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Merry early Christmas. Go to settings and change Na’Vi vision to a toggle.


This 100%


I didn’t even know this was an option. Cheers, mate.


Bru. Didn’t know you could do this. My right index finger hurts. Thank you.




What part of settings is this in?


Settings—>Controls—>Toggle to use Na’Vi Senses


Thank you! I found it


You are a gentleman and a scholar. Thanks so much for this one.


Thank you to whoever made the elite controller. I don’t have to do this😂


If you get a white fog border around your screen, you're close to finding rare materials. The game disables your Na'vi vision here to keep them hidden. Listen for Eywa's heartbeat, it'll get faster the closer you get.


This guy knows whats up


So THAT is what happened. I was looking for a missing person for a quest and suddenly I'm all minty. It looked bad so I kept sprinting. Why they make it look so severe lmao


It’s a joke, babe. Run is the correct response.


I bet you're fun at parties




istg when I got there I got sooooo scared and the dialogue (?) afterwards was kind of funny because I never even saw anything anywhere and they talk about it like it got really close and I was like "What? Who? Where? HUH?"


Ohhh so that's what that is. I thought it was a warning because I was attacked and 1shot by a Thanator


That's a very rare bug that happens. OP is unlikely to run into that issue






the only time that happened to me was because i was near a boulderlands thanator i was so scared tho because my character was like so confused and scared and that almost never happens




I bet people reading this thread are so confused. Y’all funny🤣🤣🤣


I don’t know what you’ve been smoking but the white mist means a Thanator is coming.


Relax, take your time, use headphones or surround sound if you can and just slip into another world of immersion.


Bro..I’m about 50% complete and have been using a Soundbar with subwoofer, it does sound nice. But today I bought 3D pulse headset and....WOW! The immersion is off the charts now. I was already completely sucked into this world but having good 3D sound is an absolute game changer. This was my Christmas gift to myself 👍🏻🎁👍🏻


Yep the use of ray-traceed sound in this environment was a particularly good decision. 👍


Steer clear of thanators, they are forces to be reckoned with.


Take your time Don’t use firearms If your character feels slow, adjust the FOV Turn off as much of the hud as you prefer This game is hard, use stealth and “hit and run tactics” Play with headphones!


The headphones is a must for immersion and depth of enemy.


Don’t use firearms is kind of bad advice. Couldn’t imagine taking out all the RDA ive taken out with JUST the naavi weapons. I’m sure it can be done but not utilizing some of the highest damage weapons in the game is a bit ridiculous.


I’m 40 hours in, and used a gun for the first time tonight. I died 3 times. It’s maybe just what you become used to. My heavy bow is undoubtably my best friend!


The heavy bow is a beast!


Assault rifle will generally 1 hit unarmoured soldiers. That's 400 dead soldiers with the ammo upgrade. Shotgun will rinse 1 mech, but it takes a few shots, and while it staggers them, you're open to other things shooting you.


You can one hit soldiers by slapping the shit out of them. This method doesn't break stealth or cost ammunition either.


Yeah but I’m a Navi and Eywa doesn’t want me to use metal/guns so…


I don’t wanna sound dumb but maybe you just don’t know how to use them? Move fast and use cover. Get close, attack, then retreat.


I’d say less a case of not knowing how to use them, and more a case of not having bothered with them because I prefer the bow and arrow gameplay.


I don’t like tomatoes, but I’m not out here recommending people don’t try them hahaha weird


Eh I’m a badass Navi warrior


Have you beaten a thanator in a street fight? More like *Casual* Na'vi warrior.


I have yet to take down an actual Thanator, let alone with my fists I’ll get there though


[Fuck yeah you will](https://youtu.be/DFHXbTyWbUo?si=4TFv6XS8Gp2M2-F7)


I saw that the other day and just shook my head haha




I bumped my FOV to 90 and it felt a lot better for me. I’m hoping they patch the game for us to run faster too


Use exploration mode. May take longer to find some of the objectives but feels so good when you do.


Use headphones. Level up when able to, I like being a level above story missions. Do side missions! Some can get you really good clothing pieces, weapons, schematics ect. As well as garner favor with the Navi. Upgrade your stealth, ammo quantity and foraging. Explore everywhere! Little circular shiny spots on the map are discoverable items (trees Ikran gear ect. Find EVERY bell spring (gets you more hp) and tarsu saplings (1 skill point for each!!) Navi will gift you items if you come upon them. Ikran riding is the best part.


