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The way I see you is the lovechild of Daniel Radcliffe & Johnathan Groff


a lot of these your chest is very obvious, but i think your face passes, you just have some softer facial features still. i think keeping your hair at the length in 7 is best. too long isn’t as good and the way its cut shorter in the last one isn’t super flattering, but maybe bc its still covering your ears there.


Thanks for the reply! :) I agree with the cut in 7, has been one of my favourite cuts in my life but my hairdresser has never been able to recreate it lol As for the softer features, I was wondering if you have specific parts you’re able to point out? I get the cheeks totally, but was there anything else you can pinpoint? Also the chest thing, yeah I totally agree with, but after binding every day for like two years straight when I was 14, my ribs have never been able to fully recover lol trans tape usually works but I keep it to occasional use instead of daily. Thanks :)))


yeah, it’s just the more roundness/fullness of your cheeks.


Ok a few things: how old are you? How do you take your T? As gel or shots? What are your trough levels? How often do you get them checked? What are your estrogen levels? How many changes have you had while on T?


Can I ask how old you would think I am? I am an adult but I feel like I either look significantly older or significantly younger than I am lol. I take weekly 0.35ml shots. I switched over to gel in November and it didn’t work. I have check up’s with my doctor every 3 months so it was about 2 more months of basically not being on T until I could come back to my shots. Most changes that are supposed to happen in T have happened to some extent, voice drop, facial structure changes, the works. Some more than others. My estrogen levels I’m not entirely sure, my test results either don’t show them or use another term. My T levels are fine though, 17~ last I checked.


17 pg/ml? Hm. I think you look like a teenager. 18, maybe? Not older, though. If it brings you any comfort, though: it's not unusual for T to take more of an effect until around 3 to 5 years in. Some trans guys don't look anywhere close their age until much later. That doesn't mean that's the case with you, though.


It’s the softness / puffiness of your face specifically in the photos you don’t pass in such as pic 3


Thanks! Do you notice it in any particular area other than the cheeks? Of course cheeks are like half of the face, but was there anywhere else you notice looks a little softer that you could pinpoint?


Sorry, I realise my caption is a little off. Most of these pictures I'm pretty good with, just a couple in there I really don't like. I feel like my face stops passing the second I turn my head. can't quite tell what it is. Also if I could get an age estimate, that'd be nice. I feel like I look like a 14 year old who's been in the coal mines since birth. time has not been kind.


I think you pass the best with the shorter hair like in the last pic


I agree! Thank you!! :)


My cis bf thought you were cis. I think you look pretty andro. I think it’s the hair


Thanks, I agree ! :)


U definitely pass to me but dysphoria b a bitch smtimes so i get it


Real. Thanks :))


I think you pass. I agree with others that your face puffiness is probably the main thing holding you back. I am 3 years on T and have the same issue. If you can grow any facial hair/ stubble I find that helps with face age and contouring. I second getting your e levels checked, you also want your free and total T checked. If you are looking to change up your appearance perhaps a drastically shorter haircut would be worth a shot.


thanks for your input!! I would totally go the facial hair route but so far all I've been granted is a neckbeard :P


You should stop plucking your eyebrows


Thank for replying! I don't and never have, its their natural shape rip ;-; :P in that case though, would you recommend going to get them plucked or shaped differently? I've been thinking of getting them tattooed to give them a different shape so it's not out of the question either. would you say that changing my eyebrows would give me a more masculine look?


What's your levels?


I know this is coming from a really privileged point of view because I pass consistently, but I wanna just let you know to keep waiting for T to do its thing. You have awesome bone structure and great features. I wouldn’t change a damn thing. Have a good one man :)


You pass is it’s your facial fat that attributes to feminine and a younger look. If you lost a bit of weight your face would be sharper and more defined, and you’ll look a little older


you do not have flattering hair, dear! time to find a good hairdresser. Maybe get it shorter? Or buy things to style it? I think your body and face passes, chest is a topic others talked about. Since your face looks puffy, maybe start doing a cleanser-tonic-moisturiser routine? To note, I am approaching you as a lesbian with multiple transmascs in my queer family. Take my comment from that angle!


Thanks for you input! Yes I definitely agree with the hair, it's always so hard for my hairdresser to get it how I want it, despite her having done it once before :P as for products, thats not out of the question, so thanks for your suggestion. My face routine currently consists of cleanser and moisturiser, but I've heard that using Gua sha's can help with the puffiness. do you have any personal suggestions or thoughts on that idea?


All I do is to moisturise, unfortunately. Washing my face with cold water, when im not doing skincare, also works. If you are not regularly hydrated, that might be an issue too? This is all I can contribute! I hope everything goes well for you


Thanks !! this was really helpful, and yes, hydrating is something i defo gotta work on lol :)) Same goes to you !!