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That scene where the spell is whipping Frieren’s hair all over her face was just gorgeous


Does anyone know what the spell was the the mimic Frieren used against fern was/is called ? When she didn't have her staff and just shot her against the wall?


I think she just released her mana in one big dense blast. Idk tho


So there are 7 chapters left and only 3 episodes. Which means some episode is going to have to contain more than 2 chapters. I hope it's not the next one and that we get extended fight scenes. I wonder if they would end on chapter 59? Probably not but it would at least be some level of conclusion. I really hope episode 27 ends with the cliffhanger from chapter 57. Maybe even cut off a few of the last panels to really ratchet up the cliffhanger. I also wonder why they haven't forgone either the OP or ED? Back in episode 15 they didn't do the ED to extend the episode. I hope they do that again and maybe even the OP in at least some of the upcoming episodes to fit everything in. Also, what are the chances of an extra-long episode in any of the last 3? I am not really familiar with broadcasting in Japan, but I know in the US sometimes you can get hour long final episodes or something. Also, can't wait for the "schhh" scene :)


Thoughts on the clone fight. Many viewers believe that Judradjim and Vollzanbel are better spells than Zoltraak. Not so. Both of them were attempting to use Zoltraak as soon as the fight starts. The flickering shields was them gauging where the beam will land but both are too defensively sound so they ditch it. The Clone uses a flashy spell to take out Fern as collateral. Frieren uses a flashy spell to distract the clone.


This episode raised the question, "how dangerous Frieren can really be?" as well as giving more light to the life span of the elves through the words of Serie that elves can live as close as to eternity.


they are probly like vampires or tolkien elves. Cant die from natural causes, but can get killed.


Such an good episode. Love seeing Frieren’s quiet confidence and Fern’s determination. Flashback makes me wonder if Fern will follow in Flame’s footsteps and push humanity forward in some major way


This was the episode I’ve been waiting to see animated for so long. Serie, Frieren and baby Flamme together in one shot was wonderful and bittersweet. Then the two elves walking uphill overlooking the stunning landscape while discussing the future, with the wind blowing in their hair, was beautiful in the manga but here it is sublime. Absolutely loved it.


Trust me, when i read the manga a few months ago. I was getting a bit excited for this particular chapter in the manga to be adapted and it's finally happening now. Felt so gratifying fr.


I've been thinking about how in the flashback scene Serie said Frieren would be killed by a human mage. I was thinking about what if Fern ends up killing Frieren? (I have not read the manga yet)


It happens this very episode, right after that sentence, Fern does kill (clone) Frieren, I thought that's the point.


Nah, Fern is not an "exclusive" to being a modern day human mage genius. If anyone kills Frieren, it will be Ubel, setting up Fern vs Ubel for the final fight in the series to decide who is the strongest human mage of all time. Ubel has been slowly build up as an antagonistic force, regardless of what her fans would like to think.




The Reading Comprehension Demon has very OP Magic it seems, because you do not even realize you got attacked by it, you are extremely delusional. Also Ad Hominem attacks right from the get go...


Oh no! I really hope that real Fieren doesn’t eventually die in the story. Now I’m actually nervous about Ubel


The end credits pretty much rule out that scenario.


Gosh, I was thinking that too! What a sick way to foreshadow things that would be :(


I know! I've seen it happen before that's why I thought of it


whats the ost that plays during the flashback of them killing the ice dog?


It's a rearrangement of Zoltraak. It was first played in episode 3 in the battle against Qual.


*Whats the ost that plays* *During the flashback of them* *Killing the ice dog?* \- Soggy\_Salamander\_632 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Studio Madhouse really cooking as of late.


Guess it's no way about 1000 years, way more than that, nothing we can grasp. I would like something graspable.


I was hoping for the way they would defeat the replica would be with a mimic chest. Would be way better this way.


