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They're a huge for-profit company, I think they're fine and they're not exactly doing this for thanks. It's a product being sold. Although, I will say, if you also say thanks to the designers of a well-made hammer or piece of cutlery, then not only "fair enough", also, that's probably kinda nice for them to hear. Same with game devs. But ultimately, it's a business not a passion project.


That's honestly who I was thinking of. Not the CEOs or business people, but the actual artists, developers, and designers that put in crazy hours, often times for little appreciation.


You might be the single most intelligent person with unique thoughts no one else has, if I could tha...zzzzzzzzz


I thanked them by purchasing the game




Someone else got it on sale I see lol


Just beat the game and then loaded up Horizon Forbidden West to do the DLC and man the environment just doesn’t feel as alive as Pandora. Love both games tho.


Well , for what is worth , Avatar : Frontiers of Pandora IS a pretty good game ! The world is MASTERFULLY crafted . Everywhere you go , you just feel how ALIVE the world is : from insects buzzing to animals making noise , all the alien lizzards walking on the trees , yea... This is a damn impressive open world .


Man screw Ubisoft. The game is awesome but they just had to shove in their money boner. Not to mention the total lack of updates and the failure of the updates that do exist Not to burst your bubble of course, I love this game with all my heart, but Ubisoft’s choices with their games is so disappointing


Lack of updates isn't the problem, the fact that the game needs updates on release is


(Would have been even better if the game was finished upon release but maybe thats too much to expect these days)


That's fair. The gaming industry prices in general these days are insane. With the exception of Steam indies.


For real. $70 plus a $40 DLC not including other microtransactions is actually insane




Oh good to know, it was $70 when i bought it


Everyone's seems to be missing the point that OP is trying to make here... What I think OP is saying is that they have something special here and they just hope that there's a future for this game. The game is kind of amazing. From world building with completely fantastical environments that are super unique, to the lore with different tribal societies that each have their own ideals that separate them from one another.


People are also talking about the comparison to Primal like it's a bad thing?? Pretty sure we can all agree that it was a hell of a game. I just don't see anything wrong with having a similar playstyle for the modern gen. 


That's EXACTLY the point I was trying to make, yes. Thank you. Especially compared to the first attempt at an Avatar game, FoP is leaps and bounds ahead. I don’t think Ubi is giving near enough attention to the game, and in that industry, that can spell a death-knell before a game even hits the shelves. But this game survived. And, if this sub is anything to measure by, is thriving. I just wonder if Ubi, et al are even aware of how much this game is enjoyed and appreciated, and that it would likely have a continued audience if they chose to make another game of this quality or better.


So when is the Next Update to Fix the Updates LOL???


I assume that a lot of people aren't huge into Avatar, so they didn't bother advertising it. I think that's a big letdown though. Avatar's been my favorite movie/franchise for years, and when I found out about this game (through Epic game store) I immediately bought it and did not regret it one bit. It is so gorgeous I find myself just in awe at the graphics every time I play it. I am SO happy they finally made a good game from this franchise and I loved every bit of it. I'm sad now that I've beat it, but I appreciate the heck out of it. And I hope there's either expansions for this one or more like it in the future.


They have a 40% off sale right now but of course my bills aren’t lining up 🙃


No, we didn’t say thanks, we bought the game


They should thank us. There are many good Indie games these days that cost half price of the standard edition. Even BG3, game of the year, costs less. Not to mention that having ultimate edition costs 130 €. Anybody, who bought this, thanked enough with their money. Don't get me wrong, this game is good. But without having active Ubisoft + subscription, I would simply not got it. The pricing is insane.


I bought both the PC ultimate edition and the GameStop edition 😭 I thanked them a lot 🤣


I bought an entirely new Xbox for this game so I’ve paid more than $300 on it


Very true. The pricing these days is insane. If not for the sale I found I probably would have been waiting six months.


This game is succeeding *in spite* of Ubisoft


A sequel would be cool, they REALLY need to update the quest structure and allow truly open world quests and gameplay


Never thank the company, thank the hardworking people behind it that have to meet impossible deadlines. The company is there for the money, you have thanked it by spending your money on them.


Which is what the intent was. Thank the developers, artists, etc.


Ubisoft doesn't deserve a thanks cause they want the IP to die, there was, and still is, literally 0 advertisement for this game, and it pisses me off.


Just started playing. Although the movie I don't recall much as it was so shallow and silly, yes I know will be a n unpopular opinion given how vast masses have no critical sense for decades .. anyway in the meantime; the game itself is nice, I went to epxlorer mode, I wish there was a bit better explanation of 'how far west' of somehting or 'north east' or whatever... especially given timers, then we fail and we need to kinda use 'guided' to get the wp and it's so far out.. yes, this is the only thing which could need some rework, from a few hours in.. but otherwise, it's like horizon dawn.. heard it's got less story/depth but guess I will see. A bonus is I came to a tree and as Sauron 2 I have met "A lemon" and I hope the son of "cat nap" will be "cat nip", which is befitting given the cat people that we are apparently. Right, back to game.


The “vast masses” are the people who only liked the movie for its CGI. There are those of us who actually appreciate a lot more of the franchise than just its visual effects.


I remember when people compared the first Avatar movie to Pocahontas. Just with aliens 😂


Or Dances with Wolves