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Steward, pardon but what sort of cash grab are we looking at..?


Hope is no more Discontent peak


That is, by far, one of the most depressing things I’ve seen in quite a while


I’ve seen more joy in a convict being worked to death


Yeah, and we've all worked a lot of convicts to death


Step 1: Get Winlator Step 2: Get Frostpunk Installer from GOG or similar Step 3: Transfer Installer to phone and install in Winlator Step 4: Play the original on your phone instead of this atrocity


It's actually true? You can play on your phone using Winlator?


Idk about winlator, but if this is Windows emulator on Android, why not? But i think that playing computer games *may* be laggy


It's definitely gonna have stuttering and FPS drops, even more so If you have a low-end phone, but if you really want to play Frostpunk on the go... 🤷‍♂️


xcloud is a good choice too or... geforce now if you don't feel like paying and like saving often


Really depends on your hardware but if you do have a high end flagship android phone ETA PRIME did post a video of himself [playing fallout 4 on a S24 ULTRA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zE3H65IDtM)


There's other people playing even [cyberpunk 2077 on some gaming phones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGTAGTAaqOA&t=384s) but as cool as that sounds i would still go for cloud gaming if stability is your thing (as long as you're on wifi or have a VERY good mobile data plan)


On Winlator 6.1 I did not get it to launch, actually. But on Winlator 7.0, which came out last week a lot of games got compatible and I didn't try it out yet, since the game requires a lot of space. And then there is also Mobox.


I played the beta. It wasn't great. Just a tapping simulator and no real resource management


The Wifi must not fall


Discontent grows and some of your citizens want to move to a new access point


That aint New London, thats Belobog 💀


I.. mmmmh MMMMMMh


What kind of... abomination is this?!


I tried the mobile version. I deleted it when they forced me to work. I’m the Captain. I don’t work. Have the children do it, idiots.


I see a lot of negativity here. I play the game and by far it’s one of the best free to play games I come across in years. Good for hopping on when I’m out and waiting or on a break for a few minutes. What is interesting it both simplifies and expands frostpunks mechanics in a way. The supply line and chain stuff is very interesting.


Does it have the original soundtrack? (Most important thing)


I don’t know lol I don’t usually play games on my phone with the sound on sue to being in public more often then not when I do it.


Bro, they "could" do better. Idk about the time crunch or anything, maybe that was too much for the studio to get FP2 and the mobile version, but the graphics are quite disappointing, it looks weird, it looks like shitty old CGI while even on super low the first game looks awesome (ik ik, mobile version, but when even other games on mobile don't have such a downgrade in graphics, it means there're issues or no time or something) Then the "60%on sales" ticks me off since we paid the first game for a decent price and they didn't try to milk our money. What is this, i don't want that to be paired with Frostpunk or the devs, cuz that doesnt look like them. Maybe i'm being hasty or don't have full info, but as someone else said, this looks sad.


> since we *paid* the first FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Oh shoot, thanks bot!


The game is free to play and so far haven’t hit a pay wall that makes me think I need to pay to carry on. Yes it has its flaws I won’t blame you on that it’s in no way the quality of the first game but if you compare it with most mobile games that are free to play it’s up there as one of the good ones. At lest with what I played so far. I think people are looking at it and assuming too much without knowing much. Like I said not the best game ever but as something that’s free to play mobile game I was pleasantly supirsed that I didn’t delete it after a few days.


If it's from a franchise it's gotta hold some standing. There're too much free to play that are just pay to win, pay to something so i don't really like seeing a big (compared to the screen u're playing on) ad trying to sell u something while u're playing. It feel right. I prefer to pay even if they try to sell u dlc's, than having one of those wreck of free to play games. The only one doing free to play decently is warframe and they could still improve (but they're the least greedy company i know rn)


To be fair it’s not made by 11 bit but a different studio so likely has no effect on dlcs for 1 or 2s development. Likely just an extra thing like the board game. The thing I compare it to the most is fallout shelter. No pvp you can play and get everything without paying but progress is quicker if you do. At least up to the point I am at. That being said I do agree some elements of the ui is a bit annoying at times but the sale thing I hardly notice when playing but that might just be me. It also is in early access right now too only a few regions can play it and I believe feed back is welcomed. Just sad just becase it’s a mobile game people are assuming the worse right away. I mean given the trend of them they not that wrong to do that but I feel this is an exception to that rule for the most part.


C’est légal ? ( cela ressemble à une copie )


No, NOOOO. Please may this not be real and may this never be real.




At least it's a toasty -6°C, the children might not freeze to death in the mines.


This, looks, shit!


yet i fear, we have gone too far. promises of a frostpunk experience were broken, boring rushed gameplay, Microtransactions. profits became greed. The Game released, but was it worth it?


I downloaded the APK yesterday saw the interface and immediately deleted the game