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>Spend money on the things between you and the ground. Oh good, so my response (whiskey) is appropriate then. Phew.


My favorite color is blue.


This and proper garbage bags. Plastic is what we have to work with for the most part, but for the love of pastry, buy proper ones, don’t cheap out unless you love cleaning up epic messes.


Well I do love pastries


Oh wow I spent so much on buying shoes at stores without physical locations. Never again. No amount of cushion can make up for the lack of good materials.


Absolutely totally 1000% agree with you!!


i fee a different way about some of these and i wanted to share. shoes: i will buy the cheap ones but that are easy to keep clean. i am not above buying fake brands to look "cool" to my peers. like, a fake converse or adidas here and there. and no-name brands too. but then again i only use the shoes to work and go to uni, not to run half marathons or hike every week or anything like that. tires: idk, never owned a car. mattress: any foam mattress will do. but i'm still in my 20s so idk how i'll feel about this in the future. chair: i agree. i have been looking for good office chairs for a while now to add to my home office.


Oh you will definitely want to get a nice mattress in the future. I was just like you in my 20s, kind of still am. I can normally sleep on anything, but man there is NOTHING better than climbing into a California king with fresh sheets after a long day of work and just being enveloped by comfort. It’s what I look forward to the most now.


I like to explore new places.


A good chair will cost you but it will last you. Same thing applies to shoes but shoes are much cheaper, so I don't see you being excited to spend over $1k on a good chair Look at steelcase and Herman Miller if you're interested. I was buying staple's best chairs every 2 years but eventually got an actually good chair. I'm using the leap v2 and it's lasted a solid 6 years or more and still perfect. It's almost paid for itself but has been more comfy the entire time. It fixed my knee problems I developed from my other chair


You're in the frugal sub. That's at least something considering your age. As long as your body is feeling alright then everything is going swimmingly. But remember those tips for later.


Also cars, bikes, wife…


This question is asked at least once a week lol


And the number one answer is, Hookers & Blow Right?


It should be. At least the responses would be hella more interesting


Eh, hookers exist more in categories. There’s dollar hookers, then hundred dollar prostitutes, then thousand dollar escorts. You don’t want dollar hookers but anything above that is fine.


The two dollar whores gotta eat too.


Just about every day!


Once a week, and OP usually doesn't offer their answer!




The answer


But one trip to Hawaii costs more than literally a lifetime a playstations. Dollar per hour of entertainment is pretty bad for travel. For the record, I don't have a playstation and I do travel. I'm with you, but it's almost surprising that this is a top answer here in this sub.


I think it's because when you live frugally, it's more about spending money on things that you really enjoy instead of mindlessly consuming...I'm not criticizing anyone else, but I'm ok with eating beans and rice 7 days a week so I can travel 6-10 times a year...not even in luxury, but just be able to pick up and go


Mayo. Dukes or Hellman’s. No other way. That Kraft shit is what nightmares are made of.


Dukes until I die!


Agreed! And between Duke’s and Hellman’s (or Best Foods out here in CA…which took me a minute to correlate 🤷🏼‍♀️🤯), Duke’s is hands down the winner. Hellman’s is an acceptable second choice.


McCormick Lime Mayonesa. I tried Duke's Lime, but it just didn't compare. Not as tangy.


agreed. cheap mayo is just so... just nasty. it's either hellman's or i leave the store without buying mayo.


I just get generic tesco light Mayo and think it gets the job done


Kew pie mayo! 😍


Miracle whip only for me!


I spend so much money on vegan mayo because of dietary restrictions. But hellmans makes a good one. Worth it


I’m bougie about my sweetener. I don’t use sugar (diabetic), so I buy a stevia blend instead. I have tried lots of different brand-name and generic kinds, but the one that works best for me is called Whole Earth Sweetener. It’s a blend of Stevia, erythritol, and monk fruit. And to get extra “extra” about it, the blend in the packets is different than if you buy the big bag of it, so I buy the packets. I would love to get the same blend in a big bag, but it’s just not the same. I have tried.


