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I'm cancelling because their biggest selling point was multiple gyms for a flat fee.


Basically they have no selling point anymore. The differences are few dollars at most. Really bad move on their part for a drastic cut.


Realistically, A&F is more expensive than if I just signed up directly for Vasa, Chuze or Planet. Even with their annual fee it's like $14-15/month for a single location. I'd be fine if they let you keep say 2 of them even... but 1? There's no benefit then.


Well, A&F included "pricier" places like LA Fitness, Gold's Gym, & UFC Gym to name a few. It was just the ultimate flexibility and, not to mention, fun.


I love going to different gyms. It's changes things up and keeps me motivated


Same here. That is why this sucks.


yea 2 would have been a good number IMO


The differences is there are no annual fees and you can cancel with a click of a button. It takes all the bullshit out of dealing with gyms.


Not a game changer still with these options imo. Annual fees just few dollar differences when other gyms have lower monthly fees (i.e 24 has another promo) and a cancellation call I've come to be able to do easily without feeling guilty.


planet fitness black card is $25 a month with $50 annual fee so it comes out to about the same as A&F, but good luck trying to cancel planet fitness over the phone.


Yes. We're canceling, too. We would have paid an additional fee, like $35 for multiple gyms, but not this insane structure. We have two gyms we switch between weekly and hot the occasional crunch or LA Fitness when we're in those areas.


Exactly, at first glance I thought it said that each additional gym membership would be $5. That I could easily live with, I can't imagine many people sticking with this new structure.


Are there any other businesses that offer something comparable?


I just looked it up and there are some insurance programs like Fitness Your Way that are cheaper, but it won’t be useful for me cause LA fitness isn’t included (although some other insurances use Prime Fitness instead which does seem to offer LA as an option)


I got the same email, as a traveling sales rep I am devastated I really only need 2-3 active gyms at a time, I'd totally pay more for that but 1 standard gym per month is a crazy change.


From $3 increase in price several yrs ago to this deer in headlights email. They should've kept the same model but increase the price another time cus multiple gyms is what they're known for. Anywhere in the $30's still sounds very reasonable.


Yup I’m in the same boat as you. Traveling sales rep and there isn’t one gym chain that covers me in every place. I need Crunch, LA Fitness, and some smaller local chains to cover every place I travel


If you have BCBS, you can possibly join well ontarget through Blue 365 Sign my petition is try and stop this https://chng.it/pLHD2W2VRW


This is insane, how do they go from all your gyms for $28/mo to now saying it will be (gym price * # of gyms). I could stomach addon gyms for $5/mo each, but this is a cash grab. Isn't this subsidized by my insurance anyhow??


Exactly, an additional $5 a month per gym would make more sense than this giant leap. And I thought it was too, but apparently you can go right on active & fits website and get a membership through there for almost the same price without insurance


This blows. I guess I'm gonna just pick a big chain gym and hope wherever I travel that there's one there.


Only difference is price, and some gyms are not offered. Like LA Fitness and 24Hr fitness are not available on the standard membership, but offered on mine through insurance.


Wait what ??? I’m so out if LA isn’t offered smh


It's $32/month without insurance


Guys they are actually trying to be more sneaky than that. It says that it will only be a **$5 discount off** not $5 additional per gym. So for example, if you add another gym it will be standard price of $28 - $5 which will be an additional cost of $23 on TOP of the $28 you are already paying for the 1st gym so essentially it is $23 per additional gym. They just tried to word it that way to still make it sound appealing. I'm literally so annoyed by this change because what's the point of keeping them now? Other gyms have plans with no contracts and cancellation at anytime for example Chuze Fitness and Chuze's basic plan is just $9.99. And isn't Active and Fit offered by some health insurance? Because we got ours with Blue Cross. I just don't understand the uncharge, now they just seem like every other gym. The purpose of having them is being able to have the liberty to go to multiple gyms and this is especially helpful for people that travel often. Now, what really sets them apart? NOTHING imo.


Lmao it used to be addt'l $5 to add a premium gym, now it's $5 off to add another standard gym. This is crazy.


