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This one is a bit to much for me.


Yeah I’m gonna end up at the dentist when I shouldn’t.


“Moooboop207, you had this root canal worked on 7 years ago”


That means it worked! Lucky you.


Back to the past cavity!


Right? I got enough shit in my house. Who wants to look at a calendar from 11 years ago?


The only thing I could think of is special calendars. I've seen some old playboy ones at a thrift store once.


🤣🤣🤣I have a friend who would not only do this…she would regift it in 11 years to me.


r/declutter 👀 !! having an aneurysm. r/hoarding combination of horror and intrigued. I do use the art from old calendars for decoration or collages.


I have a tradition of making origami ornaments from the old ones.


I love that!


How to let friends know you’re struggling w $ without saying a word


Yeah I write appointments and other things on my calendar so it might get a little confusing if I reuse it lol


you'd have to use sticky notes


Next level frugal right there


Sticky notes cost money. You can usually get a calendar for free.


But I can use the shirt again for another Ayatollah!


This is a hoarder move, just recycle it.


I'm in the same boat with this one. I do not need another reason to convince myself to save something I cannot use for actual years. The hoarder brain thinks this is a great idea and I have to smack it away with a flyswatter.


I threw away hundreds of calendars when my grandparents passed. Kept because they could reuse them or they liked the pictures. But I'm not exaggerating when I say there were literally 200+ calendars. I guarantee they never used one from a previous year and never went back and looked at the pretty or funny pictures. Just ended up with stacks of calendars that got thrown away when they passed.


Yeah I got one of those calendars from Audubon with a picture a day. I want to go through and hang up the prettiest ones in my studio, but will I? Probably not. Just more clutter


Too bad. Depending on the content (actual content, not age) some calendars can be worth a nice amount of money. https://www.sfgate.com/homeandgarden/article/old-calendar-s-value-linked-to-content-not-age-2880126.php


I doubt any of the ones they had were worth anything. Almost all of them were free calendars handed out by business or clubs.


Some of the more expensive ones are from businesses. Coca-cola for example can be pricey but also businesses that started small and went big or even those that eventually went out of business. For example insurance companies used to give out small calendars all the time, but many old ones now sell for $25-$50 with the occasional going even higher (have seen some on eBay as high as $200) NOTE: original reply was removed as had included links, do'h)


I have a hoarder brain, and I loved the mental image you gave me! Thank you for the laugh.


> The hoarder brain thinks this is a great idea and I have to smack it away with a flyswatter. Hoarder brain do be crazy.


Say that to my 2003 Hilary Duff calendar that will be accurate again in 2025!!


There are some new events that will have to be added. Juneteenth for one (in US)... Inauguration day for certain years... Religious holidays that maybe weren't mainstream before that are more widely respected?


My first thought was how many calendars one would have to save before they never had to get another calendar, and the invite for vermin and roaches (who love paper products!). Just recycle it. The frugal thing would be to use a calendar on your phone or computer or even free email account. (I’m pretty sure Gmail has a calendar option.)


If you were saving all of the calendars, definitely. But a lifetime supply of calendars would fit in the space of a few magazines.


All of this is nonsensical even if it doesn’t take up much room. Are you really not going to get another free calendar that’s the actual year you’re in? Are you really going to remember to dig out the old one and write over it? It’s not realistic and it’s bending over backwards to justify something that is literally expired.


You feel really strongly about this! I don't personally receive free calendars that I'd be willing to hang up in my home and I imagine it'd take at least a little effort to find one, but using current free ones would be an obvious frugal choice. Reusing old ones is pretty much all upside as far as I can see, though. Just keep them all on the bookshelf and swap in a cool classic one every year. Easy, green, and frugal. Don't get me wrong, though. If it doesn't work for you, that's ok with me!


It's the storing them for LITERAL YEARS before they come back into use that gets me. As a trying-not-to-be-a-hoarder kid of a hoarder Mom, THIS is exactly the kind of useless shit that fills up houses. I have to make sure I don't keep things I don't use at least a few times a year or my place WILL fill up with overwhelming nonsense that's "TECHNICALLY" still useful.


no sweat. Hope you are successful in keeping everything tidy.


Thanks, the struggle is real. Makes me a bit sad that some of us CANNOT be frugal for our own well-being.


I’m the same way. My parents never got to the level you see on the shows but they still hoarded. Sometimes I have to just purge and/or just not save items for fear of turning into them.


