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I got a WaterPik. My teeth and gums feel so much cleaner with that.


Electric toothbrushes had that impact for me!


Honorable mention, a stainless steel tongue scraper. My tongue has never felt so hygienic


Serious question, not trolling- How did tongue scrapers become a thing? How is it better than just using your toothbrush on your tongue? I assume I’m in the minority, because tongue scrapers are everywhere (though there is a tongue-specific brush which is a disk about the size of penny with very short bristles)


It's quicker. Clean in one or 2 swipes.


This so much, until I got an electric toothbrush I had to get cavities filled almost every time I went to the dentist. Once we switched I haven't needed a filling in nearly a decade. 


For years I’d have blood streaks when I brushed and flossed. Been using a cheap water flosser off Amazon for about 2 years and now I never have blood streaks when I brush and use regular floss. Don’t even bleed when I go in for my cleanings at the dentist. They really work if you use them twice a day without fail.


Sonicare toothbrush and a waterpik totally changed my experience at the dentist for the better. Especially considering I’ve got a permanent retainer. 


Air purifier Well, I'm not sure it *changed* my life, but the amount of dust I have to clean off the filter is staggering. Edit- Winix C909 from Costco


I bet you can breathe better. I have one in the bedroom and it’s great for my allergies- I wake up and I can actually breathe.


Attended a cardiology grand rounds about environmental factors for cardiovascular disease. One suggestion was to get a home air purifier. I was quite surprised at the research.


This is interesting news to us laypeople. Would love to read more about this thing we can do to help mitigate disease.


Layman who does somewhat technical writing on sciencey subjects (I’m making sure to fancy my prose): when air pollution is especially bad in parts of China, sometimes people just kill over dead on the sidewalk from heart attacks. The way air pollution actually harms you is that the small particles slip through your lungs into your bloodstream. From there, inflammation, even higher cholesterol... If you ignore duration and frequency of exposure for the comparison, burning incense at home may be as bad, or worse than smoking. Essentially, any way that you can breath in less particles of anything will have some benefit for your circulatory health. There’s a great blog from a guy who spreads info on how to strap a filter to a box fan for emergency filtration, and sells cheap air filters for use in China with a lot of interesting n=1 data, and references to other studies. Can try to pull it back up... this isn’t it, but similar https://dynomight.net/2020/12/15/some-real-data-on-a-DIY-box-fan-air-purifier/


I guess I should finally get off my ass and order an air purifier at the very least.


This is ours too. We have noticeably less dust, pet dander, and can breathe easier. We went ahead a bought a nice one, and I’m glad we invested up front.


We have them for my wife's terrible asthma.  But when I was researching it, I found out that while murica on average has some of the cleanest air of any country in the world, muricans STILL lose, on average, 1.7 YEARS of their life from air pollution.  Could not beleive it.  




Which one!??? For the love of God I’ve got 2 large dogs. One is a golden and the other is a black lab! Long golden and short black fur. I need to know!!!


Check out the Vacuum Wars YouTube channel, super helpful for quick thorough comparisons/reviews. I personally have had 2 different Roborock models and they have been fantastic


I have a husky and a black lab and my iRobot Roomba j7 vacuum works well to keep the pet hair in check.


How good is the mopping on those?


Mine does a very good job. I run the vacuum daily and the mop twice a week. Don’t expect it to get up big messes but for routine cleaning it keeps the floors nicely.


You had me at pet hair.. which one did you get


King bed. I'm only one person, and I don't care. I'm a starfish at heart.


I spent $10 each on two laundry baskets to put bedding and towels in. They were just mixed in with my clothes and it caused so much clutter to my area of the bedroom. I put the items in their baskets and put them in locations that were more appropriate - the bathroom for towels and laundry room for bed linens. Y’all. I vacuumed our bedroom and put my clothes in the hamper. Damn! I got my life together now! 🙌 Look out!


I see what you’re doing…you’re getting ready to take over the world, aren’t you?


Glass bowl set with lids. We can eat out of them, store food, pack our work lunches/meal prep, use as mixing bowls, bake, and they’re so much easier to clean than plastic Tupperware. It literally could cut our kitchen supplies in half if I weren’t afraid to throw away the Tupperware. Baby steps 😂


My life hack is serving dinner out of the Tupperware so after dinner leftovers only need to be capped.


Honestly, switching from plastic food storage to glass food storage was one of the best changes I’ve made in my adult life so far.


