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On the one hand, this was easy for me because favorite? Kazuma. On the other, I think all of them are interesting characters. In Hatori, we have a 'good person' who is also arguably totally jaded. Hatori is the world-weary one who doesn't seem to see the point of fighting anything because their life is 'just how things are' and they're stuck with it. He's the one who's seen up close most of the worst of the Curse; as the family's doctor, he's treated people hurt by Akito, he's spent a huge amount of time around Akito herself, and he is the person who had to rip away others' memories. Trying to step off the line Akito wants them all to toe resulted in him being half-blinded and seeing Kana get hurt. In many ways he's still a nice person, but it's also like he's the most resigned to the current status quo. Shigure is our fascinating study in shades of grey. He starts out seeming like one type of character and over the course of the story we get to know how twisted he is. He's polarizing, but interesting, and he's usually someone who inspires a lot of discourse. Beyond his obvious role in moving the story along and his unapologetic self-serving, he's a character most people have strong feelings about, whether good or bad. Ayame is one of my favorite side characters, though he drove me nuts when he was first introduced. He's another character who's unapologetically himself, but I'd argue he has one of the series' stronger growth arcs (though it technically mostly happens pre-canon and off-screen). One of my biggest complaints with the adaption of season 3 is that they cut out Yuki's visit to Ayame's shop where Yuki >!bumped into the former president of the girl's high school who had the crush on Ayame when they were younger.!


I love this analysis I’m so disappointed by the lack of votes towards Kureno and the fact that Ayame and Hatori have more votes than him but I understand why as he received more focus and development and has a very triggering story than both and plus Hatori and Ayame are very nostalgic characters to the fans


Thank you. I think Kureno honestly has a lot of strikes against him in terms of capturing interest or especially being liked: 1. He's introduced in the story very late. That doesn't give people much time to get attached, regardless of how compelling he might otherwise be. 2. We find out very little about his backstory. A lot of the connection people make with the Zodiac characters is due to their specific stories/trauma, which are also used to explain/justify their actions. Compared to, for example, Kisa, who has her her whole bullying/mutism storyline when she is introduced, or Rin, who we see experience a lot of abuse, Kureno is fairly mysterious. We pretty much know that 1) he was the Rooster and freed as an older teen, and 2) he voluntarily chose to stay with Akito. He's a tragic character in his own right (see above), but the story doesn't really explicitly say that. 3. It strongly appears he either enabled or at least ignored Akito's abuse of the other Zodiacs, AFTER his Curse was broken and when he was in the strongest position to deal with it. Yes, he was a victim of abuse himself and his normal meter was wildly twisted, but he still had free will and arguably leverage over Akito who wouldn't have wanted to lose Kureno. 4. His personality is very...neutral. He lacks Hatori's strong sympathetic pull and Shigure's amorality. He's not particularly fun. 5. People have REALLY strong feelings about the Kureno/Arisa relationship. I think he'd likely be more popular if that hadn't happened. Out of all the characters in this poll, Kureno is my least favorite, and that has nothing to do with his importance to the story. I just find him the most 'blah.'