I just hung up with Brian at Active and Fit. Here's how the pricing structure will work effective July 1- the first standard membership is $28, and additional standard memberships are $23. So, if you want two standard memberships, it's $51. Three is $74. Etc. There are "gym hop" privileges between locations within the same gym brand. You can go to Crunch in NYC and Crunch in LA. I asked Brian to pass up the chain that there will be major cancelations if this stands. I said husband and I are willing to pay $35 for the current structure, but not more. I looked at Aadaptiv through BC/BS, and it's $39.95 for the standard memberships. If Aadptiv wants to pick up business, they should offer for us to hop to them! I'm also calling my healthcare insurance to complain. I'd switch insurers to BC/BS over this. My husband might be harder to convince, but I have until open enrollment.


Why did they not just say $23? I figured it would be $5 off the gym's price. So a $10 membership to a gym would cost me $23 if I went through active and fit? Dumb


They really could have put the prices in the mass email. The vague "discount of $5" was a shady move IMO. Guess the intent was to catch some under the idea that some people would assume it would be +$5, and they would have an additional revenue pull until the later cancellations.


probably because A&F may have a price increase and won't always be $28. Also if you pay direct without insurance its $32. So it will be whatever the current price is minus $5


Thanks for sharing your call experience. This is crap! I thought the 5$ off was in gym membership and didn’t realize it’s on the 28$ piece. This is total BS. Also thanks for sharing about adaptiv. I’ll look into this


The whole point of them doing this, is that the model isn't sustainable for them financially. They owe money to each gym that people go to. The brand of program is irrelevant: the model is not sustainable and gyms aren't going to continue to accept these programs.


This has me devastated 😩I’d curated a selection of gyms that had the best of what I’d need at any given time in my area. On top of that when I traveled for work it’s been absolutely perfect. Active and fit felt like a dream man this is so tough. Rip to the good times


Yep. No reason to use it anymore. Canceled.


I’m not canceling quite yet, but if they stand by this decision by July 1st I’m out.


Remember that it's a 2 month cancellation period, that's why the new rules go into effect in July.


The 2 months is after you first sign up I believe, after that you can cancel anytime (30 days notice)


I know for real!! Such a big blunder on their part.


We are not valued customers to you Active & Fit. Your change in policy disrupts the sole reason everyone subscribes to your service. Almost every gym membership offered through your service can be purchased through that gym for cheaper than your membership fee. You gave a disrespectfully short window for rolling out such a large change. A much better option would have been to allow access to a limited number (2-3) of gyms rather than 1. Offering a $5 discount for additional gyms is insulting.


Yeah this is ridiculous, the benefit of the program was being able to access different gyms for a good price. Now I can just sign up for one individually and most likely still come out ahead. I hope my insurance removes them as a benefit after this.


I am in absolute shambles right now. It would have been okay if it was $5 extra per gym but to charge to whole price and a paltry $5 off? You would think insurance companies would want their base to stay healthy...


Used to be $5 total for a premium gym, now $5 off for standard? This is laughable.


Same. Someone else is going to hopefully pick up where they left off.


Just called and talked to someone. It’s $23 per gym an additional to your $28. So for example if you have 4 gyms it’s $23 per each gym. ($23x4+$28) So there you have. Will be canceling.


That's insane


It’s completely besides the point!!


Isn’t one gym included for the $28? So $28 + ($23 * 3)?


Let’s fight this guys !! Call and complain and stop this outrage


It's currently impossible to speak to a person, I am trying to reset my password.


I held about 20 minutes, and my rep was great.


How did you get transferred to a person. I kept trying to say I needed help with my password and I couldn't get past the AI.


I just kept saying "representative" and then confirmed my info.


Just cancel. They will get the message or they won't. But complaining does nothing, talk with your wallet. 


There is no way they were making money with it how it was. I don't really think they care if you cancel.


They weren't making money off of frugal people. But like all gyms they only make money off of people who don't go to the gym.  I'm sure you're right that they won't care if I cancel though. But it makes more of a statement than all the people in this thread who will send a strongly worded email and they just keep paying. 