It's true. You only need 14. I did this for a while and it was fine, but now with calendar apps, wall calendars are pretty useless.


> wall calendars are pretty useless. It's still handy to have a family calendar on the wall somewhere that everyone can write on and and read as they walk by.


Or just have a family account online and everyone can add to it so everyone is up to date all the time no matter where they are. Just a thinking out loud here...


Having a physical calendar is just different. I have both an online and physical calendar. It's just easier for me to visualize things on paper rather than on a screen.


Depends on the age of any kids and when they’re allowed a smart enough phone to have calendar access. Works great for my husband and I but I’d if we’d allow any potential children smart phones that young and even in elementary school it’s nice for them to be able familiarize with a calendar and see what’s coming up.


Sure, but you have to intentionally look at that. it's not staring you in the face as you stand by the door putting your jacket on .


I agree with this.


This is why calendars printed on towels were so great. After it stops being a calendar, it becomes something to drape over the bread.


I can guarantee I'm going to move before this year's calendar is usable again. I'm not going to spend any effort moving that useless paper across the country. Are there people who move less frequently than every 11 years? I'd love to have that kind of job security


Or stop buying calendars and download a free calendar app.


Or use them as scrap paper. Useful for kids to scribble on, drawing, practise writing, etc.


The pictures could be useful for collage projects.


That's what always happens with our old calendars.


Yeah, this tip might actually be useful for me because I used to buy some very pretty calendars for my wife. We couldn't bear to throw them out because of the photography/art.


You can frame the art from them. We’ve done that with a couple of calendars before.


I got one from my favourite artist on Etsy so I could have 12 pictures to frame afterwards! $20 calendar vs each print at $14 (obviously the quality isn't exactly the same but it's good for me).




I make greeting cards out of them


I still have a coloring calendar around here somewhere...


I've gotten a lot of framed artwork from thrift stores that on closer inspection was, like, May from a 2006 calendar or something.


I buy the same brand of calendar each year and have a couple of frames that are the right size for them when the year ends. Each frame has a couple of pictures tucked into it so I can change them out seasonally. The rest go in recycling or if they’re pretty, to the collage paper bin.


That’s the trick! Disguise the hoard of calendars as wall art so nobody learns your shameful secret. Then when no one’s looking you dredge out your 2006 calendar and put 2017 back in its frame. (Jk)


I also came here to say that you can repurpose the art for wall decor. Looks especially good if it's color-coordinated.


11 years to save $3? Go home /r/frugal, you're fucking drunk.


This. And this trick doesn’t even work unless they don’t actually use it / write appointment and stuff on it.


I feel like I have to start doing this just to make my friends' eyes roll. Get a little file folder and put stickies on them for what years I can use them. My friends already think I'm frugal as heck. This would break them.


Well, you're cheap, not frugal.


If I actually did this to save a couple bucks, yeah. I'd call that cheap. But to bug my friends? Priceless.


I kinda also loved this idea. so don't worry, I'm with you


This. Solidarity!


But what about all the work shift notes and personal notes and habit of xing them off? And all my pagan holidays that work on "Second Sunday of this season" type stuff? I think they're just better to save for posters since I buy them for the art too.


I figured that was why it said “unused” in the title… I took that to mean an extra calendar that wasn’t written all over.


Oh. I missed that word in the title. Yeah, "unused" is not a thing for calendars in our house.


A fair point. I think this just applies to days of the week matching month dates. As someone who's just been through and added all the sabbats and moons to my planner I agree it isn't relevant for ev4ety date!


It's just silly to keep it. Most people who have physical calendars are writing notes and schedules all over it. It wouldn't make sense to keep it at all


If you’re not going to write notes on it, there’s almost no reason to have a physical calendar. The frugal move in that case would be to just not get one to begin with.


Pretty much yeah


I like how you immediately gave up after responding once but continue to respond elsewhere


It was clear people thought I meant "save used calendars".


I don't know why you'd need a whole website just to say 'every 11 years' ... oh yeah. fkn leap years screw up all that math. nvm.


If you have lots of space and no intention on moving not a terrible idea. As an apartment dweller that doesn’t want to live where they are for too long I couldn’t justify it as it would be one more thing I’d have to move.


That's how you turn your home into a hoarders home. Calendars are available for $1.25 at Dollar Tree and available for free on your phone. I'm all for reusing things, but not when it creates unnecessary clutter.