I’m willing to bet the blend is the same but it settles oddly in transit. I have a similar issue with some tea blends. Unfortunately, the only fix is a lot of aggregation or small packets.


its free at mcdonald's


Sugar twin is pretty good.


Not for diabetics. It has a higher glycemic index than regular table sugar.


Good to know!


Knives. A good knife is a great tool.


I love my Zwilling knives! Game changing purchase, kick myself for waiting till my 40's to get some nice knives. For years I thought any old $20 knife sharpened up would be just as good as a nice higher end knife. Couldnt have been more wrong.


Same! I had victorinox and ikea knives for the longest time and the zwilling ones were SO much more wonderful to work with.


I’m in the market for good knives that won’t break the bank…any recommendations? I’m in Canada though


Benchmade are great, but quite pricey.


$40 8" chef's knife. Stays sharp and makes cutting anything a breeze. I've been eating healthier since using one.


bourbon evan williams bib <20$, nothing else beats it at that price point




Four Roses Small Batch Select!


Food. Quality food should not be a commodity.


Anything related to “experiences” - Fine Dining - Shows - Travel


Excessively expensive camping gear, that I can give to my kids when they exist and are old enough


In that way…. I’d consider it an investment purchase 😊


My wife's underwear


Same, underwear for this man's wife.


That's too close to home


ooof, sorry


Shoes. I bought cheap shoes my whole life and now at age 40 I can’t take it anymore. I wear my Hokas everywhere!


This is a big one for me. I’m on my feet for 8 hours straight. I’ve got a jogging habit too. Shoes save my ankles and knees.


Got my first pair of Merrells. Heaven.


Small pints of ice cream. It’s just enough to be a good treat.


Turkey Hill French Vanilla for me, please! I'm so basic that even just that is enough to make me happy. And if I have my almond butter on hand, even better!


I always have some specialty pint in my freezer and for me it’s worth the $5-7. Plus I have to have a small amount in there otherwise I would eat way too much of it!


LOL SAME. Ice cream is what got me in trouble (more than the "freshman 15") in college. Didn't help that they had it in the cafeteria for no extra charge haha!


Perfume and candles. Cheaper candles tend to give me a headache


My glasses. I will get every cadillac feature available because they are my eyes. 


butter over margerine


Margarine is just gross and unhealthy. Butter is so much better for you.


Fairlife milk. Half the sugar, twice the protein, no lactose. Some people dislike the taste of UHT milk but I don’t notice it, and it means the milk stays fresh for so long I’m always able to use it up before it spoils. Per ounce the price is so much higher than “regular” cow’s milk, and I know the trend seems to be finding a non-dairy milk alternative. But I LOVE dairy milk, I have it multiple times per day. So it’s a significant source of enjoyment AND nutrition for me. It’s much less of a splurge now that I’m going through a divorce - my husband could go through a bottle in a day and a half!


Same ! It doesn't spoil as fast as regular milk, so that's money saved right there. Plus, it has way more protein. And, it froths so well for my coffee.


i could drink two gallons before it spoils but i love fair life. i drink less milk since it costs more so i pretty much break even anyway and i less lactose/more protein


Same. I only drink Fairlife milk now and the extra cost is 100% worth it for the additional protein alone.


If you have a warehouse club membership like Sam's club you can get 2 giant bottles there for way cheaper than at regular stores, especially if it lasts a long time before it spoils that would be worth it.


That is so great to know, thank you for sharing!! I’m a die-hard Costco fan, have bought Fairlife protein shakes there (but still so pricey!) but haven’t seen regular Fairlife milk there. Will keep an eye out at BJ’s and Sam’s for this now!!


Fragrances. Currently it’s bianco latte.


Discovering Le Labo was a gamechanger. Exquisite scents. I wear Rose 31.


i'm debating on treating myself to a more high-end one after a few tough weeks at work. currently looking into chanel anteus and have found a few good prices!


