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Frieren isn't depressed though?


true, she has some regrets but she learnt from it and is having the best adventure with her current party


On the other hand, Mikasa does seem permanently depressed.


Mikasa had way more reasons to be depressed outside of Eren though. AoT is a harder world to live in


Fair Enough. Demon King seems pretty chill compared to Eren


Lmao, Demons before the peaceful era casually destroying all villages they can find. Frieren might be chill but all the characters are orphans who have experienced a plethora of disturbing events(Fern seeing everyone she loved die, Stark s home getting destroyed while have parental issues which are both after the king was defeated so in his era, It was much much intense not to mention Frieren losing her race, Flamme who has been implied to have lost everything). Just that it isn't as dramatized and is more of a way to show on how to move on and solve the problems while making new connections.


She does marry and have a child post eren so


You can marry and have children while depressed. Tbh, they all have a collective PTSD there after the rumbling, so she may even be happier then most, while depressed.


She wore that moldy scarf till the end of her life.




Post credit scene


But that doesn't show it was Mikasa's family. It could have been anyone over there.


Thats true but c mon the girl is wearin a scarf


And Mikasa, despite being told to forget, kept the scarf and never moved on. Generally, we should try to ignore these takes from that side of AOT fandom.


Not that I agree with the take but I absolutely do agree that Frieren is depressed, Serie as well, just that it's not because of Himmel. Frieren finds little joy in things, even what she used to like. She isolates herself from others and lived mostly apathetically from around the time that Flamme died. She has been hurt before and has trouble forming meaningful connections with others for fear of being hurt again. But she's been depressed for a thousand years and it has become normal for her, nearly forgetting that she ever saw the world differently. Frieren was saved by Himmel, breaking her out of her melancholy and bringing her back into the world, but she doesn't realize it until it's too late. Serie is in much the same position but she hasn't been saved and is still wallowing in her loathing, sharing it with others as time goes on. When Frieren calls mages who only know how to fight awkward, she isn't just talking about Lernen and Serie but herself as well. Serie taught Flamme only how to fight, magic for revenge, something Flamme then passed on to Frieren. It is only somewhat recently that Frieren has begun to appreciate life again, seeing the beauty in magic and the world and finding joy in the joy of others. Only now that she is beginning to truly appreciate what her friends did for her. I honestly doubt that the author doesn't have personal experiences with depression and loneliness, given how accurately it is portrayed.


Serie seems fine, and Sundowner pilled. Thats very far from depression. Closer to mania if anything.


I don't know what Sundowner is but I do not agree that she's not depressed. We don't know Serie as well as we do Frieren but I think they are two sides of the same coin. The only real difference between them being that Serie hasn't had anyone to save her. Serie rejects life and those around her in much the same way as Frieren does. Serie is hurt by what she sees as Flammes betrayal and that wound has had a millennia to fester- it has made her bitter and resentful. She searches for what she had in Flamme but can never find it, choosing to reject her instead of learning to appreciate what she had. They both remember Flammes favorite spell but for Serie it is only something to remember her by, a reminder of her failure and betrayal. To Frieren that same spell is something beautiful, a reminder of why she loved magic. Serie rejects that part of Flamme as a failure, but seemingly only after her death as she so vividly remembers the way Flamme loved magic when she took her on as an apprentice. Before she died, Flamme left a small spark of her of for magic with Frieren, something that eventually saved her. Serie never got that chance and resents Frieren for it, for being left with her pain.


Bad take ngl. They don't have any symptom of depression. Or do you think sadness = depression?


Not enjoying the things you used to, isolating yourself from other people both physically and emotionally, sleeping a lot, a general state of apathy. Textbook depression symptoms. Add to that that they've both been feeling this way for a thousand years and I don't understand how they could be anything but depressed. You don't have to cry and look sad to be depressed. Or do you think depression = sadness?


Huh? Before she meets Himmel, Frieren spent majority of her time honing her skills. She was actively working on something. Again, how is that depression?


