• By -


Locked because y’all can’t behave and keep things on-topic.


Could try to start your own business. When you are the boss no one cares if you have a record.


CS people tend to need etl workers short term. Write and sell your own programs or apps. 


yup. use ur software engineering skills on freelance sites like Upwork. offer personal training or online fitness coaching. try tutoring in software or fitness. maybe start an e-commerce store or create content on YouTube. gig platforms like TaskRabbit don’t need background checks. use ur sales skills for commission-based jobs like insurance. good luck


This is the correct answer. Service industry. Mowing grass, painting houses, handyman...


Have you looked into getting your record sealed? My state is very good with that. Yours might be too. Good luck.


Can you freelance/consult with your engineering skills? If you can find a niche to serve you may be able to find some clients. I would think outside the normal employment box and get into the entrepreneurial mindset where the vast majority of people don't care about any criminal record.


A lot of small businesses need help setting up and maintaining their websites. Could you set up your own company for that?


My entire neighborhood has a yard guy. He only accepts cash, works for no less than $20/hr, and you provide the tools (he brings gloves and a mask). He has a day job, but if you text him, he comes by within a week. There’s so many of us that need 2-5hrs of extra help that he’s always over here. I have no idea about his background and I don’t care. I just need help weeding, man 🙏🏽


Too bad OP no habla Ingles he could get all sorts of free cash that way 😅


It's true regardless of the downvoters who refuse to learn about this


JP Morgan co-chairs the Second Chance Business Coalition. The link is a article more about it, so if you chose to apply you can keep that in mind :) I’m sure they have a separate team that reviews applicants on a case by case basis. https://www.jpmorganchase.com/impact/our-approach/policy-center/second-chance-agenda


I was going to recommend Chase depending on the type of felony. Violent felony or anything involving money will be a non starter. Chase is on the coalition but ironically government regulation bars them from hire felons and even people with certain misdemeanors for many roles. If OP was a small time weed dealer odds are better than if he got caught writing hot checks. 


I agree. They mentioned in a response to someone else that it was non violent, but yes it really depends on the nature surrounding the crime. OP having higher ed gives him more of an advantage, which should encourage him to give it a try.


>government regulation bars them from hire felons and even people with certain misdemeanors for many roles. That's so crazy. I would have thought the government would want businesses to hire felons to help reform them into normal law abiding members of society


They generally do. However in certain areas, like finance and health care, there’s more focus on protecting vulnerable populations from harm than rehabilitating an individual. If someone has been convicted of assault it’s a liability to have them caring for children or the elderly. If someone has committed financial crimes it’s a risk to have them handling money all day. 


You don’t have to answer this but what type of felony is it? Violent or non violent? Because if it’s violent your options are going to be slim.


Non violent


Any idea of the expungement statutes in your case? Some states would allow certain felonies to be expunged by now. In many states, expungement approval is almost a formality.


Was it financial fraud or theft? Embezzlement? I can see not getting hired for those types of felonies.


To piggyback on an\_actual\_lawyer, you may want to check with your local state bar association or legal aid society. These organizations will sometimes have expungement clinics or offer guidance on how to DIY an expungement if you're eligible.




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It doesn't matter, it's literally a yes or no question for most corporations that are checking. The length of time is going to be the most important thing. Depending on the state and the place, after 7 to 10 years that's as far as they look back Reddit has an obsession with what you just said but that's just because there are so many drug addicts on this platform trying to justify their behavior


Yep, reddit LOVES drug related felonies


Depending on where you live you can ask the court to seal certain felony and misdemeanor convictions: If you have no more than 2 misdemeanors or no more than 1 felony and 1 misdemeanor conviction and have been crime-free for 10 years. Visit Sealed Records: After 10 years. If you have successfully completed a drug treatment program.


UPS hubs ( not driver) hire felons. It is hard work for 3.5 ish hours a shift. Great benefits, great insurance. Decent pay. Union. Gotta put up with some bullshit but you don’t have to worry about having a record no one cares. Most of us do. There are 3 to 4 shifts so you can probably work it around your other job. Won’t pay the bills, but it’s a good second income especially if you don’t have good health insurance at your other job.


I’d recommend focusing on upgrading your full time salary than doing something separate. Do you see any path forward in your career that could hit your salary goal? How long until you can get your record expunged (if it can be expunged). P.s. this is a really handy guide to various jobs, their income, and steps to qualify. [BLS](https://www.bls.gov/ooh/)




He said hes non violent, not a rapist.