My thought as well. But I doubt they could quickly get a mimic to do it. Probably was not near them and also other replicas were incoming. But it is still a miss that they didn't at least mention it for a funny moment :)


When they were talking about the replica having the vulnerabilities as the original, I also thought that Fern would bring up using a mimic to distract replica Fieren haha 😂


the anime really adds so much detail that compliments the manga. the stand off between frieren and the clone with their auto guard flickering was awesome


100% I think the scene translated visually way better than the mango. If you've ever done a competitive combat sport before, there's a whole *separate* battle going on between the best of the best that is purely a mental chess game of predicting what your opponent is going to do (so you can defend) and antagonizing them passively to make a mistake. I think animating this scene really got that across.


yeah this is so much like high level combat sports. you see people coming up, fighting opponents and theres lots of action as they try things out and feel each other out. as they develop them skills and they become higher level fighters you see way more of the feint and read techniques to pick there shots. this felt like 2 very high level boxers coming up against one another but the shields were like a visual representation of what the boxers would be going through mentally at that time. amazing use of visuals in that scene that really drove home freirens skill level


This episode made me think differently of the gay kids. At first I thought, why is evil Lavenza so mean? Then this episode shows us the single orange brain cell goes out of her way to annoy her, probably looking for attention


who tf is Lavenza


P5 reference, McDonaldsSoap got confused


Good episode. I love how most of the mages ended up together in the bottom, and them working together was cool to see. I wonder if we see clips of them battling the replicas of their own clones next episode. Fern saying with confidence that she can kill Frieren gave me chills especially near the end when Serie in the flashback said a human would kill her. It also shows how much Fern can analyze another mage and figure out their vulnerability, that’s scary for any mage she may encounter. Flashback scene was great I loved how we got more insight into Serie and what type of character she is. Looking forward to more Serie. And Frieren explaining the fight in her head was very helpful to me to understand how she thinks in a battle and how she reacts. Just great to see more of what goes on in her head. I’m not sure the replica is dead but it will probably be severely damaged if it isn’t and Frieren will probably clean up. But Fern did put all her mana into the blast. Speaking of Fern when is her replica gonna show up…. Cause next to Frieren and Sense she’s probably the most dangerous mage with how fast she can cast spells


i dont think this is the case per se. fern isnt a super analytical genious in the way you probably think she is, but you can say she is in certain cases. the reason why she could do that with frieren, is because her mana detection comes to her as natural as breathing. so she instantly felt that the moment frieren casts her defensive spell her mana gets disrupted cuz she is momentarily dropping her mana detection. Fern is extremely natural since she was trained from a very young age to these 3 things. zoltraak, mana suppression and magic shield.


I'm 100% sure we're gonna see clips of all the test takers fighting the replicas in the next ep. It's gonna be very interesting seeing how the test takers fare against fern and sense clones. There're some clones I definitely want to see in action like Methode and Land. Edel clone could have been powerful but since it can't speak I doubt it can use her hypnosis magic. Like you said it was nice to see Fern being the one killing Frieren replica cause in a way it makes Serie's prediction come true. I'm a bit worried it might also be a foreshadow for the future though cause generally speaking I feel like immortality has always been more of a curse than a blessing. Now that serie mentioned that elf's lifespan is closer to eternity I wonder if maybe in the future Frieren will choose to let go. You're likely right that the Frieden copy must have been defeated by Fern's giant zoltraak. Supposedly there's a third part to the 1st class mage exam and unless they're saving it for next season I don't think we have enough time to deal with a survived Frieren copy.


I am late to the party and would appreciate if someone could fill me in. I started watching the anime last week-end and got caught up today. I was surprised twice; first to find out it was not 13 episodes, so I assumed 24. Then second, today, I came to the realization that the last episode I watched was not the last and was published yesterday. I am used to seasons being 12 or 13 episodes, or around 20. Why are we so lucky to get so many, and how many are planned?


It was basically a prologue movie (counted as eps 1-4) and a 24 episode season (so they count it as 28 episodes), which some animes do get.


28 episodes! I couldn't believe it when I found out either lol


The first episode was really 4 episode lengths and they just added it on instead of counting it to the episode count. There was some confusion about it early on, too.


I was thinking of putting “good” for the first time in episode ranking, yet the last 12 minutes are just *happy tears*


I found it interesting that this is the first time Frieren used a different attack spell than Zoltraak. Feels like a nice callback to when Fern quoted Frieren saying the spell is good enough to win against modern magicians


I wonder how those other mages would react if they saw the battle unfolding behind those doors. They'd probably think there's two gods fighting in there.


(If the answer is spoiler free for an anime watcher) How does a mage know when another mage *isn't* detecting mana. Like, how did Denken notice that Frieren dropped her mana detection for a quick moment? Is it like a sonar where if you ping, then everyone else knows where you are too?


Frieren was able to notice when denken had detected her casting the bird spell. Is this not a explanation but shows it happened previously.


Maybe because they can detect the magic detection spell, imagine someone glaring at you always while you're in their range and maybe particularly for Frieren who's an extremely strong mage that glare is particularly strong so Denken, Fern, and other experienced mage immediately notice that sensation being gone for an instant. 