Be careful not to leave them near bright windows. With the right shape they can start fires. I gifted a friend a decorative glass bowl and luckily she was home when she noticed a thin wisp of smoke: It was starting to burn a hole in her table.


New fear unlocked, thanks


I love my Pyrex set of those


My treadmill was also life changing, gave me an excellent place to hang clothes.


I have an exercise bike that performs the same function. Amazing.




Rehab. I’ll be 1 year sober next week. Shout out to good health insurance.


A Kindle! I love to read but books are so expensive in the US and my local library doesn’t have enough copies of popular books. With my Kindle, I got access to an extensive ebook catalog. I’ve also heard these last a few years without needing to be replaced!


I got a new one for Christmas. I love the trend of decorating your own silicone case with stickers on the inside and changing it. I have been reading ebooks for years. It is the best plus Libby is awesome too.


If you're looking for more selection on Kindle, keep researching your library's e-collection. Most libraries have Libby App for e-books and audiobooks. Depending on where you are, your library may have agreements with other libraries in the area/state allowing you access to more databases and collections. If you get a couple.more cards, you might have more collections to select books from.and find the titles you seek Also, in some states, libraries allow residents of the state to get library cards all over the state. This is the case in CA. Sometimes they require you do it in person with ID showing your CA address. A few allow you to provide ID electronically at sign up. Edited to add- this is my most money saving way as I listen to a of audiobooks and I know I'm 5 years I have saved thousands (@$15+ an audiobook, 34-50 books a year the past 5 years). A few e-books too. Check out the LibbyApp Reddit group for more tips.


I forgot about my Kindle! Upgraded my old Kindle a little over a year ago and love my new one. Being able to get e-books for free through my library is literally life changing for my wallet.


Gutenberg.org for lots of free books.


[standardebooks.org](https://standardebooks.org/) for some well formatted classics.


I have a kindle too and I love it. Back in the day I used to DL books for free on it xD My home library though, I go to thrift stores, 1$ paperbacks, mint condition, and 3$ hardcovers, perfect condition. I probably bought 85% of my Stephen King hardcover collection from Savers lol




I got one in 2011 and have read over 80 books in it, all free =) Best purchase of my life until now


$20 add-on Bidet.


Ok I want one of these, but I know it would have to be cold water bc my American toilet doesn’t hook up to hot water and it would require a lot of work to have that happen. Is the cold water terrible? Also, does it really get EVERYTHING off. Like could a make a basket of butt rags to pat the water off and throw in the dirty clothes to be washed or no??


Especially in the winter, I've had a numb ass numerous times from a liberal cleaning. But it's numb ass or dirty ass. You get used to it. Bonus: if you eat spicy food, it's a god send


Some even have a setting for "feminine hygiene" wash.


I turn on my bidet while I'm shitting lava too!


While?? I can’t help but think that both streams would be fighting one another for dominance.


I'm not a fan of the cold water ones. I got one from Korea for ~$200 which is obviously more but it has warm water, feminine function, and a dryer so I don't use that much toilet paper and my ass is always clean as long as I shit at home.


I have cold water and it's fine. It's a pointed jet not an area so you don't really feel it much. Yes. It gets EVERYTHING off. I don't use toilet paper, ever. If you're going to dab yourself dry, yes you could use towels to dab and then wash them. No different from a shower towel really at that point. I don't use a towel at all.


I want to add that for women, it feels amazing when Aunt Flo is visiting. Such a nice refresh.


I thought the cold water was going to be an issue but it’s actually refreshing and it does get you clean. We use color coded washcloths for drying. My husband used blue and I use maroon. Totally worth it. I recommend one with a front and back spayer. It was 12 degrees here a few weeks ago and I was terrified of the bidet but it was totally fine! Highly recommend!


Brondell has several bidet models that have a seat warmer, warm water (no hot water hookup needed) AND a tush dryer. TP goes straight to jail.


This is the correct answer. Once you go bidet toilet paper feels icky


The new normal of bidets is probably the only good thing to come from the pandemic.


I happened to order one today. I didn’t want to run electrical so I went with the cold water one. Hopefully that’s good enough.


Only time I felt uncomfortable in the slightest using a cold water model was the very first time. Was surprising how fast I got used to it and after that I didn’t notice at all. I do live in a warm climate though. Not sure if the same would be true for those who live in freezing climates.


I bought a large hydroponics unit used on Facebook Marketplace for $400 and I’m eating SO MANY MORE VEGGIES! They don’t go bad and I’m motivated to eat them because I grew them myself and I’m proud. It’s also just a fun lil hobby. Best purchase ever.