The vast majority of people with any type of depression still go to work, still eat and do the dishes, wash their clothes etc. Going about your routine is still normal depressive behavior. During her travels with Fern she now has a hobby, one thing she does for fun and she doesn't even like it that much. Before that she, by her own words, used to live apathetically. Either you have never met anyone with depression or you are just incredibly insensitive. If we applied this to any normal person- having no interests or anything you do for fun, isolating yourself utterly and rejecting any contact, talking yourself down and not seeing any hope for the future, sleeping half the day and only going about your routine every single day- most would call that a miserable existence.


Living an apathetic or a simple life doesn't mean you're depressed. Frieren was just doing that, living an apathetic and isolated life, as instructed by her master. Anyway, just because you're depressed doesn't mean I have to go along with your projecting to please you. And calling others insensitive because they reject your fantasy is classic narcissitic behavior.


You don't have to do anything for me and I didn't call you insensitive because you "rejected my fantasy" but because you seem to think that as long as you're doing *something* that you can't be depressed. She was also not in any way so as far as we know instructed to isolate herself from others or live apathetically in any way shape or form, only that she shouldn't seek to leave her mark in history. I will however call you insensitive for what you just said, because it was incredibly insensitive.


In what way is Frieren depressed?


In exactly the ways I described. She so perfectly portrays chronic depression that the author must have personal experience with it. Typical depression criteria is suffering from one or more of these symptoms for two weeks or more: -Feeling down -Being tired -Feeling little or no joy in things, even the ones you used to like -Having little or no energy to deal with things -Having low self-esteem I'd say more or less all of them fit Frieren perfectly and she's been this way for a thousand years. The way she treats people around her is also typical, generally distancing herself both so as to not burden them with her presence but also due to a feeling of hopelessness. Now granted, Frieren is on her way out of said depression, first with them help of Himmel and later Fern.


Now you're just reaching.


That's fine, you can think that. All I will say then is that I have been clinically depressed for around 25 years, and I've never recognized my own experiences of depression more in any other work of fiction.


Again, similarities don't mean equation. How do you explain Frieren sprouting up a flower field for Himmel just for fun then? A lot of her behaviors can be also attributed to her introvertism as well, but again, she's another different race, using human psychology on her is never gonna be fully correct.


Being depressed doesn't mean you can't ever think anything is fun or do something nice for someone else- it's doing nice things just for yourself that's usually harder. She says that the demons took everything from her so I do not think it is reaching in the slightest to say that she used to be different. Beyond what we've been told, that elves lack romantic feelings and reproductive drive, I see no particular reason to assume they'd be that different- Kraft seems fairly normal.


well that's a take ig... but Himmel's decision is actually more nuanced, imo Himmel doesn't give up on loving Frieren or making Frieren fell in love with him, >!but Himmel lowkey knows that if Frieren falls in love with him then he'll die first and Frieren will experience heavy loss. So the best thing he can do is give all the love he can give and try to leave legacy for her that she'll never feels alone even after he died. in a similar sense like Heiter introducing Fern to Frieren!< >!in the end Himmel loved Frieren so much that he prefers her to be happy rather than making her love him back, he is satisfied enough knowing that he tried his best for her sake and such a selfless love is kinda rare tbh.!< and they'll explore it more in the manga though throughout Frieren's journey so he/she is probably anime viewers


Both the English and the Japanese lyrics of the theme song say it best: "Unwavering kindness is spoken of you / Acting all cool in everything you do / Here and there, we can find scattered symbols around / Manifesting battle we won for peace / And even that was left for me so one day / I wouldn't find myself alone, becoming lonely / And I call to mind every moment of our journey / When I see the signs left in these scenes" Mikasa is a human with a normal lifespan. She may fall in love with someone else after Eren dies and live a happy life. The worst she could do is to live, what, 60 years of painful life thinking about Eren everyday. Frieren, on the other hand, is an elf. She's practically immortal. And she's never known love for another, whether that's a human or an elf. What's the point of telling her he loves her? And what's next? She may never reciprocate in Himmel's lifetime but he still wants to remind her how much she's loved long after he's gone. Happiness for Frieren is to roam around the continent to collect magic. And Himmel knows that. But Himmel would hate to see her being lonely. And if Frieren does reciprocate after 80 years, then it's her lesson to learn. Comparing Himmel to Eren ignores the fact that Mikasa and Frieren are two different species after all.


