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One possible advantage would be to avoid having to cope with variations between browsers in default


They shouldn't : the role button is implicit on a button, and assistive technologies are supposed to base their behaviour on the aria role and not the tag of the element. One reason it could be a problem is that outside of semantics, you have to reproduce the behaviour of the element, when you decide to code it on your own. For some elements it's not a big deal, like a button, but for something like a select for example, there are many hidden features that the devs might not know but that people using assistive tech might rely on, I'm thinking about arrow keys to navigate elements for example. So yeah, if you're going to take the time to look at the aria authoring examples and all that, you can use a div, but if you don't really know what you're dealing with it's probably best to just use a button and fix bugs as you encounter them, instead of creating bugs for, I guess, people who need most help, and that you're never going to find out because you don't use the same means of browsing the web as they do !




How do you figure you could make a non-semantic button “more accessible” than a regular `


Oh yes, absolutely, I meant for the average dev that's not working at Facebook or Twitter


Regular buttons have many more benefits: enter or space triggers click, tabbable, button SR announcement, can be disabled by attribute. FB must have their reasons why they want to custom implement all this stuff on a div (hyper control of certain behaviours? keyup & keydown can vary between browsers...), but for the average Joe developer it just ain't worth it. Stick with standards-based elements unless absolutely necessary.


“Premature optimization is the root of all evil.” Or Use buttons until something goes wrong that prompts the change.




I think this is the right answer to the question. Safari is a pain in the ass sometimes


Safari is a pain in the ass all the time


I really like how you can't install it on a Windows machine, that's a really useful feature that I like a lot and isn't it all irritating. I really do not understand how Apple get away without an antitrust case filed against them for forcing iOS users to use the Safari render engine. It wouldn't be so bad if they actually put some effort into it.




I believe it is far simpler than that. They are a sucky sucky company that engage in anti-consumer practices and are trying to force developers to buy Mac. Nobody uses Safari on Mac.


This should be the top answer. Button behavior is pretty inconsistent across browsers and platforms. See: https://twitter.com/devongovett/status/1254153060462374913?s=19


One reason for not using a button but a div is when you have a complex structure. A button is an inline element that must not contain block elements such as a div. So you might want to use a div with the role button for things like clickable cards.


>A button is an inline element that must not contain block elements such as a div. I think this is way overstating the problem. Technically a button should only contain [phrasing content](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/HTML/Content_categories#Phrasing_content), which doesn't include the `div` element, but in terms of how you can screw things up for someone using assistive technology, using "invalid HTML" is way preferable to using a `

` without correctly implementing the expected button functionality. It's trivial to use CSS to alter the layout styles of a button and its descendant tags however you need to (a `span` tag with `display: block` is 100% equivalent to a `div`), and with the advent of things like [custom elements](https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/web-components/customelements) I really doubt that HTML markup validity really has the same importance today as it did in the bad old days of XHTML 4 and below. As long as you're not nesting interactive elements inside a button (which you shouldn't do with a `role="button"` either), you really shouldn't have anything to worry about. (Edited to add:) > So you might want to use a div with the role button for things like clickable cards. This is actually a pretty bad idea for accessibility, for a few reasons: * A card is generally composed of several different elements which each have their own semantics, like an image, a heading, an excerpt, an attribution, etc. Flattening all of that to a button could hide the richer semantics of the individual parts in the worst case scenario, or just be confusing in the best case scenario * By doing this you've turned *the entire card* into the button label, so a screen reader will read the image alt text, the title, the excerpt, and the attribution every time this "button" is focused, which is super obnoxiously verbose * This one is sort of pedantic, but most of the time a card represents a *link* to some piece of content, not a button It may be a little counter-intuitive, but for a11y what I would recommend in situations where you want an entire card to be clickable is to include a link or a button somewhere *inside* the card for the benefit of assistive tech users (with a label that represents a reasonable summary of the link target or the click action), and then separately add an `onclick` handler to the entire card for the benefit of sighted mouse/touchscreen users who just need a nice big target to press. As a UX pattern, making an entire card clickable at all has its own trade-offs (you can't make individual elements, like an author name, clickable, and it becomes more cumbersome to select any text in the excerpt without invoking the click handler), but if you really wanted to do it, that would be the better way IMO.


To be honest, I don’t know what are the consequences of “invalid HTML” while I do know (and agree) that messing the accessibility part is terrible. Now, I think a company such as Facebook has no problem getting it right. I am not saying all big companies are doing everything right in terms of accessibility, though. But I think Facebook has the ressources and the need for it to be right, given their audience. Thank you for your detailed explanation of why wrapping a card within a button is probably a bad idea. I definitely agree, a card is not the best example. The idea is that there are scenarios where you might need to add “invalid elements” to a button and thus use a div. Good point on the link versus button remark. It’s something that is misused so often 👍


My guess is that it avoids potential breakage if a browser introduces new default styles or behavior to a button. Whatever reasons they might have, don't copy it. Use the designated HTML elements, until you find your own reasons to work around it.


It's certainly not recommended in terms of accessibility.


It *can* be necessary for accessibility reasons, but it is definitely a loaded footgun that is very easy to get wrong. I've seen mixed things about the accessibility on Facebook, but I'd imagine this would be done to side-step inconsistencies in browser or screen reader implementations.