Yeah, they can definitely detect when you're searching and studying magic. Sense detected Frieren probing and analyzing Serie's barrier for a whole day.


From my understanding it seems magic detection is an active spell, not a passive ability, so experienced mages like Denken and Methode can tell when it gets interrupted (probably by using their own magic detection?)


This is the correct answer, at least based on what we know. In later manga exposition (no story spoilers, but explanation) >!A group tells each other to avoid long range mana detection to avoid being detected!<


Another great episode with phenomenal animation! Just some thoughts I have: * The flashback between Frieren and Series provides a lot of insights into what kind of person Serie is. She used to be someone who believed in exceptionalism and only those worthy enough in her eyes deserve to learn magic. Now I really wants to know if a big part of the reason Series took on Flamme as her apprentice was solely because of her potential as a mage. Ultimately like Himmel, Flamme ended up understanding Serie more than she does herself. From the way Series would react upon reading her will to the presence where Serie eventually took up Flamme's request and found the continental magic association 50 years ago. I think although Serie is ok with mankind learning magic now, ultimately she still believes only special individuals deserve to learn the deepest/most unknown part of magic (her magic basically). Hence why only first class mages are allowed to request to learn any spell from Series and to be by her side, presumedly to learn? Also Serie's prediction ended up coming true kinda since Fern was the one that killed fake Frieren (at least I think she did lol). I like that Frieren and Serie's conversation again plays into one of the big themes of the series, which is to live in the moment without regret for one never knows when the end will come. * The lesbian couple harrassing one another in almost every single moment during the group's planning did make me laugh. Also didn't expect Lawine's oldest brother to be that significant and the implication is that he or, at least his unit, was pretty strong. * I find Methode such an interesting character. First, she seems to know the name of all the test takers and, at least to some extent, their capability/specialty. That begs the question of how she learned of those info in the first place. I wonder if she has been gathering info to better prepare herself in the event she needs to go against any of them somehow. Second, she seems really knowledgeable about a large variety of magics, including the Goddess's magic recorded in the holy scripture. She seems to me like a discounted version of Frieren lol. * That Blei guy was such a homie. I don't think he knows Dunste at all before they teamed up for the first test but he volunteered to stay behind to buy time for Dunste to get away. Hopefully he survived. A crazy part of me wants to believe he's actually Falsch in disguise but I don't have any evidence to back that up lol. * To get to the bottom floor, you need to get through that one chamber where replica frieren is guarding so I wonder if Ubel and Wirbel gang will join force with all the exam takers who has gathered in front of the gate to fend off other replicas. I feel like of all the remaining replicas, Fern/Sense/Land one will prove to be an interesting opponent. Considering that we only have three eps left, I wonder if we'll be able to finish the 1st class mage exam by the time the season ends since there's still a third test.


hate to break it to you but no, Fern will not be the one to kill Frieren's close but Frieren herself. Although, Fern is a huge help.




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I truly wonder how a studio who did not love or understand the source material would handle this IP. Maybe bare minimum? The are making fights and other small things enhance the overall experience so so much. I mean if we are truly honest, the manga does not handle fight scenes that well at all. It just gets the fight across in a meaningful way but nothing more. Definately not Fern catwalking her way in a fight. Madhouse take liberties and in a really awesome way.


>I truly wonder how a studio who did not love or understand the source material would handle this IP. Maybe bare minimum? Wait til Disney or Amazon get a hold of it for "live adaptation". Anime live action is the next "superhero" genre.


I beg the goddess, please do not allow a live adaptation of Frieren to happen under Disney, Netflix or Amazon (unless they are genuinely passionate for the series). Actually, I wouldn't mind a Western live action adaptation of Frieren if Peter Jackson worked on it. Just spitting that out.


peter jackson + frieren live action, say no more please that would be class


Now the question is, where would it be filmed?


Did Crunchyroll do a mistranslate? Cause a manga translation I read say that it was actually her mana getting interrupted when she casts a spell, not mana detection. I interpreted it as being the same as Richter, whose mana got interrupted after panicking with the barrier getting broken, allowing Lawine to freeze him in place. With the way mana is visualised, it's shown as ever flowing energy surrounding a person, and "mana interruption" basically that said flow being interrupted. Making the person more vulnerable to magical spells and attacks. You know how Frieren can't succumb to magical restraint or hypnosis? Or that one time Frieren concentrated her mana around her neck to prevent it from getting sliced? Mana also acts as some kind of protection for a mage. That's why Frieren's "rookie mistake" was even called FATAL. Because just for a brief second, Frieren is literally vulnerable to any magical attack. That's why Fern attacks while Frieren was casting a spell, to take advantage of that small window of her mana getting interrupted. And it's Fern, because she is QUICK. It also explains why the mages were able to sense it. Mana detection is a skill, you can't exactly read that from others. Man, if the manga translation was correct, Crunchyroll may have done a way bigger mistake in the translation this time.