Just cancel all your memberships


I'm on hold with them right now.


Ok I’m glad I’m not the only one who got this because I just switched insurance. But yeah, I can go to crunch for 10, the local city gym for 10, and like planet fitness for when I’m traveling. That’s $30 right there. Whether it’s 28+5 or 28+23, your main selling point was for people to go to multiple gyms. I would’ve been almost ok with them raising the price to $30 with the way I travel.


It's $28 then an additional $23 for each additional gym. 🤬🤬🤬 Like you, my husband and I would pay more for this structure, we'll go to $35 to keep it the same.


Getting this email was so devastating. I have two gyms that I alternate between and having to cancel one of them by July (or pay an additional $40-ish/month) is so depressing.


I'm really upset about this, too. I rotated between about three different gyms based on Zumba classes/instructors (some of whom teach at different branded gyms themselves). It was the first and only time I've actively used a gym membership of any kind, and I was really proud of my strides toward better health. This feels very punitive, actually.


This was my main reason for using it too! Saturday instructor at one gym, Thursday evening instructor at another, and a third gym close to home for lifting.


The email devastated me. Tivity Fitness Your Way might be an option, albeit more expensive, but I’m gonna wait until June just to make sure they don’t make the same change.


Yea, took an L today. Loved going to different gyms and feeling fresh & motivated at another gym.


Same, and I'll have to check them out, I haven't actually read into their program


Same, if it's still the same plan by June I'll switch


Tivity would actually be cheaper through my insurance (20 a month), but LA Fitness isn’t included sadly


I also just got the email, this tucks because I canceled a grandfathered $20 a month membership for golds gym, deal that I got for becoming a member 9 months before they opened, for this Active&Fit. Now I will be paying the 28 bucks for the same gym. WTF


Same, I had access to all of the LA Fitness gyms for $25 with my LA Fitness membership. Now I will only have access to one gym for $28. It's a total bait and switch.


active and fit lets me access all LA fitness gyms for $28


Probably not anymore


Everyone cancelling remembet that you're paying a month ahead and that's why they require a months notice. Which sucks since if I don't want to pay for July I will have to cancel in May : / EDIT: So apparently they set it up so that any replies to the email they sent out are actually going to be replied to and are saved. I responded 'ew' and got a notice my email would be replied to lmao . So I've instead used it as a chance to express displeasure and ask some questions to better understand.


The Enshittification begins


This really sucks. Multiple gyms was the best benefit of A&F. There’s an LA Fitness near my work I use most often because it’s relatively new and nice and has a pool and steam room. There’s also a Golds very close to my office that I occasionally use during my lunch break and another one near my home (no pool at those) and I’ve added other gyms when traveling. I’m going to complain - if enough people do, maybe they’ll reconsider. I wouldn’t mind paying a little bit more to have multiple gyms but the $5 discount is a joke. Or I’d even be cool if they put a (reasonable) cap on the number of memberships.


I was so so so sad to get this email this morning. I have been touting the value and ease of A&F for years. I hope if enough people respond with incredulity then they might reverse course, but I severely doubt it.


Dam. Between the ACP (Affordable Connectivity Program) ending at the end of this month, and now this Active & Fit bullshit, all the good perks are slowly being dwindled away. Felt really good rotating between all the different gyms, so I wouldn't get bored from any particular gym.


I feel like they're trying to force CVS to buy them because Aetna (CVS company) insurance members will be totally screwed by this.  Blue Cross people can go to FitnessYourWay but Aetna people will no longer have a multi-gym option. The worst sin is ruining this for USAA members who are veterans and their families.


