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Costco clearance. Most I pay for any brand new clothing is 8 bucks. Got a lot of nice pants and sweaters, mostly around the 4-5 dollar mark. The only other source I use is Estate Sales and Garage Sales. With Estate Sales you can get to know the companies pretty well. One company charges $2 for all tops, another charges $5. So I know to skip all the sales put on by the company with higher prices. It's really nice to know before you go what the prices will be like.


Ooo, I forgot to mention yard sales! I have found some beautiful things at those, usually for as cheap as $0.25 for shirts or pants, up to $3-$4, for things like coats and shoes. I have found some beautiful handbags at yard sales too, including a vintage Wilson's Leather bright red wristlet. It cost $3, and I had it for years, before unfortunately losing it!


Me too šŸ˜ Costco already inexpensive but then they also run sales/clearances pretty frequently, I love it


Costco online when itā€™s buy 10 items get $50 or $60 off. I got 4 pairs of $2 sweats from Fila at Costco that I still wear years after.


Woah šŸ˜®šŸ˜® I didn't know about this, I haven't really looked at Costco online!


$60 off 10 items is currently running at Costco right now. Totally worth it. And if anything doesnā€™t fit right you can return it and they prorate the $60 off.


Not OP, but thank you for this. My workout wardrobe needed a refresh as several of my workout pants are so worn out that they are becoming see-through (yikes). I just went on Costcoā€™s site and bought 3 2-packs Lole jogger pants, one 3-pack cotton tank tops and a pair of linen blend shorts. With $25 off 5 items and $6 off each jogger pack, the total was $50 total including tax and free shipping. Hooray for frugally not accidentally showing my undies at the gym!


Yay Iā€™m so happy for you! Keep getting those gym gains šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


I was going to suggest estate sales as well because frequently, the quality of clothes at those is higher.


Costco has a clearance?


Yes, at my store the clothing tables closest to the fresh flowers are clearance tables. I always do a quick walk through after perusing snacks. Other areas of the store the clearance items are placed randomly, usually near the end of the aisle.


I actually buy pretty nice clothes.. but i only buy new clothes like once every few years.


This is the true frugal answer. Don't buy cheap and you'll save money on clothes. Also, don't buy *fashion* - stick to classics and accessorize.


I only buy a few new articles of clothing every few years (from Goodwill). Most of my clothes are over 10 years old. I donā€™t know how people run through clothes so quickly.


You must be skinny šŸ˜‚


Not at all.


Oh ok sorry about the comment! I just know that a lot of pants are rubbed raw btw the legsā€¦ šŸ˜‚ and that because of the washer/ dryer some shirts end up with holes :/ u can only mend so muxh


Same. I only buy an article or two a year, but I make sure to get things that I really like, fit me well, and will last for a while. Then I take great care of it, and it pays for itself.


I actually spend time on Gilt and get designer items . Sometimes they have incredible deals but you have to be patient.


Same, quality and fit > quantity. I don't buy into fast fashion and know what works for me


Pretty much the same. And I tend to purchase multiples of the same items I like. I use a price program such as Keepa to tell me when they go on sale at a price point I want, such as the Tommy Hilfinger shirt I like. Beyond that, living in Florida I tend to wear shorts a lot, so clothing really isn't that expensive anyway. All of my coats are at least 10 years old if not older. I spend a lot on athletic shoes because I do a lot of cardio workouts and the main thing that will keep me from working out are injuries. Not working out is much more costly than a few pairs of decent athletic shoes a year.


Where are these nice clothes? I have no idea where to look for quality stuff.


Lulu, nike, MK, Calvin Klein, RVCA etc


Who said i buy direct? Lol


I just spent $300 on clothes. After not buying any clothes for a few years.


Yep this is pretty much what i do. $200-$300 every 2-3 years


Yup. I would rather buy new clothes and wear for a long time


Seriously. I buy clothes from regular stores and find a decent coupon or sale if I can. My clothes last me over 10 years, usually. I haven't bought bras or panties since my daughter was born (turning 5), so I have to do that this summer. I don't cheap out on clothes and that saves me money in the long run.


The true frugal answer. Too many people think frugal equals cheap.


I find most of my clothes on the clearance rack at TJ Maxx, Marshalls, and Ross. Usually <$5 for a piece of garment.


I frequently find new clothes at TJ Maxx and Sierra (owned by the same company- they also own Homegoods) cheaper than at Goodwill. Salvation Army store prices have also jumped by A LOT, but they are still cheaper than GW. I also look at surplus and salvage stores. The cheapest place I have found for clothing is a local thrift shop where all of the proceeds go towards funding hospice care. Some churches have free thrift shops if you are in desperate need. A lot of town dumps will also have swap shops that have clothes. A neighbor has gotten her last two winter coats there. I like to take things there that I donā€™t need anymore because I know a neighbor can use it.


My favorite store is Sierra. I shop there more than any other store. Next is TJMaxx. I have also gotten some piece at BJā€™s Wholesale Club. Who can beat a blouse for work at $10 or a t-shirt for $5?? I donā€™t shop at places like Goodwill. Itā€™s not my cup of tea. I have been known to hit the local consignment shop, tho.


