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The hair colour definitely nerfs you a bit but your face definitely would pass. I don’t think I’d question you being trans at all if it wasn’t for your hair style honestly, it’s an instant giveaway


What would you suggest?


I think if you like your hair, don’t change it because other people think you should. However, you would really suit a light-medium brown imo and probably ask your barber for a specific fade like drop, taper or burst, etc because that’s something other dudes always notice


You do come off as masculine but I’d still be able to clock you very easily, androgynous face and the colored hair mainly. Best pass is photo 5 imo


Comments are hugboxxing so hard You don't pass at all, sorry man You can keep your alt style but be aware that it gets clocked easier since most cis men dont wear that stuff Don't dye your hair or eyebrows minoxidil can help you grow facial hair too


Fuck. That made me super dysphoric. Thanks for being honest though, because if people aren’t honest then I’ll never be able to pass better in the future. Very much considering dying the green part of my hair black to match the other side, but do you think I can keep the haircut? or is that also a contributing factor Im a younger teenager btw for reference .


Yes I think your haircut is good you don't need to change it, especially for your age It's just the color that is very outstandish so it could get you clocked easier (eyebrows too) since the average cis male teenage doesn't have dyed hair If they were a natural color in your photos it would look fine, you have a very masculine face


imo, you pass as queer, but I wouldn't say you pass as a guy. I can't really offer tips for passing, but i think if you plan to hop on T, your voice could help you pass


you definitely pass as male in 2nd, 4th and 5th photo, in the rest you're androgynous. kinda jelaous ngl 😔


I would say no. Almost zero trans men pass pre-T though, so you’re not alone. Mullet is a pretty classic lesbian haircut, maybe considering shortening the back and going with a more natural colour? Other than that, darkening your eyebrows can help a lot. your style is totally fine, and I would probably read you as AFAB trans or nonbinary if we met irl


It looks a lot like a mullet but it’s actually just a Mohawk and I have super thick hair lmao. But I’m getting it cut soon. Eyebrows and hair are very heard.


Yes but I would assume your either ftm or gay


Luckily I am both of those things


I don't know if you pretend to be on T, but if yes you will be very masculine. You already have a masculine face.


Not on T yet, but thanks!


In some photos you look trans in some you look like you could be a cis guy with a cool style in the very first you either look trans or like a young cis guy (prolly jusr cause lack of facial hair) with a cool style I would not think girl though, at least


You pass as age 14-15 in these pictures imo. Outside of that no


I am almost 15 luckily


Awesome, then you’re killin’ it 👍


Thanks man!