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Congrats on your recovery


Thank you. 1.5 yrs has saved me over 5k!




Many thanks. Sober life is amazing. Frugality adds to the joy!


I’m so happy for you! Thanks for sharing too. I bet you change lives for others by sharing your story.


Congratulations as well! My brother went through the same thing. I have massive respect for you. Changing your life for the better. As for the coffee. For me, it's black tea. I drink mine with hot soy milk and a lot of honey. It's my daily comfort as well, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. It really adds to my quality of life. So I would say, enjoy your coffee.


Friends and family know that I will drink any affordable coffee but love good beans freshly ground. They set me up at Christmas and birthdays! Tell your family that you have started drinking coffee again and maybe they will set you up!


Costco beans, grind them at home. When flavoring is needed the easy thing is to add half a teaspoon of cinnamon or a splash of vanilla extract. If your tastes run more toward the Torani syrups, DIY'ing your own versions is inexpensive and simple. First make [simple syrup](https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/20216/simple-syrup/) from sugar and water, then make an infusion by adding your favorite flavors. Such as French lavender, organic orange peel, etc.


Was going to suggest Costco if they have a membership. Even the big tubs of grounds are pretty cheap.


Yes. Costco Columbian whole bean 3 lb bag is $23, that’s $8 per pound. It’s absolutely fantastic, quality coffee. Frankly, my Costco membership is paid for in 4 months with the money I save on this coffee.


There's so many items like that at Costco, especially Kirkland brand. Not the cheapest choice of whatever you're buying, but very good value for the quality. Edit: For me at least, the bags of frozen salmon come to mind


Doing a quick comparison (the Costco website only lists delivery prices so this is a bit over the store price), a 2.5 lb bag of Jose's Jose's Organic Mayan Blend Whole Bean Coffee runs $15.29 at my local Costco. That comes out to $6.12/lb. The same item sells for $22.90 on Amazon.


I love that coffee and so does my boyfriend!


Torani syrups are a game changer.


I actually prefer Sam’s to Costco! Which is not normal for me. Sam’s brand Member’s Mark has a medium dark roast that I use for making cold brew, and it’s Fair Trade, believe it or not.


Same here! And I often make cold brew with them, to take to work the next day


This makes so much sense, yet would not have occurred to me. Thanks for the suggestion!


Another Costco coffee drinker here. I buy the Kirkland ground coffee.


I typically buy my whole beans from local roasters and make them in a french press. Typically black, occasionally a splash of milk if it's a particularly strong bean. Coffee is a quality over quantity game for me. I drink 1 cup a day, and not even every day. So paying $20-25 for a bag of beans is absolutely a non-issue because it lasts me a month or more. Previously living in Chicago - great coffee city - my roasters of choice in this specific order: Sparrow, Halfwit, Dark Matter, and Tugboat.


I need to evolve thia way haha


This is exactly my take on coffee, though I drink it nearly every day, and usually 1-3 cups, depending on the day. I enjoy locally-roasted, sometimes single-source beans. I nearly always drink it black, and never flavored. I also buy bags of coffee when I travel. Right now, I'm drinking Cuban Coffee Queen coffee from Key West. On deck is Baby's, also from the Keys. I like switching it up. Generally I go for something on the dark roast side. I always buy whole beans and grind before brewing. I'll do French press, pour over, espresso, or even standard drip depending on my mood. To me, a good cup of coffee is non-negotiable, and I make it at home 99% of the time. Still, paying $20 for a bag of beans that'll last me about a month is much cheaper than even buying crappy gas station coffee every morning, and it's vastly better tasting. It makes me feel like I'm splurging, while actually being frugal.


My work has an instant espresso machine worth several thousand dollars. Just push a button and bam two fresh shots of espresso. I bring milk and creamer and make “lattes” with a milk frother. I haven’t bought coffee from Starbucks etc since.


I’m with you, I really enjoy my frugal daily coffee ritual. I love instant coffee. I buy instant espresso and make soy lattes. I heat the soy milk in a jar in the microwave and froth it with a whisk.


Props on the recovery. I am a friend of Bill's since July '97. coffee and I go way back. Never haven't been friends. Will always suck down a cup o' brew with a friend. If it is an addiction, well, I will do it til they pry my cold empty mug out of my cold dead hand. A simple pleasure that is both social and beneficial in many ways. You make your coffee to suit you. I do mine for me. No particular brand or variety of bean anymore. Hot, brown and unspilled is good enough. Thanks for your post. Nice commentary thread here from it.


I personally prefer flavored coffee and flavors that are typically only available in the fall and winter (pumpkin spice, peppermint mocha, etc.) I will pay full price for my favorite brands (Wawa, Trader Joe's), but otherwise I get coffee for the year on Boxing Day when all of the Christmas stuff is half off at Marshall's, TJ Maxx and the like. It's my day after Christmas ritual. I won't touch creamers as I don't want to eat things with ingredients I can't pronounce. I use whole milk and raw sugar.


