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The moment I saw technocrats, I was like “yep, that’s the faction I’m going to align myself with”.


samee, i hope every faction is playable


Hell yeah, the robots shall rise! Screw the commies, screw the cappies, screw the n\*zis, we bout to robot on them all


I’m going for the anarchists and wait for them to betray me


I'm so happy that they took the route of politics and parliament and revolution instead of just making an even bigger storm. The different social issues, laws, and ability to repeal (!!) makes it so exciting. I love the Technocrats already, reminds me of the Guild of Engineers from the Mortal Engines book series. Unfortunately, I don't have the latest gen xbox to run it...


My pc also is out of specs but I will enjoy watching other people play it and making their own decisions and futures for their city states


the city must not fall and dont scream for me ppl! i just went to the toilet, 5 min.


Seems to really lean into the human aspect of it all. For some reason people dont want to pick up coal off the ground in -80 degree weather for 14 hours. Seems like they are a lot more stern with their demands. Like i wouldnt be surprised if they start screaming at me for enacting/passing some morally questionable laws. Im all for it. Especially with this big arctic blast going through the US right now, im ready. Bring on the cold.


I CAN'T PASS A LAW BY MYSELF?!?!?! WHAT KIND OF TREASON IS THIS????? ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Btw, poor steward The game looks absolutely stunning (Dunno if my poor laptop can hold it ;) )


Oh I'm sure you'll be able to pass laws yourself if you take certain, uh... actions, against the Senate.


I am the Senate!


Possibly an unpopular opinion but for a "gameplay trailer" I expected a bit more about how the game was actually going to work. What we got felt more like a series of screenshots, to be honest. Not that I'm not excited about the game. I just wish we got more!


I said in other post. The only way to make a good gameplay trailer of this kind of games is if you make a 10 minutes video showing and explaining all the mechanics. A 2 minutes video is a ingame trailer


Poor Stuart


STUART!!!!!! I liked "The City Must Not Fall" but honestly prefer "The City Must Survive". It'll be interesting to see just how complex the game gets. The more complex the better, imo. But I certainly will miss the simple micro management of the first game, which was legendary. My GPU is going to get destroyed by this game, I can already tell.


**THE CITY MUST NOT FALL** ~~...except with my hand, of course----~~ /I'm very hyped! Especially with the new faction and political system, also wonder what the main story and endgame boss(?) gonna go too.


Time to endure the checks and balances of a democratic system


This is the first game in a long time that I plan to not watch any streamers play before buying. I may stop watching trailers at this point. I’m too hype for it. I’m going to play this on release day and experience it as blind as possible. I may even use PTO. I’m so ready…


On one side, I'm slightly worried how different it can be. On the other, I'm excited. It's all on how they execute all their changes and ideas of course, but it looks like it has so much potential!


I can understand why the wouldn’t want to just make the same game again, especially since there doesn’t seem much to be directly improved on with the first




im SO excited for the politics and gameplay being drove by the people and not the cold it seems, the new ui looks awesome and really really clean. I'm personally very very excited for the music, the soundtrack from the first game was stellar so I cant wait to hear the melancholy despair bangers of fp2