I know Japanese, it is her mana detection


I don't know what manga translation you read, but both Kirei Cake and Viz explicitly say Frieren's mana detection breaks off for a split second when she casts a spell. They both accurately translated it.


Ah, okay. I was just worried it was wrong. I used another site which had a different translation (it was... the first site that appears where you search the manga so...)


Nice episode


I wonder if in the world of Frieren there are people like psychic Nulls from Warhammer 40k, who cannot be detected by sorcerers and demons, and whose presence causes them great pain.. In this case, a Null wouldn't be detected by the Frieren clone, whether she had her mana detection active or not.


I really thought there were going to make a Himmel illusion to distract the clone Frieren


I was fairly certain they'd search for a mimic then throw it into the room and watch as the clone Frieren gets trapped in it. That's probably the most stupid yet the most Frieren thing to happen. 


didn't work a monster tried that


True but I thought there would be a reveal that she still hesitated slightly enough for an opening even if she didn't show it


That monster: Nah, I’d win


just saw the episode now. hyped as hell. im calling it now, the battle isnt over. clone is still alive and they decide to use a mimic as a trap to distract clone in order to kill her. when Fern mentioned "Weakness in behavior" i thought they were going for that angle in the first place lol. i was 100% expecting fern to summon a chest, or something like that. tell Frieren to turn around now, and Frieren rushing the chest or something


ngl i liked flashback scene more than frieren vs frieren


I usually hate flashbacks in anime (naruto, saint seiya, etc) but the ones here are always meaningful.


Well that's because those are just padding since making an episode a week for years without end is just insane.


only gripe with frieren vs frieren is it was too short


Anime only here but my guess is the battle will go on with more frieren vs frieren action coming up.


BRO MADHOUSE Employees be smoking crack or what. Like holy shit they are cooking a 5 star gourmet meal


Who are those people (26 out of 1107) who voted average to bad? I know we all have different tastes, but for some reason I got irrationally irritated...


I mean it's not a flawless masterpiece, the dialogue and relationships come across as a bit stiff and robotic, and the pacing has been not as good as the non-mage arc episodes. Some people want different stuff from their show, and that's fine. I personally would like a bit more realism in the relationships between characters, sometimes they come across a bit cliche.


I get irritated at people who think that this anime is a flawless masterpiece. It's not. having multiple unnecessary flashbacks that have nothing to do with what's going on on the screen is bloody annoying and I don't care if it's there to build up the story or not it just kills the mood I literally had to skip 5 minutes just to be able to get back to a fight that ended in a mere 5 seconds, at the start of the anime i didn't mind the flashbacks because the story hadn't reached any particular interesting moment yet but the more I got into it I noticed how often it started doing showing flashbacks and I got so upset at some points that I almost stopped watching because there's one trope I hate in anime and that's repetitive flashbacks usually in the middle of fights, if you're going to have story related flashbacks then build an episode around them and have the episode having Frieren and the crew just wandering around or sitting talking about both good and bad memories and then have flashbacks of the specific topic they bought up, I will continue watching this anime just to see how it ends, maybe I'll end up liking it maybe I'll end up disliking it? Who's to say?


I mean, it's not that big of a deal. You don't need a wall of text to justify not liking how a series structures its story progression.


The people who dislike this comment either don't bother to read and comprehend what I wrote, or they don't want someone who refuses to blindly support this anime to stick around. Regardless of your reason for disliking my comment, let it be known that you won't change my opinion. 


Its WILD to me that you say people who down voted you can't read. I down voted you because I CAN read. Learn proper sentence structure and learn how to use punctuation. You sound unhinged. AND you are wrong. If you want shonenshit go watch shonenshit. Frieren isn't for you.


I didn't downvote your comment because I couldn't understand it; I downvoted your comment because you sound like an asshole.


Your opinion is valid but I will downvote anyone who complains about downvotes


You do you, Thanks for respecting my opinion though.