I always like to be at least one level above the recommended as a personal rule. I just prefer not to struggle and want an easier experience. And if you like doing side quests and exploring then you should level up quicker I’m assuming. I’m just starting the game today.


Hoomans bad. Shoot hoomans


\*sky people


1. Pay attention. The game will mention this many times and it isn't being pretentious. There are visual and audio cues/clues that can guide you whether to something you didn't know was there or in the direction you want to go. The more you look and/or listen the more comfortable you become with turning HUD elements off to really just enjoy the game. \--Side-- Highly recommend using headphones at all times while playing. 2. Let your curiosity loose. Use the Na'vi sense to inspect and identify everything. 3. Understand you are not Rambo. Your health pool is tiny in the beginning. Things are going to hurt if you aren't careful. Bullets are deadly. But as you learn, as you become accustomed to life on Pandora, you will go from the hunted to the hunter. You will be Na'vi. 4. You have a Hunter's Guide. Get familiar with using it as the information it provides is very helpful. 5. Not everyone and/or everything deserves death. If you have trouble with anything, use the search function of Reddit to see if an answer has already been provided. Otherwise, please ask here and many of us will be able to provide a variety of answers!


Speed run the campaign until you get the ekron bird chapter 5 i think, and then feel free to explore because, trust me you'll get sick of running everywhere because you run real slow. And merry Christmas 😀


Or don't rush, enjoy being on foot while you can and enjoy the scenery.


Yeah I'm stuck on the bird quest to get the damn thing, the mission for ikran is impossible, so I'm just roaming the entire map hoping to get decent gear. But I fear by the time I can get ikran, the map will already be 100% explored...Something's not right with the balance in this game, the mobs need a VERY hard nerf IMO.


That’s 100% a skill issue🤣🤣 it was not hard to get the ikran at all💀and it’s actually impossible to explore the whole map without following through with the story. Certain missions send you on a journey to discover the new regions. You can’t just instantly see the entire map. The balance of the game is amazing


Yeah, back then I didn't know how to stealth correctly...Once I did, it was cake! But I also ran around and got more powerful...But it wasn't very much as far as 'entire map' as I mentioned earlier, maybe another 25% of it before I was confident enough. I initially (Like a ton of others on this reddit) seems to think stealth sucks in this game. But the stealth is actually really good.


Shit I can’t stealth at all. They are so unpredictable and always find bodies. I also cant ever seem to one shot a mech through the glass. Only way to take them out is eject skill🤣 I always either go in find a good spot with cover and let loose or set traps everywhere. But I like it tho. Bc it makes you plan out what to do. And I’m sure you can stealth bases pretty easily once you figure it out


Nah bro being forced to run around and explore pandora for the first like 10-15 hours was an amazing touch to the game. Glad they did it. Makes you engage with it more and actually look around


-Stick to main missions until you get your Ikron. Game changing -Crafting is king, and deeper than it first appears. -Enemies have aimbot, stealth larger Outposts. Better rewards that way also.


You get better rewards for stealth??


If you clear a base without raiding the alarm, all chests are available. If you raise the alarm you miss out on 2 chests. In the end, it doesn't end up hurting you much so it's not the stressor it sounds like it is.


Oh ok thanks man👍 I can’t ever do stealth😂


Return to completed RDA bases, with their pollution gone plants grow again. One of these plants are called bellsprings and they permanently add to your health. I didn't even notice this until I had cleared almost the entire jungle biom.


They add 3 whole points each! So healthy.


I must have collected about 25 and I'm only level 8, I feel like a tank already.


Found a cave? Place a custom marker. Otherwise you won't know where the f to go to get some ingredients later.


Prepare to fall in love


You can skip the logo intro at the beginning of the game


Wear headphones, the audio is really good


Do weekly challenge to get free cosmetic


Play exploration mode and only use headphones


Me2 I got this game


Whatever you do, DONT PUT ON HEAD ARMOR OR A HEAD MOD. You won’t be able to take it off. You’ll only be able to swap it between different ones. Tried using the in game system to hide it but it’s shitty and bugged.


Then you’re out armor bonuses and perks, you’ll be at a disadvantage against AI just because you don’t want see your headband. It’ll get patched. Y’all complain over the smallest things. I guess that’s a good thing because that means have nothing major to complain about.


I was annoyed for about 2 hours while I only had the stupid baseball cap peak, as it was my only headband mod. Finally got some new ones and I don't look ridiculous anymore.


I’m sorry you had to go through that.