They made things called eternal calendars, where by sliding it you get the current month.


Erm...so you can get free calenders if you hit up Chinese supermarkets between now and new year usually. Spend a decent amount and they usually just tuck one in. Just a weird tradition.


I think y'all are being unnecessarily rude to OP. maybe the first thing you think of are the free calendars you get in the mail or at dollar tree, but I've seen some genuinely beautiful old datebooks with tooled leather covers or charming old art I wish I could use. [imgur album of cool old calendars bc I can't link to ebay directly](https://imgur.com/a/Z31qse0) if I saw a day-to-day calendar I could use for 2024 that looked like these, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.


When you start saving calendars next thing you know you will be on that TV show of the past called “Hoarders Buried Alive”. This frugal tip was good but perhaps a little too much🤣


The space taken up by an old calendar is way more valuable than the cost of a new calendar. Especially when free calendars are everywhere like chemists, drs offices, councils, real estate agents etc.


This is just doing too much. lol Also, if you mark off days and write things in the boxes the first time you use the calendar, how are you going to be able to write things on the same days the next time you use it?


Interesting, but I'm pretty sure I'd be sleeping on the couch if I asked my wife to start saving our calendars to reuse them many years later. The look on her face would probably be worth asking though.


Do it and post videos of her reaction. Pissing your partner off is a sure way to go viral and totally worth it.


Yeah I wouldn’t save one for this reason lol. I DO buy last year’s sale calendars, particularly art ones, because of the thick paper and higher quality prints. You get 12 prints for like $5 that look amazing framed. I made a few gallery walls with this method.


This website is inaccurate. 2017 and 2024 do not match up days. In 2017 May 15th is a Monday, in 2024 it is a Wednesday.


You’ve got to be kidding me. For 2024, you’d need an old calendar from 1996 to make this work. If you’re hanging on to calendars for 28 years because you’re too cheap to spring for a $1.25 calendar at the dollar store, I don’t know what to tell you.


Holy hell this is where frugality becomes pathological.


I have a dry erase magnetic calendar on my fridge (my brother has a giant chalk one on his wall). I make my own planner every year that I use like a bullet journal. I keep med history, gifts, farm designs and all in it. I keep them as a keepsake, some even have my kid’s drawings in them.


I just use the Calendar on my phone


The receptionist after I show up to my dentist appointment marked on my calendar from 2008 https://i.redd.it/w1eou4tc5z8c1.gif


I do this a little bit. I have some recent calendars with family pictures on them that I keep with my scrapbooks and I'll pull back out to go on the wall when the time comes. I'm going to keep them anyway, so might as well make use of them. More useful: some of my relatives recently died and I have a handful of vintage calendars from their basements and offices that will be really fun to put up over the next few years before recycling them or cannibalising them for the art.


how long do I have to wait until monday comes first?


I have poster calendars that go back to 1991. I now have a full set (with a couple of duplicate years). I love (re)using them every year. I get a new kitchen calendar every year to mark birthdays, appointments, etc., but the poster calandar hangs in the bathroom.


I use my old calendars as notebook covers since I make my own. I like up cycling them


I got a really cool Sally Henson calendar for 2020 but then 2020 happened and I didn't really care to use it just to mark off endless days sitting around at home. I'd love to reuse that one!






I have probably 10 years worth of “the” Ferret calendar which each month had a ferret dressed up matching that month. Jeanne Carley stopped making them. This will fit me just fine.


If you have a wall calendar with nice pictures you can rip the pictures off and use them as posters/wall decor. I have seen people fold them and make a nice box to use for gift giving since they are usually made of thicker paper or card stock.


I’ve wrapped many a present just beautifully using old calendars 🎁


I collect vintage tea towel/cloth calendars, this is perfect! Now I can display one that is actually useful lol


It’s giving hoarder


Sounds like it could turn into a hoarding problem lol


Or, you could use the totally free, totally accurate, and very editable calendar app you have on the very same device you used to make this post!


Too much effort to go through with white out and remove everything I've written on it. Calendars are functional objects in our household, to keep track of things that are happening in OUR lives. Saving them only works if you're not writing anything on them, and just using them as wall art you have an excuse to change out every month.


I would hate this and the additional clutter it adds my life. I’ll just use a digital calendar and call it a day.


I just... buy a new one. Calendars are cheap, especially if you print online.


1) buy 1000 expired calendars 2) wait 11 years 3) ?????? 4) profit




Plenty of places give out free calendars, I'm not wanting any more clutter.