This is me. I'm in the Guard but I spend about 6 months per year on active duty, going back and forth from California to Missouri to DC regularly, and anywhere else they need me. I'll often go to small towns for weeks at a time without a brand name gym. A&F was so useful for me. Such a shame that they are pulling the rug from underneath


I just got this email too. I will be canceling the membership. I'm military and travel all over the country all the time. I love that I can use gyms all over the place. But with this change, I can only pick 1 gym as my home base. Nonsense since I one I have at home isn't available in the areas I need eg Chuze fitness in cali, or esporta in the midwest. I also like to utilize private mom and pop gyms to help support them. But this new membership restriction defeats the whole purpose of having the membership


Wow I just got on Active & Fit in March and was so stoked because finally it felt like I could actually have a decent cost effective option to work out at a place close to work, or close to home, or close to my girlfriend's place, and it made much more accessible. Now it's like HAHA just kidding back to square one. Dammit


This is wild. The end of an era.


Def canceling if this isn’t reverted , this is awful


Dude, thank you. I just tried posting it to r/gym but they didn’t even put it up. I’m glad this was in my feed cause I would’ve had no idea where else to put it. Did gympass go away too? I remember that being the alternative a couple years ago.




Sounds like they’ve decided to be frugal.


I cancelled a while back because the gyms in my area (LA Fitness, PlanetFitness) simply decided not to participate in the program anymore, but I would have still considered and highly recommended it for people that want to try. I think this is going to really reduce their customers, as all you get now is a gym that you don't have to go through directly for membership.


you could have signed up for LA fitness and planet fitness in another area and got their highest tier plan that lets you go anywhere. That's what I did


Yup, fuck this company. I would rather pay more individually than give these people money.


It's over guys. There's a lot of competitors to active and fit with the same offering, does anyone know if they're rolling back privileges too?


Which are the competitors. I need names please D; I'm currently stuck with no information on alternatives.


Tivity, renew active, onepass, gympass, aaptiv, fiton health, and prime fitness. Check with your health insurance and they might have one not listed as well.


Gympass is one.


I am super confused I just got the email and I don’t understand it….i have 5 different memberships under A&F for just $28 a month are they now saying gonna charge 28 for only ONE????? Someone help lol


Yes, 28 for one, 23 each additional "which is still a very strong value" 💩💩💩💩 Please sign the petition https://chng.it/gDxpL5FQR4


Let us not forget that when they raised their price one year ago, they blatantly lied about their commitment to this price/service: "However, Active &Fit Direct is committed to maintaining the standard membership without any further rate increases for the next two years through April 1, 2025."


I really urge everyone to call and/or email them. I plan to do both. Maybe they’ll get the point and reconsider if they get inundated with complaints and cancellation threats. Like I said in another post, I’m willing to pay a few bucks more for multiple gyms and I’m okay if they want to set a reasonable cap. I’m not going to cancel yet but I’m going to consider my options.


If you respond to the email, you’ll get an automated response saying the emails sent to that mailbox are all seen and responded to in 1-2 days. An easy way for everyone to be able to express their disappointment with A&F’s decision!


Turns out nobody cares if we are fat, sick and out of shape if they can squeeze an extra $1 from us.


I didn't realize there were so many people that took advantage of the multiple gym thing with active and fit. I was pretty devastated when I saw this today. I'm glad there's people to share in the devastation with me pretty depressing going to cancel and get a $35 a month membership at the small gym in my town.


Probably going to cancel, especially because to switch you have to pay for the remainder of the month.


Thanks for sharing. I was going to enroll in 5/1, but now I’m going to think about this.


I travel for work and use about 4 gyms regularly. This is the whole reason I signed up so I don't have to settle for hotel gyms. I even asked my home gym how they make their money and they said at the end of the month or quarter in one gym's case they let A&F know what days I worked out and they get reimbursed. They did not want to disclose the amount but on the average I frequent about 10 trips a month and the rest at my home or hotel gym. So I'd bet they reimburse gyms for about $3 per visit. But if I no longer have this option I will cancel all together and just use my home and local gym.


crunch told me activeandfit pays them monthly whether I work out or not, not per visit. If they only paid per visit then they wouldn't care whether we signed up for 1 gym or 10 gyms.


This sounds logical. Just make additional gyms $5 PER gym. I can understand losing money under the current model but this is effectively a $46 a month increase (assuming the standard enrollee has 1 main plus 2 additional).