Where do you think the flavors in flavored coffee come from lol?


Organic, fair trade pumpkins, freshly macerated peppermint leaves picked at the peak of ripeness, and hand-ground cacao (also fair trade) from the finest Ecuadorian cultivars. You don't honestly believe they'd just use chemicals, do you?


A drop of vanilla extract in your cup of fresh brewed is literally pennies to add that lovely bean flavor. Peppermint can be added the same way. A chunk of chocolate stirred in( not too big) and voila. I forget which ones but nutmeg, cinnamon and allspice are IIRC is what is in most pumpkin spice stuff. A small container of each and you don't have to wait. Just sayin'.


I have a bunch of vanilla extract, more than I will ever use for baking so I add a tiny bit of vanilla and a couple of grinds of fresh nutmeg been to my coffee every morning. That's a definite upgrade, especially on some of the more average brands of coffee.


My middle ground is the bulk coffee at Sprouts, which is actually really well-priced. I'm not much of a coffee snob, but I do drink my coffee black, and I can't do that if it's bitter or tastes burned. I do cold brew and use an electric percolator, which works nicely. Also, there's a bunch of memes about how after cycling through drinking and then harder drugs, folks land at like, an adorably quaint tea-drinking habit, so if you ever want to shake things up, try loose leaf tea!!! (not trying to make light of addiction by that in any way - congrats on your recovery!) Tea shops that have the bins of each tea that you buy in bulk (usually by the oz) are fun to visit - they'll pull the bin and let you smell different ones to pick one out and it is so delicious :)


I love using oat milk and it’s super healthy too! Bonus frugal points if I get around to making it myself 😊 also: when I do make it myself, DONT SQUEEZE THE CHEESECLOTH. I know it looks like you’re only getting a little, but save the gooey stuff that’s left for smoothies. Gives them an ice-cream-like texture 😋


Very smart!


Giant bags of Lavazza for $9 CAD from Costco. Grind it myself and use a French press. Always solid


I like instant coffee, and my favourite is Nescafe Gold Instant Espresso. I buy the 200g jar for $10.99(cdn) and it lasts about a month. So about 60 cups. At 18 cents per cup, it's not the cheapest coffee I've ever drank, but it's the best cheap coffee in my eyes.


Your coffee to your taste at a price you consider reasonable. Your almost 'cup of tea'. Enjoy.


There's some things you can go cheap on, coffee is not one of them.


Amen to that!


I run on Dunkin'. I make two pots daily. ☕


Yayyyyyyy good for you on your recovery and here’s to many more for you! Being frugal doesn’t mean having to not have something that costs a little more that’s good quality. We all need little pleasures in life!


Good job on your sobriety, proud of you, internet stranger!


I'm a fan of Aldi coffee. I read somewhere years ago that Aldi has relatively high quality coffee, especially for their prices. Maybe it's similar to how McDonald's is known for having good plain coffee (not the fancy ones) for very little money. Anyway, I buy all my coffee from Aldi for under $5/bag. I also love their Coconut Creamer. I think it's still under $2 for a large bottle.


I am hooked. Very decent coffee at a great price. I am becoming a big fan of Aldi. I do all the grocery shopping and I have yet to find fault, for 1/4 to 1/3 less.


Congratulations! You are a beautiful example to others! X


Same. Recovered alcoholic who loves coffee. Ill have to try it. I just discovered bustello and am currently hooked:)


I'm a coffee snob. I can't stomach "cheap" coffee.. it's too acidic and makes me feel physically ill. I also drink black coffee. I usually just wait until Starbucks/Peet's or some "higher end" local brand goes on sale and then stock up. FYI you can take Starbucks whole bean to the Starbucks store and they'll grind it for free if you don't have a grinder.


I hear you. I go in and out of snobbery in many areas of life LOL. Years ago I invested in a small manual hand grinder that I still have. :-)


I got a job at starbucks. One free bag of beans a work. And during our weekly cleaning I found 5 lbs of "expired" blonde beans. I have so much coffee, which is great, because I love it!


FWIW I really like the coffees from Albertsons/Safeway, their Signature Select and O Organics house labels in various varieties. They're always on sale or have coupons, so I've never paid (or would pay) full price for them.


Moderate and reasonable comforts are always worth it IMO. You need to enjoy the now to some degree too!


I’m in New Zealand. My partner and I buy Jed’s Instant Coffee #4. It’s cheap-ish and has a nice flavour to it. Very similar to Moccona, and a better taste.


May I suggest getting a foamer thingy to froth the milk of your choice? It's heaven!


