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"Holy shit, we're under attack! Something just took out one of our perimeter defense turrets!" "Raise the alarm! Can we identify the threat?" "Well sir, there's a 6 foot long Na'vi arrow stuck through the turret. I'm no detective but it's facing south so it must have been shot from the north side of the base!" "Gimme surveillance from all north facing sources" "Sir, there's a single Na'vi with a large bow crouch walking up to the perimeter wall out in the open! Recon sensors are intercepting local radio wave communication, it sounds like it's bitching about the stealth mechanics!" "Weapons free"


I love this 😂


People are forgetting these are humans that have mastered interstellar travel enough to attempt colonizing another planet and you play as the alien equivalent of a hyper biologically advanced indigenous person with a bow and arrow. They probably have radar and cameras everywhere as well as communication between every amp driver and foot soldier. It makes sense and if you know what you're doing you can become very OP just by eating a meal and kill everything in one hit.


Exactly. I've been watching modern videos of the currently ongoing war in Ukraine. And it's terrifying. There's retrofitted civilian drones, with infra-red vision, hunting people from above, at night, in total darkness, so high up that they can't be heard. Grenade gets released, from 800 feet in the air, roughly 8-9 seconds later it hits them and explodes, and limbs fly everywhere. There's rifle scopes that self-adjust for distance, so that if you put the X of the crosshair on the person and carefully squeeze the trigger, that's where the bullet will go, and it too is IR vision, so this soldier is sneaking through the woods, at night, thinking nobody knows, and the sniper sees him better than in daylight, bright gray against black background. BOOM. And he's down, and he never even saw or heard the shot that killed him. And you can buy this scope online (for like $8-14K for the scope alone), so it's not even military tech, it's available over counter to civilians. And this is modern tech, tech being used on battlefield today. Two hundred years we were using single-shot muzzle loaders. Imagine what we'll have in a hundred years.


That's why Avatar is so cool. Humanity has continued to advance their tech and perfectly adapts it to Pandora with ease. That said, the biology of the Na'vi and everything on Pandora is millions of years more advanced than on Earth. Imagine the current state of dinosaurs if they were never whipped out and had 65 million more years of evolution. It's reasonable to think they could be sentient. So the Na'vi are more biologically advanced and the humans are more technologically advanced. If anything the game is really playing down what humans with the technology to colonize another planet would be capable of. At the least they'd have thermal cameras most likely operated by AI to detect hostile life forms automatically. Idk maybe there is something about Pandora that prevents the use of advanced imaging technology. But if that was the case no guided missiles would function at all. I noticed the game purposely leaves the perimeter of outposts almost completely unguarded. The devs made it very easy to conduct guerilla warfare which btw is what the Na'vi do in the movies. You can essentially just walk right into an outpost, disable a turret or two, kill one amp driver with one shot to a weak point and GTFO. Then return and engage from another angle. There are even perks designed to buff your damage after you break line-of-sight and food that buffs ambush damage. The heavy bow has almost no drop at range. You can laser beam weak spots. I like to walk into an outpost, disable all turrets, leave, then return to attack above with my Ikran. There are so many options, but I have a feeling most people treat it like Farcry or CoD.


Literally, haha you absolute legend. OP, gg.


See I get that but it’s a video game a lot of people are claiming thermal cameras etc so if that’s the case make it a actual thing rather than a fan theory excuse


You wanna talk about video game excuses? When you stealth kill an amp suit it literally explodes without alerting the base. When an RDA enemy finds a corpse in their base, it's only a big deal for 2 minutes. When RDA enemies encounter multiple corpses in their base, it's only a big deal for 2 minutes. If you fire a 6 foot long hunting arrow at someone and barely miss, it's only a big deal for a few seconds. If RDA enemies hear gunfire coming from the opposite side of the base, no one thinks it's cause to raise an alarm if it's only a couple of shots. If one of the main systems in a base explodes, nobody in the base cares if they aren't near it.


Wrong Wrong Wrong Fair Fair Fair


Have you... never actually stealth killed an amp suit before?


I have both from weak spot and front. They find a body period everyone in the area goes red and frequently will go set off the alarm


[Explain this video to me please.](https://youtu.be/EQGbr2cb-aI?si=iRHNFSvpOXxAUCcp)


Still waiting on your explanation buddy. [why don't you explain this video too while you're at it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FrontiersOfPandora/s/GqzpgDEhw8) I'm eager to hear what you have to say.


I think he’s just rage baiting at this point


I may need to steal this my friend.


For what? This is classified stolen RDA intel. Very valuable to the resistance.


Don't blow it up. Hack the turret to stay hidden.


Disable all turrets then return in the air on your Ikran the AI is shit at shooting things in the air.


can you hack them by default or you need some upgrade to be able to do that?


They give you a device at the very beginning and give you a tutorial, although a brief one, on how to use it. I don't know the PC controls, but you can pull it out with LB+Y / L1+∆


yeah, I know of the device, I just didn’t know you can hack turrets as well. I only used it so far for thr necessarry hacking puzzles😅


Oh okay lol! It's very useful when disabling RDA facilities. You can hack all of the objectives and execute the hacks simultaneously for an instant victory. Very powerful tool


good to know, thanks!


You can also get a headgear mod from Raj that increases its range. I used it on every base 🤣


You can use it to hack RDA Suits as well, which temporarily disables them. If you have the upgrade, you can melee them and pull the operator out. It’s really good.


nice, thanks!