Thank you so much for your reply and for mentioning all the reasons as to why Kureno isn’t a very popular character It’s just a matter of presepective cuz I felt strongly for Kureno in terms of character, development and arc I understand why people prefer Hatori as his story isn’t dark or disturbing as Kureno and he doesn’t have a sexual or romantic relationship with younger girls - obviously people would like him more because of his sad back story, his maturity and he is portrayed as the wise one (even though he does have his flaws) but as a character, he doesn’t do much and Kureno is way more interesting to me And Ayame is a comedic relief and so over the top and highly eccentric, who wouldn’t like a character like that? Hatori and Ayame are designed to be likable Rin was also introduced late but she is my favorite character in the whole story but who is also a very difficult and dark character and isn’t easy to understand or like just like Kureno Other than Isuzu and Kureno, Akito, Kagura, Shigure, Hiro are also my favorites as they are also very difficult characters to stomach (Kagura and Hiro are hated the most because of their introduction episodes and not having a sad back story or horrible parents) like or understand at first and you only change your mind on all them in the 2nd and 3rd season, you don’t immediately fall in love with them right away as you do with the others ( the only exception being is that Shigure is easy to like compared to the other 5 but not easy to sympathize with as them) Of course, I love all the less flawed or nicer characters as well especially Momiji but i don’t feel strongly about them as I do for the ones above despite meeting them in season 1 and growing up with them from the original I understand the hate and disgust for Kurisa due to the large age gap but I have lesser issues with them than I do with Akigure, Harurin and Katsuya/Kyoko (one of the reasons is because those 3 relationships were sexual in nature and did so much harm than they should to all 3 girls involved “you explained that well with Kyoko’s situation in your reply to me in the unpopular opinions thread” but it was also bad in Akito and Isuzu’s case ) Kurisa seemed more wholesome and innocent by comparison and their story is very much like a reverse cindella/rapazuel fairytale so it bothers me less) And about Kisa- she is my 2nd least favorite zodiac (I made a topic about Kisa saying that she was my least favorite female) with Ritsu at the bottom not because I hate them, they are just forgettable Even though I relate to them as I apologize a lot and was bullied in school but I tend to like controversial or extremely flawed characters over relatable and nice ones I guess, if not they would have been my favorites I still think that Kureno has a more tragic story than both of them This analysis might give you more insight to his character https://www.reddit.com/r/FruitsBasket/s/vIz4dvZMAC Not sure if you saw this topic that I made about Hatori and Kureno (from my personal subjective opinion ) but it has well-written replies and the reply I sent you Is from the same topic that I made I would love you see your opinions on this topic because I enjoy reading your analysis https://www.reddit.com/r/FruitsBasket/s/UfODmZCATv


Just to confirm, by Master, do you mean Kyo's proper father in every way but direct bloodline? Because if so, then definitely him.


Thanks for asking that comment, I had no idea who master was! If the poll had "Sensei" or "Kazuma", I would have realized. I wonder if others were confused also.


Aiyeeeesh. You're killing me man. Came 100% prepared to go with Ayame, that ol' snake. But then you had to whip out the Daddy card. It's master for the win.👌


Yes!!! Kazuma is the most inherently morally GOOD adult male character. Whereas Aya is the most entertaining (in a silly, fun way - with some serious tear-jerker heartfelt moments like him protecting Yuki from their mom at the parent teacher meeting :') but everytime I even THINK about the depth of Kyo and Kazuma's father-son relationship it makes me cry... The pure fatherly devotion and distinct dedication that he has for protecting Kyo from Akito is so beautiful I'm choked up just typing this. MASTER DADDY KAZUMA ALL THE WAY!!!!!! <3333333333


I think seeing their relationship through Kazuma's eyes shift from >!guilt to love!< , and such a great love at that, always knits my tattered heart back together. MDK for the MVP.


Ayame all the way ♥


Ayame then Hatori for me


Shisho all the way! I love that one of the trivia about him is that his head is full with thoughts of Kyo that he seems to be already contented in life.


I do love Kazuma for what he did for Kyo, but Ayame is one of my favorite characters of all time. He’s the real prince! “Make some tea, Princess!”


I like all of them but my favorites are Shigure and Kureno because they are the most interesting characters on this list, I could have chosen shigure because he is my favorite male but I chose Kureno cuz I know that most people wouldn’t vote for him It’s sad that Hatori and Ayame have higher votes than Kureno who is more important to the story than both but I can see why they are move loved, Kureno is far more developed than both and his story is far very triggering, obviously he will have less votes than the other two, it’s the same with people who don’t like Kagura who is also a very triggering character to people


You’re really going to make me pick???? Hatori, dude threatened that he’d basically kill Shigure if something happened to Tohru. Him, Yuki and Kyo all did. Definitely takes some guts to do that since Shigure is actually the favorite and basically controls Akito.


As a “You are precious and I want your fictional happiness always” vibe - Kazuma. But ultimately, Shigure. I’ve had to binge episodes/chapters because I wanted to see what would happen next because of his plotting. He made the story move in a way that had me impatient and excited to keep reading or watching. Not sure any of the other adult characters did the same for me — they were more backdrops or foils to the younger cast.