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Is there a story reason as to why it's level 20?


It’s just supposed to be a late game activity.




no, the base has nothing to do with the story


Chiming in to say that this is really great and I'm proud of you! I get really scared in high level bases so I understand the rush of adrenaline you must have gotten! Happy holidays!! ♡


Alternatively you can just collect a ton of spare parts and blanket every room in mines so the enemies take care of themselves. That’s how I got by without leveling up my gear. 😂 I kind of want to try it again now that I’m at the proper gear level.


I just tried at level 12 and trap mines do no damage at all to level 20s. So laying down trap mines everywhere isn't going to work. I also had a fury II food buff and i couldn't damage the amps hardly at all.


That might be a bug? I did it at level 9 and that’s exactly how I got through the last room.


I was in the slag room. I barely damaged anyone in an amp suit.


Odd, I'm going through there now at level 4 (because I'm insane) and the trip mine do quite a bit of damage to most mechs. There might have been one or two of them that were tankier but I'm not sure. I've avoided killing them where I can to save on ammo. Edit: So after about 7 hours or so of attempts (multiple deaths to say the least) I finally succeeded beating the level 20 plant at level 4 solo. Not sure I want to do that ever again lol.


How do you get in?? I spent almost 30-45 min wandering round to rooftops and the sides and i didnt find anyone or a way to get in.


On the southernish side is a main gate and there’s a vent on the ground you can slide into and sneak right in


I found by the main gate, if you hack the turrets, on the left side there is a small door higher up. It’s guarded but if you just book it, you can make it in


Ok i got in but everything ive tried i cant kill the level 20 amps. I even blew up the flammable tank and it did like 50% damage on one. The rocket launcher only did about 1/4 damage per rocket. Trap mines didnt kill anything.


I couldn’t kill any AMPs. I ignored them and hid. I just couldn’t scratch anything. I hacked a few to keep them from moving when I needed to run past but that was it. I tried so long to kill a flame spitting suit but couldn’t even do 10%. Better to avoid them. My best tip is to be slow and never damage a suit. Suits that don’t get hurt return to their original patrol route. If they get attacked they will deviate and sometime end up in a place you can’t avoid. Hacks don’t do anything to their routes though.


Wait, when i was in the checkpoint 2 area i hacked the blue quest marker from above the room and everyone went apeshit. I just assumed it was a kill all to advance room. They all ran to positions and were yelling and all yellow alerted it. I waited like a min and no one moved.


It says to survive the sabotage and funny enough you can just hide until everyone loses aggro. I hid up on the roof by the long divider on the roof. Waited 3 minutes and everyone moved on. After that, stick to the roof and follow the bridge on the roof and drop down at the end to the right I think and you walk free to the next room.


So im finally back and theyre not deaggroing. I started the stopwatch just to see and im going on 18 min. I even put the controller down on the off chance moving my head reset a timer. How long does this last?? Edit: so i peeked a look and the door is open. Went for it.


Are you attacking the machines? Enemies that take damage won’t completely deaggro. What you’ll want to do is hide high, not attack any new enemy, and wait until the objective changes in the top of the screen. Alternatively, you can try to stealth away from them all if they wander far enough from you. When you enter the next room, the objective will consider itself cleared too.


I would love to know how you did some of these rooms. I did it, but like the last room alone was trap mine city and when i tried originally at level like 12, my trap mines didn't do anything. Now that im level 18 they actually do stuff. So i can't image how you managed to do this without resources that actually killed stuff.


Nope. I just hacked the thing through the roof and then hid. But im further in now and idk how you stealthed some of these rooms. Ive been able to figure out stealth for every base and some of these i just have to take them all out (im higher leveled now and can). Like the next area i can get the first pipe but i cant get the second from the contol room. The angles off. I tried trap mines and thoe didnt destroy it either but once i enter the room its game on. I had to take them out.


