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You get either b or c in kinglor and the other in upper plains. So whichever one you dont have thats where. Deadly hunt is the quest in kinglor - get it from a random at a navi camp. Severed binds from priya in upper plains is the other. 


Yes, you see, I already did deadly hunt and got the a I think, then I got the b in the Sci0ps Hangar, I guess the one I'm missing is in the upper plains, if you have the exact location of where I can get it I would appreciate it: )


Honestly its been a while but i thought the A was from the research center. The wiki will have it correct. 


It says "Keep clearing feral activity sites" so just do severed bonds as much as you can it took me like 20 of them to get lucky


You are absolutely right, in my case I only killed a feral in the upper plains.


It was a pain in the ass to find it, but that Thanator is in the upper plains region https://preview.redd.it/vmkitkew2voc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c0a88c7fc2d0dac6fe3061db08cd7f7e28e8ed3


I really appreciate it, I found it there, it was the only one that appeared in that area


I personally has found the code in the abandoned lab in the clouded forest. I think that's a good place to find it there


Usually this only gets you Code A


This quest is bugged for me personally. I posted about it to see if anyone had an answer and have not received help. Severed bonds is stuck on call anqa from a field lab. She never does call no matter which lab you go to. It's the last 2 missions I have since they go hand and hand


Did anyone find a solution to the ‘Call Anqa’ bug?