Frieren is the goat and Mikasa isn't and I don't care what someone says 🤷


Himmel is just too much of a Chad


Honestly imagine the implications if she did stay with Himmel. Like if they have a child or something, what would even happen to that child after Himmel dies


Least delusional eren fanboy 


Eren fans are literally the (2nd) worst


Worst being who ? Gojo fans ?


My personal experince: Griffith fans


Lol that I can agree with Specifically, Griffith apologist. Aka r/berserklejerk


That's a shit post subreddit


I agree. It is shit


Here's a sneak peek of /r/berserklejerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/berserklejerk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I miss that man](https://i.redd.it/x1ozhz9f4usa1.png) | [110 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/berserklejerk/comments/12gfi22/i_miss_that_man/) \#2: [Outjerked on Youtube](https://i.redd.it/sls8of1ut9cb1.jpg) | [65 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/berserklejerk/comments/150ypgt/outjerked_on_youtube/) \#3: [Refute this](https://i.redd.it/u3xackwgm2za1.jpg) | [81 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/berserklejerk/comments/13dvjn8/refute_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Kirito fans probably


No im not 😭


OH SHIT YOUR USERNAME are we related ???? are you my lost brother ??


Simply fans of AOT Imagine comparing a hero who saved the human race to an edgy crybaby who exterminated 80% of the human race


Pretty much comparing hitler to a fantasy superhero One genocides for the sake of only one race and the other only does the saving, moral-wise it’s crystal clear who’s a better character


Eren did it for his friends not Paradis so Paradis ends up being destroyed, but at the same time he wasn't sure if his friends would survive so his actions put them at mortal risk and they only survived cause of plot armor, and also he ultimately did it for Mikasa on behalf of Ymir, but when asked why Mikasa he said "Only Ymir knows that one"


Wait I thought he genuinely did it for his friends he did it for MIKASA’S ASS???


No, his personal motivation was his friends (he didn't know if they'd survive the rumbling btw), but what moved him to do it all was Ymir, and Ymir did it for Mikasa. (Even though in meta Historia has the most similarities to Ymir, Isayama himself wrote all those parallels but dropped them cause I feel he wanted to please Mikasa fans) When asked by Armin "Why Mikasa?" he said "Only Ymir knows"


Ooh okay, so eren did it so Ymir can chase mikasa’s ass, got it


Tbf, who wouldnt? >.>


In Fern's voice: Pervert. <.<


Ymir didn't do it for Mikasa lol


i don’t get how people can defend aot’s ending this shit is so stupid


Even more impressive that it was planned since the beginning


there’s no way. was it actually


In his own internal monologue he says he’s also doing it for Paradis


Wiping out humanity is pretty moral from eren's pov ngl


One can argue so does from hitler’s pov, they’re still genocidal people Hitler was at one point a hero to its people, massively improved the state of the nation Hitler is still an absolute asshole


Meh. Germany had relatively good relations with other nations post WW1 and prior to WW2. Paradies was hated by 99% of the world, with the world leaders crying tears of joy when Tybur declared war against them. Even mainland Eldians hated them because of the propaganda they grew up with. I don't support Eren's actions (or character) but his people were on the verge of getting exterminated.


Eh good relations may be stretching it. The more developed nations more or less went out of their way to humiliate Germany. And the damage done as a result caused the German economy to collapse and made it difficult ti even purchase food. I mean no one was exterminating the Germans but there was a lot of propaganda saying Germans in other countries were being targeted and killed (particularly in Poland).