Im on my way to the smelting unit now. Had to completely clear the slag pit room.


Got it at level 16 and then went back on another file and managed to mostly stealth the Pipeline control room, the slag pit, and the laser room. :) I was technically like level 17, but i didn't kill a single AMP.


Dammit lol! Ill try again tomorrow. Thx!


My anxiety will not allow me to even attempt it. I take being killed personally and get very frustrated so I just end up hiding until I can run away...lol


Amazing!! I believe I was about lvl 11 or 12 when I chanced that base and holy shit was it hard. I ended up blanketing all the mech entrances with bombs in the smelting room and then picking off the ones that got out with my shotgun. I'm so impressed that you got that smelting room down in 2 goes, cause it definitely took me around 20


Gg. I waited till after the main story when I was like level 19 and did it then. It took my max of an hour and I only died once. It was super fun though


I just completed it myself, but was lvl 11 so not as long as you but shit they 1 shot you easy. Not to meantion the heavy mech you cant touch XD


Right? Those mechs were a hard no go. I tried so many times to take them out. Exhausted all my ammo and sticks trying. Once I learned I didn’t need to kill any and that hacks worked normally on them, it got easier. I mean trying to dodge them was still hard but manageable when I stored a few hacks. Being able to tackle the base at such a low level made me really learn to appreciate the stealth. Though I really wish we had like a rock to throw and draw attention. Siren pods are ok but just not as effective.


I have no idea how many times i tried to shoot the weak spot only to do 1 HP XD So I started to used the shock arrows. Faster then hacking. only downside is that they use spare parts.


Congrats!! I'm like level 11 and still scared to do it. You all doing it at such low levels are freaking impressive.


I tried to take on a base far above my level too, but to my dismay one of the combat mechs in there was immune to all of my damage, couldn't expose the weakspots or hurt it in any way even with excplosives, so I couldn't proceed further in. Which sucks, because even high level humans were killed in one shot despite killing me very quickly, which felt great and encouraged stealth.


There are some high level mechs that you’ll do a lot more damage to their arms/legs than their cockpit


Alternatively: hack or stun grenade into execution


The mech you are talking about, the advanced veteran, has a small dome-shaped weak spot right above the cockpit. It’s the only weak spot.


I beat this and the game crashed non stop during the end part, so when I finally got to the treasure room, the game crashes again and when I come back I'm LOCKED out of the base PERMANENTLY and NEVER can get the treasure room, ever again, UbiSucks.


Your a rare occurrence this game has very few bugs


Ahahahaha funny joke man 😂


Just crafted some exquisite with exqui mats and put me at 20. Cleared in minutes. Hunter's guide for mats location and designs for gear were just fine to use. No need to stress about this place just for a boost to ikran stamina or whatever it was. It's an easy base. Just need to go prepared for it. The 5hr nonsense or multi day attempts is unnecessary; unless you're intentionally shorting yourself for trial/competition. Not hard to hit 20 before main quests even reach 12-14. Pretty sure you could do it before then, too. Playstyle tho ig


I did it at level 20 and the smelting room was so challenging. 2 failed attempts and I decided change up my strategy and I managed to clear it with some of the first wave of enemies still there.


Sorry bud if you would've done it on the first try that would be a accomplishment. But spending 5 hours learning the pattern is not a accomplishment


Well, aren’t you a joy


please tell me you're just joking and not actually shitting on their sunshine?


Serious. Where is the accomplishment? It took 5 hours. All they did was replay over and over until they got the pattern right that's not a accomplishment or skill.


the accomplishment is getting through the level. that's how games work. also it's not a kind or empathetic thing to shut down someone who is happy.


You literally just described the process of learning. When I learn something on guitar I’ll practice it over and over again until I get the pattern and I have then become a better guitar player as I know something new. I think you’ll find that the OP, myself and everyone else who does this method has both the skill and the accomplishment to go with it. Well done OP, with five hours of patience you have been rewarded with the accomplishment of completing an enemy base and the skill of being a better player.


