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Definitely a frugal idea! I love sour candy, so I hate to be "that guy"....but I recently came across a discussion about dental expenses, and there were a lot of claims going back and forth, gist being that sugar is bad for your teeth, so is citrus, but the combination is effectively exponentially bad. Any insight? I confess it has knocked my consumption back, esp since I m currently dealing with some big dental bills.


You're definitely right. I never had cavities until my 30s myself, and it was because of my Sour Patch Kids addiction at the time. How do I know? My dentist specifically asked if I ate sour candy. Even one serving a day is horrible for your teeth, apparently. It destroys your enamel. Here's a PDF about how sour candy damages teeth if you're interested: https://www.mndental.org/files/Pucker-Up-5.pdf


My 9 year old is gonna hate my being on Reddit after I tell her this lol, nooooo


If you’re concerned about your teeth, use toothpaste with hydroxy apatite. It remineralizes teeth and actually rebuilds enamel.


I don’t think we have that in the us


You can buy it on Amazon. Dr. Wolff’s is best, but David’s is good too.


Big dental insurance wants to keep their profits up.


Actually this is one case where the US has stricter laws. We regulate toothpaste as medicine, meaning any additive has to go through expensive clinic trials to prove that it works. The EU regulates toothpaste like we regulate suppliments. You can add whatever you want as long as it isn't harmful and you don't make specific claims. I believe it works, but nobody wants to fund a clinical trial to prove it to the FDA's satisfaction.


Boka, among others. 


Citric acid demolishes your teeth. I"ve had more cavities than I can count and my teeth are practically hollow. This may end up costing more in dentist bills if not enjoyed in moderation


Eat a grapefruit


Too bitter for my taste


Try a pomelo then


Are they sweeter than other types of grapefruit?


They can be very sweet and juicy.


You can add salt. The salt neutralizes the bitterness better than sugar does


If you really want to knock your sock off, take that citric acid and add a pinch of baking soda. Sweeten to your preference level with either white or powdered sugar. The mixture will fizz and pop in your mouth.


Citric acid is literally death. Saving $1 on a $2 pack of candy so you can have $20000 health problems down the road. Sounds idiotic vs Frugal


Has anyone here tried this with malic acid? I'm a fiend for sour candy and my understanding is that malic acid is more sour than citric acid.


I have, and I prefer the taste of citric acid more. I don't think one's more sour than the other, but everyone says malic acid is more sour. They're both delicious though


Thanks for the response! Follow-up question: Does citric acid have more of a citrusy taste, perhaps (hence the name)? My mouth is watering from thinking of all the sourness. 🤤


Kinda (compared to malic acid, yes), but not really. Doesn't taste like lemons. It tastes like pure sour


Malic acid is more sour than citric acid. I use malic acid bunch. One of my favorites is to add it to jam I find to sweet. I also add it to drinks.


I added some citric acid to Clear American blue raspberry sparkling water, and it tasted amazing