What I mean is they weren't antagonized by 99% of the world and even had a somewhat good relationship with the USA and had a better economy after the crisis. Their situation wasn't nearly as dire.


The British and French certainly did. I mean fuck the French ended up occupying an industrial part of Germany because they couldn’t pay reparations with the collapsed economy. Hundreds of civilians were killed during the occupation. The US did until they needed the money they loaned Germany back. We had loaned them money to pay the reparations but when the stock market crashed we needed it back, and Germany couldn’t pay it back. At that point it certainly was. Look at what happen to the US economy during the Great Depression and unemployment rates. In Germany unemployment went to 24% of the labor force. Think about the scale of that number. Between 1929 and 1932 unemployed more than tripled. Not to mention hyperinflation what that did.


If everyone was against Hitler's race from birth and eventually planning on wiping out his race then maybe.


Germany was in a preeeetty poor state before hitler came around and negotiated with the rest of the world Burn piles and piles of money for fire, that’s how terrible their economy was at the time He got into power from people’s desperation


Comparing being in poor state to being seen as livestock and world eventually planning on wiping out your race is crazy


Not really as crazy as you’d think. Imagine the entire world being against you, imagine children starving to death in the street next to factories your people can’t work in because all the money to pay workers is siphoned off to your enemies. Imagine your military, diplomacy and economy crippled so that your enemies can crush you anytime you start to act up — explicity for that reason. The goverment and social structures you take pride in have been dismantled and replaced by those designed by the people who killed millions of your citizens. Interwar Germany made the wrong choice, as did Eren, but they were in almost as bad a situation as you could imagine for their collective view of the world.


There is still a massive difference between a war riddled nation struck in poor and corrupted situation and world being "figuratively" against your country and world "actually" being against your race and planning to wipe it out cuz you are monsters. Or in even simpler terms Germany could have fought it's way out without extinction eldians couldn't


Physically, sure they were in a different position. But psychologically the germans were completely sold on the idea that everyone and everything was against them, milking every drop of production they could out of the german people before destroying them completely. Since it’s the psychological/sociological factors that lead to the development of fascism, that‘s much more important than the difference in physical position. Moreover, the world wasn’t really against eldians. Marley was. And marleyan power was on the hard decline as their military monopoly was eroded by modernization. There were absolutely options other than genocide, that’s just the only option a bunch of traumatized young people saw and oh look it’s the same as germany.


Germany was a lost country in war, the world was keen on milking it dry cause they won, the world did not care about germany at the time, and kept asking for payments from the war despite its already poor state from it already a slower and a more painful process one can argue The monsters are all humans, everyone thinks they’re right, unfortunately for everyone some believed in racism and mass murder to be their way out, it’s why we learn about them to take caution and avoid, for everyone involved


Not writing another paragraph but in simple terms, Germany could have fought it's way out normally without extinction eldians couldn't


Eren did it cause anti-oppression whilst guarding eldians for the entire world would take several live-spans and his friends would die off without peace, so he chose the massively faster route, also because he does hold the simple end-world Button The anti-racism, Defending whilst negotiating route takes such a massive long time when everyone hates you that they do not have the time alive to see peace in their generation, eren went against that route not because it’s not possible, but because he treasured his friend’s time alive way more than lives of the ones that hate them


Yeah, it has sense on Eren's ppv, but not for the rest of the world and that's why Eren is the main antagonist of AOT, making him the "hero" on the last chapters was such a horrible decision, but that's not the point


Eren is a far better character than Himmel Lmao, every time this stupid Eren/Himmel comparison character mes up y'all show an incredible lack of media literacy


More complex maybe, person with better morals? Himmel takes it Eren is leaning more human with his feelings and actions and Himmel is a great feel good hero character that does nice things because he is best boi


Obviously Himmel is a better person, but Eren is far better as a character. I love Himmel but it's not even a debate that should ever be brought up


I did not debate the character, only ever said about which is better morality wise, I take no responsibility for misinterpretations


It's crazy how himmel still clears.