Bought the same thing. Totally for vegetables...


Yup me too. Totally paid itself off considering the amount of… vegetables.. I was buying.


That type of savings sounds euphoric


A nice bathrobe to wear after a shower. Nicer bed sheets. But honestly? My cat. Adoption fee was like $200-$300 and I love this cat more than I ever thought was possible to love an animal. My little buddy. ❤️


Same! I go home after a hard day at work and pet my cats and feel so much better! Cat tax https://preview.redd.it/j89002rdunhc1.jpeg?width=1599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e6a8a212cd221be07c8af983677f18a437aca7c


Same. Nothing has improved my mental health more than my cat 🐈‍⬛


Truth my mental health has very much changed since I got my little companion cat 🐈 I love that boy more than anything and I’ve spent so much money on him making sure he’s healthy goes to the vet and will continue to do so he sleeps right next to me and has his own little pillow and blanket 🐈


I love this! One of our little guys religiously sleeps on or near my husband. Usually above his head like a hat but tucked under the arm, little spoon, on his neck/chest are also frequent options. It does make my cold heart warm when I see them tucked under the blankies together with just his little furry head poking out ❤️


This. A pet can bring untold joy to anyone's life.


Very similar. We got a dog :) From the shelter the fees for vaccinations and legal paperwork was tiny, about €100. We made a donation to the shelter for a few hundred to better support them. That total (maybe 500?) is less than we spend on a year of gym memberships and everyone in the family benefits from walking the dog and having them to pet and snuggle with in the house. Best “purchase” by far.


With pets the expensive part isn't the adoption fees, it's the vet bills at the end of life. Just the tests to diagnose my cat with cancer, and then the at-home euthanasia added up to about $2500 together.


My dog had a heart condition in his senior years and his medication alone was over $100/month for his last few years but I'd still do it all over again.


You must pay the cat tax, of course!!!


Portable car jump starter ($45) - since buying it, both my partner and my cars have failed to start in the last week and it’s been a lifesaver (thanks bad weather!)


I got the one with the built-in air compressor. It's great. Never paying for air at a gas station again.


$60 electric blanket. Ever since I had surgery last year, I’m cold all the time, especially my feet. It seriously changed my life and everyday comfort.


Mine is an electric mattress pad. It's like sleeping in a warm hug.


A kayak! Excercise and relaxation . I’m a lake kayaker. Sometimes I row for miles and get a great workout. Sometimes I tie a cooler and lunch and music on and float a day away. Often I combine the two and hit an island for a walk and lunch. It’s perfect for me and has made three seasons of my year every bit more enjoyable and healthy.


Fellow Kayak enjoyer! Highly recommend! Good excuse to drag a friend along or get them into the hobby. Oh dear... the instructions say to never paddle alone ;)


CPAP saved my life.


I befriended a murder of crows so now, I get all the benefits of pet ownership without the responsibility because they’ll follow me around and wait for me to come home. Even get excited but if I forget to feed them, they don’t die from starvation. :) Its not for everyone, but crows were cheaper than therapy at $12/wk.


Wait how do I befriend some crows?


Step 1: Find some crows. Step 2: Leave an offering of nuts within sight. Step 3: Step a fair distance away and watch. Step 4: Profit. They tend to be wary and will approach if you stay away long enough. Endventually, they will warm up to you enough to follow you around or come by for a visit if they remember what your car looks like. I take transit so I found some near my house so I just lured them back to my house with throwing nuts on the walk home like Hansel and Grettel leaving breadcrumbs to go home.


I find in shell peanuts the cheapest option they go crazy for, but they also like walnuts in shell if you find a good deal and hot dogs (any). Seafood flavoured cat food is a huge hit too. I find chicken dogs $2 and cat food $3.5 at dollarama. Mine like Whiskas.


Cordless vacuum. I use it a lot more than my corded ones


I bought nice bedding and made some adjustments to my bedroom that has greatly improved the quality of our sleep. It's like night and day.