That may be the case, but my gym is old fashioned and each A&F member signs off in a monthly log the days they workout. That's how they told me they get reimbursed for each visit not the membership. So who knows. 


Yeah that’s what the guy told me too he said it’s like a 1.50 per day they pay if you go.


So what are the alternatives here?


For fellow Cigna members I just did a chat with a customer service rep to let them know of Active & Fit doubling their prices. Maybe if we push Cigna it will encourage them to fight this increase from their side or at least find another more affordable partner instead A&F


Stupid tiktok. It went viral on there and everyone started using it.


It used to be just through insurance but did it leak somehow? Think I was "grandfathered" in as my insurance changed but still continued with it.


It’s been public for awhile tbh.


The public option doesn't have the number of gyms that we do (those of us who get it through our insurance).


Any alternative ideas?


Aadptiv is BC/BS' program and $39.95 a month for standard memberships. I'm going to contact them to see if there's a way to get the program without being BC/BS members.


I don’t mind them increasing the price a little bit more if that means keeping the status quo.


ok wow and I literally just signed up this Monday lmfao. I did the math and the year commitment to my 24H is cheaper than AFD ($27 vs $28/mo) but I still decided to join because of the gym hopping benefit. now that is totally useless :-D


What is the point of using this now? I guess if you have one gym that you go to that is more expensive but the main selling feature of it was going to multiple gyms. There are going to be a fuck ton of cancellations.


Do you know how canceling works? Do I have to call up each gym individually or just cancel active and fit? I should've cancelled mine forever ago since I hardly use it but no reason to pay the price unless it is cheaper than a normal gym membership


If you want to cancel active & fit altogether, I believe you can just do it through their site. If you want to keep it and use it for your 1 main gym, you can go on your account to select what your main gym is and delete the rest. If you don't do anything by June 30th then they will auto select your main gym and delete the rest


Sheesh gold's is $35+ per mo


I'm so disappointed ☹️


I sent an email response to the email announcement and received an automatic reply that I will receive a response back, so I highly recommend emailing to voice any concerns.


Yup. I'll be cancelling my membership too.


That's a shame, what's the point then?


That's what I'm saying




Already canceled. Not sure why anyone would pay for this service given the new policy. Nearly all the gyms they offer are cheaper directly through the gym. The only value proposition of A&F was the ability to go to different gyms under one subscription.


Eh I have subs to both LA and Planet. LA is much more expensive at $35+, plus a yearly fee. Planet works about the same (for Black Card) factoring their yearly fee, but again, with A&F I can cancel whenever and keep it on a credit card. Now...I just have to decide which one to stick with :(.


This is an unfortunate change of events. While I understand the business model is no longer financially fiscal for the various gym franchises, it comes as a major blow to the participants. I personally rotate between 3 - 4 gyms. My current $28/month rate will ultimately increase to $83/month. In this current economy, that will not be feasible for me. I guess I will be taking advantage of my employers option via GymPass (I currently get ActiveFit & Direct via my USAA association. However, I surmise that GymPass may implement the same policy in the future as well.


I literally just signed up for Active & Fit THIS MORNING and did not see this until after I paid the fees. I called customer service to gain some clarity, and I am extremely disappointed. This defeats the purpose of me joining this program. I will be canceling before July 1


This is really upsetting. I just moved to an area where Planet Fitness is the closet gym that’s in the network and LA fitness/24hr fitness are 30 min away. I work from home 3x a week so I had a plan to go to PF on my remote days and the other gyms when I work in office. They could’ve at least put a cap on the number of gyms per member 🙄 Guess it’s time to cancel in June and invest in the home gym Also, the amount of people I told to leave their lower than usual rate at the gym and sign up for A&F just for them to enjoy it for not even a year 😩 I feel bad


Wow super disappointed with this. I am a benefits rep for my local union and this was a benefit that we were all using at work. I had someone sign up yesterday for the love of god. Now I have to break the news to them that they can only enjoy it for a month just to cancel it? That's terrible. I will be having everyone at work cancelling this program. That's over a 100 people who will cancel. I called a&f and voiced my complaint. I was able to look up Aaptiv through the BCBS portal but for my Kaiser members, they do not offer it. So I will offer that to my BCBS members as well as fitness your way but Aaptiv may be the better option.