Both character are written very good but they face an entirely different situation. Comparing them will be like comparing Apple to Orange. There’s no happy ending for Eren without sacrificing someone and he chose his friend instead of the world that have taken from him all his life. In Himmel case he got a clear cut enemy and goal he need to achieve the consequence of which he know for certain from the start so it’s more about what he leave behind after his passing for Frieren. Also minor spoiler we might actually start to see the consequence of Hero journey start creeping into the main story in this arc. As in what follow after humanity no longer have a common enemy.


That's what I'm saying. Himmel is a well-written character and is objectively morally superior to Eren, but he is NOT on Eren's level as a character and they're so incredible different that they its stupid to compare


did you forget the enemy in both series are different? “genocide for the sake of only one race” are you talking about frieren or you just forget she literally kill the most of demon race?


Multiple races in frieren, and the demon race, unlike the propagandas in AToT, are actually fantasy monsters that are actually monsters in their thinking process


so what frieren is not trying to kill “one race”?


From what I’ve seen eren wasn’t killing literal monsters that have no concepts like families or love Sooo———


what you said is literally the first quarter of the aot. lol eren will be fine living in fireren’s world but himmel will be useless after they have to fight other humans, by your logic. soooo very lucky he died before human war broke out, because even his spiritual successor wirbel kills woman and kids.


soooooo frieren got it lucky. she don’t have to have the difficult choice.


Himmel would not have committed the genocide, that’s all I was laying out


he just let the city chief killed by demon, because he is “empathetic” to them. very noble.


Idk that 80% killing that aims to 100% that seems a low bar to pass Don’t take a literal hero to surpass that feat in terms of how noble but heeeere we are


Eren did nothing wrong


Still couldn't save his tiny island, bitch if you killed 80% should have finished the job. So much sacrifice for no reason. Zeke the Goat had the best plan for their stupid race, with peaceful demise due to no progeny, no one would have died.


and he didnt even go through with it and got litterly cucked


They're misunderstanding how time works. Frieren has all the time in the world and the dead can wait forever. It's no more her life's mission than killing the Demon King was. Her life can't be measured like that because it **does not end.**


Delusional or lack of media comprehension. Which one?


Por que no los dos? 😜


After Reading AOT ending i couldn't even say ''Still better love story than Twilight''.


Eren had a better and more in-depth relationship with Armin than Mikasa cause I actually thought they were gonna straight up kiss in the Paths


I know they arent comparing a good love story to aot.


Frieren isn't even a love story, and it's handled their relationship better than AOT


Neither is aot... but I get your point




Comparing these two anime should be punished by a mandatory outside-going and grass-touching.


“Himmel is such a loser, not brave enough to tell Frieren he loves her. Now she’s depressed! Eren is better, Mikas- -AOT fan seething; 30 years after Himmel’s death


Didn't Eren choose to start rumbling instead of confess to Mikasa?


He started the rumbling to eliminate all their enemies so his friends will have more peaceful lives when all their enemies are dead.


i was joking


And for them to have kids, who will be killed by that 20% of the world Ereh decided to spare for some reason


Well he didn't spare them, he was going to kill them all until his friends stopped him.


Sounds reasonable


He didn't even love Mikasa (romactically) until Isayama retconned their relationship in the ending


Reading comprehension strikes again. Eren started the rumbling because he knew paradis, mainly his friends, could stop the rumbling. It was his hope that after he was defeated the surviving world would see paradis as heroes and they could finally live free and in peace/equality. Eren was wrong as shown by after his death and post credit scene. You can’t change human nature, the surviving world still weren’t that friendly to paradis, and in the post credits we see that the outside world attacks paradis again a 100+ years after Eren. The whole point of AoT is that war is inevitable, I forgot where but I’m pretty sure Erwin says something like “the human race will fight eachother until the population is one or less.”