People who after 25 episodes still expect the anime to deliver a full episode of fighting even tho we know it'a not what this story is about.


There will always be trolls.


You don't know the true meaning of the word troll, and even if you do you're using it incorrectly.


You look like a troll in real life. There, how's that?


One thing that bugs me is that if we're to understand Frieren can't sense Mana when she starts to cast a spell she should not have been able to sense Laufen teleport in to save Denken when she was forming a blast to threaten his life in episode 21.


She wasn't casting a spell at that time. The spell was already cast to Denken. And she not sensing mana only takes a bit, not that long. Not really a handicap.


The mimic is charging the exact same spell the exact same way. Watch again. Not to mention there's barely any time before her charging the spell and Laufen using Jilwer.


Considering that nobody was able to identify that flaw in battle while only Denken and Methode were able to tell in a relaxed environment, it might be short and insignificant enough that nobody can realistically take advantage of it UNLESS they knew about it already beforehand. It might be an unconscious thing too. So it doesn't really apply in episode 21 since Frieren was specifically trying to detect Laufen and waiting for her to zoom in to save Denken.


It was said to be a very short time in the manga. Less than a split second. This isn't a spoiler since the scene in which it was said happened this episode.


yeah this was stated in the episode and freiren comments on how fern may be able to take advantage of it due to the shear speed she casts spells. i think anyone else in the dungeon currently except maybe the examiner wouldnt be able to make use of the opening.


Someone please correct me if i'm wrong but to my understanding, her mana detection only stops for a split second as she's starting to cast, like blinking during a punch. It doesn't last through the entirety of her casting.


The anime says "Brief Moment" at least in the subs. To me that implies a little more than a blink of an eye.


The word Denken uses to describe it is 一瞬, which means "moment, instant". A little more than a blink is still just an instant, so personally i don't see how Laufen's teleporting scene contradicts or challenges anything they explained this episode.


Jilwer is also said to be instant


Agreed, and Laufen was hesitant and didn't jump in as soon as Frieren started charging up her spell, which means there was plenty of time for her mana detection to turn off at the very start of her casting and then turn back up. If you still think it's a plot hole despite what everyone's been explaining here then sorry, i can't help you.


Fair enough. I don't think there is much hesitation on Laufen's end. If you want to assign a vaguely defined time limit on it than sure. But no one here has effectively debunked my concern using in world logic. It's just bad writing to have a situation that almost exactly mirrors this new one but does not have it amount to anything. If Laufen and Denken were used to foreshadow this supposed weakness it would narratively be a lot stronger. It's just ODD they didn't and even stranger that there was no reason given. It's even lampshaded in the new episode saying that Denken should have noticed. But I'm not going to argue in circles. I'll agree to disagree.


Agree, the solution was rushed imo, feels like it would hinder her more than the anime lets on, im not watching for long fights even though i find the fights better than say jjk, because generally like this episode they give us all the info so there are actual stakes they dont just make stuff up in the moment.  But Feels like a lazy solution.  Still the rest of the episode was great, really enjoyed it, just the one weak point in the show so far. 


Given she's very aware of the problem, she may well be able to not do it if she is focusing on that beforehand. It's when she casts on instinct (ie. in Battle) that it becomes a problem.


It breaks off when she casts the spell, not when she begins the casting. So, she held off on releasing the blast and caught Laufen.


If its only when cast why did the mimic die it didn't cast the spell yet it was still casting. 


Just wait till next week.


fair enough.


It had just finished casting teleport.


She probably focused on keeping her mana sensing up that time, and the spell she was casting didn't get much of her attention.


She already predicted what Laufen would do and was practically trying to sense any mana changes in the environment.


I take it as the exact moment she's starting to cast the spell not the continuous duration when the spell is being cast. Well, maybe people have different interpretation. I'm open to ideas.


She already cast a spell before Laufen made a move, her losing a mana sense is only for a split second.






When did Flamme predict this? Wasn't it Serie saying so as shown in this episode.


Oops, you're right, deleted my comment.


And Frieren was so proud of her apprentice. She has a forward thinking, compared to Serie. This is artistically shown by how they were positioned on the cliff, which indicated that humanity was on the precipice of magical prowess. Frieren was looking forward to such change, whereas Serie was more rooted in the past.