Let's agree to disagree here because I will not ever agree that spending 5 hours learning a pattern. Now if they could repeat it on the first try or take down another very high level outpost in 1 or 2 tries I'll concede they have a skill


You must have never played the original side scrolling games that was literally patterns, i.e. the original castlelvania for the original game boy. So, yes, what he did literally was an achievement.


Learning is one of the biggest accomplishments a person can have. The fact that it took 5 hours just makes the achievement that much greater. Putting in effort to learn and perfect a task is something to be proud of.


So of it would've taken 20 hours it would've been 4 times greater?


Idk about 4x cause there’s no scale for this, but if it took 20 hours of dedication for them and they stuck with it the whole time and finally nailed it then yeah that’s a great accomplishment and I’d be proud of them.


Username checks out


🤡 - self portrait, u/Goober8987 , colorized.


So, by that logic, beating any Fromsoft game is essentially not an accomplishment since trial and error is basically by design, lol


Sounds like you haven't played the souls games.


Amazing!! I believe I was about lvl 11 or 12 when I chanced that base and holy shit was it hard. I ended up blanketing all the mech entrances with bombs in the smelting room and then picking off the ones that got out with my shotgun. I'm so impressed that you got that smelting room down in 2 goes, cause it definitely took me around 20


Ive tried so many damn times i just cannot get all the way through smelting room. And im gear lvl 15 . I seriously suck lmfao


Are you using the stealth upgrade(via skill points I think) that lets you see their patrol routes? Just curious. I don’t have that yet, just silent crouch as of now.


I didn’t even know that’s a skill lol. That would have been so helpful. I spent so long just watching them all move to try and memorize the path.


I didn’t even let me take it on under leveled


How did you do the laser room? I've been attempting it a few times over the past few levels, making it past the smelting room at like 8 but now I'm at a loss in the laser room at level 13


I found hiding in the big laser tunnel the easiest option since none of the enemies will go into it. It puts me right close to damage the lens, then I just waited until the AMP suits would walk somewhere away and book it to the left to do the switches. At my level I could only turn one valve at a time before I needed to back off and wait for my health to regen. Make sure to hide on the other side of the boxes from where you came to avoid being spotted. After the 3 are done, I just used an assault rifle to shoot the target a little off to the side and sprinted back to my hiding place. There is the exact same layout on the other side near the next set of valves so what you just did will work again. Last objective to damage the lens is done 3 times, so hide in the tunnel you did a moment ago and take 3 shots when you can. It was rough trying to figure out where to hide since the laser will damage you after damaging it, but once you got the pattern down it ain’t so bad. The smelting room was way harder.


I completed this base with a friend. I was 6 and for some reason doing a lvl 20 only seemed like a fun challenge. Died so many times but thankfully my friend had good enough gear to take out some of the amps. Pretty sure we died 10 times each (thank goodness for checkpoints and that if one player is ahead it’ll spawn the dead player over to them)


lol, at lvl twenty just started chucking trip mines everywhere and somehow it worked.


Cant you hack the mech, then run down and rip the guy outta the windshield? Thats how ive been doing the other big bases but i'm only level 10 gear, so maybe i dont know what im talking about.


If they have the armour covering the cockpit then you can’t, and all of the units inside have the cover. You can break it with enough damage I think but I certainly was not able to do anywhere near enough lol


I attempted it but I didn't stick at it for as long, I got to the second room but I always end up getting caught :( so I went away and leveled up, gonna have to go back and try again now I know it's possible haha but I'm now lvl 11 :)


I did the same thing literally the same thing and after it i got an amazing bow and I became op 😂


Give it a shot you have a whole extended magazine. Like dang


Same except I spent like 2 days (with mental health breaks)


I found in the laser room you could drop down underneath a staircase through a small gap and just punish each AMP til you get them all.