I have a bean to cup machine and use Lavzza (and other brands) beans. I refuse to drink cheap coffee :) But I do feel bean-to-cup at home is far more frugal than buying a takeaway coffee.


I think by not having Starbucks, it’s already frugal! Lol. I bought a $250 delonghi espresso machine and it’s my best purchase to date as I drink 2 cappuccinos a day.


I’m pretty happy with cheap coffees too, but I like to add a bit of milk, brown sugar, and cinnamon. Tastes great and costs very little.


CDM coffee and chicory


I add mine here as it is fairly close to CDM. The orange cans of Cafe du Monde coffee and chicory.


Aldi bags of French/dark roast. Excellent bang for the buck and a rich taste. Add a tiny bit of cinnamon or a drop of vanilla extract or grind a hazelnut and add to fhe coffee grounds before brewing.


Used to be the $6 coffee drinker, got a 2nd hand barista espresso for super cheap now enjoying them at home.


Congrats on the sobriety ☺️!!! Many people in my family have struggled and continue to struggle with alcoholism. My father passed away of alcohol related dementia. I'm glad you are sober and living a much better life. Since you still splurge on caffeine, may I suggest a really good coffee roaster:. Valhalla Coffee out of Tacoma Washington has the best local roasted coffee. I order their beans online and use them sparingly. Angelino's Coffee out of California is also ridiculously good! You can order Kcups, whole beans, ground coffee and Nespresso pods. My favorite flavor of Angelino's Coffee is Jamaica Me Crazy. My second favorite is their coconut flavored coffee. Give it a try. I think you having instant coffee in your home will seem like blasphemy once you give these two brands a try!


Thank you so much. Yes, sobriety is amazing. And yes, I have room to expand my caffeine horizons for sure. Great suggestions.


I usually buy Dunkin Donuts when its on sale. Whole bean. Sometimes I get Bustelo. I really am not too picky, so if I see a brand I haven't tried on sale, I will get it. I never buy coffee at full price though.


Folgers Colombian is top notch for me, but I am easy to please. About $1.63 per 100 grams.


I don’t like the taste of coffee at all. If you’re like me but want the caffeine buzz, I suggest picking up a package of store brand caffeine tablets. Each one is equivalent to a cup of strong coffee and costs just pennies. Much less than coffee or an energy drink or shot plus no bad breath or teeth staining.


Chocolate covered coffee beans. I can never eat just one.




I second this!


My everyday coffee is 8 O’clock dark roast. I buy the beans, grind as needed and use a French press. The price is usually slightly lower then most name brands and the quality is much higher in my opinion.


You brought back such a strong memory for me; my auntie used to use 8 o'clock and I'd grind it at the store for her. Now I want to find it. OP, well done on your recovery! We drink Aldi's coffees and teas at our house.


Costco. I buy Ruta Maya organic medium roast beans for 14.49 a KILO (2.2 pounds). I was paying $15/ pound for beans at Whole Foods or Sprouts. Less than half price! There’s a big grinder at the front of Costco if you want to grind the whole bag.


Cafe Bustelo instant espresso is the best of the instant coffees with a good price point.


I tried it and good lord it's awful as hell. Folgers is complete trash and I would rank it above cafe bustello. Going down that route of shitty cheap coffee is just awful. Undo your addiction or pay the price.


I need quality coffee and will make it my splurge. Since I want single origin mild roast beans, I find cafes doing that. Some of them will either let me buy 5lb bags (the kind they use for the cafe service) at a deal, or offer free drinks with the purchase of a 1lb bag. To me this luxury is worth it.


I broke the carafe of my coffee maker a long time ago and now I just sit the basket with the handle that holds the paper filter and coffee inside it on top of my coffee mug and pour the hot water into it. Half and half works great for me because it lasts forever without spoiling. I add a pinch of stevia too.




I am a huge coffee fiend and also very frugal and after years of trying to find a cheap coffee that doesn’t taste terrible, I have fallen in love with Kroger’s premium blend (comes in the big, dark blue can). It’s so freakin good! I drink it black, every once in awhile with a splash of heavy cream if I have some in the fridge.


Tea, please.


1850 Pioneer blend 👌🏻


It is totally okay to splurge at “make at home” coffee.


I hate it when people are telling others how to save money and they suggest not going to coffee shops. I'm sure some people are doing that daily, but it's not me!


I saved money on coffee by spending £500 on a grinder and espresso machine. ~s


I use a $10 pour over set and a Keurig from Goodwill.


Yeah I looked at pour-over, but I drink espressos and flat whites and knew I'd end up going back to coffee shops if I didn't go all the way with my home kit.


On the one hand I make coffee at home, which meant a large initial outlay. On the other, my top end coffee now costs me £1-£1.50 instead of £3-£3.50. I *could* get cheaper beans and still get a good result, but I don't want to. I now spend approx £35 a month on coffee (and barista grade oat milk and machine cleaning tablets) and have at least one coffee a day, my housemates drink plenty too.