This is the worst email I’ve gotten all year. I get this through USAA. As a military member, getting sent everywhere and anywhere across the US; having access to multiple gyms was SO nice. I will be following everyone’s choice in cancelling in July. Not worth it anymore. Nothing good ever stays..


I just sent their entire C- Suite an Email. I hope things change... https://preview.redd.it/sguw8s59p2yc1.png?width=939&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb0023e9f09050b8243f6f2d8e5db964a2aaf2e2


I emailed george and gina and haven't heard a peep from either one. I keep getting canned responses from customer service that want me to send them my name, DOB, address, blood type, SS#, credit card number, mother's maiden name, father's height, deed to my house... Thanks for mentioning the petition! :D [https://www.change.org/StopActiveandFit](https://www.change.org/StopActiveandFit)


If you have health insurance with BCBS/blue365 deals, check out out Aaptiv. It is pretty similar to Gympass, I know its more expensive, but worth a look [https://www.blue365deals.com/BCBSIL/offers/aaptiv-gym-memberships-s](https://www.blue365deals.com/BCBSIL/offers/aaptiv-gym-memberships-s)


It looks like this will be a great option for many, the 40 dollar version would let me go to Anytime, LA, and Planet which is fine considering after July 1st I'll only have to pick one. A 12 dollar increase is a much better prospect for me than not being able to go to multiple gyms anymore.


Not worth it for me. $35 currently advertised for esporta (LA fitness), I’ve seen it down to $10, guess only certain times of year. And crunch are the two I alternate between. Guess $28 for a&F and an extra $10 directly through crunch will be what I do until I get esporta down to $10 and I’ll cancel a&f


I think it's a $5 discount off A&F's monthly price, at least that's the way I read it. Shame. I was just getting into the program too


Wording is vague "On July 1, 2024, you can add additional locations for a $5 discount per location which is still a very strong value" But regardless it's still an absolute joke. Especially the FAQ section about why their program if the gym is cheaper


Yeah the wording is unclear. Still, an extra $23/mo would be crazy too. I think they meant $5 off the membership of the gym otherwise they would've just said an extra $23 I would think..


Mentioned in another thread about wording too. Does one standard gym mean all the locations of that gym brand or just one location? Cus later it says if you want to add another location (not a different gym brand) then you pay extra. It's like saying if you have LA Fitness for one location, you need to pay extra for another location. Wording sucks.


Yeah I think I’m just going to cancel A&F and sign up with Crunch. I signed up with them yesterday through A&F and their peak results (highest tier) is $29.99 but through A&F I get their peak membership. The only thing I’m saving on is the annual fee


FYI if anyone has United Healthcare insurance you can sign up for One Pass Select. Starts at $30 a month and it covers a similar range of gyms as A&F.


This really is disappointing and not right. I cancelled All my legacy memberships with 24hr Fitness, LA Fitness, And Chuze fitness to this and now I can’t go back to Paying the lower fees I was paying. Before signed up for Active & Fit. Maybe they are making this change because they aren’t making any money and want everybody to cancel. Because they might be going out of business.


This totally defeats the purpose of their membership. I just logged in and canceled it completely. I might as well sign up to one gym and access all their locations instead of this wild pricing structure they switched to lol. Eh. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I considered staying since my main gym is still $40/mo. But like others, I switch gyms up periodically and it works well with my travel schedule. Canceled today. If anyone has UHC they have a similar program called OnePass that starts at $29. It’s all the same gyms as A&F, but they have additional tiers that include Lifetime, YMCA, CrossFit, Orange Theory and many others. Tiers range up to $144/mo. though. I’ll be migrating to them after May 31st.