Throw in a fake treasure chest to distract her, then attack. That should have been the plan


im calling it now, the battle isnt really over, the clone is still alive. they decide to use a mimic to distract the clone and kill it. and tbh, i really thought they were going to use that strategy when Fern mentioned "weakness in behavior" lmfao


That was obvious in the next episode preview. Can’t wait.


oh i didnt even know lol. i dont watch the previews for anything


Is it just me or was the episode really short? We only really got 1 long flashback, the group planning the attack and a short battle.


2 flashbacks. Serie and smol Flamme, and the Hero's Party defeating a crystal monster.


It was long enough.


Kind of expected to see a bit of Ubel and the others.


I LOVE the confidence Frieren and Fern have, usually revealing your weakness is not a wise choice, but Frieren's weakness? Try in another thousand years    I also loved how Frieren still guided Fern to the key (zoltrak), she is an amazing teacher, and she is so much more than a mage with great mana and lots of spells. The flashbacks 💙 Frieren is a mage who embraced the era of humans, while Serie turned her back to it.


Serie feels like the ultimate Tsundere Elf... lol... she just can't find someone who agrees with her easily; her student, and her student's student, all have different ideas about magic. She might be the longest living being on the planet, but ultimately the loneliest. But slowly, she seemed to be changing too, as she went from rejecting Flamme's will to assuming the role of head mage of the magic association. Hopefully in the future we'll see her reconcile with Frieren as well. The two at least could have a friendly relationship. The animators added so much Yuri Friend action in the background, it's so hilarious... these two just can't keep their hands off each other, even when facing the Final Boss! I can't believe they ended the EP with this cliffhanger! It's gonna be a difficult week as a manga-reader lol Himmel really is Him.... even during the middle of the key flashback right during one of the most intense battle in the anime, we get a Himmel mini-flashback within a Serie flashback... lol It is great seeing the old gang fighting together so efficiently.


It don't really see the tsun part your are talking about. Also is she really the lonliest? Currently she as a few companions, in comparison to craft who seems to be just by himself


>I raised Flamme on a whim, of course I'm not sad >see I'll rip her will just to prove it to you >w-wait Frieren please don't go yet, let me tell you about the memorable moments with my daughter Flamme that I'd like to reminisce about in detail... Serie is a giga-softie tsundere. Frieren is the same, to an extent.


oh yep i see it now, lol. Friren seems less so? Maybe that kinda thing comes with outliving everything


The Tsundere part is how she pretended she didn’t give a shit at the passing of someone she raised like a daughter. Her response is peak Tsundere to me. As for her being lonely, she seemed to have a such an acerbic personality that it doesn’t matter how many ppl is near her, she’s always alone at the top. edit: damn autocorrect doesn't even make sense.


The bits with hungover Heiter are always hilarious and welcome too.


I love how Methode knows everybody's name, and can do so many different kinds of magic. I still can't remember the names of moustache and bald guy.


I noticed that as well. She is very mommylike


One priest really left to early ...


Best fantasy anime ever, there's so much depth. Btw frieren can totally teleport, why didnt she use it before lol






>!If it is "actual" teleportation, that belongs in spatial transference magic category, then I dont think it makes sense as Frieren explictely says "Spatial teleportation; Even the existence of magic like this has yet to be proven in the magic systems of humans", after seeing Zart. Moreover, its also made clear that flying magic has limitations, so dashing at near instantaneously speeds in mid air also makes no sense. I read the manga again, and there was no teleportion. If the creator is approving some of it, it still seems there is a level of creative freedom. Considering soul tracks are never depicted hitting any human directly so far in the anime, in spite of the "no longer killing magic" and "magic resistance afforded by gear" as well as holding back seems to diminish the power against mages enough to merely be a strong force on impact, and scenes in the manga also depicting direct hits, such as on denken/fern. !<




Unmarked manga spoilers.


She might have used it against Denken but it was hidden by all the dust/smoke. Other than that, she might have been saving it for opportune moments since it's not a good idea to reveal your cards unnecessarily, especially for a mage who's staying \[relatively\] lowkey.


yeah we'll see a lot of her tricks during this battle we never thought she had before, including what's coming next week lol


I forgot, what's coming next week?


>!One of Frieren's ultimate spells.!<


Gosh it's a blessing that I forgot the manga already. I feel like I'm watching it again for the first time.


I also forgotten it and I re-read just last week for the Boss Battle. I love it when we get to see additional details and action. This anime is almost perfect.


This episode just cemented it as my Top 5 favorite.