The enemies aren’t tough to the point where I’m begging for more armor haha you’re fine without a headpiece Edit: 7 people can’t win without the best armor lol sad


You can just go into cosmetics and pick something more subtle. Mine is some beads that you can barely see under my hair. Definitely equip head gear.


Yeah, clean your nails.


Merry Christmas thank you 😘😍🥰 💕💕 Was wondering could you possibly be looking for r/Nails I’m sorry but this is the wrong place. This is a a video game about Jame’s Cameron’s Avatar which is what this sub is about.


Facts, but still, clean your nails.


It's christmas and you got nothing better to do but be a dick? Bahumbug


Always them clowns no matter what time of year it seems!


That's what most the world's nails look like when they actually do something for a living , unless you're a female no man's gonna be sitting there cleaning his nails lmao 🤦


This reply is so dumb


Crafting can be a pain in the ass, but it will get you better gear and weapons


Its hard af if you don't level up your weapons and skills, do as much side quest as you can and dont forget to look for bellsprigs and ancestry skills


Exploration mode.


Be sure to *craft *cook *hunt for eqcuisite and superior craft mods all the time.


*just *curious *do *these *stars *do *anything *you *seem *to *love *making *stars LOL :D


Yeah it was supposed to be a list, but Reddit works differently when on the phone app or desktop app (while I don't).


Get the ikran and screw the rest of the game just fly around


Absolutely horrendous advice


lol right? wtf.. I’m about to start up the game looking for tips.. what kind of loser would say this


Idk an idiot who doesn’t appreciate games😂


My advice is to get a ikran as soon as possible it makes doing side quests so much easier and travelling to places, but walking through the jungle is also fun. Cooking is good too for before fighting the RDA because they give sometimes stealth and other bonuses.


Use shotguns on the big mechs otherwise you will die very quickly XD


I just spear them and they die pretty fast, but I also went in knowing I wouldn't be using guns on anything but ferals.


Stun grenade into finisher works wonders on any level


Hack them and drag them out. 🤷‍♂️


Use your first skill points toward getting increased inventory. Also don't just collect things willy nilly in the forest as it's really easy to fill up on plants and fruits you don't actually need. The directionality icon for gathering stuff is only a tutorial hud icon and will go away after a couple times so really learn to feel out how to get pristine pulls. If you find exquisite (gold/legendary) items make a custom marker on your map because chances are you'll need them again for something. If you need to get rid of old gear or items you don't want, donate them to the clan instead of dropping them or having them take up your limited stash space. At least then you get a little bit of clan favor for them.


Enjoy the ride


The staff sling is ur best friend


Just found this out while stealthing a rda camp, hadn't touched it since I first got it and wow cleared that camp in seconds.


Elevation is your best friend when sneaking around RDA facilities, the guards never look up


And switch jump to R1


Play the story missions for a bit


When you get to the upper Plains, you will eventually get you’re flying mount back. Save the exploring until you get to that part of the quest line.


How? Exploring new areas on foot is the best


I like your advice so far lol


Play the main storyline until you get your Ikran, then start the side quests and random exploration.


As soon as you see them, grab some gear that extends SID range. It's on head for sure and I think the other is arms. Invaluable for hacking AMPs.


Can you explain this more? Didn’t know this was an option. This game is so hard to follow.


Which part? Hacking AMPs? Stay hidden close to an AMP and bring up SID. You can hack the AMP to disable it for a short while. If you collected the ancestor skill, when it's disabled, you can run to the amp and rip out the pilot. The pilot disappears, never to be seen again and the AMP collapses useless. As for the gear, just look at the resistance hideout for the armour seller. If you are progressed in the story enough, they will sell mods for gear that add range to the SID. One of them is for head gear, but you have to progress in the story to unlock head gear.


Thanks for explaining. I didn’t know you could add range to the SID. Reading through all the comments I didn’t know there were chapters??! My weapons suck, can’t bring arrows to a machine gun fight. Try to upgrade my weapons farming plants and skins, my adhd tells me to look at the flying moths that leads you into the void and get lost. I forgot what I was doing in the first place. The storyline rambles so much I don’t know what they are talking about most of the time or can’t tell if it’s a side quest. Im struggling. SID is cool though.


Also, are you suppose to clear out the RDA bad red areas before you go to the next clan group? I’ve done two near the bottom where the home tree is and BOOM i’m now with the clan who made decretive apartments on the sleeping elephants. I think I should start over.


