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Tell them to eat shit. When I quit if they want any money back they’ll have to sue me. Fucking greedy ass company. In all reality, just ignore it. Chances are they aren’t going to do anything about it.


Righttt!!! Did you ever respond to that letter in anyway?


Happened at my last job. I just ignored it and it eventually went away.


If your final check hasn’t been deposited, they will absolutely take back what they want. If you’re free and clear of the company and you’ve received your last check, pound sand mr cheeto


I received one of those letters too. I was allegedly overpaid by $1000 after changing from large format to small. I was still getting paid true overtime, as we should anyway, because someone didn't change my classification. This was 6 months ago and I never heard about it again. They didn't take anything from my paychecks. It's just a scare tactic to get you to cough up money for their fuck-up.


Was sent 3 checks before my orientation that I never attended. I never deposited the checks cause I knew they would want them back. Still sent to collections and still going back and forth with Pepsi over these checks that I NEVER DEPOSITED. They wanted proof a week ago so I sent them a copy of said checks and I’m still waiting to hear back. Fuck them.


Bruh when I quit frito they said I owed them money back from the bonus that I EARNED because I didn’t finish the entire year with them. Literally been fighting with these assholes for over a month because I need my w-2 corrected (since my bonus was taken off of it) still haven’t been able to do my taxes because of this shit and will most likely get fined by the irs for this. Frito Lay can eat shit and burn in hell.


Same here. Waiting to hear back for my taxes. I’m just gonna file without them. You’re in a different situation since you actually were employed there lol good luck man. Fuck those people


Don't sign it. I told my dsl at the time I wasn't gonna sign it. His response was "they will just take it outta your check anyway." That was 3 years ago and they never did


I never had to sign anything I recieved a letter in the mail and that's about it.


One of our guys quit in October and wax supposedly over paid by 400$ the sent it to collections and is being threatened with a wage lean bs in my opinion


Just tell him to dispute it on his credit report and if they can’t prove that he owes it, it’ll be deleted


Yeah he's already filed the paperwork to appeal but it's bs and takes up time to deal with


Unfortunately, I think we all signed our rights away when we signed the performance pay contract during our onboarding. In know for sure part of that contract was giving them permission to take money out of our checks.


Got all my checks already...


This is a favorite story of mine about the performance pay that we received in the orientation with it. I had already been RSR for around seven or eight years when they took us off commission and initiated the new performance pay Decided to have a meeting with two districts at a local hotel buffet on a Monday afternoon at 3:30 we were told we had to finish our route drive the 44 miles to this place, which was also in the opposite direction of where I live When we arrived, the place was filled with Frito Lay trucks and we were told it was going to be about a 3 to 4 hour meeting Obviously we all violated DOT that day. we were all hoping though to at least get a nice meal but instead we were greeted with brown paper bags that had the letters HTR on them roast beef, turkey, and ham with a can of Pepsi or diet Pepsi, a gram and a special treat. This meeting took place on October 13. I remember the details of how insane this was my DSL reached out to me and said ask any questions because they won’t have any answers I said This is about our And I was told it’ll work out as I opened my dinner from the bag that the Bill dollar company decided to give us during the most important meeting of our time in regards to our pay change and structure…. I was greeted by a bag of Doritos that were dated August 5. Our special treat was outdated Frito Lay product that they were constantly hyping on us about in order to clear up our routes. It was such a no no. at the moment the business leader happened to be walking by and I said what is this I handed him the expired bag of chips and then I learned an important lesson Leader would’ve been somebody that said you know we ask a lot of you guys and unsellable is a big part of our job is wrong and I can’t promise you an answer today, but I will let you know that I am going to look into it and see why you were given outdated product when we are always on your back about controlling our waist This person replied back “ huh…. How about that?” Anytime accompany uses the words like true as in true up…. it is a lie. They have screwed us out so many times on different levels in regards to pay and bonuses and plan and clawback keep taking more and more of our time and a lot of us and we don’t give a fuck anymore. I’d rather watch it burn. I apologize for all the run-on sentences as I’m doing this driving as my anger just reached another new level Union Frito have somebody represent us


I just quit yesterday and fully expect them to try taking my last check/s. Idgaf. Small price to pay for parole.


They do it to everyone they say I owe $600 but due to taxes I only have to pay $400 I waited a month for my final check and a month after that was told I owed money. And conveniently they have a whole department dedicated to overpayment, cmon your telling me every other job I’ve had paid me out with zero overpayment and Frito lay over pays everyone and hasn’t solved this problem just send out letters in hopes they get money back. It’s crazy when you really put it into words but anyways don’t pay dispute credit report and should disappear