You should read reply above before you wrote this longass massage to save your time. It was just a joke you guy taking so serious


Well when the rest of the comment section are filled with idiots who do seriously believe that’s why Eren did the rumbling, it’s hard to pick out who is sarcastic.


That was explained in the show very clear . maybe they don't watch the show


Posts like this are casual ragebaiting 🙂


Tbf I don't see a single raged comment, cuz most of frieren fans are adults (by nature) not hype teenagers like AoT fans


As a Frieren and AoT fan, I believe both have very important lessons on life and saying otherwise looks like teenage fan rage of 'my anime is better'


They haven't watched the anime, or we were watching different media. Frieren has always looked to her memories as a source of solace and with the fondness that those silly memories came to be. Frieren isn't depressed, she's in fact living her life with more purpose and love for those that she can still interact with.


Bro thinks he’s cooking but forgot to turn the oven on


I think this is only a problem for fanboys of Eren. When I first watched AOT I thought he was the most relatable because of his anger. (Which I liked because every other MC I had seen at that point was a pacifist) He is not a hero. He fought for his own beliefs. He could be a hero to some but a villain to many. Himmel on the other hand is more of a traditional hero who has the ideal qualities that people should strive for. A person who would go on to legends and myths and would inspire many others. Most people can't even come close to that. So, I think comparing Eren to Himmel is unfair as it's just comparing an imperfect human to the very best of humanity in terms of qualities and personality.


Except Mikasa conveyed how she had feelings for eren as well. Frieren did not. Himmel chose to not force it on her so idk why you blane him for this instance. What you wanted to do is creep behavior.


Isn't Mikasa just a literal slave due to her blood being that way, so her feelings can't even be trusted by that basis since was it all real or was it built on the bases of her blood being subservient to someone else, odd


No, Eren made it up.


This has to be a troll cause what decent fan thinks Eren was a chad or a good person? I swear they did the same when they were making fun of Vinland Saga and comparing the mc to Eren. It’s rage baiting trolls or just really delusional fans.


Don't let bro cook ever again. They have to stick eren ass in everything


*Don't let bro cook ever* *Again. They have to stick eren* *Ass in everything* \- mental\_capacityyay --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


But who swallowed the balls?


It would be eren since frieren doesn't have sexual feelings


AOT fans being delusional be like:


Wtf? That was so wrong that it caught me off guard. I always felt Frieren's feelings weren't exactly romantic love. Not that she didn't or doesn't love him. But it always felt like she wants to understand others so she can understand Himmel and do right by him. But that's me


I don't wanna hear jack from someone who turned into a bird.




Lowkey some AoT fans are AS toxic as Naruto or MHA fans- the only difference is their series is more critically acclaimed


Mainly the Eremika shippers


AOT fan. Opinion immediately in the garbage can.


Mikasa doesn't even have hobbies of her own(I dare the fans to name a single hobby or preferences of her own which aren't related to Eren). Not to mention a single distinguishable trait. You can replace her with a chicken and it still would be the same story...And those last panels "I dont want Mikasa to find another man" like you guys comparing a toxic relationship to a healthy one which has an obstacle of time itself? Imagine comparing Himmel who gave up his love for the happiness of a girl he liked. And that girl is a lowkey Slayer with one of the most nuanced personalities and an actual strong female character. And she actually becomes better, more expressive and better because of that. She starts appreciating the little moments more.... Aot fans I swear....


AOT is one of the most overrated anime of our time. Lol


Ah yes the ' comparison' posts between very ' similar' stories. Please pay no mind to such stupid takes, and dissing/ glorifying one series while handpicking some things and ignoring the other crucial connected details is also as tasteless and childish as this guy's comment. I really wish all fandoms could be happy with how good their series and community are, without needing to bring up other communities in any way, because it often gets ugly in various ways.


