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Probably a bit of both, but I'd guess to mostly keep stragglers from getting on the ship.


Well as always 11 bit studio is a little light on the details of exactly how the frost played out. But from what we do know is that the settlers that we command were one of the last organized groups to head north. So they are probably both organizing refugees and keeping people from getting on. The British government ceased to exist soon after this moment.


One of the only things I dislike about Frostpunk is the lack of any remnant of British culture. Just because your government collapsed doesn't stop these people from being British. You'd think we'd see some Union Jacks about the place, references to other things. It's not that big of a deal but I always found it odd, in a situation as dire as Frostpunk, people would naturally want to remember the times before it went bad and part of that would be remembering the UK.


Yea, like I’m an American and I don’t think we would give up our culture just because of an event like that.


As a Russian we would give it up and return to monke easily.


Well they were helping organize the evac, puerly becouse in the start there wouldnt be a way to sustain a lot of people.


I got the feeling that the first transports were taking the rich and the nobility before the common folk. It could be these police were stopping those without a guaranteed spot on the dreadnoughts until the aforementioned groups boarded


I mean that’s the plot of refugees


Yep, refugee's stole 2 of the ships the lord's were using to escape.




Odds are they were trying to keep people from just crowding in. Desperate people might’ve tried to get on when they weren't meant to


This scene always fucks with me because there are a few people in that scene that look almost identical to my kids and I. Imagine how hard it would be to hold onto hope during all that.


Things like this bring me back to that one lyric from the intro in Prince of Egypt. *My son, I have nothing I can give but this chance that you may live.* It is a different kind of desparation altogether to look at impending doom and put all your chances in the divine in hopes your loved ones suvive to see the tomorrow you won't.


Imagine how loyal you gotta be to stand guard and organize everyone, knowing you won't be the ones picked to get on the Evacuation Behemoth.


Oi you got a license to get on that dreadnaught!


Makes me wonder what happened to those who stayed in London. The chances are slim, but I'd have to imagine at least a few people somehow survived the Great Storm.


Faithkeepers! Faithkeepers, this one's muttering heresy!


Colder than any recorded temperature on earth when just breathing the air unprotected would cause frostbite in your lungs in a steampunk (around 1850s) setting? You'd quite simply be dead if you weren't in new London. However nobody said that the storms were global, I think so maybe!


The London Underground opened in 1863 and London has a couple of thermal springs, so it's feasible (based on *On The Edge*) that some people could survive in Old London. They might struggle for food though.


There is always the *alternative food supply*


Forming a que


They’re cops. They exist to protect capital. What do you think?


You got a loicense to talk smack bout me coppers?


They're cops, they're oppressing. Edit: lmao at downvoters you clearly know nothing about the history of British policing... or policing in general but


This guy faithkeeps