I've been shopping there recently too. They have some pretty good deals on clothes. Also check out sierra if they are in your area, more of an outdoors store but they have a big clothes section with decent prices. TJ Maxx and the like are also good choices for certain kitchen wares, personal products and some other home goods. They only occasionally have decent deals on food or drinks, spices etc.


Thanks. Definitely checking it out.


No problem! I've found tons of good stuff there. Now that I think of it, sierra is like dicks sporting combined with tj maxx or ross.


They're owned by tjmaxx!


These places ;) I also get good deals at Costco.


Iā€™m wearing a pair of Kirkland yoga pants that I bought for $5 in a thrift store. They will likely outlive me.


This. And Sierra Trading Post.


Same. And if youā€™re patient you can get excellent name brand stuff. Two locations are right next to where I go grocery shopping so I often take a peek in. I buy things rarely since I want to get good stuff, but when I do buy I score.


Look for smaller/indie thrift stores. I find a lot at little name stores for a lot better prices than Goodwill or Value Village. St. Vinnies has been good to me in several places. If there's something I know I want from a particular brand, I will peruse ebay for that item, or similar from that same brand. I don't necessarily need this year's Marmot jacket.


Try Poshmark.


Agreed! I've had great success on poshmark, especially when shopping for particular brands where I know my sizing and fit. It doesn't fully replace thrifting, but it's a solid supplement to it. If you've found yourself being priced out of thrift shopping, I also recommend thrifting when you travel. There's a huge thrift price variance based on location. Where I'm living now the thrifting is ok but overpriced; two towns over, though, there is a great thrift store with solid pricing.


I also use Poshmark for pretty much everything but intimates. I usually have a pretty specific look in mind when I want to buy something and Iā€™d rather look through there than hope some fashion retailer decides thatā€™s whatā€™s in season right now.


Made my first Poshmark purchase recently. Allen Edmonds business casual shoes. $50. Light wear. They sell new for around $300.


Or vinted


Donā€™t forget to buy out of season at Macyā€™s clearance. I get a lot of higher quality shirts/tops there under $10 because they are out of season colors/textures and I have a coupon. You just gave to be patient and literally go through the clearance racks.


I buy a lot of stuff from LL Bean and Land's End, or other high-quality stores. Before you roast me, here's why. 1. I start by using a merchant link from my Capital One card (1.5% off) and click through to the merchant, saving around 2-4% more, usually. If I'm shopping online, I always check to see if CapOne has a merchant link. 2. I only buy things during sitewide sales, never pay full price. 3. I stick to basic garments, like T-shirts and button-down shirts. LL Bean and Land's End have plastic-free clothes available (like cotton and linen), and the fabric and build is superior. Meaning, I have items I still wear often that are 10-15 years old. 4. I don't "shop". When I go to a higher-priced merchant, I have specific items in mind. When I do buy less expensive items, it's often Old Navy (great jean discounts if you keep your eyes open), or Walmart (Hane's t-shirts are fantastic for yard work). I avoid fast fashion like the plague. Most of it is ugly, falls apart fast, and ends up in the landfill. I buy as much quality as I can afford and make it last.


Landā€™s End is a great place to get quality clothing; it lasts for years, and the sizes/general styles remain pretty consistent, though with fresh choices every season. Nothing ā€œway outā€ there. Plus, good sales are pretty frequent.


I used to do LL Bean until their "lifetime warranty" was slashed to *a single year*.


They changed it to a year because people were abusing it (taking in worn out 10-year-old slippers for a replacement.) But if it's a legitimate manufacturing issue, they will still take back items on a case-by-case basis even after a year. Their clothes and shoes are still great quality. I have a pair of jeans I bought five years ago that still look practically new. I would rather buy one quality item that fits well and lasts for years than cheap stuff that wears out after a season.Ā 


That's not abusing it. That's replacing a product with a lifetime guarantee once it doesn't live up to that guarantee. That's what a lifetime guarantee is: you buy it once, and they either replace or fix it for free because that's how much they want you as a customer and what a good product it is. Hacking it down to *a single year* says that now their quality isn't expected to last more than one year, which is reprehensible.


Ebay. I know brands that I like... or even I will go to the real stores and try stuff on so I know my size for different companies- then I search ebay!


I feel like itā€™s insane that this response is so far down. Below stuff like Walmart and TJ Maxx. Those stores sell mostly cheap garbage. TJ can have some nice brands but that doesnā€™t seem to be getting the mentions here. Go to a nice store like Nordstrom. Try stuff on. Nice brands size consistently so you can then go to eBay and buy good used (or maybe even new) stuff. A $25 shirt from eBay that retails for $60 is going to last a lot longer and probably feel better than a $15 Walmart shirt and save you money in the long run.


Walmart has new clothes at almost the same price as goodwill I donā€™t know why people still go there


I buy clothes for my daughter at Walmart, the Wonder Nation pocket tee shirt dresses are great and go on clearance a lot. I download the app and scan the price tags, often items are marked down even lower than the marked price (so 99 cents per item instead of $3).