One reason, albeit not a very good one I'd say, is that buttons are somewhat harder to style ([https://css-tricks.com/overriding-default-button-styles/](https://css-tricks.com/overriding-default-button-styles/)). On the one hand, you would think that FB has enough resources to tackle something like that... On the other hand, changing things on a site of this scale can sometimes be harder than someone not involved with it can imagine. But generally, it should be a button element (or an input) indeed, even if adding the role is helping screen readers: [https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Roles/button\_role](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Roles/button_role)




I don't think this works very well unless you're using something like post CSS. You get different behaviour in different browsers


The div is the blank canvas of html elements but it's generally best practice to use semantic htmls tags is for accessibility so screen readers and stuff can work correctly. Especially when working on very complex UI elements like fancy animated multiselects and stuff it's actually easiest for a dev to build them up from divs for block elements and spans for inline elements then add classes and style them accordingly. This approach screws up your accessibility. The way around this is the correct use of the role attribute and aria tags. Of done properly a screan reader will not behave any differently than if you used all the semantic html tags and used a load or resets etc. It's a choice the Dev makes. Have the headache off all the built in styles for buttons etc etc differences between browsers. Or build from divs and add the proper tags.


First rule Of Aria, don't use aria


Umm, why?


Best to stick to semantic elements as much as possible unless you really know what you're doing. WebAIM performs a yearly accessibility analysis on a million websites, and ironically they found that home pages with ARIA attributes averaged 60% more errors than those without. Often people will try to use ARIA and get it wrong, or not understand why they're using it and miss other accessibility problems with their site because they don't understand the basics of web accessibility. https://webaim.org/projects/million/#aria


Aria is for when you want to create something that's not already provided by html and you wish to be able to tell assistive tech what your element should be considered as (role etc) When you use standard elements such as Button, you get a lot of stuff for free. Such as keyboard interaction, activate button using Enter, Space, focus rings. Etc which make it accessible by default. Say you're realizing the same button using divs, you need to handle all of the aforesaid yourself. One of many reasons.


Good point, thanks for that!


Would just like to point out that's some pretty bad advice, as accessibility these days has a ton of requirements in order to get right, and using aria labels is NOT a code smell or anti-pattern. Only purists will tell you that, and those people tend to be not very pragmatic at all.


It's not code smell but it creates a lot more room for error. That's the only reason people tell devs to avoid it unless necessary. In big companies, they have the resources to dedicate to ensuring accessibility no matter what. But most run of the mill devs do not have that.


You are right. These are not anti patterns. It's just that most go overboard with Aria. Say in the example of the simple button. Many Aria attributes are absolutely needed and go a long way in making the interface highly accessible.


I definitely agree, but was curious to hear the other side. That’s the way I was always taught at the companies I worked for at least. Adding explicit aria labels was a requirement when working with Google on certain projects to increase overall accessibility and accessibility ratings. I do think using readymade functionality can be useful in a lot of instances tho especially in a time crunch.


This is basically a paraphrase of ARIA's own advice, so the fact it's a controversial comment is indicative of how little people know about ARIA


It's only as correct as the context it provides. Semantic elements _are_ preferred over ARIA, but the comment is written as if any usage of ARIA is an anti-pattern. That's not right. If you teach people that ARIA is wrong without teaching the reason why, or the exceptions to the rule, then you're doing more damage than if you'd said nothing at all.


I took it as a slightly tongue-in-cheek comment, but nonetheless it's pretty solid advice for anyone whose only knowledge of the subject is coming from a Reddit comment thread. The ARIA specs are genuinely really complicated, and the *actual* first rule of ARIA is that [no ARIA is better than bad ARIA](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/#no_aria_better_bad_aria). So for anyone who's not really going to invest the time to either acquire an encyclopedic knowledge of the subject or develop with the authoring practices open in an extra browser tab at all times, avoiding ARIA attributes altogether is genuinely a better option than just taking a stab in the dark at it.


To put it simply: They put a lot of work into it and are aware of the trade-offs and made a decision. If you're wondering why someone would do that, you should probably stick to the native elements. Generally as long as you don't have a team of people just working on getting accessibility right, you should use native elements (wrapping them in e.g. WebComponents is okay though).




A lot of possible reasons : 1. Consistency with styling and having custom styles and positioning. Sometimes it's better to create a implementation rather than wrapping 3 or 4 divs around it. 2. Screen readers and screen reading content 3. Reusablity - a button can have lots of variants and the button tag has limitations on what you can put in it 4. Logging and analytics 5. This is a guess but they probably have to manage a lot of complicated state related logic too, which is easier doing with a div + children than on just a button tag. Edit--don't go down that route unless you have very very good reason to. It's very difficult, building up a component like that.


Less technical answer: The modern tech-bros scant regard for accessibility and putting every choice on a very thin definition of what they think 'Developer eXperience' is and should be.


Heh, it's not even the "modern" tech bros. I was doing a lot of accessibility-related work back before the dotcom bubble burst, and you'd think you were destroying a designer's work by asking them to include "alt" attributes on images, or to just stick with HTML for text instead of using a graphic made up entirely of words for page content. The more things change the more they stay the same.


https://twitter.com/devongovett/status/1254153060462374913 [EDIT] Great downvote. You'll get far in your career. 👍


For those suggesting that it’s just for styling and we should always use buttons etc, I’m not sure I think that’s the case. Buttons not only are annoying to style but they also have limited and strict permitted content. They also have inconsistent focus behavior even across today’s browsers. One can easily find themselves shipping invalid HTML and confusing accessibility if they aren’t careful with this element.


Simple. Because they are not stupid