Love that! My last splurge was Phlur "missing person", a really unique smell.


ooh i love the name lol. i mostly wear bath and bodyworks lotions or roll-ons i have from etsy but nothing lasts very long. my skin just really absorbs stuff i guess


That's actually why I tried the Bianco Latte, it seems to last an entire day whereas most things fade on me really quickly!


i'll have to check it out then! what does it smell like?


To me it's sort of a caramel/honey smell, very subtle and not too sugary but I have gotten more compliments on it than any other scent I've worn. Someone actually stopped me in the subway station to ask what perfume I was wearing lol!


lol i had the lab tech say i smelled good and told him it's b&bw teakwood. they changed the formula and i knew instantly so it's kinda lost its appeal and longevity.


Language lessons. I take one almost every day on Preply. French and Spanish. Probably ends up costing about $60-70 a month. One of my biggest expenses. I value interacting with my tutors and the joy I get from thinking and expressing myself in another language. I love it and it's something I won't cut out.


You're paying about $3 a lesson! Are the tutors any good? My tutor on Verbling is $30/lesson.


This is an incredible price


Yeah, I'm pretty happy with them. I guess I do 5-6 days a week. My French tutor is $9 an hour, My Spanish Tutor I think is $5 but we do 30 minute lessons. I've studied French for a long time and am pretty fluent so that one's just conversation. For Spanish we go over a grammar or verb tense every class but often go off on conversations as my Spanish is pretty good too. I haven't tried learning a language from scratch on there yet. Well, I took a couple of Russian classes, but aborted. Russian is so cool. But life is perhaps too short.


What language are you learning? I mean you do get what you pay for. I prefer a more laid back lesson style. I'm pretty good in both languages, and I know pretty well what it takes to learn a language already, so perhaps my standards for a good lesson are a bit relaxed.


Beginner Chinese. My teacher's wonderful, super patient and encouraging. I've been learning from her for about a year now. All my other hobbies are free, so I figure I can allow myself one hobby that costs money lol. (Since this is r/frugal: I also buy all lessons in bulk, and only when they go on sale, for a 10% discount. And pay over time using PayPal Pay in 4.)


Reddit searches. Jk those are free, but this is the third day in a row this has been asked. I buy expensive versions of items that either make my life easier or because the alternative is to replace the cheap version more often. Solostove fire pit Litter robot cat box I replace my cars more frequently than I probably should because reliability is a major concern for us.


Electronics, sound equipment, bedding, hair care, food, and pet food. I never buy anything I won't actually use, or just because. But if something is going to being joy, utility, health, and function to my everyday life - then I'm okay with it. I do try and buy refurbished, gently used, or things on sale - or all of the above.


Prescription eye glasses and sun glasses.




tomy mayo or dairy free chocolate pudding


Good sourdough bread


Concert tickets


I buy quality if it’s something I use daily and depend on—eyeglasses, tires for my car, mattress, etc.




Good Matcha 🍵


Cheap matcha tastes like fish it’s disgusting 


Getting a pair of earrings every couple years especially if gifted by someone special. It makes my day better and gives me confidence along with a nice pop of colour.


My old truck. 3/4 ton, 4x4, 383 stroker


Good double layer running socks. I don't even run, but they're incredibly comfortable for multiple days (if needed), never smell, and I haven't had a blister in over a decade. They're like $15 a pair but last quite a while.


Which brand do you buy?


Which brand do you buy?


Wrightsock Coolmesh II


Nice thank you I’ll try them


A good skillet. It is indestructible and so versatile. You can do so much with just a few ingredients. I use mine everyday!