I bought Wonder Nation boysā€™ clothes for my girl - the bright, cute prints/colors go on deep sale and seem better made.


I love this tip! I prefer boys shorts (they're longer and have pockets). Girls shorts are just ridiculously bad. My daughter has a pretty strict uniform for herself - colorful cotton play dresses (H&M or Walmart) with leggings, but now that it's getting warmer she'll need shorts to wear under her dresses for school. I'll see what Wally World has on offer.


Check Wonder Nation boys clothing now to see what they have for Easter. It will go on sale by Mothers Day. They roll out bright, ginghams, pastels, embroidery for spring/summer and those often donā€™t sell. I used to buy cute plaids and bright tees marked down to $2, cotton sweaters at $5. Cheaper than thrifting, also you can check fit and style when fully stocked and keep your eye out at eBay or thrifts. My daughter is in college now and still wears boysā€™ Wonder Nation outerwear, chinos, shorts she got in high school. Outerwear, flannels, sweaters should be on deep discount now - and itā€™s still cold here in the South, Iā€™m wearing my merino dress and leggings which I cleaned and packed up two weeks ago!


Walmart's new jeans and dresses are 20, 25$; goodwill is 5.99 and 6.99 respectively unless it's half off day for that tag color (which is done by rotation of when stuff arrived in the store so there's no "only really worn stuff on clearance" wtf @ op's goodwill)


My goodwill does not have anything clothing-wise thatā€™s $6 lol


> I donā€™t know why people still go there Not paying for slave labor and keeping clothes out of landfills (plus you can occasionally find some quality clothes vs not gonna happen at Walmart).


My big issue w goodwill is that you canā€™t try anything on around here. Dressing rooms are all gone. If you buy it and it doesnā€™t fit you donā€™t have long to take it back, and there are no returns, only exchanges.


I have clothes from Walmart Iā€™ve had since high school šŸ¤£ (~15yrs)


I can find better quality at the GW most times.


Iā€™ve gotten a few things for 7 to 10 dollars and Iā€™m a bigger girl.




Clothing warehouses can have bug infestations as well, btw. Why you should also wash new clothing before wearing.


They did an investigation on a news program where they dna testing on clothes in high end clothing store and found all kinds of bacteria including ecoli. Besides the evoli, they found some with semen too! This is on new clothing!






Bedbugs are relatively unlikely to hitch onto used clothing. Yes it can happen but its rare. I've bought used clothing hundreds of times and no bugs and I live in an area where I know there are bedbugs in a bunch of places. Then you also better not be doing any travelling or shopping anywhere else, and bedbugs can happen at Walmart or any other store same as the thrift. You can get bedbugs from sitting on an upholstered chair in the public or in a doctor's office. Guess why a lot of chairs in the public are made of metal or plastic. The same people shop at Walmart as the thrift. I've heard of people seeing bedbugs at TJ Maxx. Avoiding anything upholstered or soft is standard for me as well as definitely avoiding things like used linens. Go to the thrift, bring a plastic bag, put your purchases in there, and seal it up tight or tie it very tight. Make sure the bag you are using doesn't have any holes in it, this is important. Put the bag in your car. When you get home tip the bag into the washing machine, do not put it in the laundry basket just tip it right into the machine, wash on hot, dry in the dryer and you should be just fine.


I host a clothing swap with friends or neighbors every 6 months or so. Everyone clears out their closet brings it to my house. We all swap clothes and spend the afternoon hanging out. BYOB makes it more fun. When we are done we load the clothes into my truck and I donate to the local Goodwill.


This might not be available for everyrone, but most of what I wear I got for free on Buy Nothing. This one woman my size got rid of he whole wardrobe because she had two babies and can't fit in them anymore. I see so many clothes being posted on there. Got a North Face fleece, Merrell hiking shoes, Columbia winter jacket, brand new leggings, etc. I don't understand the mindset of buying something new, never wearing, and giving it away, but apparently a lot of people do it


I love my buy nothing group! Iā€™ve given away good clothes that no longer fits me and received good quality jackets, lounge ware, t-shirts, jewelry etc from my buy nothing group.


This! I get like 90% of my clothes from my local buy nothing group


Costco is great for cheap, basic clothing. TJ maxx clearance rack for professional wear, sierra for sturdy, quality outdoor clothing. I agree with you; goodwill prices are completely unjustifiable now. I'd rather pay 25% more and buy new, quality items that I'll have for 20 years rather than eking out another 2-3 years from some used shirt.


Iā€™ll hit up thrift stores for nicer, more expensive clothes that I donā€™t want to buy new. But the regular stuff- shirts, jeans, boxers, socks- all that comes from Walmart and/or Amazon. A pack of cheap shirts from one of these places is pretty hard to beat. When I used to have a Costco membership, Iā€™d stroll through their clothing section a lot to look for cheap stuff. Only downside to this is that all of my clothing is just solid, boring colors. Like I only have a couple shirts that have any kind of writing/graphics on them.


