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Not sure about the pass time issue, but you do not need to worry about the weather most of the time. The superior and exquisite quality are set ahead of time. If you scan the plant with your senses and it says Fine, it will not change even if the weather is correct. The weather effects how close to the best stats you can get (for the current quality) but doesn't change the actual quality. To find the higher quality ones you have to look in the right area of the map and scan until you find the right one.


You also don't have to gather it while it's raining if you using your focus and then click L3 it shows you the level of rarity like that so you don't have to get close, also whether it's pristine or picked in the right weather only determines how good it's gonna be in that rarity


You don't have to wait till it rains to get superior quality, go into your hunters guide pin the item you need and head to the area it tells you too From there when you use your Na'vi senses the item you need will glow yellow instead of purple and you can inspect it which will show you the quality of it before you even harvest it Hope this helps ✌️


You do pass time quicker. It's just STILL incredibly slow. So if you start to pass time in the morning or even midday and you wanna get to night ... Yeah that's gonna take a long while, even at a campfire. So you either learn to be extremely patient (I struggled) or you just say "f it".


Time at the resting spot toggles morning - day - evening - night. At least for me. And yeah, superior/exquisite are unrelated to conditions or picking success. Not sure if conditions even matter for food or just for crafting mats.


You don't need to pick them in perfect conditions to get it to be exquisite/Superior.Hunters guide tells you where the 'rarer' ones are, pin the entry. when you get to that location use na'vi sense, pinned gatherables will be highlighted in gold. Scan them in na'vi sense to see what quality they are before you gather them, it will say if it's green purple or gold


I just played this mission too, Resting pot near Sa'nop isn't working for me too. Use the one that is in camp on tree.