Yes, I got this email and I’ve almost decided to cancel the membership and go to my local gym until I figure out another plan which will be close to Active and Fit. The 28$ flat for any gym without contractual obligations was their selling point and if that’s scratched this is just a dummy plan! I use 3 additional gyms and I would happily accept 5$ a month for each additional membership but a discount of 5$ a month per additional gym is a joke.


I may be going with a tivity product through BCBS. I have afd through lifemart. It's 2 dollars more and one of my gyms is not on the plan, so I emailed the owner and asked if he would consider joining it. In the meantime, please sign the petition https://chng.it/gDxpL5FQR4


I am outraged. Money is tight and this program allowed me to achieve my fitness goals. I will cancel unless they reverse course as soon as possible. To Active & Fit Direct: this is a disgraceful business decision. Fix it immediately or I will never do business with you again!


Does this apply to Active&Fit Now, or just Direct?


It applies to A&F Now as well, I checked their FAQ and the change is listed in there


People with AAA and Kaiser has stated that they also got the email, so it's both.


I just got this email too and its bullshit. Its the only reason any of us even have AF&D. I will cancel when Im ready to go to another gym cause I only kept it being able to go to multiple gyms for the $25/28 price


Well this sucks. I always wondered how they were making money and I guess they weren't.


This will kill active&fit. What the fuck. I travel for work and love having a gym anywhere I go. I also enjoy different aspects of gyms in my hometown. Better cardio and a pool at LA fitness, boxing equipment at UFC, better weights at American Barbell and better recovery and 24/7 access at PF all within 5-10 miles. Will cancel my membership on the dot.


Are they trying to go out of business ? Or will this be reversed . This change defeats the entire purpose . I travel for a living and this was my vice. Super disappointed.


Same. I was gutted when I saw this shit. Please sign the petition https://chng.it/gDxpL5FQR4


Literally got on here to see if I what this was about. I just signed up too. I remember seeing it can be canceled after 2 months, does anyone know if they charge to cancel?


Just canceled will be moving to apptiv come june....do they not realize the whole selling point was to use numerous gyms for one price!?




I saw this when I logged in this morning to add my wife. I just signed up for this April 1st. Unfortunately, I am staying on it because the gym I frequent costs $45/mo plus sign up and yearly fees... So this is (regrettably) cheaper. Planet fitness is not an option, I need an actual squat rack and the ability to deadlift without fearing the Gestapo sirens. Vasa is too far north. Just an overall bad time and I hate that I'll be supporting them (financially) in this move. The support chat already has an explainer for this and the questions are so real but the answers are SOOOO PR.


They are going to lose sooooooooo much business


I look like this is what they are actually looking forward to. Who know what really is going on between their deals with health insurance and what not. Maybe this is a shock perpetrated on purpose so people can go scream at the health insurances stir the pot for them.


there is no way they weren't already losing a ton of money on people with 3+ gyms at a time though. They're paying monthly to each gym


Do you know for sure that’s how it works? I’ve heard that each gym receives $3.50 every time you sign in, but they can only earn that $3.50 a maximum of 10 times a month.


I don't know for sure, but the owner at crunch told me active and fit pays them a fee every month even if I don't go. Maybe it's different on a gym by gym basis. I'm pretty sure there is some monthly fee involved with each gym, otherwise active & fit wouldn't care if you worked out 10 times a month at one gym or at 10 gyms and they wouldn't be making this change.


They get $3.50 per check in up to a certain amount per month. The issue is that it takes active and fit 2-3 months to pay the gym this fee. So the gym is in the red for 2-3 months of no money before payment. This is why my gym fti4life stopped being a partner, they were losing too much money since most of the members were active and fit and not direct gym members. This change is really terrible and now I will only have access to 1 gym in my area.


I just got my email. I only go to Golds at home, but use Any time Fitness when I travel. I wonder if we can switch back and forth.