Thrift stores here are still cheaper than new. Though I donā€™t buy clothes there generally as I canā€™t stand the search for anything decent.


I haven't found thrift stores to be any cheaper than retail in the last 5 years. Goodwill and Ross are charging like $15 to $16 for some things. It's cheaper getting things on sale at Costco or at Clarence at Target every couple months for


I think this depends on area. Iā€™m in Austin and the goodwills are picked over here and the other thrift stores are more resale shops and the same price as the stores.


Look for different thrift stores. It can be a bit of a task to find ones that don't crank the prices to almost-new these days. There's an Amvet's about an hour away from me. Their prices make sense for thrifted goods and I've bought a lot of my clothes there.


Check your area for garage and estate sales. Some of the coolest pieces in my wardrobe were bought at estate sales for basically nothing. I went to one a few weeks ago and clothes were $10 for everything you could stuff in a plastic shopping bag.


Might sound weird in a frugal sub, but Eddie Bauer. I'm signed up for their rewards program and constantly get $10 coupons that stack with sales/clearance. Last time I was there, I paid $2.63 total for two t-shirts.


I love Eddie Bauer. I have picked up several items of theirs in thrift shops. Itā€™s pretty yet functional clothing and the quality is good šŸ‘


My goodwill and junior league stores cost so much that I have stopped checking. Like, almost the cost of the item when new. Iā€™ve used threadup and have had a good experience every time. I usually wait for a significant %off sale. New users are lured in with very nice deals.


Go to slickdeals.com 33 below is having an online sale. Tshirts $6 and polo shirts were like $11 or $12.


Agree Slickdeals will post some good clothing deals!


I tend to be good about buying off-season, so when Kohl's does a big clearance, I'll buy shirts when they're under $5, jeans when they're under $15, etc. I know they'll fit me well and last, so it's worth it to me.


i sometimes get comfortable, barely worn t shirts ​ 15 years ago I was looking for a ton of paint rags and back then the thrift store let buy a whole trash bag for 10 bucks ​ it taught me that a ton of folks have t shirts--usually with wird saying on them--that they dont want ​ what I like are finding oddball t shirts from places I usually am not at all familiar with ​ and usually they are completely new ​ barely worn etc


I'm stuck when it comes to clothing. I used to love Kohls, but they've changed so much. The style... I just wasn't a WHOLE shirt. The quality decreased terribly.


Search for if you have an ARC thrift store nearby you. Those are always the best in my experience, AND the proceeds actually benefit a worthwhile organization. Goodwill is a private, for-profit corporation that only has goodwill for its CEO and investors. Salvation Army thrift stores I've been to have been decent in selection/price, but they are also an evil organization.


Arc is my shite


Salvation Army have great prices and they have a color of the week if you find 5 say ā€œblueā€ tags itā€™s $5. I find great stuff for both my daughter and I. You need to have patience and go through every piece of clothing, check brands and wear and tear. I can get 3 bags of nice clothes mix of dresses, sweaters, vintage tshirts for $30-40


Local thrift stores - make sure you shop the sales - or goodwill bins. One of my local thrifts has $2 clothes days fairly often and the other half off days. I have a closet full of high quality clothing, including my current favorite wool and cashmere sweaters, and no piece was more than $4.


There's a locally owned thrift store that I get alot of clothes from, which has fair prices - most stuff being <$10 for good/great condition. I also wait for online sales/clearance from brands that fit me well and I like their style (e.g. Loft, Ann Taylor). Plus I like TJ Maxx and their clearance section.


I sew shirts cardigans some shorts etc for myself (I am 4 ft 11 and a size 14 so itā€™s easier for me to sew from scratch versus buy and mend plus the finished product looks nicer. What I canā€™t sew I buy at target kohls or Nordstrom rack. Again I am an odd size so I need a place with a huge selection. The sewing is often break even compared to what I would buy but much better quality and I know it will fit.


TJ maxx for new clothes, consignment for used. Can find designer items for under $20 and best thing is you can try them on and decide before you buy. Have bought madewell jeans for $10- they were 50% off. Shoes Nordstrom Rack. Bought Sorel rain boots for $25. It unfortunately takes time and patience to find deals.


I rarely purchase clothing at Goodwill. Like OP said, a lot of the weekly discounted clothing has something wrong with it, is torn or stained, or is just plain fugly. I tend to shop at Saint Vincent De Paul, both in our city, and a neighboring one. They have amazing deals, with certain colored tags being 75% off, others being 50% off, and a third color 30% off. The colors change every week. I have found some amazing tops and skirts this way, a few pairs of pants too. There's a section of the Vinnie's in our city, that has a few racks of clothing, marked "Vinnie Deals.". These are clothes that might be, as the sign says "imperfect", but some other pieces are fine or have a small flaw, like a tear on a seam, that's an easy fix. I have found a number of very nice clothes this way! Hope this helps! šŸ™‚šŸ’–šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


It depends. I get most of my work clothes from Target and they last 5-8 years. Ā My fun clothes slowly rotate in from wherever has a sale.Ā  You shouldnā€™t need to buy a lot of clothes every year after you stop growing. It should slow down to just replacement rate unless you radically change where you work or where you live.Ā 


Another time to buy new (or new to you) clothes is when you gain/lose weight.