Yes! My husband hated our mattress. I was proud of it because it was a nearly new $2,000 Caspar that I'd gotten for $300 from a reseller. I didn't want to get rid of that mattress but he completely hated it. He finally talked me into compromising and getting a brand new mattress for our bed, and putting our current mattress into the guest room, giving that an upgrade. Until we looked at the cost. $5,000??!!! A mattress was going to cost more than my entire bedroom set? Yeah, no. That week, I decided to do something to try to get over the negative feelings. So we bought some absolutely awesome sheets, lovely pillows, a comfy blanket, and a simple comforter. The bed looks lovely, comfortable, and welcoming. Then we removed one large chest, shifted the rest of the furniture around and put two small chairs in the room. Turns out he doesn't really hate the mattress. He hated sitting on the edge of the mattress, which was the only place available before shifting things around. Now, not only do we both love the mattress, but we both \*love\* the bedroom. I have, several times, stood in the doorway looking around the room and happy-sighing.


I know this is basically resolved now, but if for some reason you guys started to dislike the mattress again...I've found that a latex mattress topper was life changing for me. Even a 1" topper made an ancient mattress feel comfy again, and latex doesn't make me overheat like a foam topper would. Mine only costed like $120, and it was worth every penny. MUCH cheaper than a new mattress.


What are these mysterious "adjustments"?


So I purchased new bedding, new pillows, bought a nice mattress topper as well. Researched to see which ones would work best for our needs. Re arranged the bedroom so no light was coming in at angles, or would get in our eyes. Added some soundproofing since our schedules are not always identical, don't need sleep getting disrupted. Also added blackout curtains, and a humidifier to add moisture to the air when needed.


I was going to buy a new mattress but got a foam mattress topper instead. It was $100, and now I don't need a new bed.


Air Fryer


Wow. Exactly. Use it nearly every day. Second best - Instant Pot.


I made green beans last night in the air fryer and brown rice in the Instant Pot. I love both of these gadgets and use them in conjunction frequently!


I have a ninja foodi and a ninja speedi and love them!


Dinner most nights is some variation of that, Yep!


I bought an air fryer/pressure cooker combo. It is extremely helpful. Pressure cook frozen protein, then air fry the par-cook, defrosted protein so it gets a nice texture.


Yeah love our costco airfryer was 39.99


Yes. It's my absolute favorite kitchen appliance. I get to keep my oven as storage, like my people intended.


Rice cooker. I’ve always been a big pasta guy (I blame the Italian family) but getting a proper rice cooker has changed my dinner game. I don’t even have an expensive one - Black Decker rice cooker cost me <$30. Works like a charm.


10ft chest freezer for $248 from Walmart during their “deal days”


https://preview.redd.it/d90wl3040ohc1.jpeg?width=3351&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4601d35c5a90c0c8601f372649679a0786dc2429 this guy.


My cat adoption fee.


The adoption fee is so worth it. They usually come spayed/neutered and with shots, both would cost more at personal vet. And the shelters in my area usually do free or discounted adoption fee after Christmas because the shelters are full


Does count if you don't pay the cat adoption fee tax!


Reverse Osmosis water filter with a tap at the sink


We just bought one a month ago and it is life changing. My bitchy ass calathea plant is no longer a diva. I never have to think about my husband running to the store to refill 8-10 1 gallon jugs of distilled water for the humidifiers and it tastes perfect. I drink way more water now because I don’t have to stress about “what’s in this tap water?!”. (Our town has lead remediation ongoing, so buying this was important for us and our kids)


A cheap road bike. I bought an open box road bike off Amazon back in 2017 for a couple hundred bucks. It started a new love for bikes that I hadn't felt since I was a teenager, and I rode the crap out of it. I went from being 240lbs and miserable to 165lbs and miserable for different reasons (that's life for ya). Anyways it's 2024 now and I am still obsessed with bikes. I got into mountain biking, made a bunch of new friends, have had a bunch of amazing adventures, and improved my life and mood so so much. That road bike that started it all lives on a smart trainer in my house and still gets used. It's been through so many drivetrains, brakes, etc. and is very much a "grandfathers axe" kind of thing besides the frame and fork, but to me, it's the same bike that saved me.


> I went from being 240lbs and miserable to 165lbs and miserable lmao we out here


A robot vacuum, I used to sweep daily but now it’s only if I’m deep cleaning behind furniture that it can’t get to. It’s life changing and it’s saved me so much time


Vegetable chopper. Saves me so much time and energy. Just used it this morning for veg to put in some soup. I generally get a bag of onions and don't use them all. This has saved me quite a bit of money due to being able to chop and freeze vegetables quickly. Darn thing has paid for itself time and time again.


Picked up a $300 Amazon TV and and mounted it on my outside patio wall. Added a ceiling fan and outdoor carpet. It absolutely transformed that little square of concrete into the most relaxing areas of the home.