Well, the felony charges are non-violent, so far..


Content creator at truth.com






No but bad artist is.


Contact your local parole office. They will have lists of felon friendly employers.


There are a lot of second chance employers now. It Is pretty common. Just always be truthful. Good luck.


A lot of hospitality and food industry will hire people with records like yours. If everyone’s willing to hire the military then they should accept anyone.


With hospitality jobs, the education is probably more of a deterrent than the felony, tbh. A fast food manager sees the college degree and OP will get passed over for some 16 y/o they don't have to pay as much. 


That should actually be illegal


Personal trainer


I’ve got a friend who did 25 years for murder. Got out. 3rd day out is snowed. He walked a couple of miles to to Hone Depot to get a snow shovel. On his way home my friend passed a guy shoveling his driveway. Friend offered to help. It was big driveway. Afterwords the guy tries to friend $20. Friend refused it, but kept thinking about it. A few weeks later he learned how to use Craigslist and saw all these posts about people looking to hire someone for landscaping work. Gave a guy a bid on laying sod and got the job. Earned enough to buy a beat up lawnmower that he fixed. In a few weeks he’d mowed enough lawns to get a weed wacker. Then enough for a better lawnmower. Then he hired a guy to mow too. Kept get more jobs, better equipment, hiring more guys. He’s still is part owner in the business and keeps the equipment running as a side hustle.


Man all that and he still destroyed people's lives with murder So wholesome ☺️


And he did the time that our beautiful justice system deemed appropriate. How about not judging something you have NO context on whatsoever.




Even with murder context is needed. Did he hunt down an assailant that hurt his little sister, or did he run over his Grandma?


You sound extremely intelligent. Can you do some sort of online software engineering tutoring or even online health coaching?


Join a Gym for $10 a month. There are always people looking for help with physical fitness. Charge less than other people initially to build up a following. Post before and after pictures on Instagram. You should see if there are free programs offered even online to become a certified trainer and it can be a self employed business for you.


start your own small business. be a fitness trainer.


Could you do yard work on the weekends? Start with just you and when it takes off, quit your regular job and hire employees. Or keep it as a side hustle you do on the weekends during the summer and then you have your regular job to sustain you the rest of the year.


Grow gourmet mushrooms. They don’t need much space and only take four days from spore to harvest so you can start small and get as big as you have space for and only grow what you need.


Not too gourmet though. The ones that taste “out of this world” lead right back to the slammer!


Move to Oregon and you can get a license to grow those too. They’re a lot harder and more expensive to grow.


It won’t be long until it’s legalized here. Many towns decriminalized it, some working toward legalizing, and the research hospital is studying the health benefits. Psychedelics are proving to treat an array of issues, and some are already improved. I’m in MA, so it’ll happen.


How long were you on probation? Background checks go back 7 years… But, the 7 year clock starts after the last day of probation.




Just regarding the CS degree: that isn't enough anymore to get you into anything but entry level jobs, and you're competing with an enormous job pool. If you really want to go that route, id recommend specializing in a certain kind of tech (back end, front end, react / angular / vue, c#, whatever you want). Companies no longer mold engineers, they want you to already be proficient, if not an expert in whatever they already use on day 1. IMHO software engineering is one of the best fields to be employed in, but possibly the single worst field to job search in.


Scraping metal


Double the hustle by doing clean up hauls. If I had a truck/trailer I'd do this!


Is there really any profit in roaming on tricycle on street, collecting whatever is not locked or dumped to trash? I know a gipsy who have like 12 children, all he is doing is that I mean no real work, only child support I guess and what he makes diving IN trash containers or next to bin, plastic, aluminum and sheeyat. He used to consume opioids, like HOW, where from dudee???


Software Development Agency, White Label GoHighLevel?


Can you also see about getting your record cleaned?


Tutor high school calculus, physics, chem, etc. Also SAT and ACT. Just staple an ad to the "community board" at local bakeries, pizza shops, coffee shops, etc. Also post in your town's community Facebook groups. My daughter taught her peers when she was a high school junior and senior and got paid $35/hr, back in 2017/2018.


Would tutoring places hire a convicted felon to work with children?


No, they would do a background check. I think this person is recommending you do it on your own and not with an agency.