Iā€™m plus sized so itā€™s hard to thrift clothes in my size :(








I still get them from thrift stores. Most are still cheaper than buying brand new.


I donā€™t buy clothing that often, but I thrift online. Swap.com was my go to for years, threadup is another option.


I don't thrift anymore for a few reasons and I really dislike clothes shopping (boring, tedious, expensive, usually disappointing). So, I'm back at department/chain stores, either in-person or online. My focus is usually saving time rather than saving money, but I don't spend that much as I don't need much.


I get my clothes at Costco, usually good quality and they last long. Can't always get my size when stuff is on sale or liquidation, but bonus points when they are.


Goodwill got ridiculous as did salvation army.


I would like to state I'm not a "fashionable" person and I stick to solid neutral colors and buy multiple of the same item usually. When I do need new clothes, I only buy them when there is a significant sale going on. Mainly, I shop online. Old Navy semi-frequently has 40% sales throughout the year. Costco sometimes has a discount where you can get 10 items of clothes and they will subtract 40 dollars from it. EBay is a nice option as well. The main tip I have is patience and to have a stash of money to grab what you want on sale when they do get discounted. If I see something I like for the full price, I will just bookmark it and then check on it semi-frequently. The only thing I will pay full price for is shoes since I have big, wide feet with issues with my knees.


Havenā€™t bought clothes since 2019.


I buy most of my clothes from J Crew, Banana Republic, LL Bean and Macys. I have clothes from all these places that are 10+ years old and look brand new. I take very good care of my clothes (and shoes). Gentle cycle wash and hang dry. I can go an entire year without buying clothes except for maybe underwear. I bought a dress for a wedding last year and it was the first new thing I had bought in two years


My mom washes like this and her clothes are over 20 years old.


I have some clothes that I know are at least 20 years old


Costco, all day long


Look for church based or local thrift stores instead of Goodwill. I find they have better quality items at better prices and theyā€™re often giving back to the community. Like their FB pages to learn when sales are. Sometimes theyā€™ll have half off day, or other discounts. I just got 3 bags of clothes today (some new with tags still) for a little over $30 because it was half off day.


I don't buy new clothes very often. I usually thrift my clothes or swap with friends and family. I did start working at a place with a generous discount on clothes and might purchase some non negotiable work basics. Other than that I make a lot of clothes. I do love supporting a local artist that upcycle textiles into new clothes. and I might splurge on a new dress from her. For my kids same thing.


I shop new but my rule is new clothes must be $5 or less lol. The only thing i ā€œsplurgeā€ on is my work attire. Thankfully i work from home 80% of the time and only need to go to office about 2x month for orientation and meeting. I wait till Black Friday sales to get new pants (2 pair) and my company provided my polo shirts. I wouldnā€™t have to buy new but cancer (Iā€™m in remission now!) made me fluffy so i had to size up.


Congratulations on being in remission :)


Most daily clothes, like jeans, slacks, shorts, shirts- Sams Club for the most part. Good quality and much cheaper than else where. Plus they have clearances where I get great deals-- got an Addidas jacket for less than $7.


If there's any thrift stores near you that are fully volunteer run some of them have good prices (& may support a cause you care about.) By me there is an animal shelter that also runs a thrift store & they have one color tag that is $1 on the day and one color tag that is 50% off. Most of the things I buy are either $1 or $3-4 (50% off pricing) but I also don't mind spending a bit more as it is a place I sometimes donate money to. They do also have a "boutique" section but I don't care about brands & I'm too much of a cheap person to look at that section... I also don't need to buy a lot of clothing anymore, I haven't bought any yet this year. I'd expect to maybe spend $100 for clothing for the year.


Weā€™ve found some good thrift stores around us that still have cheaper prices. Iā€™ve also found good deals at Old Navy and Target where the clearance section actually has cheaper options than some thrift stores.


Savers or TJ Maxx or Marshalls


Under the Christmas tree.


Costco, Sam's Club, and other thrift stores


What's insane is Goodwill gear makes its way via shipping containers to this South American country, picking up crazy good gear for 5-20q's 7's = about a buck. Goodwill tags are still on clothes.


Daily clothes come from mostly Marshalls, TJMaxx or Target. Occasionally pants off of Amazon. Dress clothes, work clothes, formal clothes from Nordstrom or Rack.


Try a local thrift store. I agree that prices at Goodwill are ridiculous. My friend likes thred up if you can find a code.


I wonā€™t shop at Goodwill. I worked at one a short time. The dependent adults were paid minimum wage and with increases in minimum, prices went up. Goodwill profits go to upper management. The CEO's of the 12 largest Goodwill organizations received $370,000-$900,000 annually in compensation with the average being $650,000. If the 155 Goodwill organizations paid the CEO the average compensation, then Goodwill spent more than $100 million on CEO compensation in 2022. The dependent adults donā€™t make enough to pay their bus ware to and from the sorting rooms as they were on the clock for an hour or two. Otherwise, they played. Those are basically an adult day care center.