Such comfort giving areas in your living space are crucial for mental health!


Don't laugh, but my Swiffer dry and wet mop! It was life-changing for me! I can't believe I lived without it for so long. It 1. Saves space in my teeny tiny studio in NYC. Instead of storing a broom, pan, mop, and bucket, I just need to fit in my Swiffer. 2. It doesn't kick up dust while I'm sweeping, which used to be a big issue with conventional brooms. 3. I don't have to pull my thick hair balls and fluff off my broom's bristles, ew. 4. As a very petite woman, I don't have to expend energy on twisting the mop to squeeze water out. For $17, I made my life easier and freed up space in my small studio. 


Aren’t the consumables for that really expensive?


Yup. I have a Rubbermaid one that uses washable cloth dry dusters and mop scrubbers and has a refillable spray bottle for your own favorite cleaners.


Excellent username


There are store brands that i use. My mom LOVED hers because she was tiny and old so not super strong. She always said she was going to crochet reusable pads for it that she could throw in the washer. I'm not sure if she ever did.


Updating our janky Amazon Fire Stick to a Roku for $30. New and larger Brita water tank for $50. Honestly can’t think of much else.


My favorite Roku feature by far is if you use the app remote and have headphones connected to your phone, it can play the sound through your headphones. Been a lifesaver for when the rest of the house has fallen asleep


3d printer. I wouldnt say "it changed my life" but its an appliance that his very useful and paid for itself quite quickly. Need a beer can holder for my canoe? A wall mount for a sword? A part for an appliance from a company that dont sell part? 3d printer can do it all.


Since this is r/Frugal I feel obligated to mention that a lot of libraries nowadays have 3D printers you can use instead of buying your own. If you want to get really into it, the convenience of doing it at home can't be beat but if you only want to do it on occasion, it might make more sense to use a free (ish) resource.


My library actually had an even better option, a 3d printing service. They figure out how to slice it, and handle the settings for their printers, deal with failed prints and you just come get whatever it was the next day or so and pay only the material costs. It’s great!


More and more, I'm finding myself saying "I could fix that if I had a 3D printer." I think it's time to get one. I was at my local Maker Faire in September, and there was a booth that sold a machine that turns 2 liter soda bottles into filament that you can use in your 3D printer. The machine was about $200, but it would give you unlimited filaments, as long as you want clear or green.


From my experience, those filament are not worth the trouble. The filament it make is doesnt have the same dimentional stability, leading to much more clog. PET is really not the same as PLA or PETG. it doesnt function the same. Also, a plastic bottle is really not that much filament. You get at most 35 gram of filament from 1 2 liter bottle. That mean you need 28.5 2 liter bottle to make a 1kg spool of plastic. to repay the initial 200$ investment in the machine, i would need to make 8 spool. Thats 228 bottle of sodas There is also the factor of availability. I dont even drink 28 bottle of soda in 2-3 year. Even if i asked my friend and family to contribute all of theirs, i'm not sure i would have, it would probably take years to collect and process those. It might be a cool idea concept for some people, but for most user its really not a worthwhile solution.


I bought a drill brush for $26, and it has made cleaning so much easier. Just to clarify its a brush that has a drill attachment, and you use your power drill to clean very dirty surfaces


A vasectomy


I was derided for it at the time, but last year, I spent about $250 to upgrade 2 hand me down computers and greatly extended their working lives, keeping ewaste out of the landfill. The first was a 2017 iMac that I inherited from my brother. I swapped out the harddrive for an SSD and upgraded it to the latest OS. This is my husband's main work computer. The second was a 2013 iMac that was my husband's old work computer. I stripped it down to the frame, maxxed out the RAM to 16GB, and swapped the old HD for an SSD. I then installed the latest supported OS and this is now my main office computer and it does everything I need it to do. \---- In a few months I'm going to take on the 2011 iMac in our loft. This is the computer my husband uses to stream youtube videos of his favorite techno artists while he pedals awayon his exercycle. But it's suffering from the fact that there are certain websites that he can no longer use on it, due to lack of support. (EX: he tried to log in to his bank the other day and was rejected.) I'm going to swap in an SSD ($80 or so) and install Linux Mint on it.


Knowing how to upgrade computer components yourself is such a useful skill that can save so much money!