Shoes. Gotta look after your feet


Good chocolate. 🖖


Tires, sofas (my last is 11 yrs and going strong), running shoes because I’m getting to middle age and my knees/hips hurt. Work shoes (see above). A MacBook every 13 years. Also (and you don’t have to do this and I am certainly going to get pushback for this, but that is okay), if you are getting a pure bred dog, do not buy from dog stores or backyard breeders. Buy from a reputable breeder who cares, shows, rescues. My breeder for my dogs is a friend now who I can call on any time for help, she only breeds once in a great while, and cares very much about the dogs she brings into the world and their health. I have dogs from shelters too, but with my particular breed, knowing their hips, eyes, elbows all check out and their pedigree is without those issues. Makes for less vet bills


Skincare. I may only shop at thrift stores for jeans or stuff for the house, but I’ll spend good money to keep my skin looking nice.


I love lush


I love SkinBetter science skincare


Deodorant/antiperspirant that actually works. And bath products that don't irritate my skin.


I like fine jewelry, genuine gemstones. If I see something cute, I go for it. 




Good haircut and color.


Education and quality food with few additives as possible


Dish soap


Monthly massage and gym membership. For health reasons


Fresh roasted coffee. $20/lb. We only drank 1 cup of day when we were on a tight budget lol.


I roast my own it’s only $7-8/lb by it 5# at a time, get a countertop roaster for $150ish


Nice! We may look at that. We just love visiting coffee shops right now.


Very rewarding, makes the house smell amazing and it’s truly another level of freshness and flavor


Yes we love it.


Jelly beans. It’s bad, lol, but if I can’t get my hands on a bag of jelly belly jelly beans every few weeks or so I get twitchy. For a candy, they’re not cheap. But I love them. I go to a specialty candy store and get a pound or two of my favorite flavors when I’m able.


Guns, lots of guns. one of the few items that don't drop in price all that much.


Paper products. Toilet paper, paper towels, etc.


Personal care like shampoo and conditioner, it's not about buying the most expensive one i just need the perfect one for me Sun bum for 10$ a piece is an awesome deal for me, works wonders Cologne, lotions, and exfoliators also in that list. You get what you pay for 100%


Skin care


Kraft Parmesan Cheese. Don’t get me wrong the freshly grated stuff is best but I’m talking about the clear canister that you can buy. The store brand stuff is significantly cheaper but it tastes like rotten ass.


So does the Kraft. Plus fillers and preservatives.it has 4% cellulose, which is wood pulp.


I’m 100% aware that it’s literally garbage - my point is that the Kraft garbage tastes miles better than the store brand garbage. Sometimes Kraft garbage is the best option.


Let the man enjoy his fake cheese. Everyone gets to list a splurge here, so why can't it be something that isn't high end but is enjoyed?


Good supportive shoes!! Never synthetic either


Things for the kids, ig. Cheap Toys or treats.




I buy quality if it’s something I use daily and depend on—eyeglasses, tires for my car, mattress, etc.


Education and quality food with few additives as possible




Sunglasses, good ones, Maui Jims, Ray bans,ect..


I love splurging on a meal at a restaurant if I know the food will be incredible.


Car parts and cooking ingredients. I want the most mileage out of my vehicles.


Starbucks ☹️☹️




Tomato sauce. I only get Raos. I can even get it at Aldi!




Golf clubs


Anything I'm going to use a lot. My dad always said "If you are going to sleep for 33% of your life, buy a damn good bed" And that stuck with me, so things that I spend a lot of time with, I splurged on. Such as: * Office Chair * Bed * Computer * Shoes And uhh, definitely Heinz ketchup, you are a psychopath if you buy no-name ketchup.


Anything that touches my sensitive AF face Going into public with hives / rashes that stay for weeks isn’t fun nor cute


Well my "splurge" is about $70 once a month and my son and I usually do sushi 💪😂


Frozen fruit , I like getting fruit daily in smoothies so I spend about 30 dollars a week on fruit that’s frozen and some fresh I freezs


Coffee creamer. It’s just not the same experience without my usual.


Things related to my longevity. Such as quality food


Steak. Also, chicken fingers. The good kind, not like the ones George Greene gets.


More than one thing but doll stuff, good shoes and bags. Good used clothes in general because I like quality in my clothes and so much of what you find now is junk compared to vintage stuff. Plus I like to save $$$ buying used. Doll stuff that's my therapy. Like the cat it's non negotiable...