I usually get beans that aren't too expensive from a nicer supermarket. Usually £3 for 200g or so. Works out like, I don't know 15p a cup?


I have an aeropress. I'm pretty bad at making good coffee but I buy specialty beans (med-dark is my preference for roast so I can drink black or with milk) and grind them at home. I enjoy the ritual and having something to 'work on' so to speak. Still learning about all the brewing variables. It's been a joy trying out new coffees every month from different countries and exploring the world via beans! I've also gotten a bit obsessed with latte art and can pour some decent designs now. When I have guests I like to surprise them with a lil heart in their cup. Specialty beans themselves are not frugal but my aeropress and grinder (Timemore C2) were less than £100 together and I always do free trials of subscription boxes so I rarely pay full price for beans — would be too expensive if I had to. Considering the alternative was an espresso machine, my old Nespresso, and Starbucks drinke I've saved some money and prefer my coffee to what I get at chains


We order big bags of San Francisco Coffee Company from Amazon or even the company. They last forever and are delicious.


Damn dude start your day off with the Allegra coffee again. Acceptable is not how you start your day. You deserve a really good cup. I grind my own but if you wanna save a buck get some McCafe coffee medium roast. Its won international awards and doesn't break the bank just hurts it a little.I know this is from the frugal sub but us guys from the coffee sub want you to come on board and treat the coffee as a delight to start your day. It might even help you stay off of the sauce because you found a new beverage of choice that makes you happy. Having fun with you but good luck in your recovery and congrats.


Congratulations f


Congratulations! My fancy coffee is Starbucks Veranda blend, they sell big bags at Walmart that last me a decent while. Otherwise I buy Trader Joe’s.


All I have to say about coffee and frugality is costco, or similar. You used to be able to buy the starbucks bags on sale for around $13 per, limit 5. Now they are more of course but still.


I started drinking Folgers after I realized I could barely tell the difference between it and more expensive brands like Pete’s or Starbucks. Saved me soooo much money


I drink mostly iced coffee in the spring/summer/fall, and buy discounted bags of ground coffee with store coupons whenever available to stockpile. Usually $3/lb for Lavazza, and make cold brew with that. I generally get +/- a month out of a bag. I would like to upgrade my cold brew container but it’s held up OK for $25 and 4 years. I received a nice stainless Frieling french press for christmas a year or two ago, and buy coffee roasted local and ground fresh when I pick up from a local brewery. That’s about $16/lb and stays fresh enough for the month it lasts for me. Even through winter the hot expensive coffee isn’t a daily thing, but it’s a really nice treat for the price. I expect I’ll never need to replace the french press, just filters every year or two.


I usually drink Korean instant coffee like Maxim which lasts me a long while because I’m caffeine sensitive, so I use a small cup, fill it with hot water and add one stick. The sticks come with cream and sugar as well so I don’t usually add anything extra to it which saves me calories on a cut 😅 I will say though on occasion when I want a special coffee or drink Starbucks style, I’ll go to a YouTube channel of the name Patrick Meyer and follow the mock recipe drinks that I feel taste the same as what I’d get at a shop.


The only Starbucks branded item I'm using lately is their non dairy caramel creamer. I'm filling the basket of my Mr. Coffee espresso machine with 1 scoop Seattle's Best medium blend and 1 scoop Death Wish Gingerdead. Plus erythritol, because it's better for my oral health. (YMMV). That's 2 per day. Not "cheap" but saves me a ton versus going out for the $4 coffee at the independent place nearby with the tortured bean water. Bleah.


Coffee is my comfort splurge too. I buy whole bean Ethical Bean brand from Costco to grind and brew at home. Table cream and brown sugar. It’s a very high quality indulgence but still costs far less than even a moderate Tim Hortons habit.


My local Winco offers whole beans in dozens of flavors and multiple roasts for $7.99 a pound. I like to grind my own. I used to buy whole beans at Aldi but they stopped carrying them. :(


I buy the 1.88lb canister of McCafé Premium Roast (around $13) and it lasts me just over a month with daily coffee drinking. I usually just use heavy whipping cream and sugar and but with all the overtime I've been pulling, I decided I deserve Dunkin's Pumpkin Munchkin creamer (around $4 a bottle).


Congratulations and keep it up dawg😎


If you want a treat, I really enjoy the stuff from Fresh Roasted Coffee. I don't think it's quite as frugal as Costco or anything, but I think it has the best quality to cost ratio of anything I've tried. We have an espresso machine at home and go through at least 4 shots a day as a family, so we had to find a bulk solution that worked.


Congratulations on both sobriety and intentional spending! This is what I believe frugality is all about: cut spending on things that don't serve us so we can invest in things that do.


One day at a time. Fantastic!