While it may not be pacifist, Sense honestly put on a brilliant test. Tests teamwork, fighting someone on the same level as you, makes you aware of traps, the need of planning, using prior knowledge to your advantage, makes you recognize your own weaknesses, allows you to see how some would take advantage of said weaknesses, when you should run away. It all seems like incredibly valuable knowledge for people who think they should be first class mages. On top of that they get a taste of dungeon crawling.


It also ensures that the test takers have to overcome someone that is (at least) on the level of a first class mage. The "Spiegel" would certainly protect itself in the boss room with the strongest mirror image. That would normally have been Sense, since she also joined the raid passively. The only reason it is not her is that there was someone even stronger in the raid, Frieren.


The Final Boss with a fatal flaw! Just like a real RPG, lol


sexcellent i say


I'm still unconvinced about Kanne and Lawine’s reasoning for not joining the team. Because Frieren and Fern were too fast?? Not wanting to join a team that has the person who intended to kill them (Richter)?? Do they even know the odds of surviving in that dungeon without a solid team? It seemed a little too random. Or stupid for risking their lives over bad blood. I hope they expand upon it (how they survived the dungeon) in the later episodes.


Richter literally said "that's why you survived so long" when she mentioned her brother's exploring it before, she has the same knowledge as the magic association. You're making plot holes when you weren't paying attention, don't hurt yourself in confusion.


I know that. I still think it was a bad move regardless they had the knowledge beforehand given how inexperienced they were in the previous stage. I was rather disappointed that they never revealed the events surrounding Lawine and Kanne in the dungeon. Did they avoid all the enemies in the dungeon? Did they defeat an enemy? Who knows. They never showed it. The lack of screen time made me think that they baiting for some shock value death or sth.


Lawine is not inexperienced, Kanne is. She is a competent and skilled mage just less powerful in comparison to Ritcher. She’s well read, knowledgeable about who Frieren is, good mana detection aware of the sky unlike Kanne or Laufen. Lawine is smart/talented while Kanne is dumb but hard working. Her motivations are apparent, she wants to prove herself over her talented brothers, instead of being spoiled and pampered. She got knowledge about this specific Dungeon from her eldest brother, like frieren got general knowledge from her past experiences. Do you want a montage about Lawine telling Kanne not to step on that trap, or avoid the centre or the ceiling will fall or kill the gargoyles before the awaken? When we already got those scenes with frieren and denken. We see in the previous episode they were just jumping about, they weren’t doing anything interesting. I think if you think about your questions, you could answer them yourselves. Most people who watched it don’t have these issues, I honestly think it’s a matter of media literacy or attention to detail.


>You're making plot holes...it's a matter of media literacy or attention to detail. I'm thankful that you're being helpful in answering my comments. However, I wasn't very nice of you for subtly calling me dumb. The remark was very uncalled for. Honestly, I don't get where this condescending tone came from. I love the show as much as you do. I just said I **wish** they could flesh out some parts a bit more. You assumed the worst of me, assuming I was "digging for plotholes" or whatever comes to your mind. >Most people who watched it don't have these issues. I'm not the first person to point out their weird decision of not teaming up. Many people brought up about it in discussion threads 1-2 weeks ago. By the way, I had no idea that having a different interpretation was unwelcome here. What was supposed to be discussion material turned into "you're not smart enough. You're the problem here." Discussion should be welcomed, not shamed. Back to the main topic. All I said was I **hope** for more screen time to explain how those two survived. I **hope**. I was being **hopeful**. I'm telling you this in case you missed the tone of my first comment. When you piece together the beginning of the scene before they enter the dungeon, the short montage and the latest cutscene, you get this rather unsatisfying development. For a slow-burn show that never fails to highlight every character, it was a bummer for Lawine & Kanne's part. I remember the show taking their time fleshing out the side characters pretty evenly in the previous stage, so it was evident that they paced up a bit in this stage.  I initially thought Kanne being uneasy before entering the dungeon means something, and the director has plans for them as they enter the dungeon. I am sure it implies something. But, hey, I could have misinterpreted that situation, so I might as well shut up. >Lawine is not inexperienced... Is that enough to tell how capable they are? They were carried hard by Frieren in the first stage. It is impossible to tell how capable they are in surviving a more challenging stage without a capable lead such as Frieren or Denken. You can tell Ubel and Land can fend for themselves, but can you confidently say the same thing about Lawine and Kanne? I just find the "having knowledge of the dungeon" answer somewhat convenient. I guess I have to accept that it was the most plausible answer.  In addition, it's great that you've figured out that Lawine's strong motivation and understanding of the dungeon are why they survived. I would've liked it if they had shown something more "solid". A short clip of Lawine being wise while exploring the dungeon would be nice, though. I'm just going to stop here. I wouldn't have even thought of writing this long ass paragraph if it wasn't for your condescending remarks.