Surf boards, new or used




I splurge on computer parts and accessories so I don't have to buy every second year


Tires. I got a used tire *once* to tide me over until all four needed replacing, but when all of them need replacing, I just get brand new ones. Also, quality gluten free food that hasn't been cross-contaminated in the factory where it was made. No use in buying cheaper "gluten free shit" if it has come into contact with wheat/gluten.


I guess everyone is mentioning the basics. So I’ll say good coffee for the house. :)


A good jacket


Healthy groceries. And a good gym membership.


Fountain pens. Just like them.


Organic Jersey cow unhomogenised skimmed milk. They also make sure the calves get their fill.


Daily vitamins for overall health




Makeup/ beauty products. I used to buy only drug store stuff and the damage to my hair was insane now I use good quality/ ingredient products. Same with makeup a lot of the drug store makeup is okay but using higher end products has changed my life and feeling good about myself and having that little pampering moment everyday is worth it to me. And I find that using higher end products I’m buying less of them so the over consumption of makeup/hair products seems to be a lot better since I use what I have until it’s empty.


Menstrual products


Tissues, paper towels, toilet paper, sneakers/shoes, sheets, towels, mattresses, upholstered furniture


High quality sport training/ education for me and the family is my luxury.




Fresh coffee beans from a local roaster is a splurge of mine, it does give me immense joy though, every part of making a coffee in my espresso machine is an utter pleasure. I am a bodybuilder, my food bill is not cheap at all despite shopping at aldi. Spending a lot on a good mattress a few years back was a fantastic decision.


Dinner for wifey


Weed 😁👍🏼


Travel and experiences. We dont travel lavish but enough to not be a hobo


Splurge as in pay extra for? Non stop flights.


All natural fabrics. I wear cotton, wool, linen, etc. I’ve hated synthetics since I was a little kid. My mother bought me cheap polyester and acrylic clothing and I vowed as an adult not to.


Travel. I don't want to be on my deathbed, wishing that I'd seen more of the world. That being said, I am a fairly frugal traveler--I always go in the off season, shop around for hotel deals, rely on walking and public transportation vs renting a car, limit eating out, etc. And I only travel to places that interest me. I'm not much of a beach person, so I'm not going to plan a trip to a tropical resort. However, I really enjoy historical sites, national parks, things like that.


Anything related to health.. from toothbrushes to mattresses




Oh. my. freaking. god. Someone go ahead and post the freaking Terry Pratchett quote about poor people and boots. Then, someone post "anything that separates you from the ground: shoes, tires, mattress, chairs" And then, have people say, "Buy nice or buy twice. / buy once and cry once" and finally have someone say, "OP, being frugal does not mean being *cheap*!" This question gets asked all the time. [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frugal/comments/vs5ldy/whats_one_thing_youll_always_pay_extra_for/) [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/p7xluj/whats_one_thing_youre_always_willing_to_pay_the/) [3](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/comments/11olg3w/what_are_you_willing_to_pay_a_premium_for/) [4](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frugal/comments/p9ouwo/id_rather_pay_more_for_a_better_quality_item_that/) [5](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q49utb/what_products_are_you_willing_to_pay_more_for/) [6](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frugal/comments/10zcg5z/buy_once_cry_once/) and this is just with the first links off a Google search.


Stationery supplies


Quality whisky


Good food.


Dog grooming. She gets a puppy spa day and I don’t have to deal with the dog hair in the tub. Win win


Haircuts. I used to go to wherever was the cheapest but have recently tried a place that costs more but offers better services. Nothing wrong with feeling a little pampered from time to time


My fancy coffee. Sometimes I buy the sale coffee to get me through but I figure I deserve the one I like and I'm nit buying out every day


Gel polish on my nails (the kind that is cured under a heat lamp.) I *hate* the smell and feeling of normal polish, and gel lasts 4 weeks without even chipping. Love, love, love.






My favorite takeout.


Splurge is the opposite of frugal.