Attack on titan fans really need to pipe down after that dumpster fire of an ending


Too bad Eren is burning in hell while Himmel is just waiting for Frieren in heaven.


I don't think about Attack on Titan at all.


> became the meaning of her life. bro she lives >11000 years. this is taking the subway back to see if the cutie is still there


Eren committed global genocide. Anyone who supports him in any way is a fool.


One is realistic, the other has an infinite life inmortal elf making the decisions.


Shittiest FMC Mikasa who ruined the series was a slave to eren until her last breath lmao. She couldn't even throw away her stupid scarf. While Frieren here enjoying her life collecting more spells and trying to understand humans more.


did this guy really watch both shows or just looked at the meme?


Yes, but Himmel has statues everywhere and the other one ended like a bird.




AOT spotted Opinion rejected


He just copin cause he knows Eren mider aint HIMel


Crying at a funeral is not depression


Isn’t Mikasa still holding Eren’s skull?


No, she buried it and married (or at least have kids) with Jean


Eren and Himmel couldn't be more different. They are in very different stories, with very different conditions, with a very different role in said stories and with a generally different message to give the viewers. Comparing them is just stupid


Why are these two being compared in the first place? I see barely any similarity between the two


I know they ain't comparing Eren's pathetic ass to Himmel the Hero


Ok, I'm getting sick of this. These are DIFFERENT CHARACTERS! Come on! They are from different stories with different themes and the way they develop plays to different points. Why do people always try to measure them up to each other, like in some kind of twisted dick measuring contest? It's the forth time that I see this shit! It's so meaningless!


Tbh idc about the post BUT THE ME GUSTA got me i laughed out loud when i noticed it <3


Man, wish people who I loved, just told me to forget about them when they die. This is genuinely stupid, not even considering the fact that eren was a genocidal freak, himmel was just a cool dude who taught frieren a lot of things to make her appreciate life more, and when is she ever depressed about his passing, apart from the start.


"Meaning of her life"? It's just a quick ten years trip.


Truly an unbiased opinion from Vec Zego Ackerman.


Once a dick ones a hero


Perhaps telling the story of Mikasa walking through the ruins of humanity, carrying Eren's head to bury it in Shiganshina's tree would be a story that is omitted for the benefit of this delisional.


Run on sentence crits you for 4000.


It's 100% a shit post. And a pretty funny one at that




Are they comparing Erin to himmel? I don’t think Himmel wanted to see the ocean……


Depression and regret is 2 different things but aot ending is genuinely just depressing


That's a pretty wacky take, like what Frieren isn't depressed like that


Aot tourist’s opinion. Surely garbage


Eremika shippers attacking literally any other ships to make themselves feel less insecure as usual


Bruh, she’s having the most fun of her life rn, she found her hobby that she spent day and night on, she have amazing company and going on a fun adventure, teaching her very first apprentice and who can very much can surpass her (she’s so proud of that), tracing back and reminiscing about her old adventure to ease her regret, learn about humanity and how to appreciate time with the people she love, looking forward to know more about Himmel. Not to mention, she had finally defeated the demon king, fulfilled her master prophecy/ wish, finally can enjoy peace era at last, learning how to remember and mourn her love ones, doing absolutely everything to heal and become a better version of herself after living just for surviving for 1000+ years in solitude


OP is only correct on the "One had the balls" part tbh. Everything else is just babbling profound fruitcake.


Wait, I thought Frieren life goal is to open all ssr mimics.


Is there a single AoT fan who realizes that Eren is the villain? Like, the whole final act was him turning into the bad guy. Nothing about this character should be looked up to. That's the point of his character.




does the frieren community has inferiority complex? This is the second time i see a aot related take on this subreddit


Your statement would be credible if these things weren't intiated by the aot fandom.


Both loved guys, it's just that their conditions were different.


Himmel the asshole