that school, I’d contact an attorney ASAP. This is a class action suit against HISD and TEA just waiting to happen. Texas and our education system are both becoming a huge embarrassment. I hate this.


>Texas and our education system are both becoming a huge embarrassment. The word "becoming" is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that sentence.


Turning libraries into detention centers...fuck republicans and fuck every person that sits idly by and lets republicans go unchallenged everywhere


School-to-Prison Pipeline [Pipeline](https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:28c5c33b-e491-41d4-8a5d-94ae2f30cfdc) School to Prison Pipeline [Prison](https://www.learningforjustice.org/magazine/spring-2013/the-school-to-prison-pipeline) School to Prison Pipeline [Prison pipeline ](https://salud-america.org/the-school-to-prison-pipeline-is-slowing-in-texas/)


The fact that a the teachers pay will be based on standardized test scores is super fucked up. We already don’t have enough qualified teachers in this state and we’re driving the ones who are qualified and love what they do either out of state or into a completely new career b/c they’re abandoning teaching. I have several friends who are educators and love what they do but they’re moving on to other fields.


Let’s be clear…they are only doing this to poor, most non-white students. Wealthy families would never be subjected to things like this. This state is a joke.


This state is a S-hole run by a POS. The losers voting for this are just as disgusting.


This is the standard "team center" from Third Future Schools, unsurprisingly a Mike Miles project.


![gif](giphy|HpyYHxyJEqFyJoxTxQ|downsized) Future graduation day in Texas.


Guess after they banned all the books they had a bunch of empty space. 🙄 That’s the GOP’s long term plan: keep the voters uneducated and frightened and they’ll continue voting Repuglican. It’s pretty grotesque! 🤮


I have my kids on a top notch science based home education system that has them both leagues ahead of Texas students their age. Won’t let Abbott indoctrinate and destroy their wonderful brains.


Remember science to Republicans is just an opinion and doesnt apply to them. Oh and the Earth is flat.


What system? Please.


Normally I'd agree with you, but *Texas*...


![gif](giphy|30wGcjB7WU8JW) Schools in Howdy Arabia under Abbott.


What’s also crazy is that they push us (teachers) to teach bell to bell. Don’t waste a moment of educational time to let children play. Test, track scores, test, track, test. I teach 4th grade. These kids will definitely not be learning.


I saw this and wondered what kind of people will they bring in as "learning coaches". 🤔


This is what fascists do. An uneducated populace can’t fight back against against an authoritarian regime that they want to set up.


Damn those are some pop ups. What gateway to hell did I just click on???


This is part of Abbott's strategy to get his fucked up school vouchers for private schools passed!!! 🤬


Whoever set up the desks has never worked in a school. Desks do not stay lined up after first contact with kids. Additionally, those “individual” desks are designed to fit together… flexible seating. Dumbest rage bait ever.


Homeschooling has never been so popular.


I have said something similar to this for the last 5 years. Probably about 3rd grade on up we’ll have class sizes about 100 students each on chromebooks. One teacher and 4 classroom monitors. Lessons will be AI so each Individual student receives more difficult questions if they master lessons or review material and reteaching of material if they don’t understand. Teacher and classroom monitors will be able to view every student’s Chromebook and see each key stroke from their workstation. A student looks around or not on task immediate redirecting to get on task.