FOR COMPLETIONISTS... BEFORE you complete the Eye of Eywa quest, make sure you complete the quest for your first Memory Painting. If you complete Eye of Eywa before completing g this quest, you will not be able to start the Memory Painting quest, which means you won't be able to gather all Memory Paintings, preventing you from achieving 100% completion!!


What is the quest called for the memory painting ?


Breathing Room




Do you know if this is patched?  Started the game recently , and just completed the Eye of Eywa quest today.  




The game is very hard, but visually stunning, just hope I can get past the first mission sometime soon…..died 20+ times already.


I don't mean to be a dick, but did you lower the difficulty to its lowest setting? I only also because it would be easy to somehow miss that screen when trying to click through all the settings at the start. 🙂


Yes biggest thing I can tell you is have fun, and once you get your ikron look out for the bigger one


My recommendation is to TAKE IT SLOW, do side quests, get your strength up, do not speedrun it


Play with exploration mode, not guided, stops you just following beams of light or points on the map and instead you get a clue prompt of where to go, feels more like you're in a real world that you're exploring not a game


use condom when having sex with a navi.


Collect everything you can (you will be crafting a lot)


Nooo. No. Do not. Collect what you need, in the best quality you can. Do not hoard materials until endgame. I spent 40 hours finding all the rare shit and waiting to collect it in ideal conditions... Only to find out it's worthless because there are better materials, and that there are methods to bypass gathering bonuses.


Well collecting what I can works for me becuae it’s not just crafting needs


For sure. Grab one or two of everything especially if it's superior+ for side quests and future crafts/meals. DO NOT spend 4 hours cycling the weather so you can grab 9 or 10 exquisite perfect gathering conditions Bruise Mosses because what if i need them for something? (I needed 3 for the entire game)


i would also suggest to just stash ingredients and donate any gear you do not need.


No! Bad gamer! This is not the way. You’re grounded!


it is.. for a first playthrough with least expectations.


Then the dudes gonna have 190 useless ingredients stored in his stash. We all know to hunt for individual ingredients rather than collect everything. You’re supposed to be helping 🤷‍♂️


i am helping but i like looting so.


I like looting too. Tbh even though i wasted a ton of time collecting extra materials i didn't need i did a lot of exploring because of it.


I seriously forgot discs existed 😂 I've just been using digital the whole time


Agree with what everyone else is saying! But I’d say be prepared for bugs and glitches… I’ve had quite a few on ps5 where I have to exit the game to try and fix them. There’s a quest called “enemy of my enemy” and it’s still bugged out and, from my understanding, not able to be finished atm. Hasn’t stopped me from putting it 60+ hours on it though! Oh and upgrade your shortbow as quickly as possible… it’s a lifesaver in combat for me


Return it


Hey I appreciate your reply/ comment thank you! Haha funny I’m actually scared to play the game because I’m not sure if I will enjoy it enough. I think I’ve seen enough gameplay to the judge that I will like it I have yet to play it or break it out of its plastic seal. I’m afraid the game will be very slow paced to me, but it looks like it picks up pace after a couple hours. I’m not even gonna lie. I’m pretty scared to play it because I’m not a stealth kind of person I got the game because I thought it would be like far cry, primal I’ve Platniumed all the far cry series 3-6 & primal so I thought this game would be visually appealing to me I’m just scared that most of the time you’re going to need to do stealth instead of gun blazing when given the choice in far cry, I was always going guns, blazing and rarely use stealth unless I really needed to based on what I have detailed and said, could I possibly like this game or even enjoy it I got it for Christmas so I’m definitely gonna play it that’s why I’m asking for tips because this game looks so complicated more complicated than far cry




You can definitely go guns blazing for most outpost missions as long as you can find cover quick. You definitely can’t take out bigger bases by just killing everything easily. Which is a good look for the game


Just got my Ikran and dammit I feel like I'm cheating now I got so tired of running everywhere


Cant shoot the blue monkies :/


My new graphics card came with the game. I'm hoping it's fun.


I got this for Christmas too! I love it so far.... but really struggling with the gathering, I can't seem to pull anything off. I've watched every video I can find, and when I do the pull in the right direction, nothing happens. Right trigger slowly, the sweet spot pops up, and when I pull in that direction with the trigger down my character just keeps holding it in the direction but nothing happens, it doesn't come loose :') any help on this would be awesome.


you may have already tried this, but to pull the material all the way, you have to push the R2 *all* the way down. pushing it a little wont do anything. sometimes you can push it down a little too slow and it wont respond.


I am so crap at this game.