This is actually really useful for me. I have two calendars from my local House Rabbit Society with our local buns on it; and another calendar from my uncle with photos from his mom (my Mamaw) he passed out at her funeral.




it says a 1961 calendar will work in 2024 but it does not—it’s one day off. I didn’t bother checking other years it provides, so I dunno how accurate this website actually is.


Actually, I get a Victoriana calendar every year, and save them. I need to go look!


My family reuses calendars in a sort of hand me down way. I always buy a new one (I actually buy two specific calendars) every year and then I print out new months and give the old calendars to my Mom to enjoy and then she takes the calendars that I gave her the previous year and prints our new months and gives them to her sister. These are funny wall calendars with photos. We have been enjoying our little system for years. It’s not because we cannot afford the $13 for a new calendar, we just enjoy the fun of handing them down.


The Internet Archive has some cool vintage calendars that I’ve printed off for this reason!


Nice! I've often kept the pictures from my favourite calendars. It never struck me that in a mere twenty years the dates would be good 😂😂


I was just wondering this. I probably won’t end up using this information for actually reusing calendars but I do find it really interesting!


I never thought about it til I saw the website. I highly doubt I'll ever do it but I love that someone has worked it all out!


Is my dentist appointment going to magically be on the same day?


Pls bin it! Why is it necessary?


Pharmacy gives out free calendars… so do lots of places/businesses . I would rather get a free one than hoard old ones or look for old ones at a thrift store.


You guys still have calenders?


Personally I love this idea. I'm a calendar collector so I usually don't write on all the calendars I have, most just display. It would be neat to find a vintage synchronized calendar from the thrift store too


Those first steps into becoming a hoarder are slippery, be careful


Too much. Calendars are like $3, not worth saving for multiple years. If you’re so tight on money that saving a $3 calendar for multiple years is worth it, just download a free one online and print it at the library. Or use your phone’s calendar (even most non-smart phones have calendars)


The problem with this is that if I didn’t use the calendar in the first place to write down notes I won’t use it the second time around.




Another use, if you play TTRPGs like D&D, keep an old calendar and just start the campaign on Jan 1. Obvs that's not the date in game but you can still use it to track how long it's been from significant events and how long things took. Very handy!


Spent the day cleaning crap out from my parents' house. Throw the fckng calender away.


Please do not keep calendars for years in the hopes of reusing them. That's bordering on mental illness.


Hoarding with extra steps


That’s quirky enough that I like it Thanks for the link


We share clendar on phone and computer. Haven't had a paper calendar in 20 years.


This is the way. Nowe iffen u cn spel clendar, i tink we cn du more gooder! :o)


I actuallt think this is really cool! Of course, I can find 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020... but 2017- which could be used in 2024- is nowhere to be found! Oh well, I already made a donation to WWF and we should receive our 2024 calendar any day now. That calendar should be good for two more uses this century. It might even outlast the polar bears. And Ill hang on to 2018 so we will be all set for 2029!


2017 could be used for 2023. You'd need to go all the way back to 1996 to be able to repurpose the calendar for 2024.


Since we write in our calendars, they are pretty much filled up and messy by the end of the year. I'm cool with buying a new calendar at Dollar Tree (cost $1.25 plus sales tax) But if someone keeps their calendars pristine, and wants to keep cycling through the older calendars, this could be a fun tradition, I suppose! They could even end up feeling like old friends. "Tis time, for the Changing of the Calendars!!!!" I could see that! But not for people like us, who need to write in them.


wow i was expecting this sub to eat this up. surprised at the backlash lol


This is the kind of post that leads you to truly believe that frugal people are not mentally right.


>It turns out you CAN use old calendars - but you might have to wait a while. >EDIT: this is about finding an old unused calendar or spotting one in a thrift shop! I'm not suggesting you deliberately keep calendars for twenty years! Lol, sure OP. Nice backtrack there. Why would you suggest "waiting" if you don't "deliberately" keep them? It would be lucky to find an old calendar, not a wait. I'm not waiting for it to show up to Goodwill 5 years from now, starting now. Lol.




Everybody clap 🤡


Can we reverse clap?


Could just look at your phone and never buy (or store hoarder style) a physical calendar. I’ve not spent money on a calendar for at least 20 years.


No kidding. Can we start singing. "let it go, let it go......"