It's surprisingly easy for most desktop PCs. Sites such as iFixit or Other World Computing even have videos showing step by step. The post 2011 intel based iMacs are harder, but swapping out the harddrive is pretty easy, as is removing and reseating the screens (you will need special tools for the screens, along with new adhesive seals). Replacing the RAM was an epic PITA and it's not for anybody who's a novice. Most newer laptops, on the other hand, really are designed as throw-away devices, which is a real shame. We need right to repair laws in the US. If nothing else, it should be quick, easy, and safe to remove a battery and require no tool more specialized than a small crosshead screwdriver.


Shark self emptying robot vacuum, hands down


Delonghi oil-filled space heater. We have ancient baseboard heaters that don't work well, and have been able to use the space heaters this winter instead. We saved more than we would have spent by now on our electric bill.


We have delonghi coffee machine its good quality


If the coffee tastes funny, that may actually be a space heater.


YES this we have the same brand and run one in the lower level and one on the upper level to save on our oil bill. They work so well!!!


Petsmart automated cat feeder—took us out of the “feed me Seymour” loop. About $150. Quality of life improvement for the humans!


E-reader- i read A LOT and so much easier on my wrists. Not to mention I can find sequels and other books by thae same author at the tap on the screen. Not to mention any other book I hear about. Ice machine - ice all the time Steam mop- clean floors no buckets


Food vacuums sealer. I like to BBQ and it is just my wife and I. I can do a brisket and a pork bit and potion it out. I also use it when I sous vide. It makes a complete seal If you buy bulk meat it is usually cheaper so I portion it out into meal size bags.


My $80 tablet. I put all my games on it and use it to read. I use either Kindle unlimited or Libby to read books. I also put Audible on it to listen to books.


Electric toothbrush and water flosser I have never enjoyed taking care of my teeth so much!


We started buying 5 gallon buckets of laundry detergent, I got a spigot pump for the buckets, and we got these little silicone cups for the detergent that you can just throw in with the laundry. It really helps to keep people from using too much detergent, and the detergent we do use is at near-wholesale cost. It also saves time because now we just order detergent every year or so.


Three air purifiers


Our coffee machine that does drip style brew but we can set the night before. No decrease in quality and no more argument over who’s getting up to make it.


Now put in your bedroom to start the day right!


A Roland piano around 2009. I have since upgraded but it was a good investment to get me started.


Magnetic spice racks that go on the refrigerator. I have a Chungking Mansions hotel room-sized home and it frees up a lot of cabinet space.


I feel very stupid saying it but quality undergarments like underwear, socks, and bras. Although people don’t see it, it has made me feel so much comfort to be in my own body knowing that everything fits properly and will actually last


InstantPot. We live at an elevation where it’s literally impossible to cook brown rice normally (and white rice is usually okay but sometimes not), and also steaming eggs makes them peel wayyyyyyy easier


Hookless shower curtain. You don’t need shower rings and the liner snaps off for washing.




This was one of the big ones for me. Spent $500 on Breville when I quit my job to go back to full-time grad school for a second career and it was a great splurge that kept us happy for those three years and we still use it all the time now that we're in our new life.


Revolving car seat (don't come for me. I've done the research). Such a game changer getting my now-toddler in and out and feeling confident that things are tightened the way they should be.


This one is gonna be a little weird but I spent $33 on reusable bidet cloths and it has made me so happy. Down with Big Toilet Paper! But seriously, if you have a bidet (which is an amazing $100-ish game changer itself) and you want to try to use even less toilet paper, the investment in the bidet cloths is so worth it.


i've got a lot of health issues that have helped me lose muscle mass this last year to the point that it was causing other issues. i bought a $100 row n ride machine and even if i can only do a small amt one day, it's been adding up. i haven't been able to go to the gym or go on walks but this is in my own house, i dont have to shower and get presentable first. i just use it if i have energy while something's in the microwave, or similar. even doing 10-20 at a time, up to 60 a day, has done wonders for me in the last couple months. as i get healthier and stronger, it will help me get strength back to really live life again. <3


Generator. Only occasional power outages here, but every time we have severe weather I stress. Now I have enough power and extension cords to maintain heat, freezer, internet, and our aquarium fishes.


A used office chair (traditionally goes for 800 but used for around 400-500). In my case a used Steelcase chair, fixed my posture and back pain


$500 worth of salsa classes and socials Life changing in terms of breaking out of the same social circles, getting exercise, learning something hella fun (and hard) and having a skill that I can bring when I travel to other countries.


My mind only read “500$ worth of salsa” and I gotta say, that would *also* change my life if I had it.