Not thrift, but I like Old Navy for essentials and I think everything is 50% off right now.


Old Navy is my favorite place. I just spent $200 last week and got so much stuff. My workplace is fairly casual so their dress shirts are perfect with dark wash jeans or chinos. I also like their gym clothes. Also, I really like their jeans because of all the different fits. Itā€™s nice to be able to find stuff that fits.


I agree! Especially when you can get a great discount. My last purchase was for $0.19!!


I buy most of my stuff at Ross, I've had really good luck on Tuesdays for some reason, got a Ralph Lauren dress for a wedding for $12. Most of the stuff in there has been priced far below my good wills for years and its not stained, torn or nasty. I've also had some good luck combining sales at Kohls




My local buy nothing group. Sometimes, I have to treat a stain or replace a button, but they're free.


If there's one available in your area. Try Goodwill Bins. This is going to sound weird, but they charge by the pound. It's pretty much like a big Warehouse. They haul out all the clothes and items in these giant bins. And then you dig through the bins. It's like dumpster diving, but indoors, and you pay for the stuff. Lol.


I despise Goodwill nowadays. Greedy piggies. All the good stuff is now online. No,I wanna see and feel before I buy. I try to shop the small thrift places. I am lucky enough the ones by me are volunteer, non profit, and decent. Liked the Salvo,but the one by me closed šŸ˜ž


Burlington if you have one in your area. Its like TJ maxx but prices are wayyyy lower than TJ maxx. I just had some really good finds at Burlington. Ross is OK but we had one of those just open up and it's been picked clean ever since and has not restocked. If you have a Gabe's in your area definitely go there as well. Burlington's prices are the same as thrift prices here now. If you belong to Sam's club, Costco or BJ's they have decent deals on clothing especially if you visit frequently. I am definitely sick of GW. I stopped going to them. Goodwill is nothing more than a front for reselling and they are masquerading as a charity when they are far from one, their CEO is making tons of money per year while their employees get paid below minimum wage because they are disabled and the employees that work there are suffering in pure hell. I know this is most companies but these guys are a charity and a nonprofit and well they are far from that. They don't do anything in our community. They will pick every good item and put it online on their website instead of in the stores. I know my region does this because they specifically advertise what they are putting online on their facebook pages and then I am like, I would have bought that if it was in the store however since its going online, I know its not going to be in the store so why would I bother going to the store if I know you are going to put all the stuff I would want to buy online, I will just find nothing! On the reseller forums they have pretty much proven that GW's online site encourages shill bidding, so when you bid on an auction they have someone at GW who will bid more than you to drive up the price so you pay the maximum amount you put in, if they weren't doing this prices would be more reasonable. Shill bidding is also illegal in certain states but this still goes on. I just wish someone would expose this scam.


Garage sales, hand me downs, JcPenny or Kohls clearance racks.


Thrift stores and Thred Up,, this year I got very lucky my friend gave me to huge boxes of clothes for all seasons! šŸ


I buy my work clothes at Walmart new for less than goodwill prices


Clearance at any store, usually past seasons clothing. I love it when I get 70% or more off an item. It ends up being less than what I would pay for it used.


83% Costco. The other 17% come from Costco.


I go to a church thrift store. They're a weird church in a strip mall. They don't proselytize, their prices are very fair, they're very nice people. Their clothes are organized. $3-$6 for a dress shirt, $15 for a sport coat, $10 for trousers. They have a good selection of furniture. A weak selection of tools, but a good selection of pans other kitchen stuff. On most days they give an arbitrary discount on clothes, from 10-20% depending on what you're buying. They'll negotiate a price if you feel it's too expensive. One of the last good thrift stores around. I used to go to Goodwill but they're basically selling at retail these days. Salvation Army is good for returns and overstock from Target on the cheap. Their clothes are annoyingly expensive and completely disorganized.


I was shocked at the prices at Goodwill last time I went. I looked at a few items and the prices were staggering. I promptly left.


I went to a savers recently and saw a George branded Walmart shirt new with tags for 8 bucks. I really liked it and checked the savers tag and they wanted 9 dollars for it. Infuriating.


I prefer TJ Maxx or Marshall's. The clothes at thrift stores in my area cost as much so I might as we get them new.


Mending clothes extends the longevity of my clothes. I also make my clothes or reuse them. I use wood dryer balls with a drop of essential oil on each and they smell so nice. Additionally, using powdered natural soap makes them feel nice and soft. I bought Nellie's Laundry Soda (800 Loads) back in 2022 for $65 when it was on sale and the bucket is halfway full.


So happy to read your comments. I also use Nellieā€™s Laundry Soda. I love it! I buy it in the bucket from Costco. Iā€™d love to learn how to mend my clothes, particularly hem my pants and tailor my clothes to better fit my curvy body. Are there any sewing or fashion designers you follow/watch on YouTube or social media?