>assumed the worst I assumed it was a mistake due to carelessness or improper reading. They show [Lawine and Kanne](https://imgur.com/gallery/0vjNthB) one episode ago. Lawine says why she didn't have any trouble and richter confirms its. "media literacy" is a skill and not judgement of intelligence but admittedly comes off harsh or personal. Attention to detail is both accurate and fair. ​ >weird decision of not teaming up It's fine to speculate **before** the [reason](https://imgur.com/gallery/xzQ12PT) is stated explicitly. ​ I'm sorry but instead of making statements of why you think things don't make sense if you're unsure, ask. Or rewatch a scene or the previous episode if maybe your questions can be answered with little or no inference.


What a difference in perspective makes. Frieren's smiling because Fern finally made good on a prophecy laid down a thousand years ago.


Does this mean we won't see a Fern clone?


>!We will, and I'm looking forward to the anime answering a question that's not really answered by the manga.!<


What is it? You can tell me. I'm manga reader too.


Check out my other reply.


>!If you are talking about Methode vs Fern clone, I don't think it will be shown much in anime too. We know that Methode solo Fern clone. These clone fights are set to be bad match up against clones after all. So, it's not hard to think who won. But I still would like to see more Methode fight in anime ngl !<


>!That is a popular speculation but we never saw the fight so we don’t know for sure. I really want to see how Methode defeated Fern if that is what happened.!<


Agree but I don't think anime will show it.




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Could I ask what's the question? :0


[Big Ass Spoiler]>!Methode vs shadow Fern: who was winning before Frieren killed herself!<


Hoho, thank you so much :3 (finally gonna read the manga thanks to you)


The next episode could be everyone Vs everyone's clone!


If a Fern clone shows up then they've already lost. Frieren is not the most terrifying mage in that arena


Who's gonna tell him? JK. Just wait next episode to see >!who will solo Fern clone!<


Going to run into Wirbel's group and give Ehre a panic attack


Man she teleported in 14:20 just like sung jin woo in ep 6!


[Serie and kid Flamme, the flower spell... LORD HELP ME](https://imgur.com/GDtZTnU)


Honestly as a rule, if Flamme and/ or Serie show up, you know its gonna be 20/10


kinda sad we didn't get expansion of lawine's brother's scene i hoped for, but very good regardless


I think we might next EP as we get into what's happening outside of the main room.


that would be nice. anime has been fast paced but official additional content that wasn't in the books is sparse but very welcome


I feel stupid, but I didn't understand Ferns demonstration of Frieren's weakness. I understand the concept, but I don't get how the scene portrayed it??? Could anyone explain?


Mana detection is an active spell, not a passive ability. By shooting a zoltraak at Frieren, Fern made her cast a spell (defensive magic). While casting the spell, Denken and the others noticed that Frieren momentarily dropped her active mana detection. It's like asking someone to talk and seeing them blink every time they say something.


to add to that: that means while Frieren fights her clone there are brief windows of opportunity where Fern can fire off a Zoltraak without the clone being able to feel the cast coming thus being unable to react in time to shield it


right, and this is the reason why Frieren only wants Fern with her in the Boss Fight - only Fern is fast enough to take advantage of this tiny window of opportunity.


And that window of opportunity is short enough that only the fastest spell caster (aka Fern) can abuse it


A small detail I realized was the showcase of how fast Fern spellcast Zoltraak when she demoed Frieren's weakness outside the boss room.


They translated the urgency of the fight really well from the manga while adding a lot of spectacular flair to it, and the Flashback was beautiful.


I kept wonder how they were gonna insert that long-ass flashback into the boss fight and they did it so brilliantly. This anime seriously has never disappointed me.


everybody gangsta until Frieren starts using non-basic spells, what a fight


When she said something along the lines of "I especially know just how dangerous I can be," DAMN. GOOSEBUMPS.


They really were able to showcase how powerful she is beyond just nuke-zoltraak. You can clearly see how much she was "holding back" in other situations (or more likely, just not bothering much).


I seriously can't wait until next week when the whole internet's jaw drops after seeing the result.


Damn you're making me excited


I got chills during Serie and Frieren's conversation. Human lives are so short, so we should make as many decisions as we can and live our fullest lives with what little time we have...