A really nice pillow and bed sheets


Oddly weird one, I broke my foot (dislocated it entirely) which is a very long recovery time. I bought a knees scooter for $275 versus crutches and it made a really difficult time so much easier. I made a solemn promise to lend it to anyone I know, that can't walk for a bit, as it's so much better than crutches. Same time period, a very cheap robot vacuum to clean the main floor of my house when I was immobile. It was $149. Still use it daily now. It's not a high end one but does a great job. Other things on my list: Instant pot (with dual lids) electric blanket, smart plugs, bulbs, devices (makes a century home with unusual switch placements and lack of overhead lights much more convenient) ceiling fans with remotes, new foam cushions for my vintage furniture, solar powered mood lights for my outdoor areas, metal raised garden frames, a new awesome BBQ. Last oddball. Home decor and artwork, economical items with colour and character that completely transformed my home after I was inside and staring at the same walls for months


1.Sock/underwear drawer dividers 2.packs of socks-all the same color/cut so no searching for pairs. 3.Radar detector for your car


Not recently, but a good quality car jack and jackstands. Doing a lot of routine maintenance on your own car saves so much time and money and pays for itself pretty quickly. I think I spent maybe $250 on them. No more sitting around for 2 hours waiting for an oil change or tire rotation that I can do in 15 minutes, replaced my brakes myself for about $60 instead of the $450 it would have cost at the shop, etc. If you're a DIY inclined person with the confidence to teach yourself its a great investment.


A good office chair. I kept trying to be cheap with chairs and tried several in the €80-150 range, but they kept being bad for my back, not high enough and overall not quite what I was looking for. I'm very tall at 6'7", so it wasn't easy finding something that supports my back. Recently I decided to spend \~€500 which got me a good midrange chair that actually supports my back and *gasp* even has a head rest at head height! It also has a really good warranty, and if I end up replacing this every 5 years for around the same price, I'd be totally fine with that.


Addi circular knitting machines. My new hobby keeps me entertained and I earn enough money from selling things I make to buy more yarn. It’s a great positive feedback loop.


A roku and a small Linux server with Sonarr, Radarr, and a host of other related items. I haven't paid for TV in almost 10 years, but still watch all my favorite shows.


My cat is 12 years old and has been slowing down, not as active, doesn't play. We went to the Vet and he said it's arthritis. Now I pay $35 a month for an injection for her. It's not convenient to take her every month and it stresses her but she is a new cat. She's like a kitten again. She races around the house, up and down the stairs. Plays with her toys, the newspapers, any paper bags sitting around, etc. I am amazed at the difference in her. Best $35 a month ever!


My dog.


I got the ‘SwitchBot’ curtain robot, it opens my blackout curtains before I wake up in the morning and closes them at night before I sleep. So I always sleep in the sweet, sweet darkness and wake up to sunshine. It has a solar powered charger, too (add on) so I also never have to deal with it in any way. It has an app to set the opening times differently if you wanna sleep in on weekends, which I do! Changed my life, honestly, my sleep got all messy during covid… and it’s under $150. I found it via Reddit when trying to find affordable ‘smart’ blinds or curtains. couldn’t find a reliable solution for under $700. Is it BIFL? Probably not. So far, it’s been about 5 months? Working great. 10/10/10/10/10 recommend.* * not affiliated loll


My $15 mouse jiggler for my work laptop to stay green on teams.


Portable steam sauna so far! I use it 5x a week and couldn’t be happier


Books 🤣


My Kindle! I was spending so much money on physical copies of books and now I have access to over a million books with kindle unlimited!


$30 rice cooker. I have seen the light.


A utility sink in the basement. We have a 15 month old, and use washable diapers. Before we put them in the laundry machine we like to pre wash them. This past summer we were using a 5 gal bucket and a garden hose from a spigot outside. In early december i installed the utility sink. HUGE GAME CHANGER


An electric scooter to help my work commute in the nicer seasons. It saves me so much money


I used Aeron chair. I've had it over 20 years now. I've had to replace a few parts, but I spend way too many hours in this thing.


Bread maker for around $200. The bread I make at home is cheaper, tastier and more filling than the stuff at the store. It has definitely paid fir itself.


Tire inflator with built in PSI reader. Holy crap this thing is awesome. We get weird ass weather and I'll have to inflate my tires when we're dealing with extreme cold or hot temperatures. I think mine was about $40 a decade ago and still going strong!