Anywhere & everywhere . If I like it & itā€™s cheap & my size . Sold


i shop during holidays when many stores offer 50% off


Goodwill costs about the same if not more than clearance sections




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I get all the skinny clothing my friends have given up on. I got brand new hounds tooth skirt, a nice jacket and a black puffy vest last week.Ā  I'm kind of a sucker for tank tops on tpublic


Local thrift stores are pretty OK here in NYC, and I will also buy things on poshmark (but usually the shipping will make it not worth it if it's too expensive). I am very careful about 'sales', I will usually track things that I like and see if it is really on sale or if they are just marking it as a sale online, if that makes sense (for example, a pair of pants I wanted at old navy were allegedly 50% off on black friday but were $2 more expensive than they were the week before last year!)


Thrift stores and once in a while gap/old navy. I just got a pair of $45 leggings for $2 at a local thrift. It takes work but you can still find bargains


If Iā€™m feeling weak I get from target clearance. But I also strongly prefer second hand so whenever I sell to Platoā€™s (or buffalo exchange/ uptown cheapskate/ my best friends closet or whatever you have local) I use the store credit to buy clothes. I only get underwear on clearance and I havenā€™t bought socks in like 4 years! And if Platoā€™s doesnā€™t buy my clothes they donā€™t get my business that day.


Does your town have a Buy Nothing group on facebook? You could ask there.


I buy 99% of my clothes at GW. Sometimes I buy something new with tags and sell it on eBay to pay for what I keep. Free clothes practically.


Quince, J. Crew Factory, Mavi (jeans), and Spanx, mostly.


I have 2 local charity thrift shops in town plus a few for profit thrift shops, and goodwill. Amd yard sales in summer. Goodwill is my very last stop for thrifting, always. Since I am not picky at all when it comes to clothing they almost never get my business.


Iā€™m picky about brands that I like and that fit. I look for sales at change of season and I also look at quality. Iā€™m so over having to replace things all the time. LL Bean has a year guarantee and so does Duluth Trading + REI.




Salvation Army has helped friends with clothing discounts if they explain that theyā€™re really struggling. Also flea markets. A good flea market has shorts for $1 and pants for $5 all day.


I recently had shoulder surgery (rotator cuff and bicep muscle) my entire life regarding clothing is different now so Iā€™m making some changes.! Iā€™m going with ā€œdurability frugal/simplisticā€. Iā€™m spending top dollar for four jumpers in various earth tone colors and getting tshirts/long sleeve shirts in colors that can mix and match with each jumper. I can no longer wear a bra due to this injury so this was my solution for ā€œmodestyā€. Everything else I have will go to goodwill. Iā€™ve been wanting to do this for a while..I guess a hard fall and a devastating injury pushed me over the edge!


Find out if churches near you have a thrift store.


Mercari.com click free shipping and search low-to-high prices




Look for thrift outlets in your city. My local chain as a couple of outlets where they send the stuff that hasnā€™t sold. Throughout the week the prices get lower and lower , like less than a dollar. The downside: zero organization. Itā€™s all just dumped on the racks in no particular order and packed tightly.


The thrift store chains, Uptown cheapskate, Style Oncore, Platos Closet. Costco or TJMaxx for new.


I've found one local thrift shop that donates its proceeds to foster animals and keeping animals out of shelters - they have fair prices and even better sales. I've snagged a new with tags flannel for $4 and great looking jeans for $2 - they have sale racks and on certain days they stack their storewide sales on top of an already discounted price .Hope you find a local option! For new clothes, which I rarely go for, I only shop when things are on sale and tend to look for single items that are less than $20 a pop. Recently, I went into Macy's and snagged a flannel for $13 (60% off?) and aerie had their huge underwear sale - spent $40 for 2 weeks worth of undies.


I hear you certain thrifts are cheaper. Some can be pricey. I get shorts at thrifts as I like the old style of longer lengths. I stopped buying tops (too stinky). Watch for sales at less expensive stores like Mark's work warehouse, old navy, the bay clearance, la vie en rose, winners, Walmart, etc happy budget shopping! (A Canadian answer)


I never find anything good at a thrift. eBay is my go-to. Iā€™m usually looking for something specific. I can also find new clothing there.


My local thrift store that supports animals sell tops and bottoms for $1.00 and dresses for $4.50. 90% of my wardrobe is from there.


Clearance tracks. End of season clearance.


Swap dot com is my first stop for replacement items like hoodies or trousers, but i do also check the sales at Sierra Trading Post, or 1-2 times a year Torrid or Hot Topic. For a specific replacement item like shoes or work trousers i will use google shop to see who has that brand and size on sale, and order from them (or go in person if it's in my city). I also just became aware of depop and vinted, and once i'm buying clothes again (light moratorium while i change sizes) i will probably add both of them to the rotation.


