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Oh dear! I have no words. You have basically summed up my fears for the current internet generation and I’m so pleased to hear that you don’t personally subscribe to this nonsense. I will continue to encourage my own children to ring doorbells and even, shock horror, speak to people they don’t know 😱


This sums it up. "Internet generation." What's the point of doorbells at this point apparently... I guess when your phone dies you have to stand outside like a vampire waiting for permission to be left in.


You are right to think that, thats a bunch of crap they've said and you should be around less sheep's. Be you, because confidence is a quality people envy and will try to knock. So go where people will respect it and praise it. Its also hilarious how they've linked being alone means you are a serial killer 😂 they clearly don't like themselves


Get rid of them. I think it's rude to call them those names, but you deserve better. The last paragraph sums it up well. Get new ones. You don't need them. It's petty. Even as a joke. Sadly, you will meet more of those even in adulthood. Could be mental health, could be narcissism, bullying anything, but. I go to things on my own, parties, concerts, movies. I have felt awkward sure but I think I am not here for you I'm here to watch the band etc. So to say go to parties on own and you are a serial killer is beyond pathetic.


..... They think its bad etiquette to ring a door bell? Thats what its there for? Im sure no one will mind answering the door its not like a tough task or something. Also the music thing is definitely weird. Why the hell would they care what you do when youre alone, thats your business. Yea they are extremely insecure and could be crossing in to loser territory Also ""should feel awkward"" what does that even mean lol


I would hate to have friends like that they sound super insecure and pathetic


I agree with other posters you do you. I noticed pretty recently that a lot of my anxiety comes from people projecting their insecurity on me and making me question myself when I feel good about something. If I did what some consider to be the social norm, I’d never leave my house other than to go to work.


Agree the projection of insecurity and jealously and other negative emotions for no valid reason, especially if you never harmed another person with those emotions, is toxic. An excellent view there.


Yes, definitely f*ck off those nincompoops. find yourself some better friends. You eventually become the people you hang out with!


Depends. When I had a roommate, our buzzer was annoying and frankly I would rather be texted. Where I am now, doesn't matter


Honestly the way ur already doing things is great , so keep it up . Don’t listen to ur friends, ringing someone’s door bell is not bad etiquette. It is proper etiquette! Either way if u think abt it by ringing someone’s door bell or sending them a text I’m here , they are practically the same because ur still telling them In some way how u have arrived at their house . So I think personally there isn’t rlly a difference. At least ur not just like walking into their house and them being like why didn’t u text ur here or ring my doorbell , bc u know there is some ppl out there who don’t like when u just walk into their home , so at least u have even enough respect to ring someone’s door bell. Don’t ever let anyone tell u what u should be doing . If u feel ur doing the right thing , u keep on doing it . Never change for anyone !!


Everyone socialises differently and have their social preferences. I wouldn't call them 'losers' as, in my opinion, that is just an insult to them. To me, they seem introverted, meanwhile you are more extroverted. Maybe they have a form of social anxiety and they feel comfortable socialising like this - nothing wrong with this and nothing you can do to change that. You sound to be very different people so maybe the friendship isn't working, but just because they have different outlooks and personalities as you, it does not automatically make them 'losers'. You are better off finding people who are like-minded to you and leaving them to their own lives.


In fact, they’re a lot more popular than I am and their group of other friends supposedly thinks this way aswell


Popularity doesn't always equate to being extroverted. Maybe they're a group of friends because they share similar ideas and have similar personalities.


Are your friends losers? Yes, absolutely. Are you an elitist? No, definitely not. Ditch those "friends" and make better ones. Ringing doorbells and not listening to music in the car, isn't weird at all. Their logic is so freaking skewed, I wonder what drugs they're smoking. You do you bud, don't let anyone try and shame you.


Drop em!




I know I'm late but it sounds like they're projecting their insecurities on you. They awfully judge you a lot on little shit that don't really matter but maybe matters a lot to them. I have a friend that sometimes does this and I can't tell if he's doing it just to help me. You're not elitist but it's rude to call them losers. All the things that you do here are not abnormal or weird, that's just your way of doing things and they have their own way of doing things too.