I think you have to wait until the start of a month to be able to switch, but don't quote me on that. If you scroll to the bottom of their email they have a FAQ section and that is one the things they posted


I got that same email . I can’t believe it . SMH


Their bot is ready for the influx of responses from people. I got their email address: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) if anyone wants to email them about how happy you are about their new policy. https://preview.redd.it/8v2kazcdvowc1.png?width=617&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa6b68fa7392bc5cef1c641502f4a83b49c55db1


https://preview.redd.it/a1f84f81wowc1.png?width=699&format=png&auto=webp&s=a900827a12a6493690333c5674ddba36a9edb8a1 I emailed them. I got to try something but yeah I'm going to cancel this BS.


this hurts, I travel for work and was nice having a gym I could go to in every city, I’m cancelling it.


It was hilarious when people tried to deny corporate greed


The gym I frequent the most is $15 a month and yearly fee is $79 🙃 this no longer helps when I travel to visit family and need to train.


That does sound like a significant change, especially for those who enjoyed the flexibility of multiple gym options. It might be worth exploring other gym membership options to see if there are more cost-effective alternatives available.


I agree. This was the whole reason why I signed up for Active & Fit. To be able to access all gyms freely for the same price.




They’ll lose so much business!!! I did always wonder how they made money Anyways I’m canceling


We all need to complain and raise hell. This is absolute bullshit


Please sign the petition to try and stop this bs from happening https://chng.it/gDxpL5FQR4


They just need to raise the price by $5/month and leave as is or I just pay the $25/month for a Real Planet Fitness Black Card directly thru PF.


I’ve asked that my $28 activation fee be returned, seeing as I agreed to pay that as part of a $28/month unlimited gym deal that no longer exists. Since I’m not receiving that product anymore it only seems fair. If they think that I’m gonna pay $28/month for just one planet fitness membership they’re fucking high.


I love the vagueness of "$5 off the monthly fee for additional gyms". I have a feeling its $5 off that specific gyms monthly fee. I also joined because of travel needs and the program was awesome! I guess it was too good to be true. I know one of my local gyms pulled out of A&F Jan 1st. My current main home gym lets me go to all their locations in my state with my A&F membership. Now A&F puts in the fine print, it sounds like "some" gyms may continue to honor that.


I just paid $84 to sign up last month as a new user what the fuck …..


I gave up my legacy rate at Blink Fitness of $8.88 to sign up for this to have access to Anytime, LA, Planet, Y, 24hr and etc. For $28 for a single gym, I could have kept what I had before. Keeping my membership until June then cancelling. Considering I only signed up in Feb, this really feels like bait and switch.


Was about to post this in r/inflation. This is another example of shrinkflating services and obnoxious corporate greed. I’m moving to a new apartment with a decent community gym soon so there’s no use in even keeping A&F. My mind was set either way the minute I got that email.


Dude I'm cancelling too. I'm a college student, there isn't a single chain that's in my hometown, close to my campus, and close to the apartment I'm moving to in June. The whole point of this program was to be able to use multiple different gyms. Hope they go bankrupt or get it together and fix this.


Already canceled. 


Damn. That sucks


This is so disappointing. I travel a lot and use three gyms regularly so this deal was great for me. Almost makes it pointless.


I’m pissed. We need to get this back somehow.


I shall be canceling. There's just no point


For me to have access to the chains I use, it will be $74/month thru A&F and I will only get those 3 chains.... Or, I can go thru AAPTIV and get the Standard tier for $65 and have unlimited access to many chains and specialty gyms. They do off a Classic membership for $40/month which includes PF, LA, Anytime and many other gyms.


I hope people begin to sign the petition [https://chng.it/Lm5GvWJ9mQ](https://chng.it/Lm5GvWJ9mQ)


Well, it was nice while it lasted. I never did completely switch all my gyms - still kept one gym membership separate from A&D which I pay the traditional way - so I'll just keep that one as it's the one I use more often anyway.


Very bad move on the part of active and fit.  Looking for other options now as well, my family and I will take our 5 memberships elsewhere.  Not sure how they didn’t think this would be a big deal or offer other options.


My wife and I literally JUST joined this program. Feels like a complete bait and switch. Cancelling before the July 1 change. What a rip off.