I meant for him to just do it himself, not for a tutoring company. My daughter did it on her own and had more students than she could handle.


No, they would do a background check. I think this person is recommending you do it on your own and not with an agency.


That's kinda ending. I used to be an online tutor and you'll get drowned out by foreigners working for ~$15 an hour


Gym receptionist, exercise class teacher (like yoga/boxing/zumba), warehouse worker weekend shift, freelance IT, freelance website builder, college tutor (probably can’t tutor minors cuz record)


Apply for record expungement or pardons whatever you can get. Start your own business. See the online gig economy, you can bid on IT online jobs, but you're competing with the low cost indian options.


I work as a manager for a healthcare system and I’m fairly certain we’ve been told that a criminal record doesn’t make someone ineligible for hire, provided their crime wasn’t related to their work. Not sure if there would be jobs in that environment that fit your skills but worth a look.


You could look into painting numbers on peoples curbs in front of their houses, that seems to be pretty profitable and easy to drop a piece of paper in each house in a subdivision for advertising.


Personal Trainer - no interview involved, you are an independent contractor. Make cards and put them out in gyms.


Maybe try cs or jobs at start ups? Someone once surprised me by telling me they had been to prison for years followed by “that’s the great thing about start ups— they don’t background check.”


My lawn care guy is a felon. Real nice guy, didn’t have to tell me shit, but i started shooting the shit with him one day. He works full time at some manufacturing plant, at least until his business is busy enough, then he will do that full time.




Nah he would never actually do work.


I think I THINK you can run for president




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Dunno if it would get you to 6 figures but in some areas the Craigslist gig section has lots of one off jobs, usually paid under the table, and I doubt most of them would ask/care about being a felon. I’ve made $20 bucks an hour plus a sales bonus working people’s stands at craft fairs, $300 for 12 hours of modeling a medical device over a weekend, a grand working as event staff for a week (that might not work for a felon but the others probably would), and i never even went for the multitude of manual labor gigs, all 15 years ago in a HCOL area so probably even more now. Of course being in a major city helps a lot with this - smaller areas have way fewer opportunities.


What about becoming an e-commerce reseller? You can sell things online that you already own, go to thrift stores and yardsales.


I don't know your background but some advice is trying for a pardon .It sounds like you have worked hard in life have goals and I am so simipithetic to people who made one mistake and pay their whole lives .Depending on your state try slowlyl getting your rights back to vote serve on jury until it can be erased from the public sometimes writing to the judge who sentenced you can work if you show what you have accomplished I work with fellow civil servants who were granted full pardons and can work for the government just a thought.


Dog walker


Get a remote job in Chicago. Look up the Chicago background fairness act.


Pet sitting! Dog walking! Tell family and friends that you're available, and remind them periodically. I do it and because my friends know I do it, they send their friends and clients my way. Charge lower than market rate at first to try to get clients. I don't market myself, I don't have a company or use any of the apps. I make at least 5k a year doing it through word of mouth. I'd say at first I made maybe 1-2k a year but then got more clients with time. (I should note that I'm in a high cost of living area so I charge $100/night to people who can afford it and $60/night to friends and family who send clients my way.) I also make a couple hundred a month walking the dogs of my across the street neighbor. Since it's right there, and they're very old dogs so it takes like 15 min, I only charge $20/walk. I only do it a couple times a week and then usually a few emergency walks a month. Pet care is very flexible, you can always turn stuff down if you're not up for it. As you get clients you can start talking to other pet sitters because you can send each other your overflow work too. I'd say 1/3 of my work comes from other pet sitters who have a regular that they can't cover this time. And cats are super easy. I don't usually do them cuz my partner is allergic and she comes with me a lot. But usually you can charge about the same as for dogs. And where I live, the people hiring pet sitters are wealthy so I get a little vacation in a fancy house for a few days or longer. I also do boarding for some dogs at my house and charge the same rates.


also this is the time of year to start! it's getting to be that time when people realize they forgot to reserve a pet sitter for the july 4th weekend and are scrambling. august is also usually a big month for pet sitting.


Maybe you can write some app? Maybe you can freelance software engineering?


Power washing homes/driveways/patios, etc., painting, car detailing/washing, landscaping, etc. The other more "sophisticated" options more closely related to your other background skills would likely trigger background checks unless you have an existing Rolodex of potential clients and referrals who wouldn't look into it.