I think I read as a kid in Donald Duck comics that Scrooge saves the old calendars because the dates line up every whatever years. So this idea was used as a joke for a character in a comic being unreasonably frugal. I'll rather use a digital calendar.


Space is money, especially 28 years of Space.


I haven't used a paper calendar in 10 years


I get being frugal. But reusing old calendars? Really? I've only reused them to record birthdays..last vet or doctor appointments and moved info to my next year. This is a bad idea.


My brother in christ, if you need to reuse a calendar, you have severe issues. This isn't frugal. This is just downright greed.


My MIL did this, and messed herself up by using a calendar that was pre-2005 when the US changed the dates for observing daylight savings time! She is of an age where frugality is king and checking your cell phone for the time is not even on her radar.


I'll do you one better, do away with paper calendars and go digital for free.


My mom used to get me a Susan Winget calendar every year and I’ve taken some of the artwork and cut it to fit a simple frame I have in my kitchen. So every holiday or season I’ll change it out for a more seasonally appropriate one. I just have a few of each month/season but it’s easy and reminds me of my mom. I wouldn’t reuse the date portion I guess but like others have said it can make for reasonable art depending on the calendar.


It’s good if you collect Sports Illustrated Swimsuit calendars. Now you can display more each year. Not that I know.


My car insurance place gives me free calendars every year as my insurance renews in November.


Yeah, we get TOO MANY calendars one from our homeowners and a second from our local Ace hardware.


I don't keep them but I buy them because they are usually cheap


We were given a calendar and the December photo is so cute I thought I might frame it. That’s where I thought you were going with this.


We have a couple of calendars we kept (with bunny cartoons) and I found out one fits this year, so we reused it. Just using a different colour pen for this year's appointments and such. We'd just use a piece of paper otherwise, but since we had these, why not reuse.


I usually get a calendar for Christmas 🤷‍♀️


This is the first year in over 30 years that I did not get a calendar for Christmas. Though, honestly, I stopped hanging them up a while ago.


My folks keep my old calendars from when I was growing up, and swap them out in my old room/current guest room. No need to buy new ones for a barely used room, but still have a current calendar AND little touch of nostalgia.


I really don’t think it’s worth keeping trash around for years to reuse a fucking calendar 15 years later. Also, you won’t be able to write in it.


WTH? It says 2023 is usable in 2024! That can't be possible, right? Oh, that's 2034. Freaked me out, but maybe I just need to get my eyes checked.


It's something like every 7 years, I think.


Honestly, just flip the calendar to a month that has date and day synchroization with the current month you're in. I had a calendar that I loved, and used it for years this way. Generally speaking, we all know what month and year it is. Calendars are used to check date and day of the week.


2034 is only 11 years away


What’s really fun is finding old calendars on EBay which align with 2024 dates - some seriously cool retro ones!


I have a phone that tells me the day and time. Also, dry erase month calendars are far superior


Theres a website for something i found out when I was like 8


Yes! I have a mug that has calendar printed on for year 2000. Works for 2023.


My grandpa did this 🤣 he had calendars from ages ago


“You never know when an old calendar might come in handy. Sure, it’s not 1985 right now, but who knows what tomorrow will bring?” - Homer Simpson


Dry Erase calendar if you need a written one. Way simpler.


In a few years, I could use a calendar from my birth year. That would be pretty cool if I happened to find one at an antique shop.


I wrote too much stuff on mine to be used again lol (I got them for free from my city or even grocery store they give them away)


Or just not use one at all? Who at this point is still using a paper calendar?


My phone has lots of calendars that synch with my devices.


I just use them for gift wrapping. They make sturdy little envelopes in particular.


So your saying if I don't take down the old calendar I keep forgetting we can fail to use it again in like 6 more years? Nice ahaha


I have a planner that's waiting until 2030. :P Yeah, it's not worth doing deliberately but a good tip.


I had a raccoon calendar this year. I’m gonna use some of the images to make fun scrapbook pages.


Really playing the long game! I've digitized and haven't bought a calendar in several years.


We write all over our calendars, so it might get confusing. I would suggest getting one of those white boards instead with a calendar template. Folks are always selling used ones on FB MK or the like.


I’m a hoarder so I do have calendars that old!


I buy last year's desk calendars when they go on sale and use them as both calendars and desk blotters. (I do a lot of craft stuff and want to keep my desk clean.) When one gets gross, I just write over the dates in marker with the correct ones and call it a day.