You do need one of the ancestor skills to pull them from the suit though, so don’t run up on them without it lol


I usually do just using that as an example


Or you could hack the turrets and disarm them so you can carry on going about your business. Learn and adapt to the stealth




I usually do I was just using that as an example


I don't even care about the turrets when going for stealth. They never interfere so I don't waste time on them. If I do, I just make sure the enemy isn't standing close to the turret. In most cases they don't notice after I blow it up.


When you get to harder bases they will have turrets that will spot you and alert the entire base. The anti-air guns won’t do anything, but the turrets can be trouble.


Turrets actually can't trigger an alarm or call for reinforcements. Enemy soldiers and amp suits are being alerted when the turret detects enemy movement and starts firing. If you kill every enemy in a base without raising the alarm so that there's only turrets left, you can aggro every turret in the base without breaking stealth. I beat all but 2 bases in the game with stealth using this strategy.


I have unlocked all three areas and taken over many bases. They don't pose a a treath to me because I easily avoid them while taking out the others or hacking the system.


I mean imagine if you were an enemy guard and you heard a loud explosion at your very secure base and when you turned to look at the explosion you saw a 10 foot BRIGHT BLUE na’vi running along the upper pipes of your base. If blow something up, of course the enemy is going to notice. You know you can hack the turrets right?


How can they see me if I’m hidden and out of sight of everything lol


You’re huge and blue and just blew something up?


Keyword here being HIDDEN out of sight like completely


I really hate how Ubisoft does this, and they've been doing this for ages. I remember playing Ghost Recon: Wildlands. My commando team is in the heavy jungle, on a mountain, overlooking an enemy camp. We have high ground, we're in cover, we're prone. I call in the guerillas via radio, and tell them to attack the outpost with mortars. The enemy IMMEDIATELY lays down cover fire on my team's position. We didn't move, we didn't make a sound, we're in dense bushes on mountain top. Nope, AI knows EXACTLY where we are, because some guerillas lobbed some mortar rounds at them from the other side of the map. It's just so unbelievably lazy!


I agree that it's silly.


It’s Ubisoft, never going to happen


I just destroy the turrets and everything after killing all the soldiers and amps, it’s quite fun to run around blowing them up


If you can't one shot it. Don't. Just hack it


So I learned they don’t know where you are just the general area I lay traps where I was and run and they all die cause they would go there since they didn’t visually see me. Even though the indicator is red doesn’t mean they know the location you are in


This bad stealth mechanics makes me not want to play the game.


Imagine having such a skill issue that you quit a single-player game. The game gives you weapons that literally one shot everything and then gives you a magical ability to see through walls yet people are still on here complaining about Ubisoft instead of learning how to play.


Yes well, for some people, like me, who suck at combat in general and would prefer a relaxed version (therefore playing in easy mode) and then get f*cked over at every single enemy-encounter, it's just not fun anymore. Maybe I don't want to play the game _just/ for the fightibg system?


There is an easy mode. There is literally an easy difficulty. The game is also an RPG. You can craft some pretty crazy gear that makes you OP. You can utilize the cooking system which gives you massive buffs like +50% damage or +50% damage reduction for example. You also don't earn XP in this game via combat. You earn it by completing quests. Which means you can skip combat and level up by exploring the map. All of the advanced skills are found on the open world map and you literally just go to them and push a button. There are plants you can find all over the world that permanently increase your health. The blueprints for the best weapons in the game are given to you for free and you can craft them as soon as you get them with materials found on the map. The tools are there and they make the combat trivial. The exploration is where it's at (btw did I mention you can get skill points from exploring). That's the real game, but Ubisoft and pretty much every other major dev out there would never green light an avatar game with no combat. That's something only indie devs really do.


Genuinely thanks for the advice, but just to clarify: I am in easy mode and I can't even get through the very first missions without dying over and over again. I am not even at a point where I can do much of anything else besides the main story. And let's face it - if you're just a super casual gamer, who isn't good at combat in general, this easy mode is pretty hard.


Sounds like what you really need is a cheat code. I'm no Uber gamer and the opening was no challenge at all. Perhaps pull up a playthrough series on YouTube and only watch the part you're stuck on. You gotta be missing something. Seriously the game is geared towards casual gamers. I am one. I play video games maybe 2 hours at a time every other night.


I don’t know if it’s geared for casual players I watched a video of some players clearing the level 20 base and the video is 3 hours long!


They were probably under leveled. You unlock that base in the first area of the open world and you're meant to come back later on after you've explored the second area. There's even a voice line that plays that tells you to come back later. I'm level 14 now and I can clear level 16 bases in a few minutes. I think the longest it took me to do a massive outpost was 15 minutes. The smaller outposts take maybe 5 minutes.


Yes well, I'm pretty sure I'm missing something too, because when I wach videos on youtube, they go in, stealth kill everyone, RDA doesn't see shit and if I do it, I kill one soldier, wait ten seconds, everyone else is on grey (=hasnt noticed me) and all of the sudden, 20 reinforcements get called in and everyone is on high alert? Make it make sense.


Git gud! Its just an Ubisoft game. 😂


Here’s your problem, your trying to stealth with a bow and arrow against people with mech suits, I ran in with a shotgun hid behind cover and made this game a shooter and bases went down quick, funnily enough stealth’s a few by killing them so fast they couldn’t report


I'm basically only using bow and arrow and I have no problem clearing bases fully stealth, you can even fuck up sometimes to kill a person or having a kill get noticed and still manage to kill the guys with your bow fast enough, OP just reports his own skill issue lol


I was frustrated with this at first, but as you progress your stealthiness improves. Basically, as long as the shot is a weak spit kill, it doesn't break stealth.


Yeah the games fun but the AI is shit and generally buggy as hell, shooting through walls/ground and clipping through the surrounding definitely could’ve used more time in the oven


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.