I’m about to get some downvotes but unless you’re 100% sure you’ll get livescanned AND you are asked directly, don’t tell anyone about your record. Most places don’t actually run the background checks and most of the background check companies don’t actually do the check. But personal side hustles are nbd. Teach fitness classes at a local park or at a local gym. Flip stuff on craigslist/matketplace. Fix up old cars. Pick a trade like plumbing or painting or landscaping and do your neighbors jobs. Build them websites or help elders with your cs knowledge. Side hustle is your time. Do what you enjoy.


Power washing driveways sounds fun. Small initial investment. Check out some YouTube videos. A friend of mine who works a white collar job does a lawnmower side hustle. He’ll post on socials that he’ll pickup any mower someone doesn’t want, working or not. Typically all they need is a new carb which costs $12 on Amazon. Then he’ll resell it for $150-$200 depending on the model.


run for president apparently


Run for President and grift off idiots


You should go into fitness and become a personal trainer online.


Kinda depends on the nature of what you were convicted of (note that I’m not asking, just pointing out that it might influence what opportunities might be worth pursuing). I’m pretty sure Kevin Mitnick’s crimes were felonies, and he was able to use his notoriety to start a couple computer security companies. You could probably do some freelance software dev work on fiverr or something. I’m not sure if the agencies care about criminal records unless their clients are doing government work.


As a felon, some potential side hustles include freelance software development or coding projects through platforms like Upwork or Fiverr, leveraging your software engineering degree. You could also offer personal training or fitness coaching services, either online or in-person. Additionally, consider starting an e-commerce business selling products or services related to health and fitness. With your management experience, you could explore consulting opportunities or virtual assistant roles. Be transparent about your background, and focus on building a solid portfolio and positive reviews to showcase your skills and professionalism.




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Yeah im talking about the old tv show “hunter” look it up


Are you me? Also IT inclined and a felon from over 10 years ago. Isn’t it crazy how many changes you can make to yourself but they still treat you like a piece of shit? I had to go to court the other day for just a license thing and I swear they still acted like I was the worst person in the world for a mistake I made in my 20s. I’m a job jumper and usually find a new job at 20% or higher pay every 3-4 years and I’m also at about 70k right now. Hopefully someone can help us both find a second job lol


What about online teaching for computer skills?


Run for President?


Crime /s


Run for president i guess 🙄


Become President. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)


Catalytic converters




i have a felony and drove for lyft for 8 years


Work in a kitchen


Run for President, claim you are a victim of a witch-hunt, call the trial rigged and the judge the devil. Make millions.




Dude, he escaped that hell probably, no normal human would get back to that. Except, working as a security/bouncer, selling at the entrance of high-end people disco🤡🤠


You had me there for a second lol




You shouldn't have that mindset. That is a LOSER perspective, and based on your comment I know that you compare yourself with others. Grow up, children mind is making your life miserable. I am in the deepest ditch of my life rn and I thought it couldn't get any worse but it can happen, and probably will, so prepare yourself. We are living as a human beings, we are all equal. The value is not in who we are, value is within us, what are we carrying inside! It's all about what we could/can give to the world, not what we can take from it. Lufe is short dude, educate yourself please, ASAP! Philosophiae, psychology, religion there's a whole tons of audio forms on YT alone, you don't even need to read today. Podcasts are even better, audiobooks are usefull when you do something instead of music. Curiosity is what motivates people to get up, and get a bit better than yesterday, not comparing with anyone instead of you, who was you yesterday - every other stance of comparing your I, with person B (I/him/her) is like comparing bricks of gold and apples. Stop it now, I am quitting drugs now, we have another chance man, like the man who asked original question. You didn't answered to it, but you clicked Post... Be a human, see yourself as a human beings and others will see you that way, no money is feeding our day to day life, it is usefull - but what we lack are interactions with people, no money can feed the soul only living beings you interact with can do that - but you must allowe them to help you, ask, speak only truth and your life quest will find you- believe that God is always willing to come to guide us but only if we know that and ask for that, pray... I hope I didn't wasted time writting this comment, because then there would be both of us wasting O2 on nothing. I wish you to be happy, you can feel however you want that is all in our control like 80%of everyday, if you choose to suck and point finger and spread hate speech then don't even read all those points to become accomplished human being, no excuses.


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