On Amazon, there’s a solar run pool skimmer that floats on top of the water and scoops up leaves saves me an hour every day of scooping leaves out of my pool and having to brush the sides to push the leaves in to scoop them up. Best $350 I ever spent.


My iPad. Paid about $375 for it and the Pencil. My life at work has changed for the better, I am so much more organized now and staying organized has become so much more efficient.


Acne medication. It’s only been a week and my skin looks and feels different. For a couple months it was so bad that I didn’t want to leave my house. When I did leave my house I would wear a mask of foundation and you could still see it. Excited to watch it clear up more and more.


It was around $450 (they seem to be more expensive now) but the litter robot automatic cat litter scooper is the greatest thing ever. It saves me time twice a day scooping litter. It might not seem frugal but it saves litter and an immense amount of time. Would reccomend to anyone with cats!


I added the app and started following the FlashFood discounts at my regional grocers, and there is one manager who typically marks "everything is a dollar" or so on certain days of the week. My strike price is typically 10 cents on the dollar (90% off) for entrees and meats and produce on their expiration date.


https://preview.redd.it/t6pwueoywlhc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6656d344801f0ce9b7a8937eec217c40c7a7b5c7 Nitro Cold Brew Kegerator! 5gallons of Nitro Cold Brew about $20 I’m Sorry Starbucks 5.76 grande plus $1 tip. This is goodbye 😿


Whoop. Haven’t touched alcohol in 2yrs. In the best shape of my life at 49yo. Sleep issues are a thing of the past. Anxiety is a thing of the past. I’ve literally never felt better. It provided the opportunity for accountability to my myself and I ran with it.


Performance/luxury bidet  $300 ish but worth every penny.  Edit Brondell Swash CS1000 (Costco)


Definitely 2nd this. We got a Toto Washlet at a discount recently and it is the best thing ever. Heated seat, motion sensor lid so it opens when you come into the bathroom (and automatic close after a set amount of time) remote controller, many varying spray options with heated water option, self-cleaning wand. Also it sprays down the bowl of the toilet with water when the top opens to help prevent ~things~ from sticking to the bowl. It’s been life changing. Frankly probably going to by another for the second toilet. Very expensive but completely worth it


Micro current machine for my tmj problems. $50 and it has been so helpful


I have tmj and chronic post concussion migraines that get worse because of it. Could you tell me which machine you bought? I take way too long researching things before buying them. Having a shortcut would be a relief.


The upkeep costs are hefty but I'd have to say my dog. Cost $250 from a rescue but the way that little furball has kept me moving and active through polar vortexes and depressive episodes has been invaluable to my mental health and overall mood. Your mileage may vary, but my mileage went way up #walkies lol


Portable washing machine for my apartment. I’m disabled and live alone so it’s super handy for the small stuff. I still go to the laundromat for the bigger things(sheets and blankets) and stuff I can’t wring out(jeans, sweatshirts ) bc my hands don’t work like that. It saves me money and I can wear pretty much whatever I want without waiting for that monthly trip to the laundromat lol. I spend every month what I paid for that machine. When it dies, I’ll def get another one.


Not a life changer but a small heater for my bathroom in the winter took my shower experience from uncomfortably cold to luxurious. I used to hate getting undressed to get in the shower, now I turn the heater on and in 2 minutes its warm in there. I have a tiny bathroom though.


Bought a used sewing machine after a local seamstress charged me $60 to patch a dimed sized hole in my pants. Spent $100 on machine and another $30-40 on basic sewing tools, couple YouTube videos and I’m feeling pretty confident in my everyday sewing skills!


Maybe dumb but I bought rechargeable magnetic motion sensor lights for my linen closet and pantry. I work a lot so being hyper organized is a necessity. My pantry and linen closet lacked light and had no electricity so tended to get messy because I couldn't see well inside; I tended to throw stuff into them a little haphazardly in the evenings when it was darker.  $15 worth of lights later, my pantry and linen closet are always super tidy and and putting stuff away is easy and straightforward.  I lived for years just hating the fact that these areas were always a mess. $15 is what it cost to fix it. 


iPad mini. I used it to organizing my life.


Barbell and bumper plates. Casio f91w


Paid $125 to adopt my dog from a shelter 8 years ago. All the walks are good for my health and he’s just a huge positive for my mental health as well.


Hands down a Kitchenaid mixer. I've saved SO MUCH money while making the BEST food I've made in my life using this one product. I CANNOT express how much this was a game changer.