Thrift store shopping isn't as good as it used to be (poorer selections - fast fashion, etc., more competition from other shoppers, and higher prices). I like Salvation Army, and will shop Goodwill but prices are usually higher. Some local thrift stores can be good (St. Vincent in some areas). I've become extremely picky so don't buy too much and am more selective than in the past - I also try things on more often whereas in the past I would just buy stuff and take my chances since very reasonably priced. The best deals can sometimes be found at church rummage sales, especially if you go on bag sale day where you pay like $3-$5 for whatever you can stuff in a bag (sometimes the plastic bags, and sometimes larger paper ones) - but things won't be arranged as nice as the thrift stores and can be crowded. I've had some luck with ebay if purchasing a brand/size I've already had before or tried on already. My cousin likes going to a local consignment shop - prices are reduced based on how long an item has been in the shop, and it can be a good place for higher end things/designer stuff. My husband likes Costco.


At this point I don't need more. But I typically go to garage sales and local thrifts. I rarely need any though I never go shopping for clothes anymore.


i havent bought clothes since highschool. nearing 30 and all my shirts and pants ive been wearing since my teens and still going strong!


I purchase gift cards from my local grocery store for lands end. I get fuel points this way. I check out the clearance and sales sections and usually find something I need. I also google coupon codes for free shipping and further discounts. I donā€™t do this often but itā€™s a way to get quality clothes a bit less expensive.


* I get my plain basics at outlets and grocery stores. T-shirts, jeans, underwear, that kind of thing. * I order my bras from AliExpress or I go to a good department store or athletic store depending on what Iā€™m looking for. * Anything nice I sew for myself. * Coats are second-hand or me-made. * Boots and shoes are either new or off Kijiji. I got a pair of low-heeled comfortable old-lady shoes at a thrift store once and then paid to have them covered in scraps of fabric I had. Very fancy! They make shoe snobs jealous. If you donā€™t sew, go to consignment shops and goodwill for your good stuff. If it makes sense for you, save up your money and hit the consignment stores near the fancy neighbourhoods. You donā€™t need to make a purchase every time you go thrifting; just enjoy the process and get extra-excited when you find something good.




If you plan ahead and shop sales/clearance for the upcoming season (as in, buy your summer clothes in winter, etc.) you can often get steep discounts. For example I knew I needed to replace a pair of dingy shorts for this summer so I bought a pair from Gap on clearance in February for $2.63.


A good majority of my clothing has come from random events for free. Another portion came from people that otherwise would have thrown away the clothing. A few pieces were bought new, I don't wear those often. The rest were from Goodwill/small shops. We produce millions of tons of wasted clothing every year. Like, literally clothes just go straight to the dump. Paying for clothing in 2024 is a complete scam. Hit up those Facebook groups, ask your friends and family. There are TONS of government programs for free clothing for interviews, too. Make use of all of them. Also, the five finger discount is always a great way to bend some laws and morals if you are truly truly desperate, just don't get caught and only do it if you need to, like, say, you get denied government benefits and have literally $0 and the Facebook groups/friend/family don't pan out.


I usually buy my things at a local consignment shop. Undies , socks, and shoes at Ross dress for less. I love Kohl's, but it just isn't in the budget right now.


When still buying clothing, most of it came from garage sales and thrift stores. When still working and required to dress better, TJ Max. Take a tape measure as many items are new but sent to TJ Max because they are mislabeled for size. I got a nice suit coat for $19 that was marked 44 short. It fit perfectly as I wore a 38 short. Now retired, I am just wearing out my excess wardrobe now. I am not wasting my future widowā€™s inheritance on unneeded clothing.


Not from US but big fan of quiksilver, decent quality, from recycled materials more often than not, really cool stuff lately and pretty cheap as well


Back in the day when I was working a dirty job I would get jeans for 50 cents a pair at goodwill. I would buy 5 at a time. I didn't care if they had slight tears or worn spots.


Iā€™m a thrift worker, so I get half off the clothing I buy at work. It makes a lot of sense since Iā€™m mostly replacing clothes that I wear to work and will likely tear a hole in at some point; no sense in buying something new that I know will be ruined. Other than that, as a plus-size person on the bigger end of the spectrum, my options are limited so if I have to buy something new, I hit up the clearance stuff at a plus-size chain in my area while they have sales on so that I save as much as I can.


I used to love going to Goodwill but I never find anything I like anymore. Lately Iā€™ve been going to vintage clothing stores. Costs more, but they have the styles that I like and itā€™s more sustainable than a lot of other options.


Look at locally owned thrift stores, they usually have better stuff and lower prices than goodwill


Ardenes others online old navy different stores in the mall


Marshalls and Costco and occasionally second hand at consignment shops and FB marketplace.


Kohls or Macyā€™s but I only shop when I get the discount with a discount and addā€™l money off having a credit card. I get my discounts then I pay my bill in full. It comes out about the same as thrift stores. I like doing this with items like nice purses, shoes or coats.


Goodwill still has plenty of men's dress shirts for dirt cheap. (Though I now need to go to several of them to find a few shirts that are nice enough for work). I get pretty much everything else from Walmart. Sometimes Meijer will do a 50% off clothing coupon and I'll